Store values in struct - mql4

I am trying to save OrderProfit, HighestProfit, LowestProfit of my orders in a struct
I define it like this, as a global variable
struct OrderStats {
string ThisOrderTicket;
double CurrentProfit;
double HighestProfit;
double LowestProfit;
Within my method, I instantiate my struct like this
// insert order stats into struct
string OrderTicketStatsName = StringConcatenate("OrderTicketStats-", OrderTicket());
string OrderTicketStats = OrderTicketStatsName;
OrderStats OrderTicketStats={};
OrderTicketStats.ThisOrderTicket = OrderTicketStatsName
I then check my previously saved data with
// current profit
if(DEBUG) {
Print("CheckForClose ",OrderTicket(), ":", OrderTypeByName, " : Struct Name is: ", OrderTicketStats.ThisOrderTicket);
Print("CheckForClose ",OrderTicket(), ":", OrderTypeByName, " : Previous OrderProfit is: ", OrderTicketStats.CurrentProfit);
Print("CheckForClose ",OrderTicket(), ":", OrderTypeByName, " : Previous OrderProfit is: ", OrderTicketStats.HighestProfit);
Print("CheckForClose ",OrderTicket(), ":", OrderTypeByName, " : Previous OrderProfit is: ", OrderTicketStats.LowestProfit);
And finally, I set my data like this
if(OrderTicketStats.ThisOrderTicket == OrderTicket()) {
// highest profit
if(OrderProfit() > OrderTicketStats.HighestProfit) {
OrderTicketStats.HighestProfit = OrderProfit();
// lowest profit
if(OrderProfit() < OrderTicketStats.LowestProfit) {
OrderTicketStats.LowestProfit = OrderProfit();
This always produces,
CheckForClose 2:SELL : Struct Name is: OrderTicketStats-2
CheckForClose 2:SELL : Previous CurrentProfit is: 0
CheckForClose 2:SELL : Previous HighestProfit is: 0
CheckForClose 2:SELL : Previous LowestProfit is: 0
CheckForClose 2:SELL : CurrentProfit is: -0.24
CheckForClose 2:SELL : HighestProfit is: 0
CheckForClose 2:SELL : LowestProfit is: -0.24
See how it resets the Previous values? How can I get my previous data to stick?
I have edited my code, and now have this:
OrderTicketStats = OrderTicket();
OrderStats OrderTicketStats;
if(OrderProfit() > OrderTicketStats.HighestProfit) {
OrderTicketStats.HighestProfit = OrderProfit();
if(OrderProfit() < OrderTicketStats.LowestProfit) {
OrderTicketStats.LowestProfit = OrderProfit();
The problem I have is this:
I want to save a trades LowProfit, HighProfit to understand the profit extremes and order goes through. I open multiple orders at the same time, and I then go over my log to see the influence of that.
Currently, I see this:
EURUSD,M15: ===================================================
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 1:BUY : OrderTicketStats for: 1
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 1:BUY : OrderProfit is: -5.54
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 1:BUY : OrderProfit High is: 0
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 1:BUY : OrderProfit Low is: -5.54
EURUSD,M15: ===================================================
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 3:SELL : OrderTicketStats for: 3
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 3:SELL : OrderProfit is: 1.3
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 3:SELL : OrderProfit High is: 1.3
EURUSD,M15: CheckForClose 3:SELL : OrderProfit Low is: -5.54
Notice how OrderProfit Low for trade 3 is the same as trade 1. That's my issue

First of all, please keep in mind that structures can keep float(double), long(int,short), enum and other struct of the same kind. If you have string as a field of your struct, you cannot pass it by reference, you cannot copy it, and you can also expect to have unexpected problems with it. It may fail to compile, it may compile but not work, it may work but incorrectly.
If it is not too late, change struct to class and you have no limitations with it (an instance may be of POINTER_INVALID or NULL, of course, so knowledge of classes is needed). Moreover, you do not need to develop arrays to store some number of instances, CArrayObj is already there. Also, you can create a new instance by passing required parameters.
Second point is about the logic. Could you please explain how do you expect this line to work
if(OrderTicketStats.ThisOrderTicket == OrderTicket()) {
In my view, ThisOrderTicket is a string that has some chars before ticketId, OrderTicket() is an integer ticketId. So the condition you wrote is never true. I would suggest to declare int orderTicket within the struct, remove the string field as useless, and initialize by
structInstance.orderTicket=OrderTicket() etc.


what is the output type in bazel?

