I have a large project built with The Amazing Audio Engine 2. I have struggled to get Inter-App-Audio integrated and would like to migrate to AudioKit 3.
Struggled, meaning, it integrates, but as soon as I select it as a generator the rendering just stops, the engine is in a disabled state.
What are the main differences with the audio systems? TAAE2 uses modules, each with a render block, that pushes and pops audio buffers from a render stack.
How does AudioKit render audio? What would be involved, on a high level, in migrating AEModules to Audiokit objects?
For the audio rendering, it's essentially a wrapper around AVAudioEngine, AUAudioUnit, AVAudioUnit, and AVAudioNode. It's conceptualized as a render chain rather than a stack, but the end result is the same. You can use the system Audio units, or you can register your own by creating an AUAudioUnit subclass.
The render chain works much the same way, but with a block based API. Instead of subclassing AEAudioUnitModule and setting the processFunction to a C function where you pull buffer lists and timestamps from your renderer, you subclass AUAudioUnit and implement internalRenderBlock where you return a block that gets called with the buffers and timestamps as arguments to your block. This block is where you could do most of your porting.
I'm not exactly sure is this not right answer. but could it be the same as this discussion in our doc ?
migrating to AudioKit
I am new to GNUradio and I am making a FM Receiver. I am recording the data into the file sink. But I need the data of just 1 millisecond. How can I specify this time so that my flowgraph automatically stop after this time?
I also read some solutions regarding the calling of stop() and start() methods and I tried that in GRC generated python file also but it didn't work for me, may be I made a mistake.
Simply use the "Head" block to stop after passing the 1msĀ·sample rate of samples.
I am using C in Objective C and I want to capture stdout to UIView from Console.
Here is the line I'm talking about:
print(stdout, v=toplevel_eval(v));
Other than you are writing in C I have no idea how much you know about C, "Unix" and Cocoa I/O - so some of this you may already know.
Here is one possible solution, it looks more complicated than it is.
You need to understand the system calls pipe, dup2 and read.
You need to understand the GCD function dispatch_async and how to obtain a GCD queue.
pipe and dup2 are often used in conjunction with fork and exec to launch a process and write/read to/from that process standard input/output. What you will be doing uses some of the same basic ideas so looking up examples of this common pattern will help you understand how these calls work. Here are some notes from a University: Pipe, Fork, Exec and Related Topics.
Using dispatch_async schedule a block to handle the reading and writing of the data. The block will:
Use pipe To create a pipe and dup2 To connect stdout - file descriptor 1 - it.
Enter a loop which uses read to obtain the available data from the pipe. Data read will be in a byte array.
Within the loop convert the read bytes into an NSString
Within the loop append that string to your view - you must do this on the main thread as it involves the UI, and you can do that using another dispatch_async specifying the main queue.
That is it. Your block will now execute concurrently in the background reading whatever your C code writes to the standard output and adding it to your view.
If you get stuck you can ask a new question showing the code you have written and describing what doesn't work.
In my extension, I need to write a huge file (say around 20 gigs) to the disk. Currently I am doing it in the main thread, but file creation is very expensive operation. I was about to move the whole file creation process to a ChromeWorker, but based on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Workers_API/Functions_and_classes_available_to_workers I cannot have access to the nsiFile from a ChromeWorker.
So my questions are:
1. Is it possible to access Cc, Ci, and Cu from within a ChromeWorker?
2. If not what would be the most efficient way to create and fill large files in Firefox. Note that I need to write the file based on segments and offsets (Ci.nsISeekableStream).
It's not possible to access nsIFile from ChromeWorker. But nsIFile is horrible synchronus option.
Go with OS.File: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/OSFile.jsm
On that page go to the link for usage on workers: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/OSFile.jsm/OS.File_for_workers
On the mainthread os.file returns promises.
In worker they are synchronus. Wrap your os.file functions in worker with a try-catch, as when an error occurs, (like os.file.remove with option of ignoreAbsent set to false) then the catch will hold the OS.File.Error object.
