Entity Framework Profiler unable to determine provider name - entity-framework-6

I'm giving Entity Framework Profiler from Hibernating Rhinos a try.
Data access runs fine as long as the profiler is not initialized. As soon as I do register it, I get failures stating:
"Unable to determine the provider name for provider factory of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory'. Make sure that the ADO.NET provider is installed or registered in the application config.
Already tried adding the following snippet to the config file:
<remove invariant="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="SqlClient Data Provider"
description=".Net Framework Data Provider for SqlServer"
type="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory, System.Data,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
But this doesn't change anything.


The Entity Framework provider type 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework' could not be loaded

I am trying to connect to Oracle using the Oracle Data Provider.NET (ODP.NET) using Entity Framework v6 in an MVC application.
I have installed ODP.NET from here:
I have configured my web.config file as follows:
<add name="MyDB" connectionString="User ID=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;Data Source=MyDatabase; Persist Security Info=False" providerName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess" />
<provider invariantName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" type="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework.EFOracleProviderServices, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
However, when I try to call my EF Context, I get the following error:
The Entity Framework provider type 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework.EFOracleProviderServices, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342' registered in the application config file for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework' could not be loaded. Make sure that the assembly-qualified name is used and that the assembly is available to the running application
I have spent a lot of time searching for help with this. Would be very grateful for any help!
Adding this section to the web.config, along with the steps above, seems to have fixed this:
<add name="ODP.NET, Managed Driver"
description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver"
type="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
There can be your framework problem. Please check your framework by right clicking on project--> properties check it is 4.5 version.
And then right click on Refrences--> Manage NuGet Package.. go to the nuget.org and type "Official Oracle ODP.NET" in search box. and install Official Oracle ODP.NET, Managed Entity Framework.
Official Oracle ODP.NET, Managed Driver.
Oracle Data Provider for .Net x84/x64.
Thanking you

why connection string is not found from my class library to another class library?

I am having the architecture like this :
Where MVC layer is the presentation layer. EF is class library and Repository is another class library.I am trying to insert data to database from repository by creating the EF context object. Added EF reference into Repository class library. EF having the edmx file. its app.config having the connection string generated by EF.
code is :
public bool CreateUser(User _user)
return true;
but while executing this I am getting following exception :
No connection string named 'MyEntitiesConnection' could be found in the application config file.
I tried to add same connection string with same name in repository app.config. but not working. anyone have solution ?
connection string is :
<add name="MyEntitiesConnection" connectionString="metadata=res://*/EF.Entities.csdl|res://*/EF.Entities.ssdl|res://*/EF.Entities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=Servername\MSSQL2008R2;initial catalog=MyDBName;persist security info=True;user id=sa;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
<!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=237468 -->
<section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
<add name="MyEntitiesConnection" connectionString="metadata=res://*/EF.Entities.csdl|res://*/EF.Entities.ssdl|res://*/EF.Entities.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=Servername\MSSQL2008R2;initial catalog=MyDBName;persist security info=True;user id=sa;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
<defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
In any .NET application, only one config file is the natural starting point for looking for configuration information. For web applications, that's the web.config file at the root of the application1.
Whilst you may have a file called app.config in your repository project (and, indeed, some VS tooling may have added one) or your EF project, it's not used when you try to read configuration information.
The connection string section needs to exist in the web.config of your MVC app.
1For non-web applications, it's the app.config for the project that produces the .exe file and that gets automatically copied as XXX.exe.config during the build.

MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler and the session token expiring between application restarts

In my MVC application, I am using forms authentication to authenticate the user and then System.IdentityModel.Services.SessionAuthenticationModule to persist the session.
While I'm not yet at the point where it's necessary, I did want to utilize System.IdentityModel.Services.Tokens.MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler so that the application will live nicely on a web farm (as described by Dominick Baier here).
The problem I have is that, given the machineKey-based handling, I would expect that not only would the session be valid from server machine to machine, but should also survive application restarts. However, any time I either restart or rebuild the application, upon hitting the application in the browser, the cookie apparently becomes invalid and I get bounced to the authentication screen. Once authenticated again, everything is fine and the session remains. However, the next time the app restarts or is rebuilt, I'm forced to re-authenticate.
I'm sure this is an aspect of WIF that I'm not getting, but I just don't know where to turn from here. I'm not afraid of having to extend MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler, but I'd like to make sure that I understand what's going on here before I proceed. I understand that the default SessionSecurityTokenHandler uses DPAPI in combination with some identifier from the app pool for its cryptography, so it makes sense that this would happen in that case, but the behavior in MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler puzzles me. Is there still some identifier in the application that gets recreated on restart on which MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler depends? Am I just missing a setting?
Here are the pertinent parts from my web.config:
<section name="system.identityModel"
type="System.IdentityModel.Configuration.SystemIdentityModelSection, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" />
<remove type="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SessionSecurityTokenHandler, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
<add type="System.IdentityModel.Services.Tokens.MachineKeySessionSecurityTokenHandler, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
<machineKey compatibilityMode="Framework45"
validation="SHA1" decryption="AES" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login"
timeout="10080" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
<add name="SessionAuthenticationModule"
type="System.IdentityModel.Services.SessionAuthenticationModule, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
hm - if you are setting the machine key explicitly (like you seem to do) - I don't see a reason why this would not work. Maybe you are using other cookies, sessions etc that trigger the re-auth problem?
OK, this was my stupid fault. For reasons that are not pertinent here, I set the FedAuth cookie name to something non-standard (i.e. not "FedAuth"), like this:
.Name = "SomeThingNotStandard";
The problem was I was setting it like this only at the moment that I issued the token on a successful login. Well, of course everything's gonna be fine because now the in-memory configuration is looking for "SomeThingNotStandard" as the cookie name. But, on an app restart, the configuration will be back to the default, looking for "FedAuth", not "SomeThingNotStandard". This forces the re-login, which upon success, re-configures the app and then everything seems fine.
So I put the code bit above in Application_Start() and it works fine across re-builds and re-starts.
Dumb move on my part.
I moved this to configuration
name="SomeThingNotStandard" />

Why would FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule be null in MVC Azure ACS Federated Authentication?

