Dependency injection in Xunit project - dependency-injection

I am working on an ASP.Net Core MVC Web application.
My Solution contains 2 projects:
One for the application and
A second project, dedicated to unit tests (XUnit).
I have added a reference to the application project in the Tests project.
What I want to do now is to write a class in the XUnit Tests project which will communicate with the database through entity framework.
What I was doing in my application project was to access to my DbContext class through constructor dependency injection.
But I cannot do this in my tests project, because I have no Startup.cs file. In this file I can declare which services will be available.
So what can I do to get a reference to an instance of my DbContext in the test class?

You can implement your own service provider to resolve DbContext.
public class DbFixture
public DbFixture()
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection();
.AddDbContext<SomeContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer("connection string"),
ServiceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
public ServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; private set; }
public class UnitTest1 : IClassFixture<DbFixture>
private ServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public UnitTest1(DbFixture fixture)
_serviceProvider = fixture.ServiceProvider;
public void Test1()
using (var context = _serviceProvider.GetService<SomeContext>())
But bear in your mind using EF inside a unit test is not a good idea and it's better to mock DbContext.
The Anatomy of Good Unit Testing

You can use Xunit.DependencyInjection

For unit tests you need to mock your context.
There is a great nuget package for mocking that is called Moq.
Some help to get you started:
public ClassName : IDisposable
private SomeClassRepository _repository;
private Mock<DbSet<SomeClass>> _mockSomeClass;
public ClassName()
_mockSomeClass = new Mock<DbSet<SomeClass>>();
var mockContext = new Mock<IApplicationDbContext>();
mockContext.SetupGet(c => c.SomeClass).Returns(_mockSomeClass.Object);
_repository = new SomeClassRepository(mockContext.Object);
public void Dispose()
// Anything you need to dispose
public void SomeClassTest()
var someClass = new SomeClass() { // Initilize object };
_mockSomeClass.SetSource(new[] { someClass });
var result = _repository.GetSomethingFromRepo( ... );
// Assert the result
For integration tests you do the same thing but the setup is:
_context = new ApplicationDbContext();
Make sure that your TestClass inherits from IDisposable (TestClass : IDisposable) so that you can dispose the context after each test.

You can to use package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory
var _dbContextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;
And then
var context = new DbContext(_dbContextOptions);


