FEM Integrating Close to Integration Points - field

I am working on a program that can essentially determine the electrostatic field of some arbitrarily shaped mesh with some surface charge. To test my program I make use of a cube whose left and right faces are oppositely charged.
I use a finite element method (FEM) that discretizes the object's surface into triangles and gives to each triangle 3 integration points (see below figure, bottom-left and -right). To obtain the field I then simply sum over all these points, whilst taking into account some weight factor (because not all triangles have the same size).
In principle this works all fine, until I get too close to a triangle. Since three individual points are not the same as a triangular surface, the program breaks and gives these weird dots. (block spots precisely between two integration points).
Below you see a figure showing the simulation of the field (top left), the discretized surface mesh (bottom left). The picture in the middle depicts what you see when you zoom in on the surface of the cube. The right-most picture shows qualitatively how the integration points are distributed on a triangle.
Because the electric field of one integration point always points away from that point, two neighbouring points will cancel each other out since their vectors aim in the exact opposite direction. Of course what I need instead is that both vectors point away from the surface instead.
I have tried many solutions, mostly around the following points:
Patching the regions near an integration point with a theoretically correct uniform field pointing away from the surface.
Reorienting the vectors only nearby the integration point to manually put them in the right direction.
Apply a sigmoid or other decay function to make the above look more smooth.
Though, none of the methods above allow me to properly connect the nearby and faraway regions.
I guess what might work is some method to extrapolate the correct value from the surroundings. Though, because of the large number of computations, I moved the simulation the my GPU, which means that I have to be careful allowing two pixels to write to each other.
Either way, my question here is as follows:
What would be a good way to smooth out my results? That is, I need a more accurate description of my model when I get closer to a triangle.
As a final note I want to add that it is not my goal to simply obtain a smooth image. Later in the program I need this data to determine the response of a conducting material, which is where these black dots internally become a real pain...
Thank you for your help !!!


Functions in OpenCV to track a gradual curve past an occluding object

Are there functions within OpenCV that will 'track' a gradually changing curve without following sharply divergent crossing lines? Ex: If one were attempting to track individual outlines of two crossed boomerangs, is there an easy way to follow the curved line 'through' the intersection where the two boomerangs cross?
This would require some kind of inertial component that would continue a 'virtual' line when the curve was interrupted by the other crossed boomerang, and then find the continuation of the original line on the opposite side.
This seems simple, but it sounds so complicated when trying to explain it. :-) It does seem like a scenario that would occur often (attempting to trace an occluded object). Perhaps part of a third party library or specialized project?
I believe I have found an approach to this. OpenCV's approxPolyDP finds polygons to approximate the contour. It is relatively easy to track angles between the polygon's sides (as opposed to finding continuous tangents to curves). When an 'internal' angle is found where the two objects meet, it should be possible to match with a corresponding internal angle on the opposite side.
Ex: When two bananas/boomerangs/whatever overlap, the outline will form a sort of cross, with four points and four 'internal angles' (> 180 degrees). It should be possible to match the coordinates of the four internal angles. If their corresponding lines (last known trajectory before overlap) are close enough to parallel, then that indicates overlapping objects rather than one more complex shape.
approxPolyDP simplifies this to geometry and trig. This should be a much easier solution than what I had previously envisioned with continuous bezier curves and inertia. I should have thought of this earlier.