I'm trying to put together FederatedAuthentication with .NET 4.5, MVC 4, and active redirect using a custom server-side login page, using code from this tutorial, and from this code sample.
Redirecting to the LogOn method of my AccountController works fine, and the method looks like this:
public ActionResult LogOn()
HrdClient hrdClient = new HrdClient();
WSFederationAuthenticationModule fam = FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule; /*** Fails here because this is null **/
HrdRequest request = new HrdRequest(fam.Issuer, fam.Realm, context: Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]);
IEnumerable<HrdIdentityProvider> hrdIdentityProviders = hrdClient.GetHrdResponse(request);
ViewData["Providers"] = hrdIdentityProviders;
return View();
This fails because FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule is null.
Using VS 2012, I've run the new Identity and Access wizard (which seems to replace the old STS dialog). This has given me a folder of FederationMetadata, which appears correct, and several modifications to my Web.Config. In particular, the modules section looks like this:
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
<add name="WSFederationAuthenticationModule" type="System.IdentityModel.Services.WSFederationAuthenticationModule, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" preCondition="managedHandler" />
<add name="SessionAuthenticationModule" type="System.IdentityModel.Services.SessionAuthenticationModule, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" preCondition="managedHandler" />
And having seen SO answers 8937123 and 8926099, I've added the following as well:
<add name="WSFederationAuthenticationModule" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.WSFederationAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
And finally my nuget packages config shows Microsoft.IdentityModel, which is correctly referenced by the MVC app:
<package id="Microsoft.IdentityModel" version="6.1.7600.16394" targetFramework="net45" />
I've also seen this question on social.msdn, which just seems to suggest that the STS dialog does need to be run.
Can anybody explain why FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule would be null, and what I can do to stop this happening?
I managed to fix this myself, and since there are a few unanswered questions similar to this on SO, I'll leave the question up and post my own answer.
The issue is to do with upgrading the MVC application to .NET 4.5. Much of the WIF functionality remains the same (at least on the surface), but the classes have all moved to different assemblies. I fixed my problem following the migration guidelines here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj157089.aspx
The most important thing is to remove old references to the Microsoft.IdentityModel package (v 3.5.0) and make sure they are replaced by similar references to the System.IdentityModel and System.IdentityModel.Services dlls, which should be version 4.0, and come from the GAC rather than an external package.
My steps to fix were:
Clean out all the junk I'd added to Web.Config and start again with a default MVC Config file.
Remove the Microsoft.IdentityModel package and de-reference the dll
Run the Access and Identity wizard in VS 2012
Duplicate the System.IdentityModel.Services.WSFederationAuthenticationModule reference from <system.webServer><modules> in <system.web><httpModules>
Add <authentication mode="Forms"><forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" /></authentication>
Compile, test, dance little jig of delight...
And this got the original WIF3.5 / MVC3 Code Sample working under.NET 4.5

Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type Database, key

I have a data access layer called 'LDA' which contains the following code:
db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("myConn");
And an app.config with the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="dataConfiguration" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.DatabaseSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=5.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" requirePermission="true" />
<section name="oracleConnectionSettings" type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Oracle.Configuration.OracleConnectionSettings, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=5.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" requirePermission="true" />
<dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="myConn">
<add databaseType="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Oracle.OracleDatabase, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data"
name="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" />
<add databaseType="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Oracle.OracleDatabase, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=5.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
name="System.Data.OracleClient" />
<add name="myConn"></add>
<add name="myConn" connectionString="user id=xxxx;password=xxxx;Data Source=XXXX; Connection Lifetime=60;Pooling=true;Min Pool size=5;"
providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" />
I took this out of the web.config for the presentation layer because only the LDA needs to access the database and rather than encrypting the connections strings, we wanted to just put it in the compiled dll since we need zero dynamic ability to change connection strings.
With the above in the web.config of the presentation layer project, everything works fine, but when I try to take the above and put it in the app.config of the data access project 'LDA', I get the following error:
Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type Database, key "LTTDBConn"
at Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocatorImplBase.GetInstance(Type serviceType, String key) in c:\Home\Chris\Projects\CommonServiceLocator\main\Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation\ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs:line 53
at Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocatorImplBase.GetInstance[TService](String key) in c:\Home\Chris\Projects\CommonServiceLocator\main\Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation\ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs:line 103
at Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.DatabaseFactory.InnerCreateDatabase(String name) in e:\Builds\EntLib\Latest\Source\Blocks\Data\Src\Data\DatabaseFactory.cs:line 82
at Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(String name) in e:\Builds\EntLib\Latest\Source\Blocks\Data\Src\Data\DatabaseFactory.cs:line 68
at Lisa.DataAccess.OracleHelper.DALHelper.ExecuteReader(String spName) in \DALHelper.cs:line 79
Any ideas on how to make this happen? i.e., have a webconfig in the website project and an appconfig in the data access project (that contains the db conn info)?
