In the strategy tester there are many symbols that I cannot select or get information from in my expert advisor (EA). In fact, it seems as if there's a bug within MQL4 itself. I'm attempting to automatically buy and sell in my EA, and it's important that I'm able to get symbol info from other symbols to calculate the correct amount of lots I need. This doesn't seem to be possible inside the strategy tester.
The following EA provides different results when ran in the debugger vs a strategy tester (both using the GBPCAD chart).
int OnInit(){
if (!SymbolSelect("USDCAD", true))
Print("Couldn't select USDCAD");
if (SymbolInfoInteger("USDCAD", SYMBOL_VISIBLE))
Print("USDCAD visible");
Print("USDCAD isn't visible");
double e;
if (SymbolInfoDouble("USDCAD", SYMBOL_ASK, e))
Print("It worked");
Print("It didn't work, ", GetLastError());
On the debugger in live data, the following is printed:
2020.08.23 11:25:20.011 Exit Backtester GBPCAD,Daily: USDCAD visible
2020.08.23 11:25:20.011 Exit Backtester GBPCAD,Daily: It worked
On the strategy tester near the beginning of 2017, the following is printed:
2020.08.23 11:26:01.200 2017.02.09 00:00:00 Exit Backtester GBPCAD,Daily: Couldn't select USDCAD
2020.08.23 11:26:01.200 2017.02.09 00:00:00 Exit Backtester GBPCAD,Daily: USDCAD isn't visible
2020.08.23 11:26:01.200 2017.02.09 00:00:00 Exit Backtester GBPCAD,Daily: It didn't work, 4106
Where error code 4106, according to the documentation, states that the symbol is not selected in Market Watch or found in the list of "available ones".
However, running the following code:
void PrintSymbols(){
for (int i = 0; i < SymbolsTotal(true); ++i){
Print(i, " ", SymbolName(i, true));
int OnInit(){
Prints the same results in both cases, among them being USDCAD:
2020.08.23 11:38:03.235 Exit Backtester GBPCAD,Daily: 18 USDCAD
So SymbolName proves that USDCAD is available, while SymbolSelect, SymbolInfoInteger, and SymbolInfoDouble prove otherwise.
Why is this the case?
I don't believe it's possible. The strategy tester only loads tick data from the current chart and not another market's data. Because of this, all other markets don't exist and thus not able to be selected.
Please see the script below:
void OnStart()
Alert(IsTradeAllowed()); //alert 1
Alert(IsTradeAllowed(NULL, TimeGMT())); //alert 2
Alert(IsTradeAllowed(Symbol(), TimeGMT())); //alert 3
Alert(IsTradeAllowed("GBPUSD", TimeGMT())); //alert 4
This returns:
true //for alert 1
true //for alert 2
false //for alert 3
false //for alert 4
As alert 2 returns: true, then I would expect alert 3 and alert 4 to return true.
I have tried running the code at multiple times of the day on weekdays. The code returns the same result at weekends. I have also tried putting the code in a script and an EA. Every time I get the same result. Is there an explanation for this? I have tried what is suggested here:
Symbol() returns: "GBPUSD". Each alert should return true in my mind, however this does not appear to be the case here. Incidentally I have notices that Symbol() returns the symbol at the top of the demo account watchlist if the script is run inside MetaEditor, however it returns the symbol displayed on the chart if run inside the demo account.
The broker is Oanda.
Update 04/03/21 at 19:55
I have now discovered that if I right click on the Market Watch and select: show all, then more symbols appear. I can then see that some symbols are greyed out and some symbols are not. The symbols that are not greyed out e.g. USDGBP-g return what I would expect when running the program above i.e. alert 1-alert 4 =true. The symbols that are greyed out e.g. USDGBP returns true; true; false; false in the program above. I now have two questions:
Why does: IsTradeAllowed(NULL, TimeGMT()); //alert 2 return true for symbols that are greyed out?
What does -g mean in GBPUSD-g?
IsTradeAllowed checks if the Expert Advisor is allowed to trade and trading context is not busy.
The version of the function without any arguments will check if the EA has been applied with the correct permissions ("Allow live trading" ticked and "AutoTrading" enabled).
The second form of the function:
bool IsTradeAllowed(const string symbol, datetime tested_time);
checks if the EA would be allowed to trade according to the specifications for the chart selected (to view this, from the Market Watch window right click a symbol, from the menu that pops up select "Specification").
For example
IsTradeAllowed(Symbol(), D'2021.03.06 12:00');
would check if the current symbol can be traded this coming Saturday (which should be false).
If you are getting undesirable results you should check that your broker has set the "Specifications" correctly.
I've tested the command in OANDA which is the broker you are using and the command functions as expected.
NULL is not valid for a Symbol and its use makes the command function in its first form (ie timedate is ignored).
