I create an Simulator for MT4. I want to change the timeframes while the tester is running. Is it possible?
Apple has re-designed the share sheet that appears, which has now broken my UI tests.
I have attempted to record a new UI test through Xcode, but as soon as I tap on the dismiss button, the test terminates so I have not been able to capture the event.
Ultimately, I just want to know how I can access the gray 'X' shown with the arrow below:
I have just tested this with Xcode 13 and have found that the original answer no longer works. However, I am keeping it for posterity, or those using previous versions of Xcode.
Xcode 13
I have tested this with Xcode 13.0 and verified it works for iPhone and iPad:
let activityListView = app.otherElements.element(matching: .other,
identifier: "ActivityListView")
XCTAssertTrue(activityListView.waitForExistence(timeout: 2.0))
Previous versions
After some trial and error, I was able to locate where my specific elements were with the following:
app.otherElements.element(boundBy: 1).buttons.element(boundBy: 0).tap()
Using app.otherElements.element(boundBy: 1) would identify the share sheet for me. I had attempted to locate it through accessibility identifiers, but I could not find one that worked, including previously valid ones used in iOS 12 and below.
Please note that based on the layout of your screen, the index value
may differ from what I am seeing.
Next, .buttons.element(boundBy: 0).tap() was used to locate the Close button. I again attempted to use identifiers, but could not find anything that represented the button.
When I attempted to discern additional information through the console while testing, I would always wind up crashing the test. This result was surprising, as I was able to query these elements with Xcode 10.
Ultimately, I would like to find working identifier values so that I can have something that works reliably across products, without the trial and error to find the share sheet's index value.
For iPad
The following will dismiss the popover for an iPad:
So I'm testing a web app for which I have to open a new tab, switch to it, do some input, than switch back to the first tab and this more than once.
I try to open the new tab this way:
((JavascriptExecutor) AppiumTestBase.getDriver()).executeScript("window.open('http://google.com', '_blank')");
This causes the following alert to appear:
But I'm not able to accept it through automation with Appium. Things that I have tried:
Using the following capabilities: "safariAllowPopups" and "autoAcceptAlerts"
Changing the according settings for safari in the iOS sim
.switchTo().alert().accept(); I also waited for the Popup.
Switchting to native context before accepting the popup
Clicking the pop up by name .findElement(By.name("Allow")).click();
What I have not tried:
Taping on the screen according to the pop-up coordinates. I didn't try this since I'm not sure on how to get the position of the "Allow" button.
And my other question is how would I switch between two tabs? I haven't tried anything yet, but research would suggest that I try it with window contexts.
Some other information:
Currently testing with a iPhoneSE iOS 9.3 Simulator, the solution should work for several configurations
Appium is on the most recent version
The class "AppiumTestBase"s only purpose is to set capabilities and initialize the AppiumDriver
Please try this cap after i change to this no popup from safari anymore
desired_capabilities=automationName:XCUITest,browserName:safari,platformName:iOS,platformVersion:11.1,deviceName:iPhone 6,nativeWebTap:True,safariIngoreFraudWarning:True
I tried the solution suggested by Atthaboon Sanurt, but it didn't help.
There was no alert, but the new window/tab didn't open either.
Here where the problem is reported:
So far it looks like there is no solution and plans to fix it.
I am currently making an app which I plan to submit to the iOS App Store. Normally, when I update my frames in the Main.Storyboard of Xcode, it stays like that. However, now it does not. Whenever I close the app and reopen it later, the frames are not updated. It looks like this:
After I update the frames, it looks like this (what I want it to look like):
The app still looks fine when I run it on the simulator, but I still have 16 warnings in my app. I would like to remove these bugs as (I previously mentioned) I am submitting this app to the iOS App Store. How can I fix this? Thanks.
1)As it showing you have designed the layout in size class width-COMPACT & height-ANY. If you design your storyboard in size class width-ANY & height-ANY it will solve your problem.IT also happened with me.I have changed the size class & updated constraints of all ViewControllers.
2)It now shows a blank view controller. However, You will not get any warnings
3) Now You can make it visible by changing size class of the views inside the controller
select the view ->go to attribute inspector->go to bottom-> select installed & delete earlier selected size class
4)Do it for all views & update the constraints
Right now, I am able to set accessibility labels and identifiers for different picker wheels in my application so that the recorder can pick up when I tap these picker wheels, and I am able to swipe up and down to modify the values, but I am unsure if there is a way for me to specify an exact value to select in these pickers. I am currently running XCode 7 Beta 5 and here is the following code I currently have:
//Expands the cell with the DatePicker
XCUIApplication().tables.staticTexts["Due Date"].tap()
//Modifies the Month, Day, and Year picker wheels.