SaveChanges() and adding to DB not working

I am working on adding Entity Framework to our web app, MVC 5, but I am having a hardtime saving changes and adding to the database. I set up UnitOfWork with a generic BaseRepository, and I have tried a few things attempting to get this to work. first, I thought I could inject, with AutoFac, my repo in UnitOfWork like so
public UnitOfWork(IServiceItem serviceItem
, ITechServiceItem techServiceItem
, ITechnicianTime technicianTime
, ISproc sproc
, IRepairOrder repairOrder
, ICustomer customer
, IRepairOrderStatus repairOrderStatus
, IRepairOrderUnit repairOrderUnit
, IFiles files
, IPartInventory partInventory
, IRepairOrderItems repairOrderItems
RepairOrderItems = repairOrderItems;
PartInventory = partInventory;
Files = files;
RepairOrderUnit = repairOrderUnit;
RepairOrderStatus = repairOrderStatus;
RepairOrder = repairOrder;
Customer = customer;
Sproc = sproc;
ServiceItem = serviceItem;
TechServiceItem = techServiceItem;
TechnicianTime = technicianTime;
and my BaseRepo is like
public class BaseRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
protected DataDbContext _db;
public class BaseRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
protected DataDbContext _db;
internal void GetData()
if (_db == null)
string accountNumber = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetCompanyAccountNumber();
var connectionToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginSplitToken"];
_db = new DataDbContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NameOfConnString"].ConnectionString.Replace(connectionToken, accountNumber));
public TEntity Get(int id)
return _db.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
public IEnumerable<TEntity> GetAll()
return _db.Set<TEntity>().ToList();
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Find(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate)
return _db.Set<TEntity>().Where(predicate);
public void Add(TEntity entity)
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
public void Remove(TEntity entity)
public void RemoveRange(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
public int CompleteData()
return _db.SaveChanges();
public TEntity Get(int id)
return _db.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
public IEnumerable<TEntity> GetAll()
return _db.Set<TEntity>().ToList();
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Find(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate)
return _db.Set<TEntity>().Where(predicate);
public void Add(TEntity entity)
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
public void Remove(TEntity entity)
public void RemoveRange(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
public int CompleteData()
return _db.SaveChanges();
and my StartUp.Configuration
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
HttpConfiguration config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
builder.Register(c => HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication).InstancePerRequest();
builder.Register(c => HttpContext.Current.User).InstancePerRequest();
builder.Register(c => app.GetDataProtectionProvider()).InstancePerRequest();
builder.RegisterType<ApplicationUserStore>().As<IUserStore<EverLogicMamber, int>>()
.WithParameter(new TypedParameter(typeof(ISecurityOfWork), new SecurityOfWork(new SecurityDbContext())))
var container = builder.Build();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
But with this set up, the database does not update or add new entitys.
Then i tryed removing Dependcy injection from UnitOfWork and set UnitOfWork up like
protected DataDbContext _db;
public UnitOfWork(DataDbContext context)
RepairOrderItems = new RepairOrderItems(_db);
PartInventory = new PartInventory(_db);
Files = new Files(_db);
RepairOrderUnit = new RepairOrderUnit(_db);
RepairOrderStatus = new RepairOrderStatus(_db);
RepairOrder = new RepairOrder(_db);
Customer = new Customer(_db);
Sproc = new Sproc(_db);
ServiceItem = new ServiceItem(_db);
TechServiceItem = new TechServiceItem(_db);
TechnicianTime = new TechnicianTime(_db);
internal void GetData()
if (_db == null)
string accountNumber = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetCompanyAccountNumber();
var connectionToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginSplitToken"];
_db = new DataDbContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NameOfConnString"].ConnectionString.Replace(connectionToken, accountNumber));
and moving SaveChanges from the BaseRepo to UnitOfWork, but still nothing is saving or adding to the database.
What am i missing????
TL;DR the problem is that all your repositories are using separate, independent DbContexts, so the DbContext injected into your UnitOfWork has no pending changes when you call SaveChanges on it, so that's why you aren't seeing any change to the database.
In order for the Unit of Work to function correctly, your UnitOfWork class, and all the repository classes which your code needs to perform data persistence, must all share the same DbContext instance. In your code, it's clear that each repository has a factory method to create it's own, independent DbContext instance.
Remove the GetData() factory method from your BaseRepository class, and instead, require an instance of your EverLogicDbContext instance to injected to the constructor of BaseRepository by AutoFac. This will require that all your Repository subclasses also need to have a constructor accepting this same EverLogicDbContext.
As per your last edit, the UnitOfWork class must accept the same, shared EverLogicDbContext that the repositories use. Since you've tagged with then RequestPerInstance lifetime scope is correct for your scenario.
Your UnitOfWork class needs to control the SaveChanges(Async) method, so remove the CompleteData method from the BaseRepository class.
As you already seem to have done, the DbContext needs to be registered InstancePerRequest:
If all this is tied together correctly:
AutoFac will create an instance of your concrete DbContext the first time it is needed during processing of each Request.
All Repositories will then share the same DbContext instance for the lifetime of the Request, and the DbContext will track interim changes made by your services.
The UnitOfWork injected into your main "business logic" (e.g. Controller, or Orchestrator / Handler) will then be able to Commit the actions taken by simply calling SaveChangesAsync on the shared DbContext. This will all happen under a single database connection, so will be a lightweight transaction.
As per other comments above, IMO Entity Framework is a already high level framework with transactional support built-in, so there's little point in over-engineering a "UnitOfWork" pattern if all the ACID activity will be conducted against the same Database (and can be wrapped into the same DbContext).

