I continue to get a undefined method error when attempting to get the ActiveAdmin form to use a selection box based of the keys for an enum properties for an object. Following the suggested method on stack overflow to configure active admin forms for enums seems to get me half way there although the engine aspect of my object seems to make the enum attribute through the NoMethodError exception.
if defined?(ActiveAdmin)
ActiveAdmin.register BookStore::Book, as: 'Book' do
# customize your resource here
form do |f|
f.semantic_errors # shows errors on :base
f.inputs do
f.input :cover_type, as: :select, collection: BookStore::Book.cover_type.keys
f.actions # adds the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons
permit_params :name, :lead, :excerpt, :description, :price, :slug, :cover_type, :num_pages, :size, :cover_image, :author, :author_id, :category
module BookStore
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
belongs_to :category
enum cover_type: [:soft, :hard]
gets the following error
undefined method `cover_type' for #<Class:0x007fe685217af0>
here is the full stack trace
I think cover_type should be pluralized.
f.input :cover_type, as: :select, collection: BookStore::Book.cover_types.keys
Almost a related answer...
You can use enumerize gem and activeadmin addons to handle enumerations nicely.
I have three models:
class Request < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :scenario
belongs_to :location
has_many :actions, :foreign_key => 'request_id'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :actions, :allow_destroy => true
class Action < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :request
belongs_to :scenario_step
class ScenarioStep < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :scenario
has_many :actions
Using Active Admin I want to update information about action taken in response to a request. To do that I am using nested form:
ActiveAdmin.register Request do
permit_params :scenario_id, :location_id,
actions_attributes: [:scenario_step_id, :description]
form(:html => {:multipart => true}) do |f|
f.inputs "Request details" do
f.input :status
panel 'Steps' do
"Text ..."
f.has_many :actions, heading: 'Steps to follow', allow_destroy: false, new_record: true do |ff|
ff.input :description, label: ff.object.scenario_step_id, hint: 'Text'
ff.input :scenario_step_id
para "Press cancel to return to the list without saving."
Everything seems to be fine except of label (or hint). As a value I want to put there related data from a table scenario_steps.
As you can see I currently try to at least print the value of scenario_step_id that should be available in the object form (ff.object.scenario_step_id) but it is not working (I have such column in actions table). On the other hand, next line: ff.input :scenario_step_id loads appropriate data into input field.
Can somebody give ma a hint what am I doing wrong?
Here is what I was missing (part of formtastic documentation):
Values for labels/hints/actions are can take values: String (explicit
value), Symbol (i18n-lookup-key relative to the current "type", e.g.
actions:), true (force I18n lookup), false (force no I18n lookup).
Titles (legends) can only take: String and Symbol - true/false have no
So small change (to_s) in line below makes huge difference :)
ff.input :description, label: ff.object.scenario_step_id.to_s, hint: 'Text'
I am using ActiveAdmin in my rails application.My setup is the following:
class TranslationType < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :translation_details
accepts_nested_attributes_for :translation_details, allow_destroy: true
class TranslationDetail < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :translation_type
attr_accessor :id, :language_from, :language_to, :price
ActiveAdmin.register TranslationType do
permit_params :translation_type, translation_details_attributes: [:id, :language_from, :language_to, :price, :_destroy]
index do
column :translation_type
column :translation_details
column :created_at
column :updated_at
filter :translation_type
filter :created_at
form do |f|
f.inputs "Translation Type Details" do
f.input :translation_type
f.input :created_at
f.input :updated_at
f.inputs do
f.has_many :translation_details, allow_destroy: true do |tran_det|
tran_det.input :language_from, :collection => ['Gr', 'En', 'Fr', 'De']
tran_det.input :language_to, :collection => ['Gr', 'En', 'Fr', 'De']
tran_det.input :price
controller do
before_filter { #page_title = :translation_type }
I don't need a section for translation_detail so I have omited app/admin/translation_detail.rb
I want to have nested forms of translation_detail in my translation_type form. Using the code above creates the nested form but after submit the attributes of translation_detail are not saved. Furthermore when I try to update or delete a translation_detail this message is shown
Couldn't find TranslationDetail with ID=* for TranslationType with ID=*
How can this be fixed?
It seem that this line
attr_accessor :id, :language_from, :language_to, :price
in app/models/translation_detail.rb, was causing the error, but I am not really sure why.
I ran into the same problem when saving a field that previously wasn't being saved and did not exist in the DB. I had to remove the attr_accessor :fieldName from the model file to make it permanent.
As this answers states: attr_accessor on Rails is only ever used if you don't want the attributes to be saved to the database, only stored temporarily as part of an instance of that Model.
What probably was happening in the question's example is that it could not save the TranslationDetail because everything except for its relationship to TranslationType was being discarded before saving.
I have the models Home and Photo, which have a has_many - belongs_to relationship (a polymorphic relationship, but I dont think that matters in this case). I am now setting up active admin and I would like admins to be able to add photos to homes from the homes form.
The photos are managed by the CarrierWave gem, which I dont know if will make the problem easier or harder.
How can I include form fields for a different model in the Active Admin Home form? Any experience doing something like this?
class Home < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, :presence => true,
:length => { :maximum => 100 }
validates :description, :presence => true
has_many :photos, :as => :photographable
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :photographable, :polymorphic => true
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader
Try something like this in app/admin/home.rb:
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.has_many :photos do |photo|
photo.inputs "Photos" do
photo.input :field_name
#repeat as necessary for all fields
Make sure to have this in your home model:
accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos
I modified this from another stack overflow question: How to use ActiveAdmin on models using has_many through association?
You could try this:
form do |f|
f.semantic_errors # shows errors on :base
f.inputs # builds an input field for every attribute
f.inputs 'Photos' do
f.has_many :photos, new_record: false do |p|
p.input :field_name
# or maybe even
p.input :id, label: 'Photo Name', as: :select, collection: Photo.all
f.actions # adds the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons
Also, you can look at https://github.com/activeadmin/activeadmin/blob/master/docs/5-forms.md (See Nested Resources)
I guess you are looking for a form for a nested model. Take a look at following railscasts.
I cannot tell you much about active_admin, but I think this should not make a difference in handling the nested model.
I have a has_one model, like this:
f.has_many :addresses do |a|
a.inputs "Address" do
a.input :street ... etc.
While this correctly reflects our associations