Jenkinsfile unable to run docker with multiple params - docker

In my jenkinsfile I have this
stage ('Build Docker') {
steps {
script {
image1 = "docker1:${BRANCH_NAME}"
script {
image2 = "docker2:${BRANCH_NAME}"
stage ('Run Docker Acceptance Tests') {
steps {
script {
container1 = "-v /tmp/${BRANCH_NAME}:/var/lib/data"
container1Id =
container1IP = sh script: "docker inspect ${container1Id} | grep IPAddress | grep -v null| cut -d \'\"\' -f 4 | head -1", returnStdout: true
//let containers start up
sleep 20
script {
container2="-v /tmp/${BRANCH_NAME}:/var/lib/data --add-host=MY_HOST:${container1IP}")
When it gets to run container2 I get this output.
[resources] Running shell script
00:01:33.775 + docker run -d -v /tmp/master:/var/lib/data --add-host=MY_HOST:
00:01:33.775 "docker run" requires at least 1 argument(s).
00:01:33.775 See 'docker run --help'.
Clearly its not appending the container name when running the docker image.
I tried just hardcoding in the IP address to test if it worked like this
container2="-v /tmp/${BRANCH_NAME}:/var/lib/data --add-host=MY_HOST:")
And then it worked and ran the command correctly
00:00:29.386 [resources] Running shell script
00:00:29.641 + docker run -d -v /tmp/master:/var/lib/data --add-host=MY_HOST: docker-name:branch
I dont understand why its not picking up the container image name.
I have even tried doing this - getting the same error
container2="-v /tmp/${BRANCH_NAME}:/var/lib/data --add-host=MY_HOST:${container1IP} docker2:${BRANCH_NAME}")
My final step I tried
sh "docker run -v /tmp/${BRANCH_NAME}:/var/lib/data --add-host=MY_HOST:${container1IP} docker2:${BRANCH_NAME}"
Again it seems like it is stripping off the final command after resolving ${container1IP}

managed to fix it, it was due to a hidden new line char
container1IP = sh (script: "docker inspect ${container1Id} | grep IPAddress | grep -v null| cut -d \'\"\' -f 4 | head -1", returnStdout: true).trim()
Trimming the var fixed it


Run job on all existing Jenkins workers

I have a Job in a pipeline that cleans up docker images. It runs the job on each worker individually. This is frustrating because when I add jenkins-cpu-worker3, I'll have to update this job.
I'd like to run this job in such a way that it runs on all workers without having to update it each time a new worker is present. I also want the job to be able to run regardless of what I name each worker. It needs to run on all workers no matter what.
Is there a way to query jenkins from within the pipeline to get me a list or array of all the workers that exist. I was leafing through documentation and posts online and I have not found a solution that works. If possible I'd like to do this without any additional Jenkins Plugins.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Cleanup jenkins-cpu-worker1') {
agent {
node {
label 'jenkins-cpu-worker1'
steps {
sh "docker container prune -f"
sh "docker image prune -f"
sh '''docker images | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | xargs docker image rm || true'''
sh "docker network prune -f"
sh "docker volume prune -f"
stage('Cleanup jenkins-cpu-worker2') {
agent {
node {
label 'jenkins-cpu-worker2'
steps {
sh "docker container prune -f"
sh "docker image prune -f"
sh '''docker images | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | xargs docker image rm || true'''
sh "docker network prune -f"
sh "docker volume prune -f"
Here is an improved version of your Pipeline. This will dynamically get all the active agents, and run your cleanup task in parallel.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('CleanupWorkers') {
steps {
script {
echo "Something"
parallel parallelJobs()
def parallelJobs() {
jobs = [:]
for (def nodeName in getAllNodes()) {
jobs[nodeName] = getStage(nodeName)
return jobs
def getStage(def nodeName){
return {
stage("Cleaning $nodeName") {
echo "Srating cleaning"
docker container prune -f
docker image prune -f
docker images | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}' | xargs docker image rm || true
docker network prune -f
docker volume prune -f
def getAllNodes() {
def nodeNames = []
def jenkinsNodes = Jenkins.instance.getNodes().each { node ->
// Ignore offline agents
if (!node.getComputer().isOffline()){
return nodeNames