Extrinsic Camera Calibration Using OpenCV's solvePnP Function

I'm currently working on an augmented reality application using a medical imaging program called 3DSlicer. My application runs as a module within the Slicer environment and is meant to provide the tools necessary to use an external tracking system to augment a camera feed displayed within Slicer.
Currently, everything is configured properly so that all that I have left to do is automate the calculation of the camera's extrinsic matrix, which I decided to do using OpenCV's solvePnP() function. Unfortunately this has been giving me some difficulty as I am not acquiring the correct results.
My tracking system is configured as follows:
The optical tracker is mounted in such a way that the entire scene can be viewed.
Tracked markers are rigidly attached to a pointer tool, the camera, and a model that we have acquired a virtual representation for.
The pointer tool's tip was registered using a pivot calibration. This means that any values recorded using the pointer indicate the position of the pointer's tip.
Both the model and the pointer have 3D virtual representations that augment a live video feed as seen below.
The pointer and camera (Referred to as C from hereon) markers each return a homogeneous transform that describes their position relative to the marker attached to the model (Referred to as M from hereon). The model's marker, being the origin, does not return any transformation.
I obtained two sets of points, one 2D and one 3D. The 2D points are the coordinates of a chessboard's corners in pixel coordinates while the 3D points are the corresponding world coordinates of those same corners relative to M. These were recorded using openCV's detectChessboardCorners() function for the 2 dimensional points and the pointer for the 3 dimensional. I then transformed the 3D points from M space to C space by multiplying them by C inverse. This was done as the solvePnP() function requires that 3D points be described relative to the world coordinate system of the camera, which in this case is C, not M.
Once all of this was done, I passed in the point sets into solvePnp(). The transformation I got was completely incorrect, though. I am honestly at a loss for what I did wrong. Adding to my confusion is the fact that OpenCV uses a different coordinate format from OpenGL, which is what 3DSlicer is based on. If anyone can provide some assistance in this matter I would be exceptionally grateful.
Also if anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to ask. This is a pretty big project so it was hard for me to distill everything to just the issue at hand. I'm wholly expecting that things might get a little confusing for anyone reading this.
Thank you!
UPDATE #1: It turns out I'm a giant idiot. I recorded colinear points only because I was too impatient to record the entire checkerboard. Of course this meant that there were nearly infinite solutions to the least squares regression as I only locked the solution to 2 dimensions! My values are much closer to my ground truth now, and in fact the rotational columns seem correct except that they're all completely out of order. I'm not sure what could cause that, but it seems that my rotation matrix was mirrored across the center column. In addition to that, my translation components are negative when they should be positive, although their magnitudes seem to be correct. So now I've basically got all the right values in all the wrong order.
Mirror/rotational ambiguity.
You basically need to reorient your coordinate frames by imposing the constraints that (1) the scene is in front of the camera and (2) the checkerboard axes are oriented as you expect them to be. This boils down to multiplying your calibrated transform for an appropriate ("hand-built") rotation and/or mirroring.
The basic problems is that the calibration target you are using - even when all the corners are seen, has at least a 180^ deg rotational ambiguity unless color information is used. If some corners are missed things can get even weirder.
You can often use prior info about the camera orientation w.r.t. the scene to resolve this kind of ambiguities, as I was suggesting above. However, in more dynamical situation, of if a further degree of automation is needed in situations in which the target may be only partially visible, you'd be much better off using a target in which each small chunk of corners can be individually identified. My favorite is Matsunaga and Kanatani's "2D barcode" one, which uses sequences of square lengths with unique crossratios. See the paper here.

How to create sprite surface like in "cham cham"

My question maybe a bit too broad but i am going for the concept. How can i create surface as they did in "Cham Cham" app
I got most of the stuff done in the app but the surface change with user touch is quite different. You can change its altitude and it grows and shrinks. How this can be done using sprite kit what is the concept behind that can anyone there explain it a bit.
Here comes the answer from Cham Cham developers :)
Let me split the explanation into different parts:
Note: As the project started quite a while ago, it is implemented using pure OpenGL. The SpiteKit implementation might differ, but you just need to map the idea over to it.
Defining the ground
The ground is represented by a set of points, which are interpolated over using Hermite Spline. Basically, the game uses a bunch of points defining the surface, and a set of points between each control one, like the below:
The red dots are control points, and eveyrthing in between is computed used the metioned Hermite interpolation. The green points in the middle have nothing to do with it, but make the whole thing look like boobs :)
You can choose an arbitrary amount of steps to make your boobs look as smooth as possible, but this is more to do with performance.
Controlling the shape
All you need to do is to allow the user to move the control points (or some of them, like in Cham Cham; you can define which range every point could move in etc). Recomputing the interpolated values will yield you an changed shape, which remains smooth at all times (given you have picked enough intermediate points).
Texturing the thing
Again, it is up to you how would you apply the texture. In Cham Cham, we use one big texture to hold the background image and recompute the texture coordinates at every shape change. You could try a more sophisticated algorithm, like squeezing the texture or whatever you found appropriate.
As for the surface texture (the one that covers the ground – grass, ice, sand etc) – you can just use the thing called Triangle Strips, with "bottom" vertices sitting at every interpolated point of the surface and "top" vertices raised over (by offsetting them against "bottom" ones in the direction of the normal to that point).
Rendering it
The easiest way is to utilize some tesselation library, like libtess. What it will do it covert you boundary line (composed of interpolated points) into a set of triangles. It will preserve texture coordinates, so that you can just feed these triangles to the renderer.
SpriteKit note
Unfortunately, I am not really familiar with SpriteKit engine, so cannot guarantee you will be able to copy the idea over one-to-one, but please feel free to comment on the challenging aspects of the implementation and I will try to help.

