I'm having trouble using the string decideability. First, I'm confused why it is so difficult to work with decideability in Agda, when in Coq it seems smooth as butter. When I try to prove this simple theorem about strings, Agda unfolds this mess of a definition which is pretty much impossible to work with unless you know exactly what you are trying to do. How can I work with string decideability via pattern matching that keeps the definition in tact?
Am using Stump's keep function instead of Agda's inspect.
keep : ∀{ℓ}{A : Set ℓ} → (x : A) → Σ A (λ y → x ≡ y)
keep x = ( x , refl )
--first roadblock
eqbStringrefl' : forall (b : String) → true ≡ (b == b)
eqbStringrefl' b with keep (b ≟ b)
eqbStringrefl' b | (.true Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofʸ refl) , snd = {!!}
eqbStringrefl' b | (.false Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofⁿ ¬p) , snd = {!!}
Here is Agda's output:
-- Goal: true ≡
-- Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core.isYes
-- (Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core.map′
-- (λ x →
-- Agda.Builtin.String.Properties.primStringToListInjective b b
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Pointwise-≡⇒≡
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.map
-- (λ {z} {z = z₁} →
-- Agda.Builtin.Char.Properties.primCharToNatInjective z z₁)
-- x)))
-- (λ x →
-- Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.map
-- (cong Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat)
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.≡⇒Pointwise-≡
-- (cong Data.String.toList x)))
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.decidable
-- (λ x y →
-- Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core.map′
-- (Data.Nat.Properties.≡ᵇ⇒≡ (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat x)
-- (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat y))
-- (Data.Nat.Properties.≡⇒≡ᵇ (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat x)
-- (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat y))
-- (Data.Bool.Properties.T?
-- (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat x Data.Nat.≡ᵇ
-- Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat y)))
-- (Data.String.toList b) (Data.String.toList b)))
-- ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-- snd : Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core.map′
-- (λ x →
-- Agda.Builtin.String.Properties.primStringToListInjective b b
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Pointwise-≡⇒≡
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.map
-- (λ {z} {z = z₁} →
-- Agda.Builtin.Char.Properties.primCharToNatInjective z z₁)
-- x)))
-- (λ x →
-- Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.map
-- (cong Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat)
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.≡⇒Pointwise-≡
-- (cong Data.String.toList x)))
-- (Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.decidable
-- (λ x y →
-- Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core.map′
-- (Data.Nat.Properties.≡ᵇ⇒≡ (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat x)
-- (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat y))
-- (Data.Nat.Properties.≡⇒≡ᵇ (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat x)
-- (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat y))
-- (Data.Bool.Properties.T?
-- (Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat x Data.Nat.≡ᵇ
-- Agda.Builtin.Char.primCharToNat y)))
-- (Data.String.toList b) (Data.String.toList b))
-- ≡ Relation.Nullary.yes refl
-- b : String
If I now apply a rewrite, the goal is simplified but we still have a mess in the hypothesis list.
When I try to ctrl-a, i get the following error, despite the goal being seemingly inferrable:
Goal: true ≡ true
Not implemented: The Agda synthesizer (Agsy) does not support
copatterns yet
Nonetheless, I was able to proceed as if the snd term was significantly cleaner, and then just applying the basic rules to arrive at final proof.
eqbStringrefl'' : forall (b : String) → true ≡ (b == b)
eqbStringrefl'' b with keep (b ≟ b)
eqbStringrefl'' b | (.true Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofʸ refl) , snd rewrite snd = {!!}
eqbStringrefl'' b | (.false Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofⁿ ¬p) , snd = {!!}
-- eqbStringrefl'' b | (.true Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofʸ refl) , snd rewrite snd = refl
-- eqbStringrefl'' b | (.false Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofⁿ ¬p) , snd = ⊥-elim (¬p refl)
The last line is the completed proof. Any suggestions would be helpful!
By importing Relation.Nullary where the decidability notion is defined,you
will get access to the yes and no patterns and Agda will happily resugar
(.true Relation.Nullary.because Relation.Nullary.ofʸ refl) as yes refl
and the other one as no ¬p.
