what's the principle of xamarin.ios remote simulator? - ios

xamarin.ios has a powerfull feature: mirror the ios simulator to windows.
I'd like to know how xamarin implements it.
when the mirrored simulator is showing in WIN, I can't find any Simulator.app process running in the MAC, so how does xamarin run it ? is there any public API for controlling the ios simulator ?

when the mirrored simulator is showing in WIN, I can't find any
Simulator.app process running in the MAC, so how does xamarin run it ?
The simulator is still running in the mac. The process is com.apple.CoreSimlutor.CoreSimlutorService, I find some related processes about simulator when run the simulator on Windows.
And I think the mirrored simulator is showing in WIN is using the technology like a remote desktop. Like VNC. (Just my own thinking, not the official answer)
Here is the picture:


Xamarin.iOS does not support running or debugging the previous version of your project

I've been trying to fix this issue for 3 hours and nothing. My entire google search looks purple and there is no solution. This error just keep popping up no matter what I do.
Tried adding a new iOS project.
Tried creating a completely new project. Same issue.
I've got an iPad plugged in externally with a USB type C cable to my laptop and I have set up all the developer requirements from apple to be able to access my device via visual studio.
Updated the iPad to the latest iOS version 16.1.1 installed iTunes from the Microsoft store and I can see my device as an optional device to deploy my app too.
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2022
I've got a mac mini to test using Simulator but I want to test this on a real device not a Simulator. Works fine on Simulators but not on real device while plugged into Windows.
There is no more information I can provide with the error because I myself do no get more to work with either.
Many Thanks in Advance
Image of the .iOS/bin/iPhone/Debug. There are also country-specific directories above the files.

Remote debugging of iOS app on windows doesn't work. When running simulator on PC just showing black screen

I have Xamarin forms app for android and iOS.
When I try to debug iOS on my PC in Visual Studio 2019, the simulator just showing me a black screen. All controls in the simulator are disabled.
If I uncheck Remote Simulator to Windows (Tools->Options->Xamarin->iOS Settings), then I can see my app running fine on my Mac (M1). On Mac, I have Visual Studio 2019.
I had a Macincloud account last month and everything worked great, but switching to a real Mac (M1) doesn't go well.
Did somebody experience the same problem? I spent already few hours trying to debug iOS on PC, but so far no luck.
I tried this:
VS2019 Xamarin Forms Remote IOS simulator Black screen - How to fix?
uninstalling/installing xCode 12
changing default folder for xCode
Thank you!
Uncheck Remote Simulator to Windows.
Quit Simulator on Mac and run again.

Converting a Xamarin.forms iOS app into Xcode app

I am having a problem but can't seem to find the much-needed information online, having trawled through the internet. I have Xamarin.forms iOS app that I want to test. I cannot run iOS in windows so transferred to mac.
To inspect elements in the app, I need to open the app in Xcode or appium inspector, so I created an Xcode project from the source control containing the Xamarin.forms iOS app. I ran the project and the build was successful.
I deployed the compiled app to an iOS simulator and it deployed okay. This is where the problem is - The deployed app open in the simulator as a blank app showing a white screen with only the battery indicator and a clock showing at the top of the blank white screen. The app is not visible.
From research, I read that this blankness is due to the fact that I was trying to open a Xamarin built app in a native Xcode. In this case, how can I convert this Xamarin.forms iOS app into a native Xcode app so I can open it in an Xcode simulator? I will appreciate any helpful input
That is not how it supposed to work, You only need the mac to compile no to run the project. You need to connect your windows machine to the mac using your LAN and just send the code to it to compile it and retrieves back the code ready for you to open it in your windows machine iOS emulator. Then you can debug to inspect your elements as desired.

How to set up flutter android emulator in VS code

In the latest flutter 0.5.1 release version they say you can launch an emulator in browser. Does anyone know how to get this up and working??
There's no way to launch an emulator in the browser; I think there is a screenshot that's badly-placed in that article that might have confused things. The screenshot is unrelated to launching emulators.
However, launch real emulators (not in the browser) is indeed supported in VS Code. As long as you have >= v0.5.1 of Flutter and v2.13 of the Dart plugin for VS Code, you can indeed launch emulators from the editor.
Taken from the release notes:
Emulator Launching
Emulators can now be launched directly from within Code. If you start debugging without a connected device you'll be presented with a list of emulators on your system to launch.
After selecting a device a notification will appear while the device boots and connects.
You can also trigger the emulator selection by clicking on No devices in the status bar or by running the Flutter: Launch Emulator command from the command palette.

BlackBerry 10 Simulator screen has inverted and have visual artifacts

I am trying to run a simple HelloWorld app on BlackBerry 10 Simulator to get started with BlackBerry 10 development. However, the simulator looks really weird and I cant seem to make any sense of it. Is this how the simulator is supposed to look (screen shot)? How to go about running a BlackBerry 10 app?
I had exactly the same problem. You should install VMware Player >=3.1 version. But looks like you installed 2.x version.
