In the path tracer example in the SDK I want to add an OBJ file to trace, so I went over to the loadGeometry() function, and right after the last parallelogram creation, I added this code block
OptiXMesh mesh;
mesh.context = context;
loadMesh(mesh_file, mesh);
//setMaterial(gis.back(), diffuse, "diffuse_color", white);
note that gis is a GeometryInstance vector.
When I run it, the display window opens, and immediately closes and I get the following exceptions:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA2856A388 in optixPathTracer.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: optix::TypeMismatch at memory location 0x0000000E29EFF030.
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA2856A388 in optixPathTracer.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: optix::Exception at memory location 0x0000000E29EFF5C0.
If I comment out the modified code block, it works fine.
How can I load an OBJ file to the tracer? Do I need to add something in the shaders / RT_PROGRAMs side?
Thank in advance!
P.S. I know that the loadMesh() function takes care of the material, but since the program doesn't work, I tried to set a material just like it's shown for all the other GeometryInstances, as demonstrated in the code block above.
About intersect function:
In the path tracer example the scene is made of parallelograms. In the file the intersect function is called by the OptiX pipeline to detect if a ray intersects a parallelogram (4 points shape). In OptixPathTracer.cpp, in the createParallelogram method, the intersection program is set to be the function in file.
When you load a mesh, it is (most commonly) made of triangles, so the intersect function that is being used is not appropriate to the geometry of the mesh (and I guess that explains the TypeMismatch error, but the message is not very clear and you did not post a complete example that allows to reproduce the error).
How to fix:
If you look at the ray casting example, in there's an intersect function that's made for triangles. You should most probably copy that triangle intersection function to your cu file (don't forget to rename it: there's already an intercept function there that is used for parallelograms), then when you create the Geometry object for your mesh, call setIntersectionProgram with the triangle intersection function as parameter.
The other way:
You can also start working on the mesh viewer example and change the raytracing code (cu files) to do path tracing. It is a good exercice to understand how OptiX works.
I am using the Microsoft Point Of Service SDK and I am testing both in my application and the Sample provided with the SDK to try and print a Line with code similar to this:
posPrinter.DrawRuledLine(PrinterStation.Receipt, "0,500", LineDirection.Horizontal, 1, LineStyle.BrokenLine, 1);
I get this error:
POSControlException ErrorCode(Illegal) ExtendedErrorCode(0) occurred: Method DrawRuledLine threw an exception. Attempt was made to perform an illegal or unsupported operation with the device, or an invalid parameter value was used.
Microsoft POS has a tendency to throw very generic errors and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I had similar errors on other methods and it turned out it was because I was passing a parameter that didn't quite work, like a too big a width. But I have tested all kinds of combinations and this always fails. And there is no enough documentation on the parameters it receives.
What parameters do I need to pass to this method to draw a line? Is this the preferred way to draw a line with Microsoft POS?
Microsoft Point Of Service(part of the UnifiedPOS implementation) is an API with an abstract standard specification and does not have all the features of a real printer.
If your printer and the service object that runs it do not have DrawRuledLine functionality, you will get that error.
ErrorCode Enumeration (POS for .NET v1.12 SDK Documentation)
An attempt was made to perform an illegal or unsupported operation with the device, or an invalid parameter value was used.
The presence or absence of the function can be confirmed in advance by checking the value of the CapRecRuledLine(CapSlpRuledLine for Slip stations) property.
If you want to draw a line on a receipt with this DrawRuledLine method, you need to switch to a printer and service object that supports that feature.
If you don't want to change the printer, you'll have to replace it with a character line.
I've been learning how to influence HUDs and use draw functions on Gmod but whenever I try running any code relying on a 2d rendering context hook like HUDPaint it doesn't seem to work. There's no error that appears but there's also no drawing or any change to the HUD. Here's my code:
function test()
surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 120 )
surface.DrawRect( 50, 50, 128, 128 )
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "HUDPaint_DrawABox", test)
I'm not sure if it's a problem with HUDPaint, or the function I'm using to draw(test). My best guess is that it has something to do with HUDPaint being a server-side script, as I haven't yet used any code that is specifically server-side. I've been attempting to run this code in the normal singleplayer Gmod instance, which has worked so far for me when I've used other scripts.