With respect to the goal's type, it comes from the fact that equality for strings is obtained by pointwise equality on lists of characters and equality on characters is obtained by the equality of their underlying representation as numbers. It's wordy but this gives us a definition recognised by Agda as safe & fairly efficient.
foldl : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} (B : ℕ → Set b) {m} →
(∀ {n} → B n → A → B (suc n)) →
B zero →
Vec A m → B m
foldl b _⊕_ n [] = n
foldl b _⊕_ n (x ∷ xs) = foldl (λ n → b (suc n)) _⊕_ (n ⊕ x) xs
When translating the above function to Lean, I was shocked to find out that its true form is actually like...
def foldl : ∀ (P : ℕ → Type a) {n : nat}
(f : ∀ {n}, P n → α → P (n+1)) (s : P 0)
(l : Vec α n), P n
| P 0 f s (nil _) := s
| P (n+1) f s (cons x xs) := foldl (fun n, P (n+1)) (λ n, #f (n+1)) (#f 0 s x) xs
I find it really impressive that Agda is able to infer the implicit argument to f correctly. How is it doing that?
foldl : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} (B : ℕ → Set b) {m} →
(∀ {n} → B n → A → B (suc n)) →
B zero →
Vec A m → B m
foldl b _⊕_ n [] = n
foldl b _⊕_ n (x ∷ xs) = foldl (λ n → b (suc n)) _⊕_ (_⊕_ {0} n x) xs
If I pass it 0 explicitly as in the Lean version, I get a hint as to the answer. What is going on is that Agda is doing the same thing as in the Lean version, namely wrapping the implicit arg so it is suc'd.
This is surprising as I thought that implicit arguments just means that Agda should provide them on its own. I did not think it would change the function when it is passed as an argument.
I'm trying to show that the sum of two odd numbers is even.
What is wrong with the last line?
data odd : ℕ → Set
data even : ℕ → Set
data even where
ezero :
even zero
esuc : ∀ {n : ℕ}
→ odd n
→ even (suc n)
data odd where
osuc : ∀ { n : ℕ }
→ even n
→ odd (suc n)
e+e≡e : ∀ {m n : ℕ}
→ even m
→ even n
→ even (m + n)
o+e≡o : ∀ {m n : ℕ}
→ odd m
→ even n
→ odd (m + n)
e+e≡e ezero en = en
e+e≡e (esuc om) en = esuc (o+e≡o om en)
o+e≡o (osuc em) en = osuc (e+e≡e em en)
o+o≡e : ∀ {m n : ℕ}
→ odd m
→ odd n
→ even (m + n)
o+o≡e (osuc em) on = esuc (o+e≡o on em)
I'm getting this error:
➊ - 660 Experiment.agda Agda ∏ unix | 50: 0 Bottom
n != n₁ of type ℕ
when checking that the inferred type of an application
odd (n + _n_31)
matches the expected type
odd (n₁ + n)
But the types seem fine to me. For example, if I replace the right side with ? and check the goals, Agda shows:
Goal: even (suc (n + n₁))
on : odd n₁
em : even n
n₁ : ℕ (not in scope)
n : ℕ (not in scope
So I'm passing evidence on that n is odd and em that m is even. And passing these to o+e≡e, which expects arguments of exactly those types. So where did I go wrong?
And in general, how can I read Agda's error messages? Are the subscripts after variable names meaningful?
It's telling you that em is not equal to on: you want a proof of odd (m + n), but you get odd (n + m) - Agda can't see addition is commutative. You should swap the arguments.
o+o≡e on (osuc em) = esuc (o+e≡o on em)
This produces a different error. That error tells you that Agda is unable to work out that suc (m + n) is equal to m + suc n, which means you need to introduce a lemma that establishes the equality. Then recall transport (a function that transports a value of a dependent type B x along equality x ≡ y to a value of a different dependent type B y), and that will give you a way to obtain a value of the needed type from the value that esuc (o+e≡o on em) constructs.
Working solution with zero imports:
data _==_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A -> Set where
refl : x == x
-- congruence
cong : forall {A B : Set} {x y : A} -> (f : A -> B) -> (x == y) -> (f x) == (f y)
cong f refl = refl -- note these refls are of different types: of x == y on the left, and of (f x) == (f y) on the right
-- transport: given two values are "equal", transport one dependent value along the equality path into a different dependent value
transport : forall {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} {x y : A} -> x == y -> B x -> B y
transport refl bx = bx -- proof relies on the circumstance that the only way to construct x == y is refl, so (B x) is (B y)
-- then induction at the heart of Agda can work out that this must be valid for any x == y
-- commutativity of _==_
comm : forall {A : Set} {x y : A} -> x == y -> y == x
comm refl = refl
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
suc : Nat -> Nat
_+_ : ∀ (m n : Nat) -> Nat
zero + n = n
(suc m) + n = suc (m + n)
-- Proving the necessary commutativity of suc.
