I have tried to use "jpm sign" command to signing the Firefox extension. But I got an issue regard to version number does not match install.rdf file.
JPM [info] Signing XPI:
JPM [error] Server response: Version does not match install.rdf. ( status: 400 )
JPM [info] FAIL
I have tried by changing the em:version, em:minVersion, em:maxVersion but still getting same error.
If anyone know the root cause of this issue the please help me.
It seems jpm sign expects that a package.json is available in your xpi file.
Make sure that is, and contains identical id and version fields as in the install.rdf which is what is actually looked at on AMO servers.
An issue was already reported. Simply put, jpm does not actually parse install.rdf but rather uses package.json directly which fails silently if it does not exist and causes the issue you are seeing. There is a proposed patch to 'fix' this by providing a better error message.
I am trying to compile kotlin multiplatform, which contains iOS target.
I tried different examples over github, but most of them are outdated and don't work, probably because of incompatibility with current tools. Thing, that seems most reasonable is creating Mobile Android/iOS | Gradle or Mobile Shared Library | Gradle project using IntelliJ Idea.
When I create brand new project, I am still getting same error:
> Task :app:compileKotlinIos FAILED
e: Could not find "stdlib" in [~/git/iosandroidtest, ~/.konan/klib, ~/.konan/kotlin-native-macos-1.3.61/klib/common, ~/.konan/kotlin-native-macos-1.3.61/klib/platform/ios_x64].
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compileKotlinIos'.
> Process 'command '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_161.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
I am using kotlin 1.3.61, xcode 11.3. Any ideas?
I pushed empty project (without any changes from me) to github:
I think you just ran into a bug with partial archive download.
Per the author there, "I got a snapshot of the .konan directory. It's interesting as it looks like part of the runtime download is there, but some parts are missing. Specifically in this case the common folder in klib, but also the licenses folder.
I was able to repro this locally by killing the build process while the archive is being extracted. For reference, see NativeCompilerDownloader. It looks to see if the folder is there. If not, it'll download and extract. If yes, the build process assumes everything is OK. ... Their local build will certainly be broken from then on until they clean and rebuild ~.konan." I suggest you report your issue there as well. (btw - tried your project in IJ and AS (as well as creating new lib project in IJ), didn't have any issues. Somehow your bad luck with an interrupted download (:))
Link to GitHub issue
I have a strange problem. I develop an app using Ionic on a samba network drive.
I develop on a windows machine and run all the command lines regarding Android development. I switch to a Mac to be able to build for iOS.
All went fine and as expected the last couple of days. Today I edited some HTML, JS and CSS files - just some minor improvements. I built the app for android on the windows machine (plus using jarsigner and zipalign - only if that should matter).
On the Mac I had troubles. Suddenly I get errors when trying to run ionic build --release ios (as I already did successfully the last couple days).
The executed script creates files and folders starting with "._" which were never created before and are already existing without it. This results at some point in an ENOENT (no such file or directory) aborting everything.
I don't get it. I already de-/re-installed node, npm, cordova and ionic. But nothing helped.
I would love to support you guys with additional error messages or logs, but due to I'm fairly new to mobile development (and using a Mac), I don't know what information would be helpful and what not.
Sp please tell me any information you need and I'll be happy to supply them.
I accidentally solved my own problem. I just "removed" the platforms directory (by renaming it) and re-added the platform using the command cordova platform add ios.
After that I could build my app as it did before. Don't know why or what actually triggered this behavior, but at least I'm able to proceed.
If somebody knows how to prevent that from happening again (so that I don't loose all the project settings I configured in Xcode), I would appreciate it.
This happened to me, too - I found this bug in the Cordova issues:
I found out that Xcode created the file PROJECT_PATH/platforms/ios/._APPNAME.xcodeproject. I deleted this file and "cordova prepared ios" was working again.
It should ignore files starting with ._ as they are hidden system
files used by osx to store infos about a file
I have started getting this issue now after going through a lot of "chaos" with performing a system restore (I'm on Win8.1) while trying to get a certain game working again. Now that that mess is over and done with, I have been left with a few apps and such removed and needing to be reinstalled, including the JDK which I have already reinstalled. Since I have a project I need to work on I opened up DartEditor again and when I tried to do pub build I get this error:
Pub build failed, [255] Wrong script snapshot version, expected
'f6711525cff9f7d0d08595166664b767' found '836a274342f7f88d6b5a9bb59b2649a9'
Googling led me to this old issue but that's labelled as fixed...what could be going wrong here?
Ok, so deleting the dart directory (the one with the editor executable, relevant .jar files and all that other stuff) and downloading it anew did resolve my issue. I'm curious though as to whether anyone knows what might have caused the issue, and/or what other things I might have been able to do to resolve it.
