I tried to get a grip on the glossaries package and understood a bit of it, but now I am stuck and need your help to get any further. I have written the following piece:
%Dieses Dokument dient der Erprobung von Funktionen des Glossary-Pakages
%Packete, die vor glossaries geladen werden müssen
%Packete, die laut user-guide vor glossaries geladen werden müssen
%polyglossia wird ausgenommen
%Weitere Packete, die in IPA_Main aufgelistet werden
%Seitengestaltung und Literaturverwendung werden hier ausgespart
%hyperref muss als letztes vor glossaries geladen werden
%Anlegen des Glossares mit xindy
%Importieren des Packetes glossaries mit den folgenden Eigenschaften:
%Glossar wird mit der Software xindy angelegt, es werden Acronyme angelegt, der Name der Gruppierung
wird angezeigt, die Einträge werden alphabetisch geordnet
\usepackage[xindy, acronyms, style=indexgroup, order=letter]{glossaries}
%hinzufügen eines weiteren glossares
%Eintrag ins Hauptglossar
name = Test 1,
description = {Test eines Eintrages in ein Hauptglossar}
%Eintrag zu den Acronymen
\newacronym{t2}{t2}{Test eines Acronyms im Acronymverzeichnis}
In diesem Satz wird der Eintrag \gls{Test1} ein erstes mal, dann eines zweites mal getestes
Nun folgt der Test des angelegten Acronyms im Acronymverzeichnis \gls{t2}.
As far as the the definition goes, this seems to work. When using the acronym and the glossary-entry, the text in the pdf appears as desired without any error. But somehow, the glossaries do not get printed. I would like to ask what the reasons for that could be.
Also I would like to have a glossary that has the following 4 columns: Symbol\Description\Unit\page. I will have multiple glossaries, but the desired columns should appear only on one specific glossary. If anyone could show me how this could be done, I would be very thankfull.
As always, thanks in advance.
I'm using Latex with my university's template. From my main.tex I am calling
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{book}
\definecolor{kisgrey}{RGB}{245, 245, 245}
\typeout{----> main.tex ---- Zentrales Dokument---------------------}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis}
and at the end of my anhang.tex is a useless empty page, refering to my anhang (the page header refers to my anhang?
Alle relevanten Dateien, die für die Funktionsfähigkeit der dargestellten Anwendung erforderlich sind, wurden der Arbeit beigelegt. Dabei handelt es sich um die folgenden Dateien:
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.db\_prefs} Datei für die Erweiterung der primären Datenbankschlüssel
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.obda} beinhaltet die Zuordnungen zwischen Datenbank und Ontologie
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.owl} ist die Datei der Ontologie
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.properties} beispielhafte Darstellung des Verbindungsdokuments für die Datenbank
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.q} beinhaltet die SPARQL-Abfragen
\item \texttt{kis\_v100.pdf} ist die Ausgabedatei dieser Arbeit
What can I do to find the reason for this useless empty page? There are no warning about badboxes or something similar.
As I used the documentclass book, all chapters start on an odd page. And so my "anhang" produced a single free page to start on odd page, thanks to #samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz.
So I just had to set my documentclass to \documentclass[11pt, a4paper, openany]{book}. And openany fixed everything for me.
I'm trying to include the following in my latex doc (references.tex)
author={C. {Szegedy} and {Wei Liu} and {Yangqing Jia} and P. {Sermanet} and S. {Reed} and D. {Anguelov} and D. {Erhan} and V. {Vanhoucke} and A. {Rabinovich}},
booktitle={2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
title={Going deeper with convolutions},
keywords={convolution;decision making;feature extraction;Hebbian learning;image classification;neural net architecture;resource allocation;convolutional neural network architecture;resource utilization;architectural decision;Hebbian principle;object classification;object detection;Computer architecture;Convolutional codes;Sparse matrices;Neural networks;Visualization;Object detection;Computer vision},
address={Boston, MA}
author = "Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman",
title = "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
booktitle = "International Conference on Learning Representations",
year = "2015",
month = May,
address = {San Diego, CA}
title={Large scale distributed deep networks},
author={Dean, Jeffrey and Corrado, Greg and Monga, Rajat and Chen, Kai and Devin, Matthieu and Mao, Mark and Senior, Andrew and Tucker, Paul and Yang, Ke and Le, Quoc V},
booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems},
month = dec,
address = {Lake Tahoe, NV}
However, when I include this in my latex doc, it doesn't show, any idea what is wrong here?