-- Agda can see things like "(suc m) + n == suc (m + n)" by definition
-- but other equalities need proving, and then you can transport
-- the values from one type to another
n+1≡1+n : forall (m n : Nat) -> (m + (suc n)) == (suc (m + n))
n+1≡1+n zero n = refl
n+1≡1+n (suc m) n = cong suc (n+1≡1+n m n)
data odd : Nat → Set
data even : Nat → Set
data even where
ezero :
even zero
esuc : ∀ {n : Nat}
→ odd n
→ even (suc n)
data odd where
osuc : ∀ { n : Nat }
→ even n
→ odd (suc n)
e+e≡e : ∀ {m n : Nat}
→ even m
→ even n
→ even (m + n)
o+e≡o : ∀ {m n : Nat}
→ odd m
→ even n
→ odd (m + n)
e+e≡e ezero en = en
e+e≡e (esuc om) en = esuc (o+e≡o om en)
o+e≡o (osuc em) en = osuc (e+e≡e em en)
-- Prove commutativity of even based on a known proof for commutativity of suc.
e-comm : forall {m n : Nat} -> even (suc (m + n)) -> even (m + (suc n))
e-comm {m} {n} esmn = transport {B = even} (comm (n+1≡1+n m n)) esmn -- transport needs hinting what B is
-- otherwise Agda cannot infer what B is based on the definition as found in this snippet
-- the error may seem a bit obscure, but you can see it is wrangling with
-- the dependent type of B:
-- Failed to solve the following constraints:
-- _74 := λ {m} {n} esmn → transport (comm (n+1≡1+n m n)) (_72 esmn)
-- [blocked on problem 166]
-- [165] (even (suc (m + n))) =< (_B_73 (suc (m + n))) : Set
-- [166] _B_73 (m + suc n) =< even (m + suc n) : Set
-- _71 := (λ {m} {n} esmn → esmn) [blocked on problem 165]
-- See, it is stuck trying to work out a type _B_73 such that even
-- would be a subtype of it, and a different even would be a supertype of it.
o+o≡e : ∀ {m n : Nat}
→ odd m
→ odd n
→ even (m + n)
o+o≡e {m} om (osuc en) = e-comm {m} (esuc (o+e≡o om en)) -- Agda had a problem working out m, so extracting it from implicits
-- Failed to solve the following constraints:
-- _81 := λ {.n} {.m} om en → e-comm (_80 om en)
-- [blocked on problem 188]
-- [188, 189] _m_74 om en + suc (_n_75 om en) = .m + suc .n : Nat
-- _79 := λ {.n} {.m} om en → esuc (o+e≡o om en)
-- [blocked on problem 185]
-- [185, 186, 187] .m + .n = _m_74 om en + _n_75 om en : Nat
-- See, if e-comm is not given {m} and {n}, then it is stuck working out
-- _m_74
transport joining dependent types is one of the key concepts. For example, congruence and commutativity of _==_ can be reduced to transport:
-- congruence
cong : forall {A B : Set} {x y : A} -> (f : A -> B) -> (x == y) -> (f x) == (f y)
cong {x = x} f xy = transport {B = (\y -> (f x) == (f y))} -- just making explicit that B is a type (f x) == (f _)
xy refl -- this refl is of type (f x) == (f x), which gets transported along x == y to (f x) == (f y)
-- commutativity of _==_
comm : forall {A : Set} {x y : A} -> x == y -> y == x
comm {x = x} xy = transport {B = (_== x)} xy refl -- this refl is of type x == x, which gets transported along x == y to y == x
Is the univalence axiom invertible (modulo paths)? Is it possible to prove, using Agda's Cubical library, to prove the following:
open import Cubical.Core.Glue
uaInj : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} {f g : A ≃ B} →
ua f ≡ ua g → equivFun f ≡ equivFun g
I suspect the above should hold, because in example 3.19 of the HoTT book, there is a step in the proof where an equivalence between two equivalences is used to prove the equivalence between their functions:
[...] so f is an
equivalence. Hence, by univalence, f gives rise to a path p : A ≡ A.
If p were equal to refl A, then (again by univalence) f would equal the
identity function of A.