Algorithm for selecting outer points on a graph ("rich" convex hull)

I'm looking for an efficient way of selecting a relatively large portion of points (2D Euclidian graph) that are the furthest away from the center. This resembles the convex hull, but would include (many) more points. Further criteria:
The number of points in the selection / set ("K") must be within a specified range. Most likely it won't be very narrow, but it most work for different ranges (eg. 0.01*N < K < 0.05*N as well as 0.1*N < K < 0.2*N).
The algorithm must be able to balance distance from the center and "local density". If there are dense areas near the upper part of the graph range, but sparse areas near the lower part, then the algorithm must make sure to select some points from the lower part even if they are closer to the center than the points in the upper region. (See example below)
Bonus: rather than simple distance from center, taking into account distance to a specific point (or both a point and the center) would be perfect.
My attempts so far have focused on using "pigeon holing" (divide graph into CxR boxes, assign points to boxes based on coordinates) and selecting "outer" boxes until we have sufficient points in the set. However, I haven't been successful at balancing the selection (dense regions over-selected because of fixed box size) nor at using a selected point as reference instead of (only) the center.
I've (poorly) drawn an Example: The red dots are the points, the green shape is an example of what I want (outside the green = selected). For sparse regions, the bounding shape comes closer to the center to find suitable points (but doesn't necessarily find any, if they're too close to the center). The yellow box is an example of what my Pigeon Holing based algorithms does. Even when trying to adjust for sparser regions, it doesn't manage well.
Any and all ideas are welcome!
I don't think there are any standard algorithms that will give you what you want. You're going to have to get creative. Assuming your points are embedded in 2D Euclidean space here are some ideas:
Iteratively compute several convex hulls. For example, compute the convex hull, keep the points that are part of the convex hull, then compute another convex hull ignoring the points from the original convex hull. Continue to do this until you have a sufficient number of points, essentially plucking off points on the perimeter for each iteration. The only problem with this approach is that it will not work well for concavities in your data set (e.g., the one on the bottom of your sample you posted).
Fit a Gaussian to your data and keep everything > N standard
deviations away from the mean (where N is a value that you'd have to
choose). This should work pretty well if your data is Gaussian. If
it isn't, you could always model it with several Gaussians (instead
of one), and keep points with a joint probability less than some threshold. Using multiple Gaussians will probably handle concavities decently. References:
How to fit a gaussian to data in matlab/octave?\
Use Kernel Density Estimation - If you create a kernel density
surface, you could slice the surface at some height (e.g., turning
it into a plateau), giving you a perimeter shape (the shape of the
plateau) around the points. The trick would be to slice it at the
right location though, because you could end up getting no points
outside of the shape, but with the right selection you could easily
get the green shape you drew. This approach will work well and give you the green shape in your example if you choose the slice point wisely (which may be difficult to do). The big drawback of this approach is that it is very computationally expensive. More information:
Use alpha shapes to get a general shape the wraps tightly around
the outside perimeter of the point set. Then erode the shape a
little to force some points outside of the shape. I don't have a lot of experience with alpha shapes, but this approach will also be quite computationally expensive. More info:

Image Processing: What are occlusions?

