Jenkins blueocean plugin - Unable to create pipeline from github - jenkins

Getting below error in Jenkins during the last step of creating pipeline from github using personal access token -
Sep 03, 2017 7:34:43 AM com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Platform$JdkWithJettyBootPlatform getSelectedProtocol
INFO: ALPN callback dropped: SPDY and HTTP/2 are disabled. Is alpn-boot on the boot class path?
Jenkins ver. 2.78
openjdk version "1.8.0_141"
I am running jenkins using vagrant inside CentOS 7.

It worked fine after changing my machine from Mac OS to Ubuntu & upgrading the blueocean plugin to "1.3.0-beta-2".
The reason could be proxy or some other setting which was not allowing the communication to happen.
Since it took fair amount to time to debug, I hope someone else doesn't waste their time & check their machine configs before putting a bug.


Jenkins connection to Ansible tower fails intermittently

We are using Jenkins (recently updated) with the Ansible plugin and the Ansible Tower plugin to connect to our AWX tower. Most of the time, it works great, but lately, the tower will sometimes not respond correctly to Jenkins. Again, this does not happen always, but frequently enough to be a major concern.
When the issue occurs, the error messages I receive in Jenkins are along these lines:
ERROR: Failed to get job status from Tower: Unable to make tower request: Connection reset
ERROR: Failed to get job events from tower: Unexpected error code returned (503)
The normal response should be:
Tower completed the requested job
The option "Enable Debugging" is enabled for the Ansible Tower, but I have not seen any additional output in the Jenkins job logs so far.
Last time the connection failed, I went into the Jenkins settings and clicked "Test Connection" for the Ansible Tower plugin, and it worked right away.
I have not seen the web interface fail, and the jobs do complete normally. The issue lies in communication between Jenkins and AWX.
Jenkins and all the plugins were recently updated.
The person who installed AWX is no longer with us, and I don't know where else to go to help me troubleshoot this.
AWX version:
AWX install method: openshift sts
Ansible version: 2.8.5
Operating System: N/A
Web Browser: N/A
Jenkins: 2.204.2
Jenkins Ansible plugin: 1.0
Jenkins Ansible Tower plugin: 0.14.0
In the Jenkins pipeline, the following code handles the Ansible part:
wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper', colorMapName: "xterm"]) {
ansibleTower( [parameters] )
I don't have access to Jenkins on the file system level, only the general web UI.
I'd appreciate any troubleshooting steps you could provide or advice on where else to ask.

Unable to run groovy scripts with latest jenkins version

I am in the process of upgrading jenkins server to latest LTS version (2.204.2 to 2.251.2) in my current work environment.
In present scenario jenkins installation and configuration is an automated process via chef.
The problem starts here :
i need to upgrade my jenkins server to latest LTS version via chef cookbook
remoting option has been obsolete in latest jenkins version
my present cookbook uses jenkins_script resource (using jenkins 6.0 cookbook from supermarket) to run groovy scripts
i am able to upgrade my jenkins server but unable to execute groovy scripts via jenkins-cli, its picking remoting option all the time and failing even though its obsolete in latest version
Is there any automated way to change protocol from remoting to ssh/http when chef client runs
Any valuable inputs will be helpful

jenkins kubernetes-plugin slaveConnectTimeout not honoured

i am running jenkins 2.103 in docker and have connected it to a kubernetes on arm cluster.
i have been able to manually connect the jnlp (v3.16) slave to the master, however it appears to take around 15mins for it to fully connect and report as online. Once online I can run builds as expected.
The problem is that it appears the 'slaveConnectTimeout' setting in the podTemplate is not honoured in the pipeline configuration, and neither is the default template setting of 'Timeout in seconds for Jenkins connection' in Pod Template section of Global Settings.
has anyone be able to make this setting work, and, does anyone have any idea what could be causing the 15min delay in registration?
this issue has been raised as a bug JENKINS-49281 now as well.
the issue ended up being openjdk and me not fully understanding what the kubernetes timeout is all about.
the delay in agent registration is not just a jenkins issue, i have seen the same behaviour in gocd and other java based apps. platform issue, not app issue

Jenkins docker-plugin - Job does not start (waiting for executor)

I'm trying not (not hard enough it seems) to get our jenkins server to provision a jenkins-slave using docker.
I have installed the Docker-plugin and configured it according to the description on the page. I have also tested the connectivity and at least this part works.
I have also configured 1 label in the plugin and in my job. I even get a nice page showing me the connected jobs for this slave.
When I then try to start a build nothing really happens. A build is scheduled, but never started - (pending—Waiting for next available executor).
From the message it would seem like jenkins is not able to start the slave via docker....
I'm using docker 1.6.2 and the plugin is 0.10.1.
Any clue to what is going on would be much appreciated!
It seems the problem was that I had added the docker version in the plugin config. That is apparently a no-go according to this post

Google push-to-deploy jenkins image fails after reboot

I am using the most recent jenkins setup from in order to CI my development environment codebase. I noticed that the jenkins git plugin in the image provided is out of date and seems to have a bug with regex branch matching. I updated the plugin to the latest version but after that it seems that jenkins will not restart.
Rebooting the server got jenkins back up, but the google startup script doesn't relaunch and reconnect the docker slave images properly.
Has anyone had this experience and resolved it?