Sure, ua is an equivalence, so it's injective. In the HoTT book, the inverse of ua is idtoeqv, so by congruence idtoeqv (ua f) ≡ idtoeqv (ua g) and then by inverses f ≡ g. I'm not familiar with the contents of cubical Agda prelude but this should be provable since it follows directly from the statement of univalence.
To put András's answer into code, we can prove injectivity of equivalency functions in general:
equivInj : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {A : Set ℓ₁} {B : Set ℓ₂} (f : A ≃ B) →
∀ x x′ → equivFun f x ≡ equivFun f x′ → x ≡ x′
equivInj f x x′ p = cong fst $ begin
x , refl ≡⟨ sym (equivCtrPath f (equivFun f x) (x , refl)) ⟩
equivCtr f (equivFun f x) ≡⟨ equivCtrPath f (equivFun f x) (x′ , p) ⟩
x′ , p ∎
and then given
univalence : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} → (A ≡ B) ≃ (A ≃ B)
we get
uaInj : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} {f g : A ≃ B} → ua f ≡ ua g → equivFun f ≡ equivFun g
uaInj {f = f} {g = g} = cong equivFun ∘ equivInj (invEquiv univalence) f g
The only problem is, univalence is not readily available in the Cubical library. Hopefully that is getting sorted out shortly.
UPDATE: In reaction to the above bug ticket, proof of univalence is now available in the Cubical library.
I am new to Agda, and I think I still have a problem to think in that paradigm. Here is my question..
I have a type monoid and a type Group implemented as follows:
record Monoid : Set₁ where
constructor monoid
field Carrier : Set
_⊙_ : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier
e : Carrier
leftId : ∀ {x : Carrier} → (e ⊙ x) ≡ x
rightId : ∀ {x : Carrier} → (x ⊙ e) ≡ x
assoc : ∀ {x y z : Carrier} → (x ⊙ (y ⊙ z)) ≡ ((x ⊙ y) ⊙ z)
record Group : Set₁ where
constructor group
field m : Monoid
inv : Carrier → Carrier
inverse1 : {x y : Carrier} → x ⊙ (inv x) ≡ e
inverse2 : {x y : Carrier} → (inv x) ⊙ x ≡ e
Now, I want to proof the following lemma :
lemma1 : (x y : Carrier) → (inv x) ⊙ (x ⊙ y) ≡ y
lemma1 x y = ?
If I do it on paper, I will apply associativity then left identity.. but I do not know how to tell agda to apply these rules.. I have the problem of translating my thoughts to the Agda paradigm..
Any help is highly appreciated..
When you do the proof on the paper, applying associativity and then left identity uses ony key property of the identity relation - transitivity. That is, when you have a proof of p : x ≡ y and q : y ≡ z you can combine them into a single proof of trans p q : x ≡ z. The trans function is already part of the standard library (Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality module), but its implementation is fairly simple anyways:
trans : {A : Set} {i j k : A} → i ≡ j → j ≡ k → i ≡ k
trans refl eq = eq
I'm using a bit different presentation of monoids and groups, but you can easily adapt the proof to your scenario.
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
Op₁ : Set → Set
Op₁ A = A → A
Op₂ : Set → Set
Op₂ A = A → A → A
record IsMonoid {A : Set}
(_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set where
right-id : ∀ x → x ∙ ε ≡ x
left-id : ∀ x → ε ∙ x ≡ x
assoc : ∀ x y z → x ∙ (y ∙ z) ≡ (x ∙ y) ∙ z
record IsGroup {A : Set}
(_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (_⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set where
monoid : IsMonoid _∙_ ε
right-inv : ∀ x → x ∙ x ⁻¹ ≡ ε
left-inv : ∀ x → x ⁻¹ ∙ x ≡ ε
open IsMonoid monoid public
(To keep things simple, indented code is written as part of the IsGroup record). We'd like to prove that:
lemma : ∀ x y → x ⁻¹ ∙ (x ∙ y) ≡ y
lemma x y = ?
The first step is to use associativity, that is assoc (x ⁻¹) x y, this leaves us with a goal (x ⁻¹ ∙ x) ∙ y ≡ y - once we prove that, we can merge these two parts together using trans:
lemma x y =
trans (assoc (x ⁻¹) x y) ?
Now, we need to apply the right inverse property, but the types don't seem to fit. We have left-inv x : x ⁻¹ ∙ x ≡ ε and we need to somehow deal with the extra y. This is when another property of the identity comes into play.