Unable to delete docker image via Jenkins pipeline

I want to delete image from previous build. I'm able to get its image id, however the job dies every time it hits docker rmi command.
stage('Clean old Image') {
steps {
script {
def imageName = "${registry}" + "/" + "${branchName}"
env.imageName = "${imageName}"
def oldImageID = sh(
script: 'docker images -qf reference=\${imageName}:\${imageTag}',
returnStdout: true
echo "Image Name: " + "${imageName}"
echo "Old Image: ${oldImageID}"
if ( "${oldImageID}" != '' ) {
echo "Deleting image id: ${oldImageID}..."
sh 'docker rmi -f $oldImageID'
} else {
echo "No image to delete..."
stage log console shows these error messages
Shell Script -- docker rmi -f $oldImageID (self time 282ms)
+ docker rmi -f
"docker rmi" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker rmi --help'.
Usage: docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]
Remove one or more images
but actually, the image id is already persists as it shows in stage log
Print Message -- Old Image: 267848fadb74 (self time 11ms)
Old Image: 267848fadb74
Try passing in " instead of ' with ${oldImageID}
sh "docker rmi -f ${oldImageID}"

Why is wc -l returning 0 in a sh step subshell in Jenkins/groovy

I have a Jenkins script that looks like this
stage ("Build and Deploy") {
steps {
script {
def statusCode = sh(script:"""ssh ${env.SERVER_NAME} << EOF
cd ${env.LOCATION}
git clone -b ${env.GIT_BRANCH} ${env.GIT_URL} ${env.FOLDER}
cd ${env.FOLDER}
... some other stuff goes here but isnt relevant ..
sudo docker-compose up -d --build
if [ ! \$(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l ) -eq 4 ]
exit 1
""", returnStatus:true).toString().trim()
if (statusCode == "1") {
error("At least one container failed to start")
What I want is to exit with error code 1 in the script if the number of running containers is not equal to 3 (wc -l == 4 including the header), but the if statement is evaluating true and exiting with error code 1 even though i know that the containers are successfully running.
I have tried
echo sh(script: """ssh ${env.SERVER_NAME} << EOF
echo \$(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l)
""", returnStdout:true).toString()
echo sh(script: """ssh ${env.SERVER_NAME} << EOF
echo \$(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*")
""", returnStdout:true).toString()
The latter outputted 4 lines within jenkins showing all of the running containers, as expected, but the former which includes "| wc -l" returned and printed out 0 in jenkins.
I have reproduced the steps of this script line by line manually from start to finish and it works as intended when not run from within jenkins.
Additionally, manually running the command:
[ ! $(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l ) -eq 4 ] && echo failed
echoes nothing, and the following command returns an output of 4, which is expected.
echo $(sudo docker container ls -f "name=config-provider-*" | wc -l )

How do I fail a Jenkins build if a Docker Pipeline Plugin withRun command returns a non-zero exit code?

I'm using the Docker Pipeline Plugin to execute my build scripts via Docker containers. I noticed that if I had a script return a non-zero exit code when executing within an inside() command, Jenkins would mark the pipeline execution as a failure. This example Jenkinsfile illustrates that scenario:
docker.image('alpine').inside() {
sh 'exit 1'
However, if I use the withRun() command, a similar Jenkinsfile will not cause the build to fail, even though the docker ps -l command shows that the container exited with a non-zero status:
node() {
sh 'touch ./'
sh 'echo "exit 1" >> ./'
sh 'chmod 755 ./'
docker.image('alpine').withRun("-v ${WORKSPACE}:/newDir", '/bin/sh /newDir/') {container ->
sh "docker logs ${} -f"
sh 'docker ps -l'
Is there a way to make withRun() fail the build if the container exits with a non-zero code?
One of possible solutions:
docker.withRegistry("https://${REGISTRY}", 'creds-id') {
Image = docker.image("${IMAGE}-${PROJECT}:${TAG}")
try {
c ="-v /mnt:/mnt")
sh "docker logs -f ${}"
def out = sh script: "docker inspect ${} --format='{{.State.ExitCode}}'", returnStdout: true
sh "exit ${out}"
} finally {
I couldn't find any more information on exit codes from the withRun() command, so I ended up just executing a docker run command from an sh step:
node() {
sh 'touch ./'
sh 'echo "exit 1" >> ./'
sh 'chmod 755 ./'
sh "docker run --rm -v ${WORKSPACE}:/newDir alpine /bin/sh /newDir/"
How about running a script that exits based upon the output from docker wait?
sh "exit \$(docker wait ${})"
wait prints the container's exit code, which in case of error causes the build to fail according to sh docs:
Normally, a script which exits with a nonzero status code will cause the step to fail with an exception.