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{Scaling A Neural Network Based Flower Counting Application}
\chapter*{Permission To Use}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Permissions To Use}
\newgeometry{top=0mm, bottom=25mm}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\newgeometry{top=25mm, bottom=25mm}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
\chapter{Section Two Title}
\chapter{Section Three Title}
\chapter{Section Four Title}
\chapter{Section Five Title}
\chapter{Appendix Title}
Never ignore error messages. Have a look at the tiny red rectangle at the top right, this tells you where the problem is.
Multiple problems:
You must not use math commands like ^ in normal text mode
\acro{P$^2$IRC}{Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Center}
The command \ection is not defines, I assume you mean \section? (there are several occasions)
you must \cite{...} at least one entry from your .bib file
I am new on latex and lyx. I have to realize a resume and used moderncv. Do you know how I can have the space behing my picture being reduced ? (The one hatched in red) . As everything is supposed to fit in one page with a cv, it is important for me.
Thanks for your help
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\mobile{+33 6 §§ §§ §§ §§}
\cventry{2021/2022}{Master de Science cognitive}{Ecole normale supérieure rue d'Ulm}{Paris}{France}{}
Quick hack: add \vspace{-1.5cm} after \maketitle :
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\mobile{+33 6 §§ §§ §§ §§}
\cventry{2021/2022}{Master de Science cognitive}{Ecole normale supérieure rue d'Ulm}{Paris}{France}{}
Can you please help me to find the error? I think it's ok the first part, but i can't find the error with the equation that should be a system.
\title{Test di \LaTeX del Laboratorio di Comunicazione
mediante Calcolatore}
\author{Sara Pia Ciccotosto \\
\section{Teorema del laboratorio}
\subsection{ L’enunciato classico}
\paragraph{Scopo di queste note `e dimostrare in modo formale un risultato noto in letterature come \textit{Teorema del Laboratorio}. Si tratta di un risultato che ha un ruolo
fondamentale nella trattazione analitica di alcuni problemi di Cauchy, come il
\frac{dy(x)}{dx} = 1+x^2 y(x) \\
this is the output:
Runaway argument?
{Scopo di queste note `e dimostrare in modo formale un risultato noto\ETC.
! File ended while scanning use of \#xdblarg.
<inserted text>
<*> "./test lcmc.tex"
and in "Error, warnings and badboxes" is written "File ended while scanning use of #xdblarg"
Thank you!
I'm new using lyx and learning LaTex. I have to make myself a CV. You may found below the latex code taken lyx LaTex overview, the lyx window, and the pdf overview. Normally the dates are supposed to be aligned under the section title but instead it generates a dot and them my text not aligned as supposed. Looking at the lyx latex overview window we can see that it automaticaly follow my \cventry by {}{}{}{}{} and them my text.
You can see the overview clicking on the link below
Cv overview
Any idea ? :) thanks !
% Visionner le code LaTeX
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\title{CV Académique}
\address{92 rue *******}{Saint Cloud 92210}
\mobile{+33 6 ** ** ** **}
\cventry{}{}{}{}{}{2029--2020}{IMT Atlantique }{Fusion des ex-Mines de Nantes et
de Télécom Bretagne}{}{}
\cventry{}{}{}{}{}{2018--2019}{CPGE MP option info à Hoche }{}{}
\section{Recherche et Bureau d'étude}
\section{Expériences professionnelles}
it works! just changed the arrangements of brackets, the output i get is similar to yours.
{}{2019 -- 2020}
{}{}{IMT Atlantique}{Fusion des ex-Mines de Nantes et de Télécom Bretagne}
{}{2018 -- 2019}
{}{}{CPGE MP}{option info à Hoche}
{}{2018 -- 2019}
{}{}{CPGE MP}{option info à Hoche}
definition of a cv-item: (cv-entry is a part of cv-item)
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}%
you can also use bulleted list(s) to look better; i mean it looks good to me
\section{Expériences professionnelles}
{}{Exp 1}{}{}{}{}
\cvlistitem{lorem ipsum odor sit amet}
\cvlistitem{lorem ipsum odor sit amet}
{}{Exp 2}{}{}{}{}
\cvlistitem{lorem ipsum odor sit amet}
\cvlistitem{lorem ipsum odor sit amet}
& here's the result...