How to conditionally instantiate a named Unity registration type

I have looked around on StackOverflow for a solution to my problem. Though I don't think this is a unique problem, I haven't been able to find a good solution.
In my WPF application, in my viewmodels, I need to call some services to return some data. These services get injected with UnitOfWork which in turn gets injected with the DbContext. This dbcontext that get injected into the UnitOfWork should differ based on some criteria.
I am having trouble doing the IoC container registrations the right way and injecting the right DbContext at runtime. So, if someone can please fill in the blanks (in the unity registrations as well as it's usage). I have some inline comments in the following code where I am in trouble and need help. Thanks.
If someone can replace my Registration code the right way and also educate me how to use it in my WPF ViewModel class, that would be truly great! Thanks.
One final note: If you find coding errors in this code, please don't start wondering how does this even compile? The code here is not my real code. To simplify things, I just wrote them up. But it does resemble very closely to my real app code.
public interface IDBContext{}
public interface IUnitOfWork{}
public interface ISomeEntityService{}
public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
{ T GetSingle( Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate ); }
public class DBContext1 : IDBContext
public DBContext1(connString) : base(connString){}
public class DBContext2 : IDBContext
public DBContext2(connString) : base(connString){}
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
private readonly IDBContext context;
private readonly IDbSet<T> dbSet;
public Repository(IDBContext ctx)
context = ctx;
dbSet = ((DbContext)context).Set<T>();
public T GetSingle( Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate )
return ((DbContext)context).Set<T>().SingleOrDefault(predicate);
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
IDBContext ctx;
private Dictionary<string, dynamic> repositories;
public UnitOfWork(IDBContext context)
ctx = context;
public IRepository<T> Repository<T>() where T : class
if (repositories == null)
repositories = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
var type = nameof(T);
if (repositories.ContainsKey(type))
return (IRepository<T>)repositories[type];
var repositoryType = typeof(Repository<>);
repositories.Add(type, Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType.MakeGenericType(typeof(T)), ctx));
return repositories[type];
public int SaveChanges()
return ctx.SaveChanges();
public class MyUnityBootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
protected override void ConfigureContainer()
Container.RegisterType<IDBContext, DBContext1>("Context1");
Container.RegisterType<IDBContext, DBContext2>("Context2");
Container.RegisterType(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<>));
Container.RegisterType<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
public class SomeEntityService : ISomeEntityService
private IUnitOfWork uow;
public ConsumerService( IUnitOfWork _uow )
{ uow = _uow; }
public SomeEntity GetSomeData( int id )
return uow.Repository<SomeEntity>().GetSingle( x => x.Id == id);
public class SomeViewModel : BindableBase
private readonly ISomeEntityService someService;
public SomeViewModel( ISomeEntityService _someService)
// when I call someService, I want to make sure it is using either
// DBContext1 or DBContext2 based on some condition I can set here.
// This is where I am totally stuck.
someService = _someService;
// get the repository instance with an id of 1000
someService.GetSomeData( 1000 );
I could do something like this. But I am afraid, I am violating
two of the best practices recommendations.
1. I am creating a dependency to my IoC Container here.
2. I am using the container as a Service Locator
public class SomeViewModel : BindableBase
private readonly ISomeEntityService someService;
public SomeViewModel()
var container = SomeHowGetTheContainer();
1. Call Container.Resolve<IDBContext>(with the required context);
2. Use the retrieved context to inject into the UnitOfWork
3. Use the retrieved UnitOfWork to inject into the service
But that would be like throwing everything about best practices to the wind!
someService = container.Resolve<ISomeEntityService>( /*do some magic here to get the right context*/)
// get the repository instance with an id of 1000
someService.GetSomeData( 1000 );
Add a factory like this that resolves your ISomeEntityService:
public MySomeEntityServiceFactory
public MySomeEntityServiceFactory( IUnityContainer container )
_container = container;
public ISomeEntityService CreateSomeEntityService( bool condition )
return _container.Resolve<ISomeEntityService>( condition ? "VariantA" : "VariantB" );
private readonly IUnityContainer _container;
and add two named bindings like:
_container.RegisterType<ISomeEntityService, SomeEntityService>( "VariantA", new InjectionConstructor( new ResolvedParameter<IDBContext>( "VariantA" ) ) );
_container.RegisterType<ISomeEntityService, SomeEntityService>( "VariantB", new InjectionConstructor( new ResolvedParameter<IDBContext>( "VariantB" ) ) );
For IUnitOfWork, you can add a similar factory that resolves the unit of work, and call it in SomeEntityService's constructor passing in the IDBContext...
Those factories are additional dependencies themselves, btw...

