When I try to run the following test:
import 'package:my_project/my_file.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('int extensions:', () {
expect(1.digits(), 1);
expect(10.digits(), 2);
expect(100.digits(), 3);
I get the following error message:
Failed to load "test/my_file_test.dart": Instance of 'OutsideTestException'
The answer is probably obvious most people coming here now, but it took me a while to realize what was wrong. I'm adding my answer below for other people with the same problem.
You need to call test and not just group:
void main() {
group('int extensions:', () {
test('digits', () {
expect(1.digits(), 1);
expect(10.digits(), 2);
expect(100.digits(), 3);
This is the first time I'm trying the bridging of react-native and a native iOS app.
In my react-native iOS project, I've created a swift file (that created a bridging header) and in that swift file I've created a sample method to test first:
import Foundation
class MyModule: NSObject {
func testFunctionWithPromiseResolve(frame: Frame,
resolver resolve: #escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock,
rejecter reject: #escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
var resp = [String:Any]() //Init Dictionary
resp.updateValue(frame, forKey: "frame");
static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
return true
In the bridging header file I have imports only:
#import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"
#import <VisionCamera/FrameProcessorPlugin.h>. //from react-native-vision-camera
#import <VisionCamera/Frame.h> //from react-native-vision-camera
Then I created an objective-c file named MyModule.m and in it, I've added:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "React/RCTBridgeModule.h"
(Frame *)frame
resolver:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock *)resolve
rejecter:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock *)reject);
Then in react-native, I have a Home.js where I'm going to access this method.
import React from 'react';
import { Text, StyleSheet, ScrollView, NativeModules } from 'react-native';
import { Camera, useCameraDevices, useFrameProcessor } from 'react-native-vision-camera';
import 'react-native-reanimated'
function Home(props) {
const devices = useCameraDevices();
const device = devices.back;
const { MyModule } = NativeModules;
const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
let res = MyModule.testFunctionWithPromiseResolve(frame);
// .then((res) => {
// console.log(res);
// }).catch((e) => {
// console.log(e);
// })
//... My other code is just UI-related in which I'm calling the frameProcessor in <Camera... using its prop frameProcessor={frameProcessor} as per react-native-vision-camera documentation.
As per my understanding, we handle a Promise with then and catch as I assume this is what we'll be getting from RCTPromiseResolveBlock but that was not working so I just simply tried console.log(res); and it prints undefined.
The error I'm getting is:
Tried to synchronously call function {promiseMethodWrapper} from a different thread.
Possible solutions are:
a) If you want to synchronously execute this method, mark it as a Worklet
b) If you want to execute this method on the JS thread, wrap it using runOnJS
decltype(static_cast<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()&>(fp)()) std::__1::__invoke<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()&>(reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()&)
void std::__1::__invoke_void_return_wrapper<void, true>::__call<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()&>(reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()&)
std::__1::__function::__alloc_func<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'(), std::__1::allocator<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()>, void ()>::operator()()
std::__1::__function::__func<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'(), std::__1::allocator<reanimated::ErrorHandler::raise()::'lambda'()>, void ()>::operator()()
std::__1::__function::__value_func<void ()>::operator()() const
std::__1::function<void ()>::operator()() const
invocation function for block in vision::VisionCameraScheduler::scheduleOnUI(std::__1::function<void ()>)
I've worklet defined in the useFrameProcessor.
I've updated the obj-c method to:
func testFunctionWithPromiseResolve(_ frame: Frame,
resolver resolve: #escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock,
rejecter reject: #escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {...
and the in JS I did:
let module = NativeModules.MyModule;
const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
//let module = NativeModules.MyModule; //didnt work either
But I get the same error:
Luckily I found the problem.
Custom Frame Processor Plugins need to be completed according to the document, the document address is Creating Frame Processor Plugins, native-side customize code that you need to use the VISION_EXPORT_FRAME_PROCESSOR export definition plugin, and using RCT_EXTERN_MODULE and RCT_EXTERN_METHOD will fails.
