How to pass message resource id to thymeleaf fragment
for example
<head th:replace="fragments/head-import :: head-shared('#{view.index.title}')"></head>
where view.index.title is an id in message resource file (Spring MVC)
If you pass just 'view.index.title', there are a couple of ways you can display it. For example, if you use variable name title:
<span th:text="#{${title}}" />
<span th:text="${#messages.msg(title)}" />
Is there any difference between grails link ,create link and resource tags and I want to know when to use each tag as per my knowledge the createlink tag has depricated
it's simple:
g.createLink generates only the url, like /aaa/bbb/222, based on controller/action/params for example generated the <a>-HTML-tag, using the g.createLink to generate the url to be put into the #href attribute
g.resource outputs a path to a resource file, available under web-app folder
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir:'css',file:'style.css')}" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" />
CREATE LINK is soemthing power full when u come to knowing the absolute or relative path in using likes inside a gsp page.
Let assume i have the following path /yourapp/controller1/view1
Instead of using
<a href="{grailscontext.thensomebaseurlstuff}/"+controller/view /> ,
which fails according to some context using the below will make it easy.
my link
<g:createLink url="[action:'list',controller:'book']" />
And ,glink is the above implementation using taglib form.. does the same effect as above but being in taglib makes reduce some computation or create some am not sure."text of the link here", action:"foo", controller:"bar")
ResourceTags is no wonder its something help full and important in attaching either an image,css and js folder/file resource into a grails application.
// generates "/shop/css/main.css"
<g:resource dir="css" file="main.css" />
// generates ""
<g:resource dir="css" file="main.css" absolute="true" />
// generates ""
<g:resource dir="css" file="main.css" base=""/>
Hi I am new to grails and GSP
I have a code like
<g:each var="i" in="${typeList}">
<g:if test="${i != null}">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="categoryType" id="categoryTypeCB" class="categoryTypeCB" value="${i}"> ${i}</td>
How to get the values of checked check boxes in java script
Try to use jQuery. Since Grails 2.0 it's provided by default, you just have to add in your gsp template at the end of head tag with following line:
<r:require module="jquery" />
Or if you do not use resources plugin, include jQuery with following line:
<g:javascript library='jquery' />
And then in a javascript block go with:
var checkedCheckboxes = $('.categoryTypeCB:checked');
$.each(checkedCheckboxes, function(index, checkbox) {
var theValue = checkbox.value;
The each funciton is a loop so you need to handle somehow 'theValue' each iteration. The checkbox argument contains the input element itself if you need it.
BTW. You shouldn't assign the same id for many inputs. It's incorrect. Id has to be unique for each HTML element among document tree.
I'm porting the servlet/jsp Netbeans' Affableben tutorial to JSF Framework, and want to use Facelets for the view.
I already have the JPA entities, the session beans and the managed beans. I'm starting with the View. However, I have not found the equivalent in Facelets to work around this line:
<a href="<c:url value='category?${}'/>">
This is the full loop, both in jsp and facelets:
JSP code:
<c:forEach var="category" items="${categories}">
<div class="categoryBox">
<a href="<c:url value='category?${}'/>">
<span class="categoryLabel"></span>
<span class="categoryLabelText"><fmt:message key='${}'/></span>
<img src="${initParam.categoryImagePath}${}.jpg"
alt="<fmt:message key='${}'/>" class="categoryImage">
Equivalent Facelets code:
<ui:repeat var="category" value="${categoryController.items}">
<div class="categoryBox">
<h:link outcome="${}"/>
<span class="categoryLabel"></span>
<span class="categoryLabelText">${}</span>
<img src="./resources/img/categories/${}.jpg"
alt="${}" class="categoryImage"/>
This line is not working in Facelets as expected:
<h:link outcome="${}"/>
What would be a working equivalent in Facelets?
public String getName() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return URLEncoder.encode(name, "UTF-8");
Warning message: Unable to find resource img/categories/fruit+%26+veg.jpg
The <h:link> utilizes JSF implicit navigation and requires a real (implicit) navigation outcome value. You need to specify the view ID in the outcome. You need to specify request parameters by <f:param>. You also need to nest the spans and the image in the link as you did in your initial example. Assuming that you have a category.xhtml file in the root, this should do:
<h:link outcome="category">
<f:param name="id" value="#{}" />
<span class="categoryLabel"></span>
<span class="categoryLabelText">#{}</span>
<img src="./resources/img/categories/#{}.jpg"
alt="#{}" class="categoryImage"/>
Unrelated to the concrete question, you should be using <h:graphicImage> instead of <img> as well. This way JSF will ensure that the src is properly set. In your particular case that would be
<h:graphicImage name="img/categories/#{}.jpg"
alt="#{}" class="categoryImage"/>
(note that I replaced ${} by #{}, just to adhere the standard and for the consistency)
You can change from this line:
<a href="<c:url value='category?${}'/>">
to this:
<h:link outcome="category.xhtml?id=#{}" />
<h:link outcome="category">
<f:param name="id" value="#{}" />
<h:outputLink value="category.xhtml?id=#{}" ></h:outputLink>
I know this may have something to do with the phase each one comes in at.
