Disable mouse using a key in Autohotkey - mapping

I'm trying to make a palm-check program (a program that will disable the mouse when i'm typing). and i was wondering if there is a way to assign all letters (capital and small) and numbers to trigger a code to disable the mouse for 300 millisecond (i wrote 5000 to test it) and still be able to use the letters and numbers
Here is the code
suspend, on
suspend, off
BlockInput, MouseMove
sleep 5000
suspend, on
BlockInput, MouseMoveoff
as you can see, i made the letter (a) trigger the code but i will not be able to use it + i will have to repeat the code again and again for more than 50 characters
can anyone help me solve this problem please?
I've been looking for a solution for 2 hours before posting this so please don't report as repeated

Try this:
#SingleInstance Force
keys:=["a","b","c","d","1","2","3","4"] ; ....
for each, key in keys
hotkey,%key%, BlockMouse, on
hotkey,+%key%, BlockMouse, on
; suspend, off
Mouse_Blocked := true
BlockInput, MouseMove
Send %A_ThisHotkey%
SetTimer, UnBlockMouse, -300
; suspend, on
BlockInput, MouseMoveoff
Mouse_Blocked := false
#If (Mouse_Blocked)
; suspend, on

You could try the input command, set it to 1 character length and visible.
You will probably need to split the trigger part and the suspend/sleep part as i expect that the trigger part can't be triggered again when it hasn't finished the earlier trigger event due to your sleep commands. I suggest you look into the settimer command to replace the sleep command. Sorry I can't help you with any code, I'm writing this on my phone and making suggestions by heart.
Checked the Input command, didn't work the way I expected. I suggest you look at defining your trigger keys automatically, like they do here: https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/30294-simple-key-stroke-recorder/page-2.
I created some tinker code for you to play with here. It currently only triggers on the letter q, but with the loop in the keystroke recorder, you should be able to get this going.
SoundBeep, 1000,100 ; Just to check
BlockMouse := 0
$q:: ; $ prevents the next command from triggering this again
SendInput, q
BlockMouse := 1
SetTimer, UnBlockMouse, 5000 ; Run UnBlockMouse after 500 ms
SetTimer, UnBlockMouse, off ; Turn timer off
SoundBeep, 1000,100 ; Just to check
BlockMouse := 0
#If (BlockMouse) ; If statement controls the behaviour based on the status of the variable BlockMouse
lbutton:: ; Disable button when BlockMouse variable is set to 1
rbutton:: ; Disable button when BlockMouse variable is set to 1
WheelUp:: ; Disable button when BlockMouse variable is set to 1
WheelDown:: ; Disable button when BlockMouse variable is set to 1


Changing contents of global variables in a Lua script for Awesome Window Manager?

So I've been trying to configure my Awesome WM config (rc.lua) to detect if my IBM model M13 is connected to my laptop upon login/reset. This is to change what the modkey should be since the M13 doesn't have a super key.
The following code makes sense to me and changes modkey within the function being made for the awful.spawn.easy_async function, but after finishing the modkey changes back to Mod4.
modkey = "Mod4"
"xinput list",
function(stdout, stderr, reason, code)
local msg = "Regular keyboard Modkey = Super"
-- Debug notification that shows that the modkey is
-- at its default for the superkey Mod4
text = modkey,
timeout =7
if code ~= 0 then
msg = "Missing xinput to see devices\nModkey = Super"
elseif stdout:match("CHESEN") == "CHESEN" then
-- CHESEN is my PS/2 to USB adapter
msg = "IBM M13 detected\nModkey = Alt"
modkey = "Mod1" -- Sets new modkey to Alt
-- Notification message
text = msg,
timeout =7
-- Debug notification to verify key but key goes back to Mod4
text = modkey,
timeout =7
The output can be seen here. It doesn't print the notifications in order but the prints of Mod 4 are both of the debug prints.
Notification Output
I don't use Lua much aside from changing my configs from time to time so I'm having difficulty understanding how my global variable modkey can be changed with out it resetting. Other methods I tried was to have the function defined as a function I called setModKey to be passed as a parameter to easy_async and I tried setting modkey using _G to set it as _G.modkey, but I end up getting the same result.
Am I missing something fundamental to Lua or is this affected by how Awesome WM utilizes Lua? Any help will be very appreciated.
Use io.popen instead of awful.spawn.easy_async. Yes, normally using io.popen is really not recommended, but here the following happens:
Awesome starts
You call easy_async to capture the output of xinput list
Since it is async, your config continues to be loaded, so e.g. all your keybindings are set
easy_async does its job and you set modkey to something else.
This means that any keybinding which will be defined from now on use the new modkey, but all already-existing keybindings are not modified by this. So, basically nothing happens.
And for your debugging calls to naughty.notify: The one after the function is triggered first and only then, later, the inner one triggers. So it does not go back, but instead you first show the old value and only later the new one.