Why does Autofixture w/ AutoMoqCustomization stop complaining about lack of parameterless constructor when class is sealed?

When I use Moq directly to mock IBuilderFactory and instantiate BuilderService myself in a unit test, I can get a passing test which verifies that the Create() method of IBuilderFactory is called exactly once.
However, when I use Autofixture with AutoMoqCustomization, freezing a mock of IBuilderFactory and instantiating BuilderService with fixture.Create<BuilderService>, I get the following exception:
System.ArgumentException: Can not instantiate proxy of class: OddBehaviorTests.CubeBuilder. Could not find a parameterless
constructor. Parameter name: constructorArguments
If I make CubeBuilder sealed (represented by replacing it with the sealed class SealedCubeBuilder which is called by IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder.Create(), the test passes using AutoFixture with AutoMoqCustomization, with no exception thrown.
Am I missing something? Since I get passing tests using Moq directly, I believe this is related to Autofixture and/or AutoMoqCustomization. Is this the desired behavior? If so, why?
To reproduce, I'm using:
using Moq;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoMoq;
using Xunit;
Here are the four tests illustrating the behavior:
public class BuilderServiceTests {
public void CubeBuilderFactoryCreateMethodShouldBeCalled_UsingMoq() {
var factory = new Mock<IBuilderFactory>();
var sut = new BuilderService(factory.Object);
factory.Verify(f => f.Create(), Times.Once());
public void CubeBuilderFactoryCreateMethodShouldBeCalled_UsingAutoFixture() {
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var factory = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IBuilderFactory>>();
var sut = fixture.Create<BuilderService>();
sut.Create(); // EXCEPTION THROWN!!
factory.Verify(f => f.Create(), Times.Once());
public void SealedCubeBuilderFactoryCreateMethodShouldBeCalled_UsingMoq() {
var factory = new Mock<IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder>();
var sut = new BuilderServiceForSealedBuilder(factory.Object);
factory.Verify(f => f.Create(), Times.Once());
public void SealedCubeBuilderFactoryCreateMethodShouldBeCalled_UsingAutoFixture() {
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var factory = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder>>();
var sut = fixture.Create<BuilderServiceForSealedBuilder>();
factory.Verify(f => f.Create(), Times.Once());
Here are the required classes:
public interface IBuilderService { IBuilder Create(); }
public class BuilderService : IBuilderService {
private readonly IBuilderFactory _factory;
public BuilderService(IBuilderFactory factory) { _factory = factory; }
public IBuilder Create() { return _factory.Create(); }
public class BuilderServiceForSealedBuilder : IBuilderService {
private readonly IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder _factory;
public BuilderServiceForSealedBuilder(IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder factory) { _factory = factory; }
public IBuilder Create() { return _factory.Create(); }
public interface IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder { SealedCubeBuilder Create(); }
public interface IBuilderFactory { CubeBuilder Create(); }
public interface IBuilder { void Build(); }
public abstract class Builder : IBuilder {
public void Build() { } // build stuff
public class CubeBuilder : Builder {
private Cube _cube;
public CubeBuilder(Cube cube) { _cube = cube; }
public sealed class SealedCubeBuilder : Builder {
private Cube _cube;
public SealedCubeBuilder(Cube cube) { _cube = cube; }
public class Cube { }
If you look at the stack trace, you'll notice that the exception happens deep within Moq. AutoFixture is an opinionated library, and one of the opinions it holds is that nulls are invalid return values. For that reason, AutoMoqCustomization configures all Mock instances like this:
mock.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;
(among other things). Thus, you can reproduce the failing test entirely without AutoFixture:
public void ReproWithoutAutoFixture()
var factory = new Mock<IBuilderFactory>();
factory.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;
var sut = new BuilderService(factory.Object);
sut.Create(); // EXCEPTION THROWN!!
factory.Verify(f => f.Create(), Times.Once());
The strange thing is that it still seems to work with sealed classes. This is, however, not quite true, but rather originates in the OP tests being False Negatives.
Consider this Characterization Test of Moq:
public void MoqCharacterizationForUnsealedClass()
var factory = new Mock<IBuilderFactory>();
factory.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => factory.Object.Create());
Moq correctly throws an exception because it's been asked to create an instance of CubeBuilder, and it doesn't know how to do that, because CubeBuilder has no default constructor, and no Setup tells it how to deal with calls to Create.
(As an aside, the irony here is that AutoFixture would be perfectly able to create an instance of CubeBuilder, but there's no extensibility point in Moq that enables AutoFixture to go in and take over Moq's default object instance creation behaviour.)
Now consider this Characterization test when a return type is sealed:
public void MoqCharacterizationForSealedClass()
var factory = new Mock<IBuilderFactoryForSealedBuilder>();
factory.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock;
var actual = factory.Object.Create();
It turns out that in this case, despite having been implicitly told not to return null, Moq does so anyway.
My theory is that what's really going on is that in MoqCharacterizationForUnsealedClass above, what factory.DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock; really means is that Moq creates a mock of CubeBuilder - in other words, it dynamically emits a class that derives from CubeBuilder. However, when asked to create a mock of SealedCubeBuilder, it can't, because it can't create a class derived from a sealed class.
Instead of throwing an exception, it returns null. This is inconsistent behaviour, and I've reported this as a bug in Moq.

