Latex ist generating an useless empty page after my appendix - latex

I'm using Latex with my university's template. From my main.tex I am calling
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}
\definecolor{kisgrey}{RGB}{245, 245, 245}
\typeout{----> main.tex ---- Zentrales Dokument---------------------}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis}
and at the end of my anhang.tex is a useless empty page, refering to my anhang (the page header refers to my anhang?
Alle relevanten Dateien, die für die Funktionsfähigkeit der dargestellten Anwendung erforderlich sind, wurden der Arbeit beigelegt. Dabei handelt es sich um die folgenden Dateien:
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.db\_prefs} Datei für die Erweiterung der primären Datenbankschlüssel
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.obda} beinhaltet die Zuordnungen zwischen Datenbank und Ontologie
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.owl} ist die Datei der Ontologie
\item \texttt{kis\} beispielhafte Darstellung des Verbindungsdokuments für die Datenbank
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.q} beinhaltet die SPARQL-Abfragen
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.pdf} ist die Ausgabedatei dieser Arbeit
What can I do to find the reason for this useless empty page? There are no warning about badboxes or something similar.

As I used the documentclass book, all chapters start on an odd page. And so my "anhang" produced a single free page to start on odd page, thanks to
So I just had to set my documentclass to \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, openany]{book}. And openany fixed everything for me.


Lyx modifying moderncv empty space

I am new on latex and lyx. I have to realize a resume and used moderncv. Do you know how I can have the space behing my picture being reduced ? (The one hatched in red) . As everything is supposed to fit in one page with a cv, it is important for me.
Thanks for your help
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\mobile{+33 6 §§ §§ §§ §§}
\cventry{2021/2022}{Master de Science cognitive}{Ecole normale supérieure rue d'Ulm}{Paris}{France}{}
Quick hack: add \vspace{-1.5cm} after \maketitle :
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\mobile{+33 6 §§ §§ §§ §§}
\cventry{2021/2022}{Master de Science cognitive}{Ecole normale supérieure rue d'Ulm}{Paris}{France}{}

Latex glossary with glossaries package does not appear + adding more columns

I tried to get a grip on the glossaries package and understood a bit of it, but now I am stuck and need your help to get any further. I have written the following piece:
%Dieses Dokument dient der Erprobung von Funktionen des Glossary-Pakages
%Packete, die vor glossaries geladen werden müssen
%Packete, die laut user-guide vor glossaries geladen werden müssen
%polyglossia wird ausgenommen
%Weitere Packete, die in IPA_Main aufgelistet werden
%Seitengestaltung und Literaturverwendung werden hier ausgespart
%hyperref muss als letztes vor glossaries geladen werden
%Anlegen des Glossares mit xindy
%Importieren des Packetes glossaries mit den folgenden Eigenschaften:
%Glossar wird mit der Software xindy angelegt, es werden Acronyme angelegt, der Name der Gruppierung
wird angezeigt, die Einträge werden alphabetisch geordnet
\usepackage[xindy, acronyms, style=indexgroup, order=letter]{glossaries}
%hinzufügen eines weiteren glossares
%Eintrag ins Hauptglossar
name = Test 1,
description = {Test eines Eintrages in ein Hauptglossar}
%Eintrag zu den Acronymen
\newacronym{t2}{t2}{Test eines Acronyms im Acronymverzeichnis}
In diesem Satz wird der Eintrag \gls{Test1} ein erstes mal, dann eines zweites mal getestes
Nun folgt der Test des angelegten Acronyms im Acronymverzeichnis \gls{t2}.
As far as the the definition goes, this seems to work. When using the acronym and the glossary-entry, the text in the pdf appears as desired without any error. But somehow, the glossaries do not get printed. I would like to ask what the reasons for that could be.
Also I would like to have a glossary that has the following 4 columns: Symbol\Description\Unit\page. I will have multiple glossaries, but the desired columns should appear only on one specific glossary. If anyone could show me how this could be done, I would be very thankfull.
As always, thanks in advance.

Missing \begin{document}. \chapter{E Latex new blank page

I started to use Latex to write my notes and I've been having some problems when I start a new chapter or blank page
\chapter{ECS, Lambda, Batch, Lightsail}
\item first time
and this is my main
\author{José Santiago Molano Perdomo}
\title{Aws Cloud Practicioneer}
% bibliography, glossary and index would go here.
I get this error when I try compile chaper 08
Undefined control sequence. \chapter
Missing \begin{document}. \chapter{E
Undefined control sequence. \section
Emergency stop.
Overfull \hbox (20.0pt too wide) in paragraph
The character é in the author name is invalid to UTF-8. Please change to \'{e}

Latex: Multiple Table of Contents

What I am looking for is the following table of contents structure:
Table of Contents
1 Vorwort
2 Hallo
3 Und so weiter
Document with these Chapters, but at the beginning of each chapter its specific table of contents:
1 Vorwort
----- here subtoc -----
1.1 subtoc
1.2 Test
---- here the beginning of section test ----
1.2 Test
The problem however is, that in these different chapters all subtocs are combined, such as in my example:
\usepackage{blindtext}% generiert Beispieltext
\usepackage{tocstyle}[2008/10/20]% experimentelles KOMA-Script-Paket
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\value{normaltocdepth}}% Hinzugefügt!
\noindent #1
\noindent #2
\neuestory{ABC}{eine Frau}{Hallo}
\neuestory{DEF}{eine Mann}{Und so weiter}
The answer is the minitoc package.
Works fine!

Latex Indentation

I have a list which I want to indent from the section title. I have tried \indent and \hspace{1cm} without success.
Here is my code
\indent The American Geophysical Union.\\
\hspace{1cm} The Seismological Society of America.
For consistent indentation of a "somewhat list-like structure", use adjustwidth from changepage:
The American Geophysical Union.
The Seismological Society of America.
However, I'd suggest a regular list-like structure like itemize:
\item The American Geophysical Union.
\item The Seismological Society of America.
