I want to send a request from a Controller of the ASP.NET MVC application that is deployed on the Microsoft Azure Cloud Active Directory and receive a response from the service that is still deployed on the Microsoft Azure Cloud Active Directory.
For this purpose, I downloaded an example you can see from here and customize it for myself. A detailed document of my actions is contained in the same link.
When I tested service and web applications on my azure portal, I encountered an error message in the header:
Failed to acquire token silently as no token was found in the cache.
Call method AcquireToken
Where the error occurred is the following part in my controller:
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential( clientId, appKey );
result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync( todoListResourceId, credential, new UserIdentifier( userObjectID, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId ) );
clientId: Identifier of my web application installed on Azure AD (For example: c95d45dd-ba7f-41be-a995-1db604afff32)
appKey: Hidden key value of my web application in the portal
todoListResourceId: Identification of my API application installed on Azure AD (For example: 4cfebcb4-6f2e-4eeb-84f2-4220f65774ed)
userObjectID: Value returned from the following piece of code
string userObjectID = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst( "http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier" ).Value;
i.e. a value for the user who is online in the browser. As stated in the document on my GitHub link, this value is not my Microsoft account that I used when logging into my azure portal, but a value for my user that I registered to my Azure Active Directory
A similar topic to this topic has been discussed and answered here before, but this answer has not solved my problem.
I've been working for days, but I haven't gotten a response from the GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods in the service. I keep dealing with the error in the title. I'm waiting for your help.
The reason you're receiving this error is because the call acquiretokensilentasync is EXPECTED to throw that error when the cache is empty. This call is meant to be caught in a try catch. If it does throw this error it should call the acquiretokenasync call.
In addition to that it looks like you're trying to utilize the client credential flow with the acquiretokensilentasync call, which is not the right method to use per the ADAL wiki docs.
See here on how to do this properly: https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-dotnet/wiki/Client-credential-flows
It looks like you're using an app id and secret, the method in particular on how to do this per the doc linked above is :
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantId>");
AuthenticationResult result = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://resourceUrl", clientCredential);
More documentation specifically for the acquiretokensilentasync call can be found here : https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-dotnet/wiki/AcquireTokenSilentAsync-using-a-cached-token
From the doc above :
Recommended pattern to acquire a token
Now that you have seen both AcquireTokenAsync, AcquireTokenSilentAsync, it's the right moment to
present the recommended usage pattern for calling these methods. The
idea is that you want to minimize the number of signings for the user,
and therefore you'd want to:
first try to acquire a token silently, and if this call fails you try
to get one interactively. Note that, AcquireTokenSilent does not need
to be called in the Client credentials flow (when the application
acquires token without a user, but in its own name)
Note that AcquireTokenSilent can fail for several reasons, such as the
cache does not contain a token for the user, or the token has expired
and cannot be refreshed. For these reasons, a call to
AcquireTokenAsync will usually get a token. But there are also issues
such as network problems, STS unavailability, etc., which won't be
directly solvable. You will see them in more details in the article
about best practices for Handling errors.
In addition to that, it looks like you're using the ADAL Library, I suggest to move over to the MSAL library since Microsoft is slowly moving towards utilizing the MSAL libraries and will at some point in the future (maybe far future) move off of ADAL/V1.0 endpoint. There are no current hard dates for this however. The doc on moving over from ADAL to MSAL can be found here :
I am trying to create an application using the WooCommerce RESTful APIs. I have embedded the AFOAuth1Client for the OAuth authentication but, every time I make a service call for a path, say "products, I get an invalid signature error from WooCommerce. I hit this error only when the WooCommerce RESTful APIs version is v3(EX: http://localhost/wordpress/wc-api/v3). But, if I use v2, I get the response and can see the list of products available. How can I go about making this to work?
I'm trying to integrate Future Payments in my iOS using Ruby SDK on server. According to instructions at https://developer.paypal.com/docs/integration/mobile/make-future-payment/ I follow the following procedure:
I receive OAuth2 token from mobile client.
I use FuturePayment.exch_token(oauth2_code) to exchange it for refresh and access token.
I expect a response similar to what's mentioned in https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-iOS-SDK/blob/master/docs/future_payments_server.md
But I receive just a string which is similar to access token. This is what I got in one of the calls: A015IvJ2HjzJgSI-Qve0VXT3LNKEi67KBGplwkGEptj3DCg
I tried using this token immediately to create a FuturePayment object and I succeeded eventually. But the problem is, since I dont get a refresh token, how would I be able to process/create FuturePayments for the same account in later future?
This looks like a bug in ruby SDK. Please open an issue on github.
Until fix is released, you can make future payment calls.
Exchange authorization code with Tokeninfo object that has both refresh token and access token by calling create_from_authorization_code(). Use create_from_refresh_token() if you have a refresh token and want to retrieve an access token with it: https://github.com/paypal/sdk-core-ruby/blob/master/lib/paypal-sdk/core/openid_connect.rb#L60
I use twitter4j in a twitter client with OAuth.
The same AccessToken is used to make calls to the api concurrently:
to make calls to get/followers/ids and to get/friends/ids.
As I get quite a few 401 errors during these calls, I wondered if this concurrent use of the same AccessToken was a possible source of the problem?
Notes for clarification:
- the 401 code corresponds to an auth error in theory, but my auth is ok.
- the doc says the twitter4j Twitter object is fit for concurrency, but my question is, even when the same AccessToken is passed to it?
There are no clear docs or anything. shadowhand's demo repo is broken. How to actually use Twitter Oauth provider in Kohana 3.0?
It's a bit complicated, but the steps basically are:
Build an OAuth_Consumer
Build a OAuth_Provider (twitter)
Get a request token
Redirect them to the authorize_url
Get the callback
Exchange the request token for an access token
Make API calls
Here's an example controller that does all of that: https://gist.github.com/1267793