Unit Testing a mock WCF client

I'm having serious issues in how to deploy a WCF client in a MVC site which is easily testable. I'm struggling to set up a mock of the service without actually accessing a endpoint.
Example Controller of site under test
public class ProfileController : ControllerExtended
public ProfileController(IUserService membershipService, IDropDownService dropdownService, ISiteService siteService)
WCFService.Instance.Client = siteService; //Should maybe be a serpate service.
_membershipService = membershipService;
_dropDownService = dropdownService;
_siteService = siteService;
public ActionResult Index()
UserComp profile = _siteService.ProfileGet(;
return View(new ProfileViewModel { Profile = profile });
WCF Singleton (I think my implementation of WCF is my issue, should it be in a interface?)
public sealed class WCFService
public SiteServiceI Client { get; set; }
#region Singleton
static readonly WCFService query = new WCFService();
static WCFService()
public static WCFService Instance
get { return query; }
public class UnitTest1
private Mock<SiteService> mockSiteService;
private Mock<IUserService> mockMembershipService;
private Mock<IDropDownService> mockDropDown;
private Mock<SiteServiceIClient> mockServiceClient; //new Mock<SiteServiceIClient>();
//private Mock<WebService> mockWebService;
public void SetUp()
mockSiteService = new Mock<ISiteService>();
mockMembershipService = new Mock<IUserService>();
mockDropDown = new Mock<IDropDownService>();
mockServiceClient = new Mock<SiteServiceIClient>();
mockWebService = new Mock<WebService>(mockServiceClient);
public void CheckHomeIndex_Controller()
var controller = new HomeController(mockMembershipService.Object, mockDropDown.Object, mockPTSearch.Object, mockServiceClient.Object); // mockServiceClient times out.
Assert.AreEqual("this", "this");
I assume the errors are occurring because the singleton sets the service up as soon as it is initialised. I've tried to implement a separate service purely for called to WCF but not had success in implementing it in a testable manner. Not too sure if this is to vague but I've read a lot on it and not an closer.
The singleton is definitely your problem - testing with singletons is entering a world of pain. You should implement a facade pattern to make this testing friendly. Something like this:
public interface IServiceFacade
Profile ProfileGet(int id);
public class ServiceFacade : IServiceFacade
private WCFService _theRealService = new WCFService();
public Profile ProfileGet(int id)
return _theRealService.ProfileGet(id);
public class Some_Tests()
public void Test_Stuff_Whatever()
Mock<IServiceFacade> _facade = new Mock<IServiceFacade>();
Your problem is that your service is singleton. The problem of singleton pattern is that it is not testable. You should use Dependency injection to get service.

