XML File without root node in ant - ant

Is reading an xml file without root node in ant possible?
for examples file like
is it possible to traverse the names in this file in ant?

Ant does use standard Java XML parsers, which expects XML is well formed, so have one root element. See https://coderwall.com/p/3ddyka/how-to-parse-a-file-xml-without-root-or-a-malformed-xml-in-java how to add root element from Java code.


Specify output file extension with Saxon

Is it possible to specify output file extension with Saxon?
When processing multiple input files, the "o:" option specifies the top level target directory. All the generated files have an ".xml" extension. It would be possible to change these with a script, but it would be significantly easier if there was a way to specify the desired extension, command line or from within the XSL file.
You can get the extension .html or .txt by setting <xsl:output media-type="text/html"/> or text/plain in the stylesheet, but apart from that there's no mechanism for changing the extension. If you want more flexibility, use Saxon's Java API rather than the command line.

Can the Sphinx Search Engine index a folder of xml files?

I have folders that contain xml that I need to index in Sphinx. I explored the xmlpipe2 driver, and my understanding is that it only reads xml generated from a script, aka, one source. Is there a way to index a folder of xml files if I don't have the option of putting it a single xml file?
a XMLPipe Script is just a script that outputs XML, which sphinx then ingests.
It doesnt matter WHERE that script, gets the data from that it outputs.
It could get it from other the XML files, the script would just walk the folder structure, read all the files, and output XML.

how i can traverse the xml path dynamically in antscript?

Could anyone tell me, how can I traverse the xml path dynamically in antscript? If the parent tag is given from command line arguement. with this , i have to form child tag path ..access the xml file , to pull the value form the formed xml tag path.
ant -DId=abc
Given file is
Is this correct to give output 16?
ANT is not a scripting language, and properties within properties is unfortunately not supported :-(
My suggested solution is an embedded groovy script
<target name="parse">
def data = new XmlSlurper().parse(new File("data.xml"))
println data.Age
Conveniently (in your case) the groovy xml parser ignores the name of the root tag, meaning you don't have to pass it as a parameter.
See also the following similar question:
How to <foreach> in a <macrodef>?

ws jaxb custom external mapping

I have to do custom JAXB external mapping file.
Already red tutorial about this and can not find any suitable example of JAXB customization. My scenario is that I have two WSDL files main WSDL and secondary WSDL which is included in main one. And in secondary WSDL file is one complexType definition which has a name that I want to customize. BTW name of that complexType is objectFactory. So now you know what I really really need that external customization.
I have came so far that when I run wsimport path-to-my-main-wsdl -b customBindings.jaxb
output is like
[ERROR] XPath evaluation of "//xs:complexType[#name='objectFactory']" results in empty target node
line 2 of file:/customBindings.jaxb
File customBindings.jaxb looks like
<jxb:bindings version="1.0" xmlns:jxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<jxb:bindings schemaLocation="path-to-my-secondary-wsdl#types?schema1" node="//xs:complexType[#name='objectFactory']">
<jxb:class name="MyObjectFactory" />
At second line of my customBindings.jaxb file are two properties schemaLocation and node. Does property schemaLocation need to point at main WSDL or secondary WSDl? And does property node be exact path (XPath) to wanted complexType or is like this ok? And what is with namespaces within XPath (node property), it has to be xs or what? And what actually this types and schema1 stands for in schemaLocation?
I came across your question while researching the same problem.
A few vague hints are found on this page: http://jaxb.java.net/guide/Dealing_with_errors.html
Causes for the "empty target node" message are suggested at the bottom of that page.

xmltask confused about dtd

I'm trying to use xmltask for ant to modify a file in a subdirectory:
The file refers to a DTD like this:
<!DOCTYPE data SYSTEM "mydtd.dtd">
I don't have the flexibility to change these documents.
This DTD is stored in the same subdirectory, which has always worked fine:
Unfortunately, xmltask is trying to locate the dtd in my project's top-level directory, which is where my build file is located, and where I run from:
[xmltask] java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/me/project/mydtd.dtd (The system cannot find the file specified)
I see in the xmltask documentation that I can correct this with an xmlcatalog element to tell it where to look up the file. But I need to use a dtd element, and I can only find examples for this element, not documentation; the examples show only a publicId, and if I understand XML correctly this document does not have one. I shouldn't need to specify this, anyway, right, since my document already says my DTD is stored locally and shows right where it is?
Why isn't xmltask finding the DTD correctly? What's the best way to correct or work around this situation?
An XML Catalog is the way to go here, it just needs a bit more perseverance.
As you correctly pointed out, the standard Ant <XmlCatalog> type only allows you to specify public DTD references when using the inline syntax, which is of no use to you. However, <XmlCatalog> also lets you specify a standard OASIS-syntax catalog, which is far richer, including resolving SYSTEM DTD references.
An OASIS catalog (full spec here) looks like this:
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
<system systemId="mydtd.dtd" uri="project/path/to/mydtd.dtd"/>
You can then reference this catalog from the <XmlCatalog>:
<xmlcatalog refid="commonDTDs"/>
<pathelement location="path/to/oasis.catalog"/>
And that's that. It's a good idea to build up a reusable OASIS catalog file, and refer to it from various XML-related Ant tasks, all of which can use <XmlCatalog>.
As an alternative, it looks like I can skip the whole validation by creating a blank file with the same name as the DVD file, and then deleting the file when I am done. Odds are I am going to go that route instead of using the catalog.
xmltask isn't finding it because it is looking in the current working directory. Ant allows you to specify a base directory using the basedir attribute of the <target> element. So I suggest you try this:
<target basedir="path/to" ...>
It strikes me that it is not the XML/DTD that you really have the problem with, but getting xmltask to interact with the two of them as you want.
If that fails, you could use the Ant Copy task to copy the XML and DTD to the root folder before processing with xmltask, then copying back again.
Have you tried:
<!DOCTYPE data SYSTEM "./path/to/mydtd.dtd">
? Or an absolute path?
Also, you can find <dtd> description here.
I had a similar problem where an XML file had a doctype with SYSTEM reference that could not be changed.
<!DOCTYPE opencms SYSTEM "http://www.opencms.org/dtd/6.0/opencms-modules.dtd">
I first went down the road and created a catalog file with the OASIS catalog as described above, but to be able to use external catalogs I had to include the Apache Commons Resolver 1.1 (resolver.jar) in the Ant classpath (see http://ant.apache.org/manual/Types/xmlcatalog.html).
Because I had multiple machines on which this build was supposed to run this seemed overkill, especially since xmltask worked fine if I just removed the doctype definition. I wasn't allowed to remove it permanently because the doctype was needed elsewhere.
Ultimately I used this workaround: I commented out the doctype definition using Ant's replace task, ran the xmltask, and then put the doctype back into the file.
<replace file="myxmlfile.xml">
<replacetoken><!DOCTYPE opencms SYSTEM "http://www.opencms.org/dtd/6.0/opencms-modules.dtd"></replacetoken>
<replacevalue><!-- !DOCTYPE opencms SYSTEM "http://www.opencms.org/dtd/6.0/opencms-modules.dtd" --></replacevalue>
<xmltask .../>
<replace file="${local.opencms.webapp.webinf}/config/opencms-modules.xml">
<replacetoken><!-- !DOCTYPE opencms SYSTEM "http://www.opencms.org/dtd/6.0/opencms-modules.dtd" --></replacetoken>
<replacevalue><!DOCTYPE opencms SYSTEM "http://www.opencms.org/dtd/6.0/opencms-modules.dtd"></replacevalue>