I'm developing an image processing project and I come across the word occlusion in many scientific papers, what do occlusions mean in the context of image processing? The dictionary is only giving a general definition. Can anyone describe them using an image as a context?
Occlusion means that there is something you want to see, but can't due to some property of your sensor setup, or some event.
Exactly how it manifests itself or how you deal with the problem will vary due to the problem at hand.
Some examples:
If you are developing a system which tracks objects (people, cars, ...) then occlusion occurs if an object you are tracking is hidden (occluded) by another object. Like two persons walking past each other, or a car that drives under a bridge.
The problem in this case is what you do when an object disappears and reappears again.
If you are using a range camera, then occlusion is areas where you do not have any information. Some laser range cameras works by transmitting a laser beam onto the surface you are examining and then having a camera setup which identifies the point of impact of that laser in the resulting image. That gives the 3D-coordinates of that point. However, since the camera and laser is not necessarily aligned there can be points on the examined surface which the camera can see but the laser can not hit (occlusion).
The problem here is more a matter of sensor setup.
The same can occur in stereo imaging if there are parts of the scene which are only seen by one of the two cameras. No range data can obviously be collected from these points.
There are probably more examples.
If you specify your problem, then maybe we can define what occlusion is in that case, and what problems it entails
The problem of occlusion is one of the main reasons why computer vision is hard in general. Specifically, this is much more problematic in Object Tracking. See the below figures:
Notice, how the lady's face is not completely visible in frames 0519 & 0835 as opposed to the face in frame 0005.
And here's one more picture where the face of the man is partially hidden in all three frames.
Notice in the below image how the tracking of the couple in red & green bounding box is lost in the middle frame due to occlusion (i.e. partially hidden by another person in front of them) but correctly tracked in the last frame when they become (almost) completely visible.
Picture courtesy: Stanford, USC
Occlusion is the one which blocks our view. In the image shown here, we can easily see the people in the front row. But the second row is partly visible and third row is much less visible. Here, we say that second row is partly occluded by first row, and third row is occluded by first and second rows.
We can see such occlusions in class rooms (students sitting in rows), traffic junctions (vehicles waiting for signal), forests (trees and plants), etc., when there are a lot of objects.
Additionally to what has been said I want to add the following:
For Object Tracking, an essential part in dealing with occlusions is writing an efficient cost function, which will be able to discriminate between the occluded object and the object that is occluding it. If the cost function is not ok, the object instances (ids) may swap and the object will be incorrectly tracked. There are numerous ways in which cost functions can be written some methods use CNNs[1] while some prefer to have more control and aggregate features[2]. The disadvantage of CNN models is that in case you are tracking objects that are in the training set in the presence of objects which are not in the training set, and the first ones get occluded, the tracker can latch onto the wrong object and may or may never recover. Here is a video showing this. The disadvantage of aggregate features is that you have to manually engineer the cost function, and this can take time and sometimes knowledge of advanced mathematics.
In the case of dense Stereo Vision reconstruction, occlusion happens when a region is seen with the left camera and not seen with the right(or vice versa). In the disparity map this occluded region appears black (because the corresponding pixels in that region have no equivalent in the other image). Some techniques use the so called background filling algorithms which fill the occluded black region with pixels coming from the background. Other reconstruction methods simply let those pixels with no values in the disparity map, because the pixels coming from the background filling method may be incorrect in those regions. Bellow you have the 3D projected points obtained using a dense stereo method. The points were rotated a bit to the right(in the 3D space). In the presented scenario the values in the disparity map which are occluded are left unreconstructed (with black) and due to this reason in the 3D image we see that black "shadow" behind the person.
As the other answers have explained the occlusion well, I will only add to that. Basically, there is semantic gap between us and the computers.
Computer actually see every image as the sequence of values, typically in the range 0-255, for every color in RGB Image. These values are indexed in the form of (row, col) for every point in the image. So if the objects change its position w.r.t the camera where some aspect of the object hides (lets hands of a person are not shown), computer will see different numbers (or edges or any other features) so this will change for the computer algorithm to detect, recognize or track the object.
