What is an alternative to Bamboo environments in Jenkins? - jenkins

I like Bamboo idea of environments connected to deployment plans as it gives nice overview what is deployed where.
Is there are canonical way to look over deployment environments in Jenkins?

I found this plugin https://plugins.jenkins.io/deploy-dashboard/ which can show you the latest version with a history for each of your environments. However, this needs to be triggered manually from a deployment job. This is nowhere close to what Bamboo offers.


How to setup completely automated deployment pipeline in UCD from Dev till Prod?

I'm trying to find Jenkins pipeline feature in UCD where deployment is automated without any click. Usually in UCD I found that(from online resources) people use to chose environment and versions manually. Can anyone help me how I can do that?
UCD is completely different from Jenkins. It does not have Jenkins like pipeline (declarative/scripted) features. UCD is more controlled, environments oriented and secured deployment tool. It doesnt contain beautiful visual pipeline features which Jenkins has.

Is BitBucket cloud version of source code repo along with Bamboo for CI/CD?

I'm new to Bamboo and currently learning & using the Bamboo as a standalone server in my company. There I can see the much-advanced options like creating the Build Plans, separate deployment projects based on different environments and also can integrate with notifications and triggers.
I wanted to do a lot of research and learning by myself at home so I was looking for a cloud-based version of Bamboo which I can straight away use to perform similar task like creating build plans, etc. I do not see anything cloud version of Bamboo but I can see BitBucket (cloud-based). What I know is that it is a source code repository like GitHub and GitLab and it has integration with inbuilt CI/CD.
Q1. Is BitBucket a cloud version of source code repository plus Bamboo?
Q2. If not, then do we have cloud version of Bamboo with exact options like build plans, deployment projects, etc
Q3. Also, I'm looking if there is any Bot which I can use like SlackBot or DeployBot to invoke or trigger the Bamboo Build Plan with a chat command? Slack I'm familiar but not DeployBot. I can get the Bamboo build notifications to my Slack channel but not the other way around.
I'm learning and doing research & development hence required clarification on my doubts from experts in this DevOps field to show me the right path.
Please suggest as I'm looking for setting up Bamboo with Bot instructing my build plans.
Thank you
Doing hands-on experience in company on Bamboo and learning as much as I can and playing around with it.
Bamboo Cloud was discontinued in January 2017. Bitbucket Cloud can still notify your Bamboo instance via webhook, assuming you configure Bamboo and your firewall and the webhook properly, or you can use Bitbucket Pipelines for the all-in-one approach.
You can also use Bitbucket Server if you'd prefer to keep everything behind the firewall.

Jenkins Parameterize choice for the Deploying Servers

I am working with Maven Project in Jenkins. Previously I configured maven build and Nexus Deployment. Now I want to deploy the project in deployment servers. There are four build environments called QA,Dev,Prod,Stress and each one have specific servers. Until this point I have made the selection properties using jenkins plugins.
The requirement is, when I select the deployment environment one by one as a example QA, I need to list down only QA servers, If it is stress I need to list down Stress Servers.
I am using extended choice parameter plugin.
Does anyone know how to do this?
In here I attach my deployment environment and servers.
I got the solution for this. I think this will be important to future readers. For achieving this, I used,
Active Choices Plugin
Below I attached snapshots of the configuration.

How to start with Jenkins' release & deployment automation with the Pipeline plugin?

I only have experience to do build with Jenkins, and deployment was via UrbanCode. Now if I want to use Jenkins for release and deployment automation to replace UrbanCode, where shall I start? I see workflow, pipeline, etc., don't know what's the exact solution from Jenkins for the deployment automation.
After spend a day and two, I am still struggling, this time is with so many different plugins. Don't know exactly what are the plugins should be used, e.g. what's the relationship between this: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Plugin and this:https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Pipeline+Plugin? I am desperately looking for an well organised document on how to use Pipeline plugin to build a complete build and deployment automation solution.

Jenkins Puppet integration

My development setup is such that for every svn checkin code is built,unit tested, packaged and published in Artifactory. Now I want to automate my deployment process & run integration(Selenium) test as part of this process. I am thinking of using Puppet to managed the deployment
Is puppet the correct tool for this
What is the process I should use to trigger puppet master to initiate a fresh installation on agents, I couldn't find any Jenkins plugin that would actually trigger puppet. One option is to call
puppet apply ...
as a Jenkins post build task
Any suggestions welcome, thank you.
Have a look at this Selenium Jenkins article from Saucelabs, a service that automates cross-browser testing. Though they are a vendor with a service to sell, the article covers how to do Selenium testing yourself with Jenkins. It also exposes common pain points you are likely to run into with this approach.
A Puppet master doesn't serve the function of orchestrating client convergences. Take a look at Mcollective. This is a tool that will allow you to trigger puppet runs on target systems from a Jenkins agent via script commands.
Some Mcollective getting started material:
