What I am looking for is the following table of contents structure:
Table of Contents
1 Vorwort
2 Hallo
3 Und so weiter
Document with these Chapters, but at the beginning of each chapter its specific table of contents:
1 Vorwort
----- here subtoc -----
1.1 subtoc
1.2 Test
---- here the beginning of section test ----
1.2 Test
The problem however is, that in these different chapters all subtocs are combined, such as in my example:
\usepackage{blindtext}% generiert Beispieltext
\usepackage{tocstyle}[2008/10/20]% experimentelles KOMA-Script-Paket
\setcounter{tocdepth}{\value{normaltocdepth}}% Hinzugefügt!
\noindent #1
\noindent #2
\neuestory{ABC}{eine Frau}{Hallo}
\neuestory{DEF}{eine Mann}{Und so weiter}
The answer is the minitoc package.
Works fine!
% Thesis master document
\textheight =24.2 cm
\textwidth =15 cm
\topmargin =-15mm
\usepackage {mathrsfs}
\baselineskip = 18pt
I've got the above code in my masterfile as part of my thesis due today. it has been executing properly until now. I accidently deleted the \maketitle command but when I put it back, it won't just execute. I get the error attached. I'm not sure if I placed it in wrongly this time. Can someone please help?
I am new on latex and lyx. I have to realize a resume and used moderncv. Do you know how I can have the space behing my picture being reduced ? (The one hatched in red) . As everything is supposed to fit in one page with a cv, it is important for me.
Thanks for your help
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\mobile{+33 6 §§ §§ §§ §§}
\cventry{2021/2022}{Master de Science cognitive}{Ecole normale supérieure rue d'Ulm}{Paris}{France}{}
Quick hack: add \vspace{-1.5cm} after \maketitle :
%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\mobile{+33 6 §§ §§ §§ §§}
\cventry{2021/2022}{Master de Science cognitive}{Ecole normale supérieure rue d'Ulm}{Paris}{France}{}
I have this small .tex file.
\title{Some article}
\textbf{Task 1} \newline
Task description: \newline
When compiling, it warns about line
\textbf{Task 1} \newline
With the following message:
"Underfull \hbox (badness 10000)".
How do I fix this?
I had a similar issue, I solved it by removing any \newline or \\ at the and of every sentence that had nothing textual below.
For instance, two examples that causes that problem:
An example. \\
This is well used. \\
This line will cause the error. \\
(I'm a new paragraph) \\
Because there's nothing directly underneath.\\
The last line does NOT require a "newline".
This is a thid paragraph. \\
The same is true for figures or similar
This is a line.
Putting a "newline", as here, before a \begin will cause the error. \\
A quick and nice solution is to use package parskip, and instead of using \newline or \\ for line breaks, simply insert an empty line
\usepackage{parskip} %% <-- added
\title{Some article}
\textbf{Task 1}
Task description:
The warning will be gone.
By the way, to know why it happened, refer to this question on TeX Stack Exchange.
Instead of forcing an underfull box with \newline, you could simply leave an empty line to start a new paragraph:
\title{Some article}
\textbf{Task 1}
Task description:
I have a problem referencing a chapter. I used a label bellow each title however, it is not giving the right reference. I tried some fixes but it did not work (nameref, varioref, cleveref)
my latex code is as follows
% ref packages
% folowing must be in this order
in chapter 1
here is defined the label{chap1}
this is section1
this is section1
this is section1
in chapter 3
text reference Chapter \ref{chap1}
However, the reference shows the last section of chapter 1
I am using texmaker quick build to compile the code. Here is the complete example on overleaf https://www.overleaf.com/read/rxkmhxcbcgqc
we can also notice that referencing the first chapter does not work.
A minimal non-working example would be
test \ref{key}
You can work around this problem using the approach from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/238442/36296
test \ref{key}
When I write \addsec{Acronymes}, LaTeX puts it in the Table of Contents and DOES the headsepline section. When I write \addsec*{Acronymes}, LaTeX doesnt put it in the Table of Contents and doesnt write it in the headsepline section. But I want that it doesnt appears in the Table of Contents and does appear in the headsepline.
So how do it?
Thats what I've done for this:
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, german, headsepline, footsepline, listtotoc, bibtotoc] {scrartcl}
\usepackage[babel, german=quotes]{csquotes}
%head and footsepline
\ihead{my title}
\ifoot{my name}
\acro{HTTP}{Hypertext Transfer Protocol}
You can momentarily remove the functionality of \addcontentsline - the macro in charge of adding elements to the ToC - using
{% \begingroup
\renewcommand{\addcontentsline}[3]{}% Remove functionality of \addcontentsline
}% \endgroup
Grouping via { and } ensure that the command redefinitions are restored after the group ends.