Drupal 8 - Clone nodes to node translation - translation

I have a website in English.
I need to put all the nodes of all contentypes into another language so that the client is only responsible for entering and modifying data.
I know how to go through the nodes, I know how to create a translation of a node but I do not know how to duplicate all the fields of a node in the translation.
How could I do it?
With this code i create a translation from a node
$node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($value_rowToTranslate->nid->value);
$translation = $node->addTranslation('es');
$translation->title = "Titulo traducido";
$translation->field_1 = "dasdas"
$translation->field_2 = "xxxxxxxxx"
$translation->field_N = "xxxxxxxxx"

Question has been answered here : https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/270121/create-translated-node-programmatically
$node->addTranslation('de', $node->toArray());


Using Insert with a large multi-layered table using Lua

So I am working on a script for GTA5 and I need to transfer data over to a js script. However so I don't need to send multiple arrays to js I require a table, the template for the table should appear as below.
The issue I'm having at the moment is in the second section where I receive all vehicles and loop through each to add it to said 'vehicleTable'. I haven't been able to find the "table.insert" method used in a multilayered table
So far I've tried the following
This seems to store an 'object'(table)? so it does not show up when called in the latter for loop
vehicleTable = vehicleTable + vehicleTable[class][i][vehicleName]
This seemed like it was going nowhere as I either got a error or nothing happened.
This one failed on the second line, I'm unsure why however it didn't even reach the next problem I saw later which would be the fact that line 3 had no way to specify the "Name" field.
Lastly the current one,
local test = {[class] = {[i]={["Name"]=vehicleName}}}
It works without errors but ultimately it doesn't file it in the table instead it seems to create its own branch so object within the object.
And after about 3 hours of zero progress on this topic I turn to the stack overflow for assistance.
local vehicleTable = {
["Sports"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "ASS", ["Hash"] = "Asshole2"},
[2] = {["Name"] = "ASS2", ["Hash"] = "Asshole1"}
["Muscle"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "Sedi", ["Hash"] = "Sedina5"}
["Compacts"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "MuscleCar", ["Hash"] = "MCar2"}
["Sedan"] = {
[1] = {["Name"] = "Blowthing", ["Hash"] = "Blowthing887"}
local vehicles = GetAllVehicleModels();
for i=1, #vehicles do
local class = vehicleClasses[GetVehicleClassFromName(vehicles[i])]
local vehicleName = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(vehicles[i]))
print(vehicles[i].. " " .. class .. " " .. vehicleName)
local test = {[class] = {[i]={["Name"]=vehicleName}}}
for k in pairs(vehicleTable) do
-- for v in pairs(vehicleTable[k]) do
-- print(v .. " " .. #vehicleTable[k])
-- end
If there is not way to add to a library / table how would I go about sorting all this without needing to send a million (hash, name, etc...) requests to js?
Any recommendations or support would be much appreciated.
Aside the fact that you do not provide the definition of multiple functions and tables used in your code that would be necessary to provide a complete answere without making assumptions there are many misconceptions regarding very basic topics in Lua.
The most prominent is that you don't know how to use table.insert and what it can do. It will insert (append by default) a numeric field to a table. Given that you have non-numeric keys in your vehicleTable this doesn't make too much sense.
You also don't know how to use the + operator and that it does not make any sense to add a table and a string.
Most of your code seems to be the result of guess work and trial and error.
Instead of referring to the Lua manual so you know how to use table.insert and how to index tables properly you spend 3 hours trying all kinds of variations of your incorrect code.
Assuming a vehicle model is a table like {["Name"] = "MyCar", ["Hash"] = "MyCarHash"} you can add it to a vehicle class like so:
table.insert(vehicleTable["Sedan"], {["Name"] = "MyCar", ["Hash"] = "MyCarHash"})
This makes sense because vehicleTable.Sedan has numeric indices. And after that line it would contain 2 cars.
Read the manual. Then revisit your code and fix your errors.

How do I blacklist a specific group of parts on Roblox?

Here's the problem: I'm trying to blacklist all parts that are non-collidable for my raycast weapon. I got the code that finds the blocks, and the codes that blacklists it, but it just won't fuse together. No matter what I do.
Here's the code I'm using:
local function Step(overrideDistance)
-- Cast ray:
local descendants = workspace:GetDescendants()
for _, descendant in pairs(descendants) do -- Code that finds blocks that are non-collidalbe
if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
if descendant.CanCollide == false then
local blackList = {script.Parent, workspace.TheBlueException} -- Blacklist code
local params = RaycastParams.new()
local direction = currentNormal * (overrideDistance or stepDistance)
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = blackList
local result = workspace:Raycast(currentPos, direction, params)
local pos
Hopefully this'll be enough information to see where the error lies. In any case, thank you for your time.
Oh nevermind. It turns out I needed to add this to the function
local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local laserignore= "LaserIgnore"
PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable(laserignore, "Default", false)
local descendants = workspace:GetDescendants()
for _, descendant in pairs(descendants) do
if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
if descendant.CanCollide == false then
PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(descendant, laserignore)
descendant.BrickColor = BrickColor.Green()
Basically, I added a new thing entirely called "PhysicsService". Using this, I was able to create a new collision group entirely, completely separate from the original "Default" collision group. This way the local descendants' job is now to add this new collision group to the bricks I want to be non-collidable with my raycast, replacing the original "Default" collision group in the process. Then, the raycast laser will automatically go through the new collision blocks, because they are not considered "Default" in the collision group.
tl;dr, I figured it out, lol.