In Bazel you can define an attribute type, which could be int or string ... or output
What does it mean to have a type of attribute as "output" ?
Here's an example:
def _something(ctx):
print("The username is: ", ctx.attr.username)
print("boolean value is", ctx.attr.boolean)
print("my age is:", ctx.attr.age)
print("Start printing hours .." )
for i in ctx.attr.hours:
print (i)
print("Finish printing hours ..")
print("Depending on: ", ctx.attr.dep_on)
print_me = rule(
implementation = _something,
attrs = {
"username" : attr.string(),
"boolean" : attr.bool(),
"age" :,
"hours" : attr.int_list(),
"dep_on": attr.label(),
"the_results": attr.output(),
It's a simple rule, which has the_results as of type output
It means that attribute corresponds to a file that the rule will create an action to produce. See and

Parsing text file - Lua

I have a text file contains:
<CountryName>United States</CountryName>
How to remove each and so I get only:,
United States,
Using the Lua script.
You don't show what you already tried, but there is a recently discussed SO question on how to iterate over XML nodes that should work well for your purposes. Just replace fixed element names with something like [%w_]+ and collect parsed values into a table and you'll get the result you are looking for.
This is what I am trying to do.
int = getInternet()
url3 = ''
result = int.getURL(url3)
result = result:gsub("><",">nil<"):gsub("<.->",""):gsub("%c%s+",","):sub(2)..'nil'
-- =,US,United States,nil,nil,nil,nil,America/Chicago,37.751,-97.822,0,mil
geoResult = {}
for word in string.gmatch(result, '([^,]+)') do
table.insert(geoResult, word)
--for i,v in ipairs(result) do print(i,v) end
print('IP : '..geoResult[1])
print('Country ID : '..geoResult[2])
print('Country Name : '..geoResult[3])
print('Region Code : '..geoResult[4])
print('Region Name : '..geoResult[5])
print('City : '..geoResult[8])
print('ZIP Code : '..geoResult[7])
print('Time Zone : '..geoResult[8])
print('Latitude : '..geoResult[9])
print('Longitude : '..geoResult[10])
print('Metro Code : '..geoResult[11])
-- result:,US,United States,nil,nil,nil,nil,America/Chicago,37.751,-97.822,0,nil
IP :
Country ID : US
Country Name : United States
Region Code : nil
Region Name : nil
City : America/Chicago
ZIP Code : nil
Time Zone : America/Chicago
Latitude : 37.751
Longitude : -97.822
Metro Code : 0

Change a certain string of an automatically printed number in swift 4

I wanted to copy this page in IOS playground to practice but I would like to ask a question and I hope for your help. I created a function called vantanoveBottles, created a variable "texts" of type String and used "for and in" for numbers from 0 ... 5 I created a string constancy in which I entered numbers and text and then I added texts + newLine as in the code.Now if you compare the site when it comes to 1 and says that there are no more beers do not use the number 0, instead I get out so I would basically print example numbers from 1 to 98 inverse with string of text, (and I did this) then come to 1 should not go out "1 bottles of beer on the wall, 1 bottles of beer. \ n" Take one down and pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall. " the 0 must be eliminated must not go out, how do I do? This is a test code
func novantanoveBottles () ->String {
var testi: String = ""
for numeri in (1...99).reversed() {
let newLine:String = "\n \(numeri) bottles of beer on the wall, \(numeri) bottles of beer.\n Take one down and pass it around, \(numeri - 1) bottles of beer on the wall. \n"
testi += newLine
testi += "\n \n \n No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer. Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."
return testi
You can just add a check before you add that part of the text
for numeri in (1...99).reversed() {
let newLine:String = "\n \(numeri) bottles of beer on the wall, \(numeri) bottles of beer.\n Take one down and pass it around"
if numeri != 1 {
test1 += ", \(numeri - 1) bottles of beer on the wall. \n
} else {
test1 += ".\n"
testi += newLine

