How to use die() for twitter api using PHP - twitter

I am using twitter api in my website. I want to use something like die() in order to ignore api when it has not access to the internet to prevent getting error. I am using WAMP for programming and each time I try to refresh the page, I get api error and hence, it prevents the rest of the page from loading. I need something like this:
$tweets = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $twitteruser, 'exclude_replies' => true, 'include_rts' => false)) **or die()**;
How can I do it?
Thank you in advance!

Here is a code that you could use :
//Try to connect to Twitter API, stop attempts after 1 second
$isReachable = #fsockopen("", 443, $errno, $errstr, 1);
if ($isReachable){
fclose($isReachable); // Close connection
// Get your tweets
$tweets = $connection->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('screen_name' => $twitteruser, 'exclude_replies' => true, 'include_rts' => false))
This code checks if Twitter API is reachable.
If no response has been received after 1 second, just continue execution without using Twitter API.
Note that if you're not connected to internet, your page will load 1 second slower.


Discord Oauth2 receiving 'invalid client' error

I had Discord Oauth2 implemented so that my users could log into my website by authenticating through Discord. For months, everything worked great and now all of the sudden it stopped working.
Per Discord's oauth2 instructions,, I am able to successfully acquire the access code that is meant to be traded for the access token. However, when I try to receive the access token I receive an 'invalid_client' error.
First, I am hitting this endpoint:${process.env.CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A5000%2Flogin%2Fdiscord%2Fcallback&response_type=code&scope=identify%20email%20gdm.join
which successfully returns the following:
The access code is then sent back to discord to obtain the access token. Here is the code that is failing:
export function getDiscordAccessToken(accessCode, call) {
const redirect = call === 'login' ? process.env.DISCORD_LOGIN_REDIRECT : process.env.DISCORD_CONNECT_REDIRECT
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
// log error to db
console.log("Here is your error: ", err.response)
This code was working for months with no problems. Then, all of the sudden it stopped working. I even checked the Discord change logs which can be found here,, but I found no reference to authentication changes.
Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
The query parameters should be in the BODY of the POST request, not the URL for the oauth/token url.
Discord recently pushed a update to the oAuth2 which makes it confine more with the standard. This means they no longer support parameters in the URL for POST, but instead require them to be in the body and form encoded (basically the same, but in the body and without the leading ?).
So you basically need (not tested):
I know the question has already been answered, but in my case I copied a wrong secret key. Just make sure that you copy the right one.
Secret Key is located under OAuth2 Tab and not under General Information tab on discord developer's dashboard.

Twitter v1.1: 400 Bad request

I have problems with the new Twitter API: v1.0 is working without problems, but if I change the URL to v1.1 I get all the time a error "400 Bad request" (seen with Firebug).
This is working like a charm, everything works as excepted.
Simply changing the URL to .../1.1/... and I get a Bad request error and even to JSON error response or even some content at all.
Note: It couldn't be a rate limitation, because I accessed the URL the first time ever. redirects me to
Looks like 1.1 is the same thing as 1
UPD: Looks like this is a rate limit (as 1.1 link worked for me 2 hours ago). Even if you hit API page for the first time, some of your apps (descktop or mobile) could use API methods.
UPD2: in 1.1 400 Bad request means you are not autorized (, So you need to get user context
You need to authenticate and authorize using oauth before using v1.1 apis
Here is something which works with python tweepy - gets statuses from users timeline
def twitter_fetch(screen_name = "BBCNews",maxnumtweets=10):
'Fetch tweets from #BBCNews'
# API described at
consumer_token = '' #substitute values from twitter website
consumer_secret = ''
access_token = ''
access_secret = ''
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_token,consumer_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#api.update_status('Hello -tweepy + oauth!')
for status in tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline,id=screen_name).items(2):
print status.text+'\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
For me the cause was the size of the media that was attached to the tweet. If it was <1.2MB it went through OK, but if it was over, I would get a 400 error every time.
Strange considering Twitter says the tweet limit is 3MB

how to fetch json data from a remote server in a backbone.js app

I'm following an app example from this repo
and i started to build a similar app in my local machine using rails intead php for API, so i build apart the rails app in a specific root directory then in another root the backbone.js/JQM app calling rails api.
so i create the model and the collection in backbone with the urlRoot with: http://localhost:3000/api/clubs.json, that correspond to the local server url for retrieve a list of clubs
then i have tried to see in the javascript console what happen with these commands:
clubs = new ClubsCollection()
Object {length = 0 ...etc..}
GET http://localhost:3000/api/clubs.json 200 OK
and the response is empty...
but when i call the url http://localhost:3000/api/clubs.json it returns the json clubs list correctly.
can you help me to understand the best way to do this call?
fetch is asynchronous. you have to wait for it to finish loading the data, and check the response then. This is typically done through the reset event:
clubs = new ClubsCollection();
clubs.on("reset", function(){
alert(clubs.length + " item(s) found");
I have solved the problem using 'rack-cors' gem with the a basic config into
config.middleware.use Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins 'localhost'
resource '%r{/api/\$+.json}',
:headers => ['Origin', 'Accept', 'Content-Type'],
:methods => [:get, :put, :delete]
If you look at the backbone API there is a success callback that you can provide with the fetch() call, e.g.
success : function(model, err) { // do something }
Like the other answer, fetch is asynchronous so you can't expect the results to be back by setting a break point after the .fetch() call.