As I mentioned, this code works fine, but I kind of have to guess at what the end result would be based upon the current start date (which is the current date, in our app) instead of being able to set the date to a known value.
Has anybody else been running into this same issue? If so, are there any known work arounds? It seems like the set of gestures that the API can mimic are still fairly limited.
Per this post starting in Beta 6 you should be able to do something like this...
I'm working on the automated UI tests for my app and I'm having trouble when trying to set up the environment for running the tests. The plan is roughly this:
build the application
shutdown simulator if running
erase the simulator to make a clean install
install my app on the simulator
run UIAutomation tests
Everything is working except when the application is launched by instruments to execute the tests, the alert appears to ask if the user allows notifications. This is all as expected, but I can't find the way to get rid of the alert.
Things I have already tried:
creating onAlert as a first thing in my test script, in case it appears before the my alert callback is defined
delay the target by 5 seconds in case the tests actually run even before the UI of the app is visible in the simulator
I also went through all the permutations of the above that can be found on SO, I never get my onAlert callback invoked, no matter what I do. So another thing I tried was:
try dismissing the alert with applescript
The script I wrote:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iOS Simulator"
set allUIElements to entire contents of window 1
repeat with anElement in allUIElements
log anElement
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
and it displays:
static text “MyApp” Would Like to Send You Notifications of window iOS Simulator - iPhone 6 - iPhone 6 / iOS 8.1 (12B411) of application process iOS Simulator
static text Notifications may include alerts, sounds, and icon badges. These can be configured in Settings. of window iOS Simulator - iPhone 6 - iPhone 6 / iOS 8.1 (12B411) of application process iOS Simulator
UI element 3 of window iOS Simulator - iPhone 6 - iPhone 6 / iOS 8.1 (12B411) of application process iOS Simulator
Looks like the buttons are placed inside the "UI element 3" but I can't retrieve any elements from inside it, let alone clicking on it. So I checked with Accessibility Manager:
It sits there as one of the children, the other ones are notification title and message. But when I go to that element, it is highlighted and I see this:
It is identified as generic element, it doesn't have any children...
The interesting thing is when I choose the OK button in the Accessibility Inspector, I can actually see it's a child of the window, yet it is never listed:
Can someone please shed some light on what is going on here? How can I press that button with Applescript?
If you are doing automation using Instrument, the you will need to register callback (onAlert) for performing any action on alerts.
But the problem in your case is that the alert appears before your script actually start executing and at that time no callback is registered for alert.
So if the alert can come with a delay of around 10 sec when you start application, then only it can be handled. But this can only be controlled through source code and not by your Automation code.
So only option which is left is you need to manual dismiss the alert once fresh application is installed
I am also facing same problem and found it to be a limitation of the tool
There are too many limitaion of this tool and thats why i shifted to UFT
I had a similar problem. I just wanted position of the last control on the alert. So I came up with following piece of code:
on get_simulator_last_object_rect(simulator_index)
tell application "System Events"
set ProcessList to (unix id of processes whose name is "iOS Simulator")
set myProcessId to item simulator_index of ProcessList
tell window 1 of (processes whose unix id is myProcessId)
-- Forcefully print the UI elements so that Accessibility hierarchy is built
UI elements
-- Then wait precisely to let the Accessibility view hierarchy is ready
delay 0.5
set lowest_label_lowest_position to 0
set _x to 0
set _y to 0
set _width to 0
set _height to 0
repeat with element in UI elements
set {_x, _y} to position of element
set {_width, _height} to size of element
set current_control_lowest_position to _y + _height
if current_control_lowest_position > lowest_label_lowest_position then set lowest_label_lowest_position to current_control_lowest_position - _height / 2
end repeat
return {{_x, _y}, {_width, lowest_label_lowest_position}}
end tell
end tell
end get_simulator_alert_ok_button_position
I have a desktop app to control my actions. I use this apple script in my Desktop app to get the frame of the last control. Now that I have the frame, I create a mouse event and perform click on the frame, after activating the simulator.
Although I have not yet tried, but I am pretty sure that you can create mouse events from apple script and perform click on the frame / center of the frame.
Hope this helps.