APPIUM is not Recognizing the Emulator - appium

While Running the Script I am not getting any result in the Emulator. But in the APPIUM Server getting the logs as below.
I Searched the warning getting in the APPIUM server. They said Set the Android sdk path in Environment Variables. I set the ANDROID_HOME in user variables and platform-tools and the tools in the system variables. But still getting this Error.
How can I resolve this?


Only for Appium Inspector ,Failed to create session , Android SDK folder does not exist in Windows 10 but path is correct

In 64-bit windows 10, I downloaded and installed Appium-Inspector-windows-2022.2.1. Also in system variables I set the ANDROID_HOME and path correctly.
ANDROID_HOME= C:\Users\Sameera\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
After that I started Emulator via command line using adb commands also and Appium server(Appium-Server-GUI-windows-1.22.2) in GUI mode.
However, when I tried to start Appium inspector, it throws,
Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while
processing the command. Original error: The Android SDK root folder '
C:\Users\Sameera\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk' does not exist on the
local file system. Read for more
However, it exists.

How to fix Failure “INSTALL PARSE FAILED NO CERTIFICATES” for Appium & Python?

I am making an automation script to automate a Real SMartphone Android 8.1:
Python 3.7
Windows 10 64Bits
Build-tools 29.0.3
java version "1.8.0_241"
Appium 1.17.1
Node v12.15.0
sdkmanager 4.0.1
ADB (Android Debug Bridge) version 1.0.41
Version 30.0.3-6597393
When I run my script, I get these error message:
--> We can't open Instagram. Please check if device is connected. Let's try again!
Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Performing Push Install
C:\Users\Nino\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-uiautomator2-server\apks\appium-uiautomator2-server-debug-androidTest.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 87.8 MB/s (470052 bytes in 0.005s)
Appium log file:
What I've tried:
I added this desired capability:
desired_caps['remoteAppsCacheLimit'] = 0
It didn't help.
I reset factory my Android device but it didn't help.
Does anyone already faced this issue?
Try to add noSign: true to capabilities. It might help.
I also suggest manually removing Appium Settings and Instagram apps before starting a new session.

How do I solve Appium-desktop could not find my adb

I was trying to set a win10 Appium environment to do some Android automation test.
My adb environment var and Android devices are all set down (seen in attach screenshots).
However when I run the python or java test code, the appium server always tells me that my adb.exe and build tools folder could not be found. I spent aloooooooooot of time on finding the solution on google but nothing works.
adb devices
could not find adb.exe
could not find build-tools
sdk root
adb.exe root
From the screenshot you attached it seems like you have updated multiple paths separated by semi colon all under ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
Set the environment variables properly for ANDROID_HOME and Path as described below,
ANDROID_HOME: SDK root path only
PATH: %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
Don't forget to restart your appium server after the above changes are made.

Failed to execute adb.exe when trying to run Xamarin.UITest

I'm trying to setup a Xamarin UITest without any luck.
When I try to run 'all tests', I get the following error:
execute: C:\Users\Brandon\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe devices - exit code: 1
error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: cannot bind to Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. (10048)
List of devices attached
adb server version (39) doesn't match this client (36); killing...
could not read ok from ADB Server
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon
ADB seems to be started just fine and the weird thing is that it seems to be using an adb version from another user, even though..
1) Tools > Options > Xamarin > Android is set to different path than the above-mentioned, for the Android SDK.
2) There is no system environment path variable that I can find for the above-referenced adb.exe path!
Am I missing something?
In my case it was Android Emulator version mismatch. Somehow Emulator got updated to the newer version:
After uninstalling Emulator, switching Feed to Microsoft instead of google and re-installing Emulator - error was gone and everything worked just fine.

Trying to run Appium test in android 7.0, but just Appium settings and Unlocker app get installed and test does not run

Following is the link to my code and error sin appium console
and eclipse console:
Link to the code and error in eclipse console and appium console
If you check the Appium logs, it has this line in there -
info: [debug] The following desired capabilities were provided, but not recognized by appium. They will be passed on to any other services running on this server. : version
This means that version is not the correct property name. You have to change it to platformVersion. Try changing it and see it it works. The line of code would be like this -
capabilities.setCapability("platformVersion", "7.0");
Also, there is no need to provide the browser name, as you are not using it anywhere. But that shouldn't affect the test script execution in any way.
You can also check this article which shows the capabilities you can use to launch an app - Appium Script to Launch App