I downloaded the latest version of CodeKit (trial version 2.0 (16828)). It starts fine on my Mac Mini, but as soon as I try to download a component using Bower, it fails with the error: "Bower Error / Bower could not determine which components are installed in this project. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and try again." Repeated attempts (either clicking "Retry" or clicking "OK" and trying to download the component again) continue to fail.
The app completes the "Downloading Bower component list" without error. The error occurs when it is "Scanning For Installed Components..."
I'm connected to the Internet just fine.
When I try to install a Bower component, it fails with this message:
Why am I getting these errors and how can I fix CodeKit?
Thank you!
Turns out that Bower continued to fail, which prevented CodeKit from working.
Tolga Akyuz's answer to Siddharth's problem was the fix - I had a ~/.cache file which was preventing Bower from adding files to ~/.cache/
When I renamed the ~/.cache file (e.g. to ~/.cache-orig) and created a ~/.cache/ directory, Bower began working properly - and so did CodeKit.
It turns out that this behavior can be caused by several things. Another user fixed it and shared this with me:
I installed xcode and still had issues. After a bit of research, I found a post that said installing the command line tools in Xcode might solve the problem. I did that and the problem is now solved.
From what I can see, there is a appears to be an issue with the $PATH getting messed up with systems that have been upgraded from Lion (and Snow Leopard) that did not ship with git. In the questions and answers listed on the page linked below, there were several terminal command options given, but I was unsure of which to choose so I went with the Xcode route.
I had the same issue.
Check console messages (mac)
Delete faulty library. I had one.
Should be all good now.
good luck
If it's still relevant. In my case it was Google Maps AMD Loader Plugin. All fixed after removing it.
In my case the problem was with path to the project folder – it contains "!" symbol that makes bower crazy. To check is it Bower or CodeKit problem try to cd in terminal to your project folder and run "bower list".
zhaba$ bower list
bower EINVALID Name must be lowercase, can contain digits, dots, dashes, "#" or spaces
With corrected project folder path CodeKit works.
I had the same problem running CodeKit2 with El Capitan, and an old version of Xcode. Updating Xcode fixed the problem.
I get an error when I try to submit app to app store ,the error ocurrs on the last step ( app is being uploaded )
Error : "an error occurred while uploading to the app store"
I doubled checked my certificated and profile and my app configuration on both XCode and iTunes connect.
I tried using the Application Loader but I'm getting the same error
I also tried changing the Java version from 1.7 to 1.6 as many answers suggesting but it didn't work
I'm on Xcode 4.6.2 , OSX 10.8.3 and on java version "1.6.0_45"
Note that when I choose Validate instead of Distribute after archiving the app I get no errors. the error only appears when I try to submit to the app store
I restored the Java version to 1.7.0_21 since it seems that the problem is not caused by Java ,
the application loader shows the following two errors in the error log
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter: line 14: awk: command not found
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter: line 18: ../share/iTMSTransporter.woa/iTMSTransporter: No such file or directory
I reinstalled Xcode as a desperate attempt to solve this issue but with no luck
I had exactly the same issue and was able to fix it by slightly adapting the file
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
change the path to the awk to absolute (and i also uncommented the echo of the script path, which probably isn't necessary). Here my changed file:
# if the user has the run script in their PATH
# then we can get the path to the script from
# 'which'. otherwise, we have to get the path
# from $0
if [ "$0" = "iTMSTransporter" ] ; then
SCRIPT_PATH=`which iTMSTransporter`
# get the script's directory
SCRIPT_DIR=`echo $SCRIPT_PATH | /usr/bin/awk -F"/" '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-length($NF))}'`
# call the transporter relative to the script's directory
echo Calling: ${SCRIPT_DIR}../share/iTMSTransporter.woa/iTMSTransporter "$#"
"${SCRIPT_DIR}../share/iTMSTransporter.woa/iTMSTransporter" "$#"
I guess this behavior is caused by inproper classpath setup which I wasn't able to resolve though.
After fixing the script, I managed to upload my app through the XCode Organiser.
I was facing the same problem.
I tried many solutions listed on a lots of forums but none of them worked for me.
Here's what I did:
I found Application Loader at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/MacOS
But before that I accidentally ran iTMSTransporter from terminal by using:
"open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter"
and it updated by it self. I'm sure whether this was necessary.
Started Application Loader, logged in and selected the ipa file that I had created using Xcode. I started the upload process and it was success.
Now the app is in review. :)
I hope this helps.
Edit: To load Application Loader from terminal use this: "open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/Application\ Loader"
I have tried many methods that were suggested in apple forums and on stackoverflow but non of them worked for me. so I decided to backup my OSx lion and re-install the system all over again.
I know that this might be too radical solution but I had to do it because nothing else worked.