I would suggest rather than use Alerts to examine output, try the following.
string cmnt;
cmnt=StringConcatenate("Alert 1: ",IsTradeAllowed());
cmnt=StringConcatenate(cmnt+"\r\n","Alert 2: ",IsTradeAllowed(NULL, TimeGMT()));
cmnt=StringConcatenate(cmnt+"\r\n","Alert 3: ",IsTradeAllowed(Symbol(), TimeGMT()));
cmnt=StringConcatenate(cmnt+"\r\n","Alert 4: ",IsTradeAllowed("GBPUSD", TimeGMT()));
I tried your script in my ICMarkets version of MetaTrader4. With disabled auto trading i get result:
When I set auto trading to enable using Ctrl+E shortcut, in all cases script return true.
I recommend you to try this script on another account or different broker. If this will help, you should communicate with your broker about this issue. The last option is a reinstall MetaTrader to make sure, that all config files are correct.
I would like to see what is the time on page for user who is logged in. Eliminate from reports time, while user was not logged in.
To have ability to distinguish between time on page while user is not logged in and time on page while he is logged in.
Let's say we have:
Traffic variable User logged in as a prop1 where is true or false.
Traffic variable Time from previous event as a prop2 in seconds
eVar1 duplicating prop1 | expire after event5
eVar2 duplicating prop2 | expire after event5
event4 - User logged in
event5 - User logged out
Time between events
From an article about measuring time between events (
if ( && ( + ",").indexOf("event4,") > -1) {
s.prop2 = "start"
if ( && ( + ",").indexOf("event5,") > -1) {
s.prop2 = "stop"
s.prop2 = s.getTimeToComplete(s.prop2, "TTC", 0);
s.getTimeToComplete = new Function("v", "cn", "e", "var s=this,d=new Date,x=d,k;if(!s.ttcr){e=e?e:0;if(v=='start'||v=='stop')s.ttcr=1;x.setTime(x.getTime()+e* 86400000);if(v=='start'){s.c_w(cn,d.getTime(),e?x:0);return '';}if(v=='stop'){k=s.c_r(cn);if(!s.c_w(cn,'',d)||!k)return '';v=(d.getTime()-k)/1000;var td=86400,th=3600,tm=60,r=5,u,un;if(v>td){u=td;un='days';}else if(v>th){u=th;un='hours';}else if(v>tm){r=2;u=tm;un='minutes';}else{r=.2;u=1;un='seconds';}v=v*r/u;return (Math.round(v)/r)+' '+un;}}return '';");
Time spent overview
From adobe docs (
A “sequence” is a consecutive set of hits where a given variable
contains the same value (whether by being set, spread forward, or
persisted). For example, prop1 “A” has two sequences: hits 1 & 2 and
hit 6. Values on the last hit of the visit do not start a new sequence
because the last hit has no time spent. Average time spent on site
uses sequences in the denominator.
So I guess I will uses prop1 as a denominator for logged in user state to count time between event in prop2 properly.
I am not pretty sure, If this approach is enough to correctly measure time spent only while user is logged in. I would appreciate some hints, how to set up eVars correctly or if I understand sequence denominator correctly.
I also set up eVars with terminating event5, but I am not sure, If this leads to desired behavior.
If you also solve this problem before, please can you lead me, how you define your segment or condition in reports.