You need to export custom plug-in methods on the js side, the document address is Expose your Frame Processor Plugin to JS, as follows:
import type { Frame } from 'react-native-vision-camera'
* Scans QR codes.
export function scanQRCodes(frame: Frame): string[] {
return __scanQRCodes(frame)
but now ,this will be __scanQRCodes:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
globals: ['__scanQRCodes'],
you have to restart metro-bundler for changes in the babel.config.js file to take effect.
3: you must be restarted project to take effect.
My code is as follows:
I customized a Ojective-C frame Processor Plugins named MyModuleFrameProcessPlugin.m, the code is implemented as follows:
#import <VisionCamera/FrameProcessorPlugin.h>
#import <VisionCamera/Frame.h>
#interface MyModuleFrameProcessPlugin : NSObject
#implementation MyModuleFrameProcessPlugin
static inline id myCustomPlugin(Frame* frame, NSArray* arguments) {
CVPixelBufferRef imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(frame.buffer);
NSLog(#"myCustomPlugin: %zu x %zu Image. Logging %lu parameters:", CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer), CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer), (unsigned long)arguments.count);
for (id param in arguments) {
NSLog(#"myCustomPlugin: -> %# (%#)", param == nil ? #"(nil)" : [param description], NSStringFromClass([param classForCoder]));
return #{
#"myCustomPlugin_str": #"Test",
#"myCustomPlugin_bool": #true,
#"myCustomPlugin_double": #5.3,
#"myCustomPlugin_array": #[
Create a new js plugin named ExamplePlugin.ts, the code is as follows:
/* global __myCustomPlugin */
import type { Frame } from 'react-native-vision-camera';
declare let _WORKLET: true | undefined;
export function cusPlugin(frame: Frame): string[] {
if (!_WORKLET) throw new Error('my_custom_plugin must be called from a frame processor!');
// #ts-expect-error because this function is dynamically injected by VisionCamera
return __myCustomPlugin(frame, 'hello my_custom_plugin!', 'parameter2', true, 42, { test: 0, second: 'test' }, ['another test', 500]);
The babel.config.js file is as follows:
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: [
globals: ['__myCustomPlugin']
The plugin import code is as follows:
import {cusPlugin} from './ExamplePlugin';
The calling code is as follows:
const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
const value = cusPlugin(frame);
console.log(`Return Values: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
}, []);
//Use in Camera is frameProcessor={frameProcessor}
I tested my code and it is ok, I hope it can help you.
I am trying to use dart isolate library to improve my application performance.
Look at following code:
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:dbcrypt/dbcrypt.dart';
main() {
var pwConPort = new ReceivePort();
pwConPort.listen((data) {
}, onError: (err) {
Isolate.spawn(generatePasswordConcurrency, pwConPort.sendPort);
void generatePasswordConcurrency(SendPort sendPort) {
String _generateHashPassword(String password) {
var regex = new RegExp(r'^.*(?=.{7,})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9]).*$');
if (!regex.hasMatch(password)) {
throw new StateError('Errors');
return new DBCrypt().hashpw(password, new DBCrypt().gensalt());
Everything works fine but i can only pass a static password, or better to say, i don't know, how to pass something dynamically. Here you can see, password is hardcoded, but i want to pass a variable for example.
void generatePasswordConcurrency(SendPort sendPort) {
If the method _generateHashPassword will throw an error, how can I handling this error? I try to catch the error on listen method from ReceivePort
pwConPort.listen((data) {
}, onError: (err) {
but still got unhandling exceptions message.
Observatory listening on
in ShutdownIsolate: Unhandled exception:
Bad state: Errors
#0 _generateHashPassword (file:///D:/Dart/samples/bin/isolate_error.dart:26:9)
#1 generatePasswordConcurrency (file:///D:/Dart/samples/bin/isolate_error.dart:19:40)
#2 _startIsolate.isolateStartHandler (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:221)
#3 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:124)
Conclusion my question:
How can I pass a variable to called method on isolate?
How can I handling error on isolate?
First of all,
Isolate are not thread, they are independant process more like a fork() than a thread
dartApi: Isolate
Concurrent programming using isolates:
independent workers that are similar to threads but don't share memory, communicating only via
So, you can't access to the same variable than your parent process. It's a choice made by the dart team, because it's a mechanism usable when you compile your dart code in js. So it need to be possible in JS
How can I pass a variable to called method on isolate?