Windsor Typed Factory with Open Generic Interface

In my application, I want to take dependencies on multiple repositories in a class, where not all of them are required each time. Rather than constructing an instance of each one where unnecessary, I use the Typed Factory facility in Windsor.
However, registering a factory for each repository is a bit tiresome, and I would like to replace this with an open generic registration. What I want to do is something like the following:
However, this is a syntax error because of the missing type parameter for IRepository. Is there a syntax I can use which would make this work?
NB: I'm aware that I can register an untyped Factory interface and use this to create multiple components. I'm not interested in doing this as this is essentially taking a dependency on a service locator - if I've not registered a dependency then I won't know about it until the code tries to use it - with my approach I know about this in the constructor even though I'm not creating an instance yet.
Full (simplified) sample below:
public class TestA { }
public class TestB { }
public interface IRepository<T> { T Create(); }
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
public T Create() { return Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); }
public interface IFactory<T>
T Create();
void Release(T instance);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
// Individual registrations of repositories here are fine
// Individual registrations of factories - works, but trying to avoid!
// Generic Registration of Factories - syntax errors
// Component.For<IFactory<IRepository<>>>().AsFactory()
// Component.For(typeof(IFactory<IRepository<>>)).AsFactory()
var factoryA = container.Resolve<IFactory<IRepository<TestA>>>();
var factoryB = container.Resolve<IFactory<IRepository<TestB>>>();
var repoA = factoryA.Create();
var repoB = factoryB.Create();
Console.WriteLine("Everything worked");
Your factory inteface definition is a little too "open". Change your factory interface as follows:
public interface IRepositoryFactory<T>
IRepository<T> Create();
void Release(IRepository<T> instance);
And you can then register:
And resolve:
var factoryA = container.Resolve<IRepositoryFactory<TestA>>();
var factoryB = container.Resolve<IRepositoryFactory<TestB>>();
There's a pattern for grouping repositories together. It is called unit of work. So, instead of creating a factory for creating repositories, create a unit of work class that references these repositories. For instance:
public abstract class UnitOfWork : IDisposable
// here is your factory
protected abstract IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>();
public IRepository<User> Users
get { return this.GetRepository<User>();
public IRepository<Customer> Customers
get { return this.GetRepository<Customer>();
// etc..
In your Composition Root you can define an UnitOfWork implementation that holds a reference to Windsor and enables you to get IRepository<T> implementations:
internal sealed class WindsorUnitOfWork : UnitOfWork
private WindsorContainer container;
public WindsorUnitOfWork(WindsorContainer container)
this.container = container;
protected override IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>()
return this.container.Resolve<IRepository<T>>();
And register it as follows:
Consumers now have a really convenient way of using the repositories:
private readonly UnitOfWork db;
public KarmaService(UnitOfWork db)
this.db = db;
public int CalculateKarmaForActiveUsersByName(string name)
var users =
from user in this.db.Users
where user.Name == name
where user.Active
select user;
return users.Sum(user => user.Karma);
