I have a url https://something.com/?a=111&b=222&c=333.
when I use window.location.href to get the full path c=333 is missing for no reason, what is the problem ? what should I check? I'm using chrome.
I am trying to consume the google text to speech api here : https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/async-recognize#speech-async-recognize-gcs-protocol
and it has this url format below
What is this URL format with colon(:)in the end?
When I try to hit this URL, it gives me an error specifically while running test case on it .e. Invalid URI. Invalid Port?
But the official google documentation says this is a valid url? How to use this?
This format of URL is called gRPC Transcoding syntax. Your first URL is invlaid , because it's in the first path segment of a relative-path reference.
This url is invalid for usage, whereas the one below, https://speech.googleapis.com/v1/speech:longrunningrecognize was running fine.
Try changing your URL to something like
https://google-speech-api-base-url/speech:longrunningrecognize. It will work.
I looked at the documentation page you referenced and was unable to see/find a URL that looked like:
However, what I did find was a URL of the form:
which looks perfectly valid.
The documentation for this REST request can be found here:
Could you have made an error in your reading and comprehension?
Apparently the colon (:) is legal in the path part of a URL:
Are colons allowed in URLs?
I'm using Angular2 Beta 14 and calling a URL with a "dot" in it leads to a 404 not found error from the lite server which is 2.2.0.
This is the URL I'm calling:
The router path in app.component.ts looks like this:
{path: '/confirmuser/token/:token', name: 'ConfirmUser', component: ConfirmUserComponent}
The Chrome console shows this:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Ant the Lite Server:
[1] 16.04.13 15:57:13 404 GET /confirmuser/token/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOjYsInVzZXJOYW1lIjoiYXNkZmFzQGNlZC5saSJ9.PMzNWp8mbUKbSAiOqhOqjhZUYNejXY3pIQueBkc8_2E
When ever I call the url without a "dot", the page gets loaded correctly.
My aim here is, to confirm a user sign up. He receives an email with an URL he has to confirm. Using a JWT in this (and other cases) is habit I've been using.
Now I doubt this is an Angular issue, I believe this is a lite server issue.
Anyone experience with this?
I found a suitable workaround for this issue.
Basically I'm getting rid of the path parameter ":token" and replacing it by a query parameter
In the app.component.ts the new path now looks like this:
{path: '/confirmuser', name: 'ConfirmUser', component: ConfirmUserComponent}
An the URL like this:
In the component that handles this request I can continue to call route params as I was used to. So nothing to change there:
constructor(params: RouteParams){
this.token = params.get('token')
This question has been answered in https://stackoverflow.com/a/36283859/1465640#
But it can be summarized with dots doesn't work in urls unless you do some work on the lite-server config.
If you are using webpack then you need to change the config to make it working.
Please make the change in webpack dev server config file
historyApiFallback: {
disableDotRule: true
I have a COLDFUSION page which except parameters from url and show them in fields. My url looks like this which is working.
But following is not working. I have added http before www in activeUrl value.
It is giving me following error. "ERRROR STATUS: URL contains outer http"
Can any one help me to solve this problem?
For me, It seems that something related to iis configuration.
The string in httpwww.msn.com is causing your browser error. It should be http://www.msn.com, but should also be URL encoded.
ohh, i have not checked the application.cfc ONREQUESTSTART method. it has some condition for query string, which is showing this error. :(
In my Apigee API Proxy, I need to get the environment URL that is defined in my configuration, so that I can send it as part of the response.
For example: http://myorg-test.apigee.net/pricing
However, when I try to get it using proxy.url, I get an aliased path, like http://rrt18apigee.us-ea.4.apigee.com/pricing
Currently, I'm trying to get it like:
var response = {
proxyUrl : context.getVariable("proxy.url"),
Here is a work around. You can try to get the following variables and create the entire URL
Get the request scheme (http or https) from request.Headers.X-Forwarded-Proto (if you are using cloud version) or client.scheme if you are using on-prem
Get the host name from request.host
Get the entire request path from request.path
Entire list of URL query params and list from message.querystring
You can then construct the entire request URL.
( I know this should not be this painful. Please log a bug in case proxy.url is really broken. )
I have a url I want to get using google scripts' UrlFetchApp.fetch( ) command. Unfortunately this url has a | (gets partially encoded into %7c) in it and every time i try to fetch it I get an error saying 'invalid argument'. Any idea how to get around this issue and successfully fetch the url?
It seems to work if the url passed to UrlFetchApp.fetch is already encoded.
Let's say you want to fetch www.google.com/aaa|bbb (which doesn't really exist). The following script fails with "invalid argument":
But this one correctly returns a 404 as the request is valid but the page is not found:
If that doesn't help, it would help if you could paste your url.