Great move to ChromeWorker btw! I'm a huge fan of ChromeWorkers. I wrote a simple example of jsm using chromeworker here: https://github.com/Noitidart/jpm-chromeworker
For segments, you'll have to OS.File.open and then on the return value do a .setPosition() then you can read certain number of bytes from that position, or write, or whatever. Its awesome stuff. OS.File is the new way and the recommended way to do file operations. Its been around awhile now though since like Firefox 29 or before that.
I have been looking through the threads at the Qualcomm Forums but no luck since I don't know exactly how to look for what I want.
I'm working with the ImageTargets Sample for iOS and I want to change the teapot to another image (a text rather) I had.
I already have the render and I got the .h using opengl library but I can't figure out what do I need to change to make this work and since this is the very basic and I haven't been able to make it work I really haven't ventured to try anything else.
Could anyone please help me out?
I would paste code here but it's a whole project so I don't know exactly what to put if needed please let me know.
If the case is still valid, here's what you have to do:
get header file for 3D object
get texture image for this object
in EAGLView.mm make this changes:
import "yourobject3d.h"
add your texture to textureFilenames array(this should be at the begining of EAGLView
eventually take care about kObjectScale (by deafult it was about 3.0f, for one object I did have to change it even up to 120.0f)
in setup3dObjects method assign proper arrays of vertices/normals/texture coords (check in "yourobject3d.h" file for proper arrays and naming) to Object3D *object
make this change in renderFrameQCAR
//glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, obj3D.numIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (const GLvoid*)obj3D.indices);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, obj3D.numVertices);
I believe that is all... if something take a look at Vuforia's forum, i.e. here: https://developer.vuforia.com/node/2047669
NOTE: default teapot.h does (!) have indices, which are not present in banana.h (from comment below) so take care about that too
Have a look at the EAGLView.mm file. There you'll have to load the textures (images) and 3d objects (you'll need to import your .h instead of teapot.h and modify setup3dObjects accordingly).
They are finally rendered by calling the renderFrameQCAR function.
Actually, teapot is not an image. It's a 3D model stored in .h format which includes Vertices, Normals, and Texture coordinates. You should have a good knowledge of OpenGL ES to understand those codes in sample app.
An easier way to change the 3D model to whatever you want is to use a rendering engine which facilitates the drawing and rendering stuffs and you don't need to bother OpenGL APIs. I've done it with jPCT-AE for Android platform but for iOS there is a counterpart called OpenFrameworks engine. It has some plugins to load 3Ds or MD2 files and since it's written in C++ you can easily integrate it with QCAR.
This is a short video of my result with jPCT and QCAR:
Qualcomm Vuforia + jPCT-AE test video
In XNA, how do I load in a texture or mesh from a file without using the content pipeline?
The .FromFile method will not work on xbox or zune. You have two choices:
Just use the content pipeline ... on xbox or zune (if you care about them), you can't have user-supplied content anyways, so it doesn't matter if you only use the content pipeline.
Write code to load the texture (using .SetData), or of course to parse the model file and load the appropriate vertexbuffers, etc.
For anyone interested in loading a model from a file check out this tutorial:
This is a windows only Way to load a texture without loading it through the pipeline, As Cory stated above, all content must be compiled before loading it on the Xbox, and Zune.
Texture2D texture = Texture2D.FromFile(GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice, #Location of your Texture Here.png);
I believe Texture2D.FromFile(); is what you are looking for.
It does not look like you can do this with a Model though.
If you really want to load an Xna Xna.Framework.Graphics.Model on PC without the content pipeline (eg for user generated content), there is a way. I used SlimDX to load an X file, and avoid the parsing code, the some reflection tricks to instantiate the Model (it is sealed and has a private constructor so wasn't meant to be extended or customised). See here: http://contenttracker.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/20704#346981