To do this, you need to see ReceivePort() like a unidirectionnal way of communication, so to pass variable in two way, you need two.
So on you main process:
pwConPort.listen((data) {
if (isolateSendPort == null && data is SendPort) {
isolateSendPort = data; // Receive the communication object of the isolate
} else {
print("Generated password: ${data}");
}, onError: (err) {
print("SendPortError: ${err}");
In you isolate entry point :
isolateConPort.listen((data) {
// code ....
Note: be careful of what message you send. message send between one process and another need to respect some rules
DartApi: SendPort
The content of message can be: primitive values (null, num, bool,
double, String), instances of SendPort, and lists and maps whose
elements are any of these. List and maps are also allowed to be
How can I handling error on isolate?
Isolate get one method to listen throw error send by the isolate : addErrorListner
That is a useful function.
BUT ! this method is not implement in every plate-forme, so you need to do this in a others.
The way i chose is to send 2 SendPort in the entry point function :
One for the communication
One for the error.
So the spawn function looks like :
Isolate.spawn(generatePasswordConcurrency, [pwConPort.sendPort, errorPort.sendPort])
and the generatePasswordConcurrency :
void generatePasswordConcurrency(List<SendPort> commList) {
var sendPort = commList[0];
var errorPort = commList[1];
var isolateConPort = new ReceivePort();
isolateConPort.listen((data) {
try {
} catch (e) {
errorPort.send("error: ${e.toString()}");
Here the full code :
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:dbcrypt/dbcrypt.dart';
main() {
var pwConPort = new ReceivePort();
var errorPort = new ReceivePort();
SendPort isolateSendPort = null;
Isolate.spawn(generatePasswordConcurrency, [pwConPort.sendPort, errorPort.sendPort])
.then((Isolate pcs) {
errorPort.listen((err) {
print("Error: ${err}");
pwConPort.listen((data) {
if (isolateSendPort == null && data is SendPort) {
isolateSendPort = data;
} else {
print("Generated password: ${data}");
}, onError: (err) {
print("SendPortError: ${err}");
void generatePasswordConcurrency(List<SendPort> commList) {
var sendPort = commList[0];
var errorPort = commList[1];
var isolateConPort = new ReceivePort();
isolateConPort.listen((data) {
try {
} catch (e) {
errorPort.send("error: ${e.toString()}");
String _generateHashPassword(String password) {
var regex = new RegExp(r'^.*(?=.{7,})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9]).*$');
if (!regex.hasMatch(password)) {
throw new StateError('Errors');
return new DBCrypt().hashpw(password, new DBCrypt().gensalt());
i am trying to understand, how dart future exception works. I read a very good article about it link. But when i have nested future and the first of them throw an error, how can i handle this error on the second future.
To clarify, what i mean look at the following sample.
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
var fur1 = new Future<int>(() => 45);
fur1.then((value) {
throw new StateError('Hello error');
var fur2 = new Future<int>(() => 24);
fur2.then((value) {
fur1.then((value1) {
}).catchError((err) => print(err));
In the fur1, i throw an exception and expected to catch the error in the fur2, but the compiler show message
Unhandled exception: Bad state: Hello error
It is possible to handle nested error in future? I know, i could use here the completer class, maybe it would be the solution?
I'm not sure what you actually try to accomplish.