How to get Twitter mentions id using academictwitteR package?

I am trying to create several network analyses from Twitter. To get the data, I used the academictwitteR package and their get_all_tweets command.
users = c("LegaSalvini"),
start_tweets = "2007-01-01T00:00:00Z",
end_tweets = "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
file = "tweets_lega",
data_path = "tweetslega/",
bind_tweets = FALSE
## Binding JSON files into data.frame objects
tweets_bind_lega <- bind_tweets(data_path = "tweetslega/")
tweets_bind_lega_tidy <- bind_tweets(data_path = "tweetslega/", output_format = "tidy")
With this, I can easily access the ids for the creation of a retweet and reply network. However, the tidy format does not provide a tidy column for the mentions, instead it deletes them.
However, they are in my untidy df tweets_bind_lega , but stored as a list tweets_bind_afd$entities$mentions. Now I would like to somehow unnest this list and create a tidy df with a column that has contains the mentioned Twitter user ids.
Has anyone created a mention network with academictwitteR before and can help me out?

How to compile custom format ini file with redirects?

I'm working with an application that has 3 ini files in a somewhat irritating custom format. I'm trying to compile these into a 'standard' ini file.
I'm hoping for some inspiration in the form of pseudocode to help me code some sort of 'compiler'.
Here's an example of one of these ini files. The less than/greater than indicates a redirect to another section in the file. These redirects could be recursive.. i.e. one redirect then redirects to another. It could also mean a redirect to an external file (3 values are present in that case). Comments start with a # symbol
name = DEMO1
baseUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com
name = DEMO2
baseUrl = http://demo2.awesome.com
# This is a standard redirect
baseLoginUrl = <PrimaryServer:baseUrl>
# This is a redirect appended with extra information
fullLoginUrl = <PrimaryServer:baseUrl>/login.php
# Here's a redirect that points to another redirect
enableSSL = <SSLConfiguration:enableSSL>
# This is a key that has mutliple comma-separated values, some of which are redirects.
serverNames = <PrimaryServer:name>,<SecondaryServer:name>,AdditionalRandomServerName
# This one is particularly nasty. It's a redirect to another file...
authenticationMechanism = <Authenication.ini:Mechanisms:PrimaryMechanism>
enableSSL = <SSLCertificates:isCertificateInstalled>
isCertificateInstalled = true
Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve. I've removed the comments for readability.
name = DEMO1
baseUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com
name = DEMO2
baseUrl = http://demo2.awesome.com
baseLoginUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com
fullLoginUrl = http://demo1.awesome.com/login.php
enableSSL = true
serverNames = DEMO1,DEMO2,AdditionalRandomServerName
authenticationMechanism = valueFromExternalFile
enableSSL = <SSLCertificates:isCertificateInstalled>
isCertificateInstalled = true
I'm looking at using ini4j (Java) to achieve this, but am by no means fixed on using that language.
My main questions are:
1) How can I handle the recursive redirects
2) How am I best to handle the redirects that have an additional string, e.g. serverNames
3) Bonus points for any suggestions about how to handle the external redirects. No big deal if that part isn't working just yet.
So far, I'm able to parse and tidy up the file, but I'm struggling with these redirects.
Once again, I'm only hoping for pseudocode. Perhaps I need more coffee, but I'm really puzzled by this one.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Umbraco 7 mvc how to get current page id

I have a custom controller to send message. So I need to get the value of property field name and alias = "email", this will be used to send the email to.
this code below works
var id = umbraco.uQuery.GetNodeByUrl("/contact-us");
IPublishedContent root = Umbraco.TypedContent(id.Id);
return root.GetProperty("email", true).Value.ToString();
However the problem here is if the page name changes, the url will change and the code will break.
So how can I change the code above to get the current page id and insert it here (???);?
I think the code should be something like this:
IPublishedContent root = Umbraco.TypedContent(???);
return root.GetProperty("email", true).Value.ToString();
Any help will be apprecciated
Your solution will bring a problem if you have more than 1 'ContactUs' node, or none. Then you don't know which one is going to be get.
(Actually it's the first one found in the node tree, but then someone can change the order of them...)
Is your controller a Surface controller? You can just do this:
IPublishedContent currentNode = Umbraco.TypedContent(CurrentPage.Id)
Ok, I found the solution for my question.
var nodes = umbraco.uQuery.GetNodesByType("ContactUs");
if (nodes.Any())
IPublishedContent node = Umbraco.TypedContent(nodes.First().Id);
return node.GetProperty(property, true).Value.ToString();
Hope this will help somebody with the same problem.