Reading Program Memory In AHK

So I am working on a program to read values from a game (Mitos.is: The Game).
It is similiar to Agar.io
You have a size (mass), and I want to get the mass amount, it is a program, not an online game like Agar.io.
I have found this Auto Hotkey script:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Static OLDPROC, ProcessHandle
VarSetCapacity(MVALUE, BYTES,0)
WinGet, pid, pid, % OLDPROC := PROGRAM
ProcessHandle := ( ProcessHandle ? 0*(closed:=DllCall("CloseHandle"
,"UInt",ProcessHandle)) : 0 )+(pid ? DllCall("OpenProcess"
,"Int",16,"Int",0,"UInt",pid) : 0)
If (ProcessHandle) && DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","UInt",ProcessHandle,"UInt",MADDRESS,"Str",MVALUE,"UInt",BYTES,"UInt *",0)
{ Loop % BYTES
Result += *(&MVALUE + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
Return Result
return !ProcessHandle ? "Handle Closed:" closed : "Fail"
mass := ReadMemory(Address here, "Mitos.is: The Game")
MsgBox, %mass%
It works seamlessly but there is one slight problem, in Cheat Engine I took the liberty of finding the base address as shown below:
So I took the address circled here:
And inserted that into the program where it says "Address Here", correct me if this is not the right address, but when I restart the game and run my script it says "Fail", but in Cheat Engine the address is still valid. Help?
Check the address if it changes after restarting the game, or do not restart game just run the script without restart and you haven't defined bytes so try following,
ReadMemory(MADDRESS=0, PROGRAM="", BYTES=4 )
mass := ReadMemory("0x123456", "Mitos.is: The Game", "4")
"PROGRAM" should be correct window title use spy to get correct window title, address has to be in hex value i.e. "0x15B29DD0", I don't know how your cheat engine reads program memory address.

How can I reset ESP8266 MicroPython after main.py crashes?

I have a NodeMCU ESP8266 board running MicroPython. I'm running a web server on my ESP8266. This is my first IoT project based on one of these boards.
The below is a snippet of the code.
This is being executed within main.py. Every now and then, something causes the code to crash (perhaps timing and request based). When main.py exits, for whatever reason, I'm dropped back at the python CLI.
I'd like for the board to reset when this happens (if there isn't a better way).
What is the best method of restarting/reseting the ESP8266?
addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
s = socket.socket()
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
print('listening on', addr)
while True:
cl, addr = s.accept()
print('client connected from', addr)
cl_file = cl.makefile('rwb', 0)
while True:
line = cl_file.readline()
print("Line:" , line)
if not line or line == b'\r\n':
if line == b'GET /active HTTP/1.1\r\n':
MicroPython has machine.reset() function to reset a board.
Python (not just MicroPython) uses exception handling to handle errors.
Combining the two, you can easily achieve what you want. For example:
a = 4
b = 2
a / b
If in the code above you replace value of b with 0, your board will reset. If you think about it for a bit, you probably will find out that it doesn't make much sense - you don't want your board suddenly reset if you just divide by 0 by mistake or otherwise. There're got to be better ways to handle errors! Likewise, you may want to think about your own case and see if resetting the board is really the best choice. If you think that yes, that's fine, just always keep in mind that you programmed your board to suddenly reset. Otherwise, your next question here may be "My board suddenly resets! Why???" ;-)
It may be late for the original question, but the answer I am going to share might help other people. Consider it is not a final solution, but in many scenarios, it may save a day. You can explore your case.
The solution is using the internal scheduling function of MicroPython. since its execution is guaranteed, then its behavior can be used as a tool to mimic a functional watchdog.
Following code will run with given timers and threshold which can be customized in your case, and if the timer reaches its threshold, and the value of wd_buffer is not updated for that time, then the function might be called, and we repeat the process again.
So in order to prevent the ESP getting restarted in this case after 12 sec, you have to in someplace in your code, periodically (shorter than 12 sec or adjust the timer and threshold according to your need) update the value of the Global wd_buffer variable. Hope it helps.
# Simple WD - Global Variable
wd_feeder = 0
wd_buffer = 0
wd_counter = 0
wd_threshold = 4
def wd_checker(calledvalue):
print('watchdog is checking... feeder= {} buffer= {}'.format(wd_feeder, wd_buffer))
global wd_counter
global wd_buffer
global wd_feeder
if wd_feeder == wd_buffer:
print('state is suspicious ... counter is {} incrementing the counter'.format(wd_counter))
wd_counter += 1
wd_counter = 0
wd_feeder = wd_buffer
if wd_counter == wd_threshold:
print('Counter is reached its threshold, following function will be called')
wd_feeder = wd_buffer = wd_counter = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
scheduler_wd = machine.Timer(-1)
scheduler_wd.init(period=3000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=wd_checker)
you could add a while loop checking for the Flash Button (GPIO pin 0) like this:
import machine
pin = machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
while pin.value():
print('Put your code here...')
print('..this will looping until the Flash button is pressed...')
print('...and then it continues here.')
You could execute your code (which should be outside of the main.py -> other file) from the boot or the main.py. if it drops out it should execute the following code, which could trigger a reset.
You may have to catch the error first.
I hope I helped

Why does my IMessageFilter not always work?

