I am looking for a DPDK vhost-user example application, specifically the later version with supposedly offers zero-copy and without need for CUSE or eventfd.
The only vhost related example application I can find in DPDK is Vhost Sample Application (http://dpdk.readthedocs.org/en/latest/sample_app_ug/vhost.html) which by its description is based on the older vhost-net technique.
I am trying to implement a simple client and server using standalone Asio (non-boost). I saw on this page (in the ducumentation):
that Asio is currently implementing the interface for networking that will be supported in the C++20 standard. I would like to use that interface for my application so that when the new standard libraries will be available, I will have just to change the headers and still have working application. So my question are:
1) Do you think is possible to use Asio with only the interfaces reported on the page?
2) If yes, could you show me simple code samples to do DNS resolution, connect (client), accept (server) and read/write operations (no asychronous stuff, only blocking)? Please indicate also the namespaces you used.
As a reference for the operations I want to perform (look under section echo and the non blocking client and server):
I have already developed a Clinic management application for Allergy Control Clinics which stores patients' medical files and test results in a database and generates reports for analysis.
there's a section for storing spirometry results in the database. currently i get results
from an Excel file which is exported by WinspiroPro (the application that comes with spirolab devices) and store them in the database.
few days ago i came across the word "HL7" which seems to be a Standard protocol for communicating with these medical devices, so i can directly get the results from the device using Delphi.
also in spirolab device user manual it is mentioned that the device is compatible with this system.
now my question is, how can I implement this system (HL7) in delphi?
As is usual with these kind of inter-professional standards, you need to pay to get them, at least on http://www.hl7.org in this case.
If I search around on the net, there may be existing tools that you can use, or have a look how they work internally:
HL7 is not bound to a specific transport layer. It is a protocol on the application level, the seventh layer of the ISO 7-layer-model, hence Level 7. It describes messages and the events, when this messages should be send.
It just gives some recommendations how to do message transfer on the subjacent layers, e.g. MLLP with tcp socket communication. But in principle you are free to use any transport layers you want, may it be direct socket communication, file transfer or what ever.
Although most systems now can use tcp, it is also possible to use HL7 with different underlying transport protocols as RS232. If I remember right, there was also an example about message transfer / coupling with RS232 in the implementation guides of the documentation. And yes, the documentation and protocol standard documetation is free after registering.
Did you ask your provider for the WinspiroPRO version with HL7 ability? Maybe it supports already socket communication with tcp.
Otherwise you either need access to the sourcecode of ldTCPCClient and replace the tcp part with an RS232 part or you have to use a software just for parsing/building (unmarshalling/marshalling) of HL7 messages together with a software, that handles the transportation level.
By the way, just from the name, I guess that ldTCPclient is not apt for your need, as you will probably need a host and not a client component.
I have a related post - Assertion failure in DBAccess.pas but thought this was worth asking separately.
We are licensed for the full source-code release of DevArt ODAC but have been experiencing tremendous difficulties performing an upgrade. In the course of investigating this I have noticed that there is no .pas file for OraNet.dcu.
This is making it difficult to establish what the cause of our difficulties is as we cannot fully debug the code.
Also - what is this unit? From its name and the directives in the code it would be reasonable to suppose it is a .NET required unit - not something we are interested in.
There is the Direct DB connection mode implemented in the OraNet.dcu module, and we don't distribute the source code of this module, this limitation is specified at our website (the reference at the bottom of the page). If you don't use the Direct mode, and work via the Oracle client (the OCI mode), you can specify DEFINE NONET in your project settings, in this case, the Direct mode will be unavailable, and this module won't be used.
The client usage (even Oracle Instant Client) really allows using more features, than our Direct mode, but the Direct mode even surpasses OCI by performance in some cases. Besides, the Direct mode significantly simplifies application deployment and decreases the application size on disk due to the fact that there is no need to supply and deploy additional libraries, and set additional registry parameters and environment variables. The Direct mode also allows application deployment to systems, for which there are no native Oracle clients, for example, iOS. Choosing of the way of working with the DB (Direct or OCI) depends on developer and tasks resolved by each particular application. As it was mentioned above, if the Direct mode is not used, additional module plugging can be disabled by setting DEFINE NONET
I've been crashing around on the netfilter/iptables home page as well as beseeching The Google, but no luck so far.
I have a Rails application which needs to control packet filtering for its Linux host. It could do this by just dumping rules into /etc/sysconfig/iptables and bouncing the iptables startup script, of course. But it would be sweeter if it could just seamlessly make the calls via an API.
The app's requirements are actually very very simple; it only needs to add and delete ACCEPT rules for a given source IP address to a given TCP port on the server, to control access to that service.
I found references to a ruby-iptables project, but that apparently went moribund some years ago.
If I have to resort to raw getsocketopt() calls and the like, I'll just do the text-file-and-restart approach, which will offend my Slickness Sensor but make my customer smile, because he likes working software better than really elegant software that will work Very Soon Now.
If you search for "ruby netfilter" there's more to be found. NetFilter (http://netfilter.org/) is the underlying framework behind iptables.
http://rubyipq.rubyforge.org/ (traffic shaping)
https://github.com/johnl/netfilter.rb (DSL)
http://rubyforge.org/projects/iptcext/ (IPTC library interface)
The last is most like what you want, but while there's code, there doesn't seem to be a real release.
How to get the CPU Temperature info from Bios using c# I gave a try to the code in CPU temperature monitoring
But no luck. enumerator.Current threw an exception.
How can i achieve this ? Thanks.
Error :
"This system doesn't support the required WMI objects(1) - check the exception file
Not supported
at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
at CedarLogic.WmiLib.SystemStatistics.RefreshReadings() in D:\Downloads\TempMonitorSrc\TemperatureMonitorSln\WmiLib\SystemStatistics.cs:line 25
at CedarLogic.WmiLib.SystemStatistics.get_CurrentTemperature() in D:\Downloads\TempMonitorSrc\TemperatureMonitorSln\WmiLib\SystemStatistics.cs:line 87
at TemperatureMonitor.SystemTrayService.CheckSupport() in D:\Downloads\TempMonitorSrc\TemperatureMonitorSln\TemperatureMonitor\SystemTrayService.cs:line 260"
Have a look at OpenHardwareMonitor.
I'm having the exact same problem:
The code in the link you cited is correct. My .exe works fine on Windows/XP and Windows/Vista (as long as I "run as Administrator" on Vista) ... but fails with the WMI error "not supported" on Windows Embedded 7.
At this point, I don't know if the problem is the OS (WES7) or my motherboard (an Intel DH57jg).
Although not ideal, the closest/best solution I have found is to use Speedfan (free), which can expose its probe information to external applications, via a memory-map. Somebody has done the C# conversion:
Reading SpeedFan shared memory with C#
"Building on what I spoke about in my
previous post, lets say we want to
access the data that SpeedFan provides
from a C# application. As a small
aside, reading information from the
SMBus and other low level interfaces
can only be done from the kernel. So
applications like SpeedFan (HWMonitor,
Everest, etc etc) generally run a
driver at kernel level and then a
front-end GUI to present the
In the case of SpeedFan, shared memory
(actually its technically a memory
mapped file on Windows I think) is
used to communicate between the kernel
driver and the userspace GUI
application. Even better, the format
of this file has been made public by
the author of SpeedFan. So, enough
talk, lets see some code!"