$.getJSON with Twitter rate_limit_api

I'm having trouble getting Twitter's rate_limit_status to work correctly. I've used to curl and a web browser to test it and it does returns a JSON object, but when I run the code below all I get is a 200 so I know I got the response successfully. It's not rated limited so even if I was over my limit it would still work. I've googled it and searched this forum but I can't seem to find why my specific code isn't working. As you can see I've put an alerts in the .getJSON function but neither goes off. I'm using the other Twitter APIs get Friends, get Followers successfully using basically the same code as below. I'm new to JQuery so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Thanks in advance for any help!
function getRateLimit (){
var uri = "";
$.getJSON(uri, function(data) {
alert("Alert before.");
alert("For testing purposes.");
The Same origin policy prevents that from working. Even if it would work, it would show the rate limit for each user and not for your application. (the rate limit status for the requester's IP address is returned)
You have to to get this data on server-side, everything else makes no sense.

Is there a way to get the twitter share count for a specific URL?

I looked through the API documentation but couldn't find it. It would be nice to grab that number to see how popular a url is. Engadget uses the twitter share button on articles if you're looking for an example. I'm attempting to do this through javascript. Any help is appreciated.
You can use the following API endpoint,
Note that the endpoint is not public.)
The endpoint will return a JSON string similar to,
On the client, if you are making a request to get the URL share count for your own domain (the one the script is running from), then an AJAX request will work (e.g. jQuery.getJSON). Otherwise, issue a JSONP request by appending callback=?:
jQuery.getJSON('', function (data) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="so-url-shares">Calculating...</div>
As of 21st November 2015, this way of getting twitter share count, does not work anymore. Read more at:
This is not possible anymore as from today, you can read more here:
And no plans to implement it back, unfortunately.
Up vote so users do not lose time trying out.
It is however possible via, they provide a drop-in replacement for the old private JSON URL based on searches made via the API (so you don't need to do all that work).
It's based on the REST API Search endpoints. Its still new system, so we should see how it goes. In the future we can expect more of similar systems, because there is huge demand.
this is for url with https (for Brodie)
How do I access the count API to find out how many Tweets my URL has had?
In this early stage of the Tweet Button the count API is private. This means you need to use either our javascript or iframe Tweet Button to be able to render the count. As our systems scale we will look to make the count API public for developers to use.
Replace "" with "your full web page URL".
Check the Sharing count of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest
As of 21st November 2015, Twitter has removed the "Tweet count endpoint" API.
Read More:
The approved reply is the right one. There are other versions of the same endpoint, used internally by Twitter.
For example, the official share button with count uses this one:[URL]
JSONP support is there adding &callback=func.
I know that is an old question but for me the url did not work in ajax calls due to Cross-origin issues.
I solved using PHP CURL, I made a custom route and called it through ajax.
/* Other Code */
$options = array(
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, // stop after 10 redirects
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle compressed
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "test", // name of client
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referrer on redirect
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120, // time-out on connect
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120, // time-out on response
$url = $_POST["url"]; //whatever you need
if($url !== ""){
$curl = curl_init("".$url);
curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
echo json_encode(json_decode($result)); //whatever response you need
It is important to use a POST because passsing url in GET request cause issues.
Hope it helped.
This comment proposes to use Topsy API. I am not sure that API is correct:
Twitter response for
shows 10 count
Topsy response fro
18 count
This way you can get it with jquery. The div id="twitterCount" will be populated automatic when the page is loaded.
function getTwitterCount(url){
var tweets;
$.getJSON('' + url + '&callback=?', function(data){
tweets = data.count;
var urlBase='http://';
Yes, there is. As long as you do the following:
Issue a JSONP request to one of the urls:[URL_IN_REQUEST]&callback=[YOUR_CALLBACK][URL_IN_REQUEST]&callback=[YOUR_CALLBACK]
Make sure that the request you are making is from the same domain as the [URL_IN_REQUEST]. Otherwise, it will not work.
Making requests from to request the count of Should work.
Making requests from to request the count of Will NOT work.
I just read the contents into a json object via php, then parse it out..
$tweet_count_url = ''.$post_link;
$tweet_count_open = fopen($tweet_count_url,"r");
$tweet_count_read = fread($tweet_count_open,2048);
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('<?=$tweet_count_read;?>');
jQuery("#tweet-count").html("("+obj.count+") ");
Simple enough, and it serves my purposes perfectly.
This Javascript class will let you fetch share information from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Example of usage
<p>Facebook count: <span id="facebook_count"></span>.</p>
<p>Twitter count: <span id="twitter_count"></span>.</p>
<p>LinkedIn count: <span id="linkedin_count"></span>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var smStats=new SocialMediaStats(''); // Replace with your desired URL
smStats.facebookCount('facebook_count'); // 'facebook_count' refers to the ID of the HTML tag where the result will be placed.
More examples and documentation
Javascript Class For Getting URL Shares On Facebook, Twitter And LinkedIn