Swift Adding HTML to UIWebView, expression was too complex

I'm adding some HTML content to an UIWebView.
This line:
generatedHtml += "<br><p style=\"font-family:'Chevin-Medium';font-size:12px;color:#505050;padding-top:0px;\">" + newsItem.entry.likes + " like this " + newsItem.entry.comments?.count + " comments</p>"
I get:
expressions was too complex to be solved in reasonable time
I'm just doing a count on an array, i don't know how to make that less complex?
The object looks like this:
public class NewsItem: NSObject {
var entry: EntryObject = EntryObject()
public class EntryObject: NSObject {
var comments: [Comment]? = []
newsItem.entry.comments?.count is an integer, and you can't add an integer to a string using +, you should use string interpolation with \():
" like this \(newsItem.entry.comments?.count) comments</p>"
Or use the String initializer if you need to keep using +:
" like this " + String(newsItem.entry.comments?.count) + " comments</p>"
If the error "too complex" persists, you'll have to break down the statements and use variables instead of inserting the expressions directly.
Try to do by this way
var countComments : Int = 0
//Validate comment counting
if let cComments = newsItem.entry.comments?.count
countComments = cComments
//... Some code here ...
//Devide to Conquest.
//If is easy to find... Is not hard to fix
generatedHtml += "<br>"
generatedHtml += "<p style=\"font-family:'Chevin-Medium';font-size:12px;color:#505050;padding-top:0px;\">"
generatedHtml += "\(newsItem.entry.likes) "
generatedHtml += "like this \(countComments) comments" //Here you have a valid value
genetatedHtml += "</p>"
But, why?
Maybe you have a problem with the optional value newsItem.entry.comments?.count that can gets you a nil value. Then, first of all, validate the value and be sure about what was returned. Better "0", a valid value than nil
When you split the string creation, the debug working will be more easy to execute. You will can have a better idea where is happening an error.
Maybe it´s not a definitive solution to your problem, but a good way to help you fix it.

weka - normalize nominal values

I have this data set:
Instance num 0 : 300,24,'Social worker','Computer sciences',Music,10,5,5,1,5,''
Instance num 1 : 1000,20,Student,'Computer engineering',Education,10,5,5,5,5,Sony
Instance num 2 : 450,28,'Computer support specialist',Business,Programming,10,4,1,0,4,Lenovo
Instance num 3 : 1000,20,Student,'Computer engineering','3d Design',1,1,2,1,3,Toshiba
Instance num 4 : 1000,20,Student,'Computer engineering',Programming,2,5,1,5,4,Dell
Instance num 5 : 800,16,Student,'Computer sciences',Education,8,4,3,4,4,Toshiba
and I want to classify using SMO and other multi-class classifiers so I convert all the nominal values to numeric using this code :
int [] indices={2,3,4,10}; // indices of nominal columns
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
int attInd = indices[i];
Attribute att = data.attribute(attInd);
for (int n = 0; n < att.numValues(); n++) {
data.renameAttributeValue(att, att.value(n), "" + n);
and the result is:
Instance num 0 : 300,24,0,0,0,10,5,5,1,5,0
Instance num 1 : 1000,20,1,1,1,10,5,5,5,5,1
Instance num 2 : 450,28,2,2,2,10,4,1,0,4,2
Instance num 3 : 1000,20,1,1,3,1,1,2,1,3,3
Instance num 4 : 1000,20,1,1,2,2,5,1,5,4,4
Instance num 5 : 800,16,1,0,1,8,4,3,4,4,3
after applying the "Normalize" filter the result will be like this:
Instance num 0 : 0,0.666667,0,0,0,1,1,1,0.2,1,0
Instance num 1 : 1,0.333333,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Instance num 2 : 0.214286,1,2,2,2,1,0.75,0,0,0.5,2
Instance num 3 : 1,0.333333,1,1,3,0,0,0.25,0.2,0,3
Instance num 4 : 1,0.333333,1,1,2,0.111111,1,0,1,0.5,4
Instance num 5 : 0.714286,0,1,0,1,0.777778,0.75,0.5,0.8,0.5,3
the problem is the converted columns still in String "Normalize" filter will not normalize them...
Any ideas?
and my second question: what should I use as multi-class classifier beside SMO?
Don't convert nominals/categoricals into floats(/integers), and then normalize them. It's meaningless. Garbage In, Garbage Out. Treating them as continuous numbers or numeric vectors gives nonsense results like "the average of 'Engineering' + 'Nursing' = 'Architecture'"
The right way to treat nominals/categoricals is to convert each one into dummy variables (also known as 'dummy coding' or 'dichotomizing'). Say if Occupation column (or Major, or Elective, or whatever) has K levels, then you create either K or (K-1) binary variables which are everywhere 0 except for one corresponding column containing a 1.
Look up Weka documentation to find the right function call.
cf. e.g. SO: Dummy Coding of Nominal Attributes (for Logistic Regression)
I believe that best way to convert string into a numeric can be done using the filter weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector.
After doing so, you can apply the "Normalize" filter weka.classifiers.functions.LibSVM.
