In Sentry we have only 3 variable max? - environment-variables

I am using Sentry and define more then 3 environment varaible but in my All Environment it show only 3 option


Safe build-time environment variables in Heroku Docker builds

Heroku Docker build docs say:
The config field of the build section allows you set environment variables available to the build environment. Variables set in this section do not create runtime config vars. Also runtime config vars (e.g., those set with heroku config:set) are not available at build-time.
So how should I set secrets during build time safely (i.e. without committing them)?
Background: Rails + Webpacker + React app on Heroku in Docker, trying to get an API key to the client side.

.Net 5 environment variables priority order

To deploy my application it's necessary to change the variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to production but .net seems to read the variable from launchsettings.json instead of read the system variable.
Is this behavior correct?
What'd be the best to set this variable?
Obs1: if I delete the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENTfrom launchsettings.json, it reads the value from system
Obs2: I'm trying to deploy to heroku using the config vars to set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT but it also doesn't work on my machine(Linux).

Node-config custom-environment-variables not Picking Docker environment Variables

Working on Windows OS.
My node app using node-config isn't using docker environment variables. It's always using the default config.
I am using node-config custom environment variables as described here:
Everything is working well when running the app locally. The config by passes the default ones and takes the ones defined in my User variables when set.
I start a docker instance with all required Environment variables
I verify the env variables by running docker exec container_name env
However, the node app still uses the default config, instead of the environment variables.
I am not sure what setup I may be missing.
I'm a maintainer of node-config. I don't test with Docker or Heroku, but this most be an ordering problem. As long as the environment variables are set before require('config') happens, they will work-- at that point Docker or Heroku doesn't matter. The activity is happening inside the Node.js JavaScript engine at that point.
Try this simple test: Just before your line where you require('config'), use console.log or an equivalent to print out the environment variables that you care about. I expect you'll find that when it's not working it's because the environment variables are not set before node-config is loaded.

Origin: Can I use variable for a value of environment variable?

I am running MYSQL service in my project which creates these environment variables such as below so that application can leverage it to connect to the database.
But my application container only database host details from these below variables.
Now, how can I make my application to use MYSQL env variables?
Is it possible to create a environment variable like this?
I did try this but doesn't work.

Ruby on Rails use of environment variables

I want to use in my code (in views as well) variables like:
And want them to be different for diffident environments (prod, dev, test)
Were and how should I set them up?
Is this (using ENV vars) a right way to configure application for different environments?
about ENV['SERVER_URL'] - is it a standard variable? When does it becomes available.
I tried to set in different parts of application (application.rb, development.rb)
ENV['SERVER_URL1'] = 'http://localhost:4000/'
but it seems not to work.
When using Rails 4.1+, the new and preferred way to set ENV variables is to use the config/secrets.yml file.
Here is an excerpt from the 4.1 release notes
The secrets added to this file are accessible via Rails.application.secrets. For example, with the following config/secrets.yml:
secret_key_base: 3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3
some_api_key: SOMEKEY
Rails.application.secrets.some_api_key returns SOMEKEY in the development environment.
See the Upgrading Ruby on Rails guide on how to migrate existing applications to use this feature.
So you should set:
SERVER_URL1: http://localhost:4000