I'm working on Word automation and to get rid of "Call was rejected by callee" / "the message filter indicated that the application is busy" errors I implemented an IMessageFilter. The messagefilter works like a charm when I automate Word directly like:
But when I call TOleContainer.DoVerb(ovPrimary), I still get errors when Word is displaying a modal dialog. Why does the MessageFilter not work with TOleContainers DoVerb methode?
"Call was rejected by callee" is what you always get when Word is in interactive state, ie displaying a dialog. This is not restricted to Word. It also happens with Excel, for example when the user was editing a cell. And it does not have to be obvious in the user interface either. When you start editing a cell, move focus to another application and come back to Excel, the UI doesn't give you a clue but it is still in "interactive" mode and will reject automation calls with the "Call was rejected by callee" error.
So basically when you automate Word in conjunction with user interaction (and not just with Word in a background process), you should be prepared to get and handle these errors.
If you want to know whether Excel or Word is in interactive mode before calling any other COM method: just ask the COM-server whether it is "Ready":
Result := _GetActiveOleObject('Excel.Application');
aSharedInstance := not VarIsClear(Result);
if aSharedInstance then
Version := Result.Version; // If this produces an exception, then use a dedicated instance.
// In case checking the version does not produce an exception, but Excel still isn't
// ready, we'll check that as well.
// By the way, for some unclear reason, partial evaluation does not work on .Ready,
// so we'll do it like this:
if aSharedInstance and (StrToIntDef(StringBefore('.', Version), 0) >= EXCEL_VERSION_2002) then
aSharedInstance := Result.Ready;
aSharedInstance := False;
if not aSharedInstance then
Result := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application');
Apparently Word doesn't have a "Ready" property (whoever said Microsoft was consistent?). In that case you need to determine its readiness yourself by calling a simple (and fast) property before the actual call, and assuming that when that throws an exception, Word isn't ready. In the above example the Version is retrieved before the Ready property. If that throws an exception, we just assume that the application (Excel in this case) isn't ready and proceed accordingly.
Something along the lines of:
while Tries <= MaxTries do
Version := Word.Version;
Tries := MaxTries + 1; // Indicate success
Note Word.Version does not throw an exception when a dialog is open, so that is no use for figuring out whether Word is ready. :( You will have to experiment to find one that does.
IMessageFilter doesn't handle all exceptions, for example, at some points, office applications 'suspend' their object model, at which point it cannot be invoked and throws: 0x800AC472 (VBA_E_IGNORE)
In order to get around this, you have to put your call in a loop and wait for it to succeed:
catch(COMException ce)
// continue after successful call
See here for more details.


I have the following code called on WM_MOVE
procedure TForm15.WMMove(var Message: TMessage);
if( (((TWMMove(Message).XPos + Self.Width >= Form14.Left) and (TWMMove(Message).XPos <= Form14.Left)) or
((TWMMove(Message).XPos <= Form14.Left + Form14.Width) and (TWMMove(Message).XPos >= Form14.Left))) and
(((TWMMove(Message).YPos + Self.Height >= Form14.Top) and (TWMMove(Message).YPos <= Form14.Top)) or
((TWMMove(Message).YPos <= Form14.Top + Form14.Height) and (TWMMove(Message).YPos >= Form14.Top))))
then begin
Self.DragKind := dkDock;
end else Self.DragKind := dkDrag;
It's probably the ugliest if statement you've seen in your life,but that's not the question. :)
It's supposed to change DragKind if the current form(Self) is somewhere inside the mainForm(Form14).
However,When It sets DragKind to dkDock ,it doesn't make the currentForm(Self) dockable unless the user stops moving the form and start moving it again,so I'm trying to do the following:
If the result from the statement above is non zero and dkDock is set then Send the following messages to the form:
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE //stop moving the form
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE //start movement again
However,I don't know how to do it:
I tried using random parameters(1,1) ,but no effect.Maybe that's not the right way?
It looks like those two messages are notifications - directly sending them probably doesn't do anything. As Raymond Chen once said (horribly paraphrased), directly sending these messages and expecting action is like trying to refill your gas tank by moving the needle in the gauge.
WM_SIZING and WM_MOVING are messages that you can use to monitor a user changing a window's size and position, and block further changes.
From MSDN:
Pointer to a RECT structure
with the current position of the
window, in screen coordinates. To
change the position of the drag
rectangle, an application must change
the members of this structure.
So you can change the members to force the window to remain in a single position.
This is a notification message, it does not cause the form to stop moving.
And both parameter are ignored (unused).