but for me it works this way
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
var fur1 = new Future<int>(() => 45);
// fur1.then((value) {
// throw new StateError('Hello error');
// });
var fur2 = new Future<int>(() => 24);
fur2.then((value) {
var x = fur1.then((value1) {
throw new StateError('Hello error'); // <= inner exception
return x; // <= return future
}).catchError((err) => print('catchError: ${err}'));
or this way
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
var fur1 = new Future<int>(() => 45);
fur1.then((value) {
throw new StateError('Hello1 error');
}).catchError((err) => print('catchError1: ${err}'));
var fur2 = new Future<int>(() => 24);
fur2.then((value) {
var x = fur1.then((value1) {
throw new StateError('Hello2 error'); // <= inner exception
return x; // <= return future
}).catchError((err) => print('catchError2: ${err}'));
catchError1: Bad state: Hello1 error
catchError2: Bad state: Hello2 error
Here is a very simple code that I run using command line dart to demonstrate my point:
import 'dart:isolate';
void isolateMain() {
throw new Exception("ouch");
bool handleException(IsolateUnhandledException e) {
print("EXCEPTION in isolate: " + e.toString());
return true;
void main() {
SendPort sendPort = spawnFunction(isolateMain, handleException);
sendPort.call("Hello").then((e) {
print("Main received " + e);
and the output:
Exception: ouch
#0 isolateMain (file:///Users/salomon/Workspaces/eclipse/Deployer_Server/bin/deployer_server.dart:7:3)
So, turns out the unhandledExceptionCallback is never called whereas the isolate does throw an exception.
For the record :
> dart --version
Dart VM version: (Fri Jun 21 05:02:50 2013) on "macos_x64"
So, can someone explain me what did I do wrong ?
Thanks ;)
I don't know if you did wrong, it could be a bug. But it seems exceptions thrown in the isolate's main function aren't caught by the handler. If you change it like this:
import 'dart:isolate';
void isolateMain() {
port.receive((whatever, mahPort) {
throw new Exception("$whatever");
bool handleException(IsolateUnhandledException e) {
print("EXCEPTION in isolate: ${e.toString()}");
return true;
void main() {
SendPort sendPort = spawnFunction(isolateMain, handleException);
sendPort.call("Hello").then((e) {
print("Main received $e");
... then handleException() will be called.
I'm trying to use Salesforce's sforce library to place an Ajax call to salesforce. Here is the example javascript that is working:
function setupPage() {
var state = { //state that you need when the callback is called
output : document.getElementById("output"),
startTime : new Date().getTime()};
var callback = {
//call layoutResult if the request is successful
onSuccess: layoutResults,
//call queryFailed if the api request fails
onFailure: queryFailed,
source: state};
"Select Id, Name, Industry From Account order by Industry",
function queryFailed(error, source) {
// not shown function code
function layoutResults(queryResult, source) {
// not shown function code
Here's my dart implementation:
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:js/js.dart' as js;
import 'dart:json';
void main() {
js.scoped(() {
var sforce = js.context.sforce;
var callbackSuccess = new js.Callback.once(success);
var callbackFailed = new js.Callback.once(failure);
var sfdc = new js.Proxy(sforce.connection.query("Select Id, Name, Industry From Account order by Industry"),
js.map({"onSuccess" : callbackSuccess, "onFailure" : callbackFailed}));
void success(queryResult) {
print("queryResult is: " + queryResult);
void failure(error) {
print("error is: " + error);
The Ajax call is being placed, as I see the POST request being made and returning data. However, I always seem to get this error (and I've tried countless different combinations):
Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function (program):370
construct (program):370
ReceivePortSync.dispatchCall darttest:178
$$._JsSendPortSync.callSync$1 minidartjs:4929
$.Proxy_Proxy$withArgList minidartjs:8194
$.Proxy_Proxy minidartjs:8183
$$.main_anon.call$0 minidartjs:6057
$.scoped minidartjs:8136
$.main minidartjs:8066
$$._IsolateContext.eval$1 minidartjs:276
$.startRootIsolate minidartjs:6533
(anonymous function)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm not sure where to turn at this point.
You get this error because you try to create a js.Proxy (sfdc) with the result of sforce.connection.query(...) . When you use new js.Proxy(f), f must be a js.Proxy of a js function. Here you get an object and that's why you get the error.
Here's the code that should work.
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:js/js.dart' as js;
import 'dart:json';
void main() {
js.scoped(() {
var sforce = js.context.sforce;
var callbackSuccess = new js.Callback.once(success);
var callbackFailed = new js.Callback.once(failure);
sforce.connection.query("Select Id, Name, Industry From Account order by Industry",
js.map({"onSuccess" : callbackSuccess, "onFailure" : callbackFailed}));
void success(queryResult, source) {
print("queryResult is: " + queryResult);
void failure(error, source) {
print("error is: " + error);