Ordinary functions preserve identity; if we have a function f and a proof p : x ≡ y we can apply f to both x and y and the proof should be still valid, that is cong f p : f x ≡ f y. Again, implementation is already in the standard library, but here it is anyways:
cong : {A : Set} {B : Set}
(f : A → B) {x y} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
cong f refl = refl
What function should we apply? Good candidate seems to be λ z → z ∙ y, which adds the missing y part. So, we have:
cong (λ z → z ∙ y) (left-inv x) : (x ⁻¹ ∙ x) ∙ y ≡ ε ∙ y
Again, we just need to prove that ε ∙ y ≡ y and we can then piece those together using trans. But this last property is easy, it's just left-id y. Putting it all together, we get:
lemma : ∀ x y → x ⁻¹ ∙ (x ∙ y) ≡ y
lemma x y =
trans (assoc (x ⁻¹) x y) $
trans (cong (λ z → z ∙ y) (left-inv x)) $
(left-id y)
Standard library also gives us some nice syntactic sugar for this:
open ≡-Reasoning
lemma′ : ∀ x y → x ⁻¹ ∙ (x ∙ y) ≡ y
lemma′ x y = begin
x ⁻¹ ∙ (x ∙ y) ≡⟨ assoc (x ⁻¹) x y ⟩
(x ⁻¹ ∙ x) ∙ y ≡⟨ cong (λ z → z ∙ y) (left-inv x) ⟩
ε ∙ y ≡⟨ left-id y ⟩
y ∎
Behind the scenes, ≡⟨ ⟩ uses precisely trans to merge those proofs. The types are optional (the proofs themselves carry enough information about them), but they are here for readability.
To get your original Group record, we can do something like:
record Group : Set₁ where
Carrier : Set
_∙_ : Op₂ Carrier
ε : Carrier
_⁻¹ : Op₁ Carrier
isGroup : IsGroup _∙_ ε _⁻¹
open IsGroup isGroup public
I was proving some properties of filter and map, everything went quite good until I stumbled on this property: filter p (map f xs) ≡ map f (filter (p ∘ f) xs). Here's a part of the code that's relevant:
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List hiding (filter)
import Level
filter : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → (A → Bool) → List A → List A
filter _ [] = []
filter p (x ∷ xs) with p x
... | true = x ∷ filter p xs
... | false = filter p xs
Now, because I love writing proofs using the ≡-Reasoning module, the first thing I tried was:
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Function
filter-map : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}
(xs : List A) (f : A → B) (p : B → Bool) →
filter p (map f xs) ≡ map f (filter (p ∘ f) xs)
filter-map [] _ _ = refl
filter-map (x ∷ xs) f p with p (f x)
... | true = begin
filter p (map f (x ∷ xs))
≡⟨ refl ⟩
f x ∷ filter p (map f xs)
-- ...
But alas, that didn't work. After trying for one hour, I finally gave up and proved it in this way:
filter-map (x ∷ xs) f p with p (f x)
... | true = cong (λ a → f x ∷ a) (filter-map xs f p)
... | false = filter-map xs f p
Still curious about why going through ≡-Reasoning didn't work, I tried something very trivial:
filter-map-def : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}
(x : A) xs (f : A → B) (p : B → Bool) → T (p (f x)) →
filter p (map f (x ∷ xs)) ≡ f x ∷ filter p (map f xs)
filter-map-def x xs f p _ with p (f x)
filter-map-def x xs f p () | false
filter-map-def x xs f p _ | true = -- not writing refl on purpose
filter p (map f (x ∷ xs))
≡⟨ refl ⟩
f x ∷ filter p (map f xs)
But typechecker doesn't agree with me. It would seem that the current goal remains filter p (f x ∷ map f xs) | p (f x) and even though I pattern matched on p (f x), filter just won't reduce to f x ∷ filter p (map f xs).
Is there a way to make this work with ≡-Reasoning?
The trouble with with-clauses is that Agda forgets the information it learned from pattern match unless you arrange beforehand for this information to be preserved.
More precisely, when Agda sees a with expression clause, it replaces all the occurences of expression in the current context and goal with a fresh variable w and then gives you that variable with updated context and goal into the with-clause, forgetting everything about its origin.
In your case, you write filter p (map f (x ∷ xs)) inside the with-block, so it goes into scope after Agda has performed the rewriting, so Agda has already forgotten the fact that p (f x) is true and does not reduce the term.
You can preserve the proof of equality by using one of the "Inspect"-patterns from the standard library, but I'm not sure how it can be useful in your case.