GetTimeBetweenEvents plugin should do a job. However, it seems like it was rewritten, I have found in documentation example calls also using Launch plugins extension:
From Adobe documentation
Install the plug-in using AppMeasurement Copy and paste the following
code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking
object is instantiated (using s_gi ). Preserving comments and version
numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with
troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: getTimeBetweenEvents v2.1 (Requires formatTime and inList plug-ins) */
s.getTimeBetweenEvents=function(ste,rt,stp,res,cn,etd,fmt,bml,rte){var s=this;if("string"===typeof ste&&"undefined"!==typeof rt&&"string"===typeof stp&&"undefined"!==typeof res){cn=cn?cn:"s_tbe";etd=isNaN(etd)?1:Number(etd);var f=!1,g=!1,n=!1, p=ste.split(","),q=stp.split(",");rte=rte?rte.split(","):[];for(var h=s.c_r(cn),k,v=new Date,r=v.getTime(),c=new Date,a=0; a<rte.length;++a)s.inList(,rte[a])&&(n=!0);c.setTime(c.getTime()+864E5*etd);for(a=0;a<p.length&&!f&&(f=s.inList(,p[a]),!0!==f);++a);for(a=0;a<q.length&&!g&&(g=s.inList(,q[a]),!0!==g);++a);1===p.length&&1===q.length&&ste===stp&&f&&g?(h&&(k=(r-h)/1E3),s.c_w(cn,r,etd?c:0)):(!f||1!=rt&&h||s.c_w(cn,r,etd?c:0),g&&h&&(k=(v.getTime()-h)/1E3,!0===res&&(n=!0)));!0===n&&(c.setDate( c.getDate()-1),s.c_w(cn,"",c));return k?s.formatTime(k,fmt,bml):""}};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: formatTime v1.1 (Requires inList plug-in) */
s.formatTime=function(ns,tf,bml){var s=this;if(!("undefined"===typeof ns||isNaN(ns)||0>Number(ns))){if("string"===typeof tf&&"d"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("h,m,s",tf))&&86400<=ns){tf=86400;var d="days";bml=isNaN(bml)?1:tf/(bml*tf)} else"string"===typeof tf&&"h"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("m,s",tf))&&3600<=ns?(tf=3600,d="hours", bml=isNaN(bml)?4: tf/(bml*tf)):"string"===typeof tf&&"m"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("s",tf))&&60<=ns?(tf=60,d="minutes",bml=isNaN(bml)?2: tf/(bml*tf)):(tf=1,d="seconds",bml=isNaN(bml)?.2:tf/bml);ns=Math.round(ns*bml/tf)/bml+" "+d;0===ns.indexOf("1 ")&&(ns=ns.substring(0,ns.length-1));return ns}};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: inList v2.1 */
s.inList=function(lv,vtc,d,cc){if("string"!==typeof vtc)return!1;if("string"===typeof lv)lv=lv.split(d||",");else if("object"!== typeof lv)return!1;d=0;for(var e=lv.length;d<e;d++)if(1==cc&&vtc===lv[d]||vtc.toLowerCase()===lv[d].toLowerCase())return!0;return!1};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
Then your eVar may looks like:
s.eVar1 = s.getTimeBetweenEvents("event1", true, "event2", true, "", 0, "s", 2, "event3");
if(Total_sell_pos() == 0 && Total_buy_pos() == 0) {
double previous_balance = AccountBalance(); //usd1000
if (AccountEquity() > previous_balance + (previous_balance *0.05)){ //usd1000 + 50 = usd1050
if Equity more than usd1050 then delete pending and orders.
But why when run the code, it keep delete pending and orders immediately even when Equity is less than previous balance?
The following code is the problem, and I replace it :
AccountEquity() > previous_balance + (previous_balance *0.05)
AccountEquity() > 1050
then only it works. I did try to check the value :
double check_value = previous_balance + (previous_balance *0.05);
printf (check_value); //1050
May I know why I cannot use the following code?
AccountEquity() > previous_balance + (previous_balance *0.05)
Q: How to store AccountBalance() into a variable?
Let's start with the variable - declare it:
double aPreviousBALANCE;
The scope-of-declaration is driven by the enclosing code-block boundaries. MQL4/5 can declare a variable on the "global"-scope, that may become visible from inside other code-blocks, but if any such has a variable name identical to the "global"-scope defined one, the locally declared ( explicitly in the code, or introduced from the function-parameters' declaration in the call-signature specification ) will "shade-off" the access to the variable declared on the "global"-scope. This you have to check in the original code and MQL4/5-IDE may warn you about such collision(s) during the compilation ( ref. Compiler Warning Messages ).
Let's store in it the actual state, we'll have more steps here:
RefreshRates(); // Force a state-update
aPreviousBALANCE = AccountInfoDouble( ACCOUNT_BALANCE ); // Store an updated value
Q: May I know why I cannot use the following code?
Well, any language, MQL4/5 not being an exception, has some order of execution of mathematical operators. MQL4 need not and does not have the warranty about using the same one as any other language we may have had some prior experience. So, always be rather explicit in this a specify all ordering via explicit parentheses, this will save you any further "surprises" when the language parser / compiler will suddenly change the priority of operators and sudden nightmares will appear. Not worth a single such shock to ever happen:
if ( ( ( a * b ) + c ) < fun() ) // is EXPLICIT and a way safer, than
if ( a * b + c < fun() ) // is DEPENDENT on not having {now|in future}
// a binary boolean (<)-operator
// a higher priority than (+)-op
so, rather be always explicit and you remain on the safer side.
Finally, test:
RefreshRates(); // Force a state-update
if ( ( aPreviousBALANCE * 1.05 ) < AccountInfoDouble( ACCOUNT_EQUITY ) )
Also check, how are your settings pre-set from the Broker-side - they run a Support-Line for you to ask about their settings:
Equity calculation depends on trading server settings.
Print( "Profit calculation mode for SYMBOL[ ",
" ] is ",
MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_PROFITCALCMODE ),
" { 0: mode-FOREX, 1: mode-CFD, 2: mode-FUTURES }."
And where is my AccountBalance() function?