If I do this.
<ui:repeat id="repeatChart" varStatus="loop" value="#{viewLines.jflotChartList}" var="jflotChart">
<jflot:chart height="300" width="925" dataModel="#{jflotChart.dataSet}" dataModel2="#{jflotChart.dataSet2}"
shadeAreaStart ="#{jflotChart.shadeAreaStart}"
shadeAreaEnd ="#{jflotChart.shadeAreaEnd}"
lineMark="#{jflotChart.wrapSpec.benchmark}" yMin="#{jflotChart.yMin}" yMax="#{jflotChart.yMax}" />
<br />
My code will not work. Debugging the javascript shows that the same id is generated for every iteration. I've tried putting loop.index to create an id and that gives me an error saying that id can't be blank.
If I exchange the ui:repeat for a c:forEach it works fine. Debugging the javascript shows that a new id is created for each iteration.
Here is my backing code(some of it).
<div id="#{}_flot_placeholder" style="width:#{cc.attrs.width}px;height:#{cc.attrs.height}px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var placeholder = $("##{}_flot_placeholder");
var overviewPlaceholder = $("##{}_flot_overview");
The id needs to be different so the javascript can render to the correct div. I've tried explicitly defining an id attribute and then passing that as the id in the client code. Like I said before that doesn't work. Thanks for any help.
Here is my problem. I can't use the clientId in the div tag because of the colon character obviously. I have modified it in javascript but how would I get that value to the div. I can't get the div tag by id because I need to generate the id. I can't seem to do a document.write() either. I'm stuck at this point.
<div id="#{cc.clientId}_flot_placeholder" style="width:400px;height:400px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var clientIdOld = '#{cc.clientId}';
var clientId = clientIdOld.replace(':', '_');
var placeholder = $('#'+clientId+'_flot_placeholder');
var overviewPlaceholder = $('#'+clientId+'_flot_overview');
I did a quick test on local environment (Mojarra 2.0.4 on Tomcat 7.0.11). Using #{cc.clientId} gives you an unique ID back everytime.
<ui:repeat value="#{bean.items}" var="item">
<cc:test />
<div id="#{cc.clientId}_foo">foo</div>
Here's the generated HTML source:
<div id="j_idt6:0:j_idt7_foo">foo</div>
<div id="j_idt6:1:j_idt7_foo">foo</div>
<div id="j_idt6:2:j_idt7_foo">foo</div>
This should be sufficient for your functional requirement. You might only want to escape the default separator : or to replace it by a custom separator since it's a reserved character in CSS selectors.
Update: so you want to escape it, you should then replace : by \: and not by _.
var clientId = clientIdOld.replace(/:/g, '\\:');
(the /:/g is a regex which ensures that all occurrences will be replaced and the double slash is just to escape the slash itself in JS strings, like as you normally do in Java strings)
Using Grails' GSP <g:set> tag, is it possible to specify the type of the variable? I want to declare an integer variable, but <g:set> always declares a sting. For example:
<g:set var="x" value="100"/>
results in
class java.lang.String
I'd like to declare x as an integer. I noticed that using the JSP tag <% int x=100; %> results in:
class java.lang.Integer
Is there a way to do this the Grails/GSP way?
Use the ${} syntax when defining the value. For example:
<g:set var="x" value="${100}"/>
You can see the tag doc for g:set for more info.
Just as an additional comment for someone who comes across this since it is the only useful result on the Internet for and casting/Int/Sring/etc. This example works in the case of variables:
<g:set var="printLeft" value="${offer?.metaInfo?.redeemPrintY as Integer}"/>
<g:set var="printTop" value="${offer?.metaInfo?.redeemPrintX as Integer}"/>
<g:set var="printWidth" value="${offer?.metaInfo?.redeemPrintW as Integer}"/>
<g:set var="printHeight" value="${offer?.metaInfo?.redeemPrintH as Integer}"/>
<area shape="rect" coords="${printLeft},${printTop},${printLeft+printWidth},${printTop+printHeight}" onClick="printOffer();" />