I am looking for a Lua replacement for the following bash script:
IP=`grep $MAC /tmp/dhcp.leases | awk {'print $3'}`
echo $IP
/tmp/dhcp.leases looks like:
1497518739 d4:be:d9:3a:78:88 DESKTOP-2VECMJ7 01:d4:be:d9:3a:78:88
After reading the file into a Lua string, extracting the IP address is simple:
function extract(text,mac)
return text:match(" "..mac.." (.-) ")
I am running into an issue where I am trying to run the following command:
aws ecs list-task-definitions | grep Foo-Task-Testing | awk -F '/' '{print $2}'
This returns exactly what I am looking for which is just the task definition name.
When running the command in the CLI with just grep i get this:
When including Awk, I get:
However, when I try to add this to my Jenkins pipeline:
ecsTaskDefinitionName = Foo-Task-Testing
ecsTaskDefinition = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "aws ecs list-task-definitions | grep $ecsTaskDefinitionName | awk -F '/' '{print \$2}'").trim()
I always get this error message:
/home/jenkins/workspace/foo_test_PR-828#tmp/durable-a5ce4670/script.sh: 1: /home/jenkins/workspace/foo_test_PR-828#tmp/durable-a5ce4670/script.sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
I have a feeling this has to do with how I am using Awk in Groovy but I can't seem to find enough examples online to confirm this. Can anyone either provide a way of doing this in Groovy w/o using Awk or any experienced Groovy programmers can tell me the correct way of passing Awk?
You can avoid the need for awk with grep -o:
... | grep -o Foo-Task-Testing.*
(-o only returns the match, .* greedily matches everything after)
I have the following text (single line) returned from a call to an API:
data=$(gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=production-internal | grep proj-name-name-dp)
echo $data
proj-name-name-dp.int.proj-name.abc.title.com. CNAME 300 proj-name-name-dp.int.proj-name.abc.title.com.
However I would like to get just proj-name-name-dp.int.proj-name.abc.title.com
Everything from the dot after com should not be stored in data variable.
grep -o didn't help.
Any help is appreciated.
If you are ok with awk then could you please try following.
data=$(gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=production-internal | awk '/proj-name-name-dp/{sub(/\.com.*/,".com")} 1')
I have an nmap output looking like this
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.16s latency).
80/tcp open http
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to
I would like the output to be like http-title: Did not follow redirect to
How can it be done using grep or any other means?
You can use the following nmap.sh script like that:
<nmap_command> | ./nmap.sh
#!/usr/bin/env sh
var="$(cat /dev/stdin)"
echo "$var" > "$file"
ip_address=$(head -1 "$file" | rev | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev)
last_line=$(tail -1 "$file" | sed -E "s,^\|_, ,")
printf "%s%s\n" "$ip_address" "$last_line"
rm "$file"
If you do not mind using a programming language, check out this code snippet with Python:
import nmapthon as nm
scanner = nm.NmapScanner('', ports=[80], arguments='-sS -sV --script http-title')
if '' in scanner.scanned_hosts(): # Check if host responded
serv = scanner.service('', 'tcp', 80)
if serv is not None: # Check if service was identified
Do not forget to execute pip3 install nmapthon.
I am the author of the library, feel free to have a look here
Looks like you want an [nmap scan] output to be edited and displayed as you wish. Try bash scripting, code a bash script and run it.
Here's an link to a video where you might find an answer to your problem:
Watch the video from the Time Stamp 1:27:17 where the creator briefly describes how to cut-short an output and display it as we wish.
If you require, I could code an bash script to execute an cut-shorted version of the output given by an nmap scan.
I want to extract certain information from the output of a program. But my method does not work. I write a rather simple script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "first hello world."
print "second"
After making the script executable, I type ./test | grep "first|second". I expect it to show the two sentences. But it does not show anything. Why?
Escape the expression.
$ ./test | grep "first\|second"
first hello world.
Also bear in mind that the shebang is #!/usr/bin/env python, not just #/usr/bin/env python.
use \| instead of |
./test | grep "first\|second"
I have a file, each line of which can be described by this grammar:
<text> <colon> <fullpath> <comma> <"by"> <text> <colon> <text> <colon> <text> <colon> <text>
needs fixing (Sunday): src/foo/io.c, by Smith : in progress : <... random comment ...>
How do I get the <fullpath> portion, which lies between the first <colon> and the first <comma>
(I'm not very inclined to write a program to parse this, though this looks like it could be done easily with javacc. Hoping to use some built-in tools like sed, awk, ...)
Or with a regex substitution
sed -n 's/^[^:]*:\([^:,]*\),.*/\1/p' file
Linux sed dialect; if on a different platform, maybe you need an -E option and/or take out the backslashes before the round parentheses; or just go with Perl instead;
perl -nle 'print $1 if m/:(.*?),/' file
Assuming the input will be similar to what you have above:
awk '{print $4}' | tr -d ,
For the entire file you can just type the file name next to the awk command to the command I have above.
If you're using bash script to parse this stuff, you don't even need tools like awk or sed.
$ text="needs fixing (Sunday): src/foo/io.c, by Smith : in progress : <... comment ...>"
$ text=${text%%,*}
$ text=${text#*: }
$ echo "$text"
Read about this on the bash man page under Parameter Expansion.
with GNU grep:
grep -oP '(?<=: ).*?(?=,)'
This may find more than one substring if there are subsequent commas in the line.