Recent Terminal Builds use a set of new types of calls to:
String}( <anEnumDrivenItemIDENTIFIER>
String}( <aSymbolNAME>,
to name just a few, so re-read the documentation to adopt the most recent changes. Always. ALAP when your Terminal has got a new Build updated ( might be seen when loading a new version of Help files for the MQL4-IDE and/or Terminal ).
Well, this happens. MQL4 evolves and some features we were used to for ages cease to exist, start to suddenly yield inaccurate or indefinite result or change its behaviour ( ol' MQL4-ers still remember the day, when string data type simply ceased to be a string in silence and suddenly started to become a struct. Ok, it was mentioned somewhere deep inside an almost unrelated page of an updated Help-file, yet the code-crashes were painful and long to debug, analyze and re-factor )
So I am working on a program to read values from a game ( The Game).
It is similiar to
You have a size (mass), and I want to get the mass amount, it is a program, not an online game like
I have found this Auto Hotkey script:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Static OLDPROC, ProcessHandle
VarSetCapacity(MVALUE, BYTES,0)
WinGet, pid, pid, % OLDPROC := PROGRAM
ProcessHandle := ( ProcessHandle ? 0*(closed:=DllCall("CloseHandle"
,"UInt",ProcessHandle)) : 0 )+(pid ? DllCall("OpenProcess"
,"Int",16,"Int",0,"UInt",pid) : 0)
If (ProcessHandle) && DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","UInt",ProcessHandle,"UInt",MADDRESS,"Str",MVALUE,"UInt",BYTES,"UInt *",0)
{ Loop % BYTES
Result += *(&MVALUE + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
Return Result
return !ProcessHandle ? "Handle Closed:" closed : "Fail"
mass := ReadMemory(Address here, " The Game")
MsgBox, %mass%
It works seamlessly but there is one slight problem, in Cheat Engine I took the liberty of finding the base address as shown below:
So I took the address circled here:
And inserted that into the program where it says "Address Here", correct me if this is not the right address, but when I restart the game and run my script it says "Fail", but in Cheat Engine the address is still valid. Help?
Check the address if it changes after restarting the game, or do not restart game just run the script without restart and you haven't defined bytes so try following,
ReadMemory(MADDRESS=0, PROGRAM="", BYTES=4 )
mass := ReadMemory("0x123456", " The Game", "4")
"PROGRAM" should be correct window title use spy to get correct window title, address has to be in hex value i.e. "0x15B29DD0", I don't know how your cheat engine reads program memory address.
stdin.readByteSync has recently been added to Dart.
Using stdin.readByteSync for data entry, I am attempting to allow a default value and if an entry is made by the operator, to clear the default value. If no entry is made and just enter is pressed, then the default is used.
What appears to be happening however is that no terminal output is sent to the terminal until a newline character is entered. Therefore when I do a print() or a stdout.write(), it is delayed until newline is entered.
Therefore, when operator enters first character to override default, the default is not cleared. IE. The default is "abc", data entered is "xx", however "xxc" is showing on screen after entry of "xx". The "problem" appears to be that no "writes" to the terminal are sent until newline is entered.
While I can find an alternative way of doing this, I would like to know if this is the way readByteSync should or must work. If so, I’ll find an alternative way of doing what I want.
// Example program //
import 'dart:io';
void main () {
int iInput;
List<int> lCharCodes = [];
print(""); print("");
String sDefault = "abc";
stdout.write ("Enter data : $sDefault\b\b\b");
while (iInput != 10) { // wait for newline
iInput = stdin.readByteSync();
if (iInput == 8 && lCharCodes.length > 0) { // bs
} else if (iInput > 31) { // ascii printable char
if (lCharCodes.length == 1)
stdout.write (" \b\b\b\b chars cleared"); // clear line
print ("\nlCharCodes length = ${lCharCodes.length}");
print ("\nData entered = ${new String.fromCharCodes(lCharCodes).trim()}");
Results on Command screen are :
c:\Users\Brian\dart-dev1\test\bin>dart testsync001.dart
Enter data : xxc
chars cleared
lCharCodes length = 1
lCharCodes length = 2
Data entered = xx
I recently added stdin.readByteSync and readLineSync, to easier create small scrips reading the stdin. However, two things are still missing, for this to be feature-complete.
1) Line mode vs Raw mode. This is basically what you are asking for, a way to get a char as soon as it's printed.
2) Echo on/off. This mode is useful for e.g. typing in passwords, so you can disable the default echo of the characters.
I hope to be able to implement and land these features rather soon.
You can star this bug to track the development of it!
This is common behavior for consoles. Try to flush the output with stdout.flush().
Edit: my mistake. I looked at a very old revision (dartlang-test). The current API does not provide any means to flush stdout. Feel free to file a bug.