Unable to integrate odoo ERP using keycloak SSO - oauth

how can i integrate odoo ERP with keycloak ERP. There is not much info/documentation anywhere. i tried following setup
I see following error
I have tried with several combinations for Auth url and validation url but odoo throws exception as shown in image.


RabbitMQ Management web page cannot show login button using latest cloudfoundry UAA

I try to using oauth authentication in RabbitMQ via cloudfoundry UAA
Follow this tutorial it works there's no problem
I checked RabbitMQ management login successfully and RabbitMQ management API also successfully called
But RabbitMQ UAA demo's cloudfoundry UAA image created 2years ago. so UAA image has log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
So I'm trying to UAA image changes to 75.16.0
And I faced critical problem
In RabbitMQ Management Web login button does not show
Web Browser's console log showed X-Frame-Options DENY ( is UAA server IP address)
Can anyone help me?

Getting oAuth Token using MSAL PublicClientApplication acquire_token_interactive method from Databricks is not working : InteractiveBrowserCredential

I am trying to get oAuth2.0 token to the protected resource using InteractiveBrowserCredential flow.
This is working from my local jupyter notebook however when i am trying to run it from Databricks notebook, it is unable to open browser (as Databricks cluster has no browser installed) and giving me below message
Found no browser in current environment. If this program is being run inside a container which has access to host network (i.e. started by `docker run --net=host -it ...`), you can use browser on host to visit the following link. Otherwise, this auth attempt would either timeout (current timeout setting is None) or be aborted by CTRL+C. Auth URI: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A44093&scope={resource_id}%2Fuser_impersonation+offline_access+openid+profile&state=EvgdkFcNZTuJG&code_challenge=KR8zwfjhkuKYTGSlbaYAJNLVjXZHiE&code_challenge_method=S256&nonce=33a1a12813342535455f398GHATf9c2cf21a8&client_info=1
I am trying to find out if there a way i can make it work, (by somehow using public redirect_uri to the Databricks cluster and driver node or in similar way). I can alternatively use device_code flow (it is working) however i want to see if i can by-pass one extra step of entering device code and directly authenticate using browser.
Please find the sample code i am using now below
import msal
app = msal.PublicClientApplication(self.CLIENT_ID, authority=self.AUTHORITY,token_cache= msal.TokenCache())
result = app.acquire_token_interactive(scopes=self.SCOPE)

Is it possible to use `externalbrowser` authenticator inside docker container for connection authentication with Snowflake?

I am trying to use the snowflake connector inside docker container. I want to use the externalbrowser authenticator so that I can make connection using Okta credentials but the connector is failing with below mentioned error.
DatabaseError: (snowflake.connector.errors.DatabaseError) 250008 (08001): None: Failed to connect to DB: xx.snowflakecomputing.com:443, Unable to open a browser in this environment.
(Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/13/4xp6)
As an aside, I'd recommend removing your account name from the question (shown in the error).
You are correct that the "externalbrowser" option is a browser-based SSO. It might be possible to get this running a docker container with some extended software and configuration, but I wouldn't recommend it as it doesn't seem worth the effort.
Instead, there's alternative SSO authentication methods you can look at such as Native SSO Okta, key-pair authentication, or external OAuth. These won't require the browser.

Umbraco headless Node.js client cannot authenticate headless client

I have been trying to implement the Node.js client for Umbraco headless. I have done the following:
Set up Umbraco headless via my Umbraco cloud subscription
Implemented a simple app in Vue.js
Copied the example code from https://our.umbraco.com/documentation/Umbraco-Cloud/Headless/Headless-Node-Client/
when I run this code (via my localhost:8000) I get an authentication error
https://{MyUmbracoCloudUrl}/umbraco/rest/oauth/token 400 (Bad Request).
My config has the correct domain name for the cloud instance and the correct user name an password.
I get a 400 response from https://{MyDOMAIN}/umbraco/rest/oauth/token.
Does anyone have any ideas? I am not sure if this is a cors issue becuase I am trying to run this from my local host?

FederationException ID3206 in MVC application deployed to AWS EC2 instance

I have an MVC5 EF6 application configured to authenticate using organizational authentication (Azure AD) which works fine when running in IIS Express on my development PC. It was developed using Visual Studio 2013.
I have now deployed the application to an AWS EC2 instance using the Cloud Formation wizard in the AWS Visual Studio toolkit. I have also reconfigured the application entry in the Azure AD to run against the deployed version instead of the development version.
When the application is run by navigating to the ec2 instance from a browser, the user is presented with the Microsoft authentication page, so I know the deployed app is running. After successful authentication I get the following error:
ID3206: A SignInResponse message may only redirect within the current web application: '/' is not allowed.
I have tried all the potential solutions I can find from SO and other forums concerning this issue. These include several different ways of ensuring a backslash is at the end of a URL. However, none of these approaches fixes my issue.
My issue seems to be slightly different in that the error states that:
application: '/' is not allowed
All other similar references I've seen have something like:
application: '/appname' is not allowed
My application does not have this issue in development using IIS Express.
Can anyone offer any potential solutions or avenues to research concerning this?
The redirect error only occurs using the Amazon Cloud Formation tool (inside the AWS Explorer in VisualStudio) to deploy to AWS. If Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk tool is used instead to reply to AWS, the redirect after successful authentication works fine.
Deploying to Azure using VisualStudio results in a successful redirect too.
So, although this is not a definitive answer as to why the Cloud Formation deployment causes the redirect error, using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk instead will redirect correctly.