Docker Plugin for Jenkins Pipeline - No user exists for uid 1005

I'm trying to execute an SSH command from inside a Docker container in a Jenkins pipeline. I'm using the CloudBees Docker Pipeline Plugin to spin up the container and execute commands, and the SSH Agent Plugin to manage my SSH keys. Here's a basic version of my Jenkinsfile:
node {
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
docker.image('node').inside {
stage('SSH') {
sshagent (credentials: [ 'MY_KEY_UUID' ]) {
sh "ssh -vvv -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no uname -a"
When the SSH command runs, I get this error:
+ ssh -vvv -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no uname -a
No user exists for uid 1005
I combed through the logs and realized the Docker Pipeline Plugin is automatically telling the container to run with the same user that is logged in on the host by passing a UID as a command line argument:
$ docker run -t -d -u 1005:1005 [...]
I decided to check what users existed in the host and the container by running cat /etc/passwd in each environment. Sure enough, the list of users was different in each. 1005 was the jenkins user on the host machine, but that UID didn't exist in the container. To solve the issue, I mounted /etc/passwd from the host to the container when spinning it up:
node {
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
docker.image('node').inside('-v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd') {
stage('SSH') {
sshagent (credentials: [ 'MY_KEY_UUID' ]) {
sh "ssh -vvv -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no uname -a"
The solution provided by #nathan-thompson is awesome, but in my case I was unable to find the user even in the /etc/passwd of the host machine! It means mounting the passwd file did not fix the problem. This question suggested some users are logged in the host using an identity provider like LDAP.
The solution was finding a way to add the proper line to the passwd file on the container. Calling getent passwd $USER on the host will provide the passwd line for the Jenkins user running the container.
I added a step running on the node (and not the docker agent) to get the line and save it in a file. Then in the next step I mounted the generated passwd to the container:
stages {
stage('Create passwd') {
steps {
sh """echo \$(getent passwd \$USER) > /tmp/tmp_passwd
stage('Test') {
agent {
docker {
image '*******'
args '***** -v /tmp/tmp_passwd:/etc/passwd'
reuseNode true
registryUrl '*****'
registryCredentialsId '*****'
steps {
sh """ssh -i ********
I just found another solution to this problem, that I want to share. It differentiates from the existing solutions in that it allows to run the complete pipeline in one agent, instead of per stage.
The trick is to, instead of directly using an image, refer to a Dockerfile (which may be build FROM the original) and then add the user:
# Dockerfile
FROM node
ARG jenkinsUserId=
RUN if ! id $jenkinsUserId; then \
usermod -u ${jenkinsUserId} jenkins; \
groupmod -g ${nodeId} jenkins; \
// Jenkinsfile
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
additionalBuildArgs "--build-arg jenkinsUserId=\$(id -u jenkins)"
agent {
docker {
image 'node:14.10.1-buster-slim'
args '-u root:root'
environment {
SSH_deploy = credentials('e99988ea-6bdc-45fc-b9e1-536b875bcac7')
stage('build') {
steps {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
cat $SSH_deploy | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add -
touch .env
echo 'REACT_APP_BASE_API = "//"' >> .env
echo 'REACT_APP_ADMIN_PANEL_URL = "//"' >> .env
yarn install
CI=false npm run build
ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root# 'rm -rf /usr/local/src/build'
scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no build root#
ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root# 'systemctl restart nginx'
From the solution provided by Nathan Thompson, I modified it this way for Jenkins DOCKER build container which runs inside a Jenkins DOCKER-slave. #docker in docker
if (validated_parameters.custom_gradle_image){
docker.image(validated_parameters.custom_gradle_image).inside(" -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/:/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/ "){
sh "${gradleCommand}"
