Mosquitto/MQTT messages getting lost after being offline for 6 minutes - mqtt

Wondering if anyone's seen something like this before. I'm running Mosquitto on a Raspberry Pi in bridge mode. When the raspberry goes offline for less than 6 minutes and 10 seconds, when it comes back online, all messages are delivered. If it's offline for more than that, any message created after that time is lost. When I check the messages with mosquitto_sub on the Raspberry, all messages appear.
The weird thing is that it is not related to the amount of messages. I tried changing the period of the data publications from 10 seconds to 1 and it's still the same amount of time that's being retained.
Configs on Raspberry:
In /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
pid_file /var/run/
persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
In /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/custom.conf
connection <REDACTED>
address <REDACTED>:8883
topic # out 1 "" devices/<REDACTED>/
bridge_attempt_unsubscribe false
keepalive_interval 180
notifications false
bridge_cafile <REDACTED>
bridge_insecure false
bridge_certfile <REDACTED>
bridge_keyfile <REDACTED>
restart_timeout 10
cleansession false
max_queued_messages 10000
autosave_interval 10
Thanks in advance.


uwsgi log format: seeing uwsgi req: N/M where N > M

I have a uwsgi process running a flask application. There is haproxy (running in mode http) sitting between the client and the application.
I am seeing occational haproxy termination state as "SD--" and the Tc = 0 and Tr = -1, and the returned http code is -1. This means that the haproxy encountered a explicit tcp disconnection from the uwsgi server.
Looking at the uwsgi logs, I found that the server was normally processing requests at the same time. But the affected request never reached the server.
Only thing strange about the uwsgi logs at that point of time is that
the Number of requests managed by the current uwsgi worker is greater than the sum total of requests managed by the whole uwsgi app.
like this:
[pid: 22759|app: 0|req: **47188**/**47178**] * POST * => generated 84 bytes in 970 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 71 bytes (3 switches on core 98)
I am wondering if this is abnormal, or what what scenarios can these counters be so?

System died when I ran edgetpu_demo

I went to step 7
After I hit the command edgetpu_demo --stream, the console has the message below and then the system rebooted.
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:Listening on ports tcp: 4665, web:
4664, annexb: 4666 INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:New web
connection from
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:Number of active clients: 1
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:[] Rx thread
finished INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:[] Tx
thread finished INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:New web connection
from INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:Number of
active clients: 2
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:[] Stopping...
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:[] Stopped.
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:Number of active clients: 1
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:New web connection from INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:Number of active clients: 2 INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:[] Rx
thread finished INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:New web connection
from INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:Number of
active clients: 3
INFO:edgetpuvision.streaming.server:[] Rx thread
Need I update some modules such as GStreamer, etc.?
Board reboot can occur if board is not getting enough power. Please make sure to boot the board with at least 2.1 - 3 amp of power adaptor.

Informix - Locked DB due to lock created by cancelled session?

SI attempted to run a script to generate a table in my Informix database, but the script was missing a newline at EOF, so I think Informix had problems to read it and hence the script got blocked doing nothing. I had to kill the script and add the new line to the file so now the script works fine, except it does not create the table due to a lockecreated when I killed the script abruptly.
I am new to this, so sorry for the dumb question. IBM page does not have a clear and simple explanation of how to clean this now.
So, my question is: How do I unlock the locks so I can continue working in my script?
admin_proyecto#li1106-217 # onstat -k
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC9DE -- On-Line (CKPT REQ) -- Up 9 ds
address wtlist owner lklist type tbz
44199028 0 44ca6830 0 HDR+S
44199138 0 44cac0a0 0 HDR+S
441991c0 0 44cac0a0 4419b6f0 HDR+IX
44199358 0 44ca44d0 0 S
441993e0 0 44ca44d0 44199358 HDR+S
4419ac50 0 44cac0a0 441991c0 HDR+X
4419aef8 0 44ca44d0 441993e0 HDR+IX
4419b2b0 0 44ca79e0 0 S
4419b3c0 0 44ca82b8 0 S
4419b6f0 0 44cac0a0 44199138 HDR+X
4419b998 0 44ca8b90 0 S
4419bdd8 0 44ca44d0 4419aef8 HDR+X
12 active, 20000 total, 16384 hash buckets, 0 lock table overflows
On my "toy" systems i usually point LTAPEDEV to a directory:
LTAPEDEV /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups
Then, when Informix blocks due to having all of it's logical logs full, i manually do an ontape -a to backup to files the used logical logs and free them to be reused.
For example, here I have an Informix instance blocked due to no more logical logs available:
$ onstat -l
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8DE -- On-Line (CKPT REQ) -- Up 00:18:58 -- 213588 Kbytes
Physical Logging
Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io
P-1 0 64 1043 21 49.67
phybegin physize phypos phyused %used
2:53 51147 28085 240 0.47
Logical Logging
Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io
L-1 13 64 191473 12472 6933 15.4 1.8
Subsystem numrecs Log Space used
OLDRSAM 191470 15247376
HA 3 132
Buffer Waiting
Buffer ioproc flags
L-1 0 0x21 0
address number flags uniqid begin size used %used
44d75f88 1 U------ 47 3:15053 5000 5 0.10
44b6df68 2 U---C-L 48 3:20053 5000 4986 99.72
44c28f38 3 U------ 41 3:25053 5000 5000 100.00
44c28fa0 4 U------ 42 3:53 5000 2843 56.86
44d59850 5 U------ 43 3:5053 5000 5 0.10
44d598b8 6 U------ 44 3:10053 5000 5 0.10
44d59920 7 U------ 45 3:30053 5000 5 0.10
44d59988 8 U------ 46 3:35053 5000 5 0.10
8 active, 8 total
On the online log I have:
$ onstat -m
04/23/18 18:20:42 Logical Log Files are Full -- Backup is Needed
So I manually issue the command:
$ ontape -a
Performing automatic backup of logical logs.
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000041
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000042
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000043
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000044
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000045
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000046
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000047
File created: /usr/informix/dumps/motor_003/backups/informix003.ifx.marqueslocal_3_Log0000000048
Do you want to back up the current logical log? (y/n) n
Program over.
If I check again the status of the logical logs:
$ onstat -l
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 12.10.FC8DE -- On-Line -- Up 00:23:42 -- 213588 Kbytes
Physical Logging
Buffer bufused bufsize numpages numwrits pages/io
P-2 33 64 1090 24 45.42
phybegin physize phypos phyused %used
2:53 51147 28091 36 0.07
Logical Logging
Buffer bufused bufsize numrecs numpages numwrits recs/pages pages/io
L-1 0 64 291335 15878 7023 18.3 2.3
Subsystem numrecs Log Space used
OLDRSAM 291331 22046456
HA 4 176
address number flags uniqid begin size used %used
44d75f88 1 U-B---- 47 3:15053 5000 5 0.10
44b6df68 2 U-B---- 48 3:20053 5000 5000 100.00
44c28f38 3 U---C-L 49 3:25053 5000 3392 67.84
44c28fa0 4 U-B---- 42 3:53 5000 2843 56.86
44d59850 5 U-B---- 43 3:5053 5000 5 0.10
44d598b8 6 U-B---- 44 3:10053 5000 5 0.10
44d59920 7 U-B---- 45 3:30053 5000 5 0.10
44d59988 8 U-B---- 46 3:35053 5000 5 0.10
8 active, 8 total
The logical logs are now marked as "Backed Up" and can be reused and the Informix instance is no longer blocked on Blocked:CKPT .

Nginx + passenger serving 4 requests/s for a static page

I deployed my app to Digitalocean with Passenger and Nginx. I used apache bench to see how many requests per second I can get on a static page (simple hello world rails view), but I am only getting 4 requests/s.
ab -n 100
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
Benchmarking (be patient).....done
Server Software: nginx/1.8.0
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 80
Document Path: /fo
Document Length: 5506 bytes
Concurrency Level: 1
Time taken for tests: 22.662 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Failed requests: 0
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 632600 bytes
HTML transferred: 550600 bytes
Requests per second: 4.41 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request: 226.617 [ms] (mean)
Time per request: 226.617 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate: 27.26 [Kbytes/sec] received
Connection Times (ms)
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 0 0 0.0 0 0
Processing: 181 226 65.4 204 445
Waiting: 181 226 65.4 204 445
Total: 181 227 65.4 204 446
It should be literally thousands per second as I am using Nginx. I have been researching this for the entire day without results, can someone please direct me to the right path to solve this?
This would be the nginx config directive that will cause it to bypass the app server and serve the static files directly:
root /var/www/my_app/public;
Are you sure that is right?

How do I pump traffic using tcpreplay at 100 MBps, 500 MBps and 1Gbps speeds?

I used the -R and -K option but it doesnt seem to be working as I captured the pumped traffic using tcpdump and the number of packets that I see there dont seem to match the number of packets that I expect in the time frame.
First of all make sure you are using the latest version, available here. You will want to use the -K and --mbps (or -M) options, for example:
# tcpreplay -i eth7 -K --mbps 1000 smallFlows.pcap
File Cache is enabled
Actual: 14261 packets (9216531 bytes) sent in 0.073761 seconds.
Rated: 124951275.0 Bps, 999.61 Mbps, 193340.65 pps
Flows: 1209 flows, 16390.77 fps, 14243 flow packets, 18 non-flow
Statistics for network device: eth7
Attempted packets: 14261
Successful packets: 14261
Failed packets: 0
Truncated packets: 0
Retried packets (ENOBUFS): 0
Retried packets (EAGAIN): 0
When you attempt to move to higher speeds (e.g. 10GigE) you may need to generate a bigger block of data by using the --loop option. Also with Tcpreplay version 4.0 there are the more advanced --netmap and --unique-ip options which on a properly set up system, will achieve near wire rate and very high flows/sec. More information available at Tcpreplay How To. Here is an example:
# tcpreplay -i eth7 -K --mbps 9500 --loop 100 --netmap --unique-ip smallFlows.pcap
Switching network driver for eth7 to netmap bypass mode... done!
File Cache is enabled
Actual: 1426100 packets (921653100 bytes) sent in 0.776133 seconds.
Rated: 1187493767.1 Bps, 9499.95 Mbps, 1837442.80 pps
Flows: 120900 flows, 155772.27 fps, 1424300 flow packets, 1800 non-flow
Statistics for network device: eth7
Attempted packets: 1426100
Successful packets: 1426100
Failed packets: 0
Truncated packets: 0
Retried packets (ENOBUFS): 0
Retried packets (EAGAIN): 0
Switching network driver for eth7 to normal mode... done!