HUDPaint is client-side, as are all rendering hooks.
Where are you placing the lua file for this?
It should be placed in addons/YOUR ADDON NAME/lua/autorun/client
Also, it's more standard convention to use draw.RoundedBox
(As you don't want to be setting a suface draw color unnecessarily if you can help it)
I am trying to make a simple UI using qtlua, in which I want to capture the slider value everytime it changes. I tried to connect to the valueChanged() signal, but qlua gives me the following error:
cannot find source signal valueChanged()
The code snippet looks like this:
slide = (widget.sliderLight)
qt.connect(slide, 'valueChanged()',
print('Value: ', slide.value)
So just a test to print everytime the value changes. But I cannot get it working. The documentation for the qtlua doesn't have a class for qslider, so that's a dead end for me. And I couldn't find any examples for using qtlua with a slider that is connected to the valueChanged() signal. The only example I found was with the test.lua in the qtuiloader example, but that uses a timer, which I assume is pooled at regular interval. My aim is to hook this up to an image processing system, so it would be useful if I could tie it to when the value changes, rather than patch in with a timer and a check system. I am pretty new to qt, so must be missing something. Any and all help would be really appreciated!
Oh and I made sure I have tracking checkbox checked in the qtdesigner, to ensure that the signal is emitted.
Okay, so I dug around a little more in the documentation of QT for the valueChanged() slot. Turns out, the function signature has an int argument in it, so the Lua connect code was looking for a function signature without any arguments. Modifying the above code to the following works as expected:
slide = (widget.sliderLight)
qt.connect(slide, 'valueChanged(int)',
print('Value: ', w)
Declaring a function with the same signature also passes in the required value, which saves me an explicit value query.
Hopefully, this will be useful for someone someday.
I have read the official document.I'm confused that the document conflict itself.
Here is the document picked from the official:
However, this code is well-formed:
ws.async_read(b, [](error_code, std::size_t){});
ws.async_write(, [](error_code, std::size_t){});
ws.async_ping({}, {});
ws.async_close({}, {});
and here is another snippet:
This operation is implemented in terms of one or more calls to the next layer's async_write_some functions, and is known as a composed operation. The program must ensure that the stream performs no other write operations (such as websocket::stream::async_write, websocket::stream::async_write_some, or websocket::stream::async_close).
so, which one should I trust?
This part is correct:
The other text needs to be updated.
We have two source of inputs to create a Batch first is Folder Import and second is Email import.
I need to add condition where if the source of image is Email it should not allow to rotate the image and like wise if source if Folder import it should rotate the image.
I have added a script for this in KTM.
It is showing proper message of the source of image but it is not stopping the rotation of the image.
Below check the below script for reference.
Public Function setRotationRule(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim FullPath As String
Dim PathArry() As String
Dim xfolder As CscXFolder
Set xfolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder
While Not xfolder.IsRootFolder
Set xfolder = xfolder.ParentFolder
'Added for KTM script testing
FullPath= "F:\Emailmport\dilipnikam#gmail.com_09-01-2014_10-02-37\dfdsg.pdf"'
If xfolder.XValues.ItemExists("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName") Then
FullPath= xfolder.XValues.ItemByName("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName").Value
End If
PathArry() = Split(FullPath,"\")
If Not PathArry(1) = "EmailImport" Then
For i = 0 To pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(i).Rotation = Csc_RT_NoRotation
Next i
End If
End Function
The KTM Scripting Help has a misleading topic named "Dynamically Suppress Orientation Detection for Full Page OCR" where it shows setting Csc_RT_NoRotation from the Document_AfterClassifyXDoc event.
The reason I think this is misleading is because rotation may already have occurred before that event and thus setting the property has no effect. This can happen if layout classification has run, or if OCR has run (which can be triggered by content classification, or if any project-level locators need OCR). The sample in that topic does suggest that it is only for use when classifiers are not used, but it could be explained better.
The code you've shown would be best called from the event Document_BeforeProcessXDoc. This will run before the entire classify phase (including project-level locators), ensuring that rotation could not have already occurred.
Of course, also make sure this isn't because of a typo or anything else preventing the code from actually executing, as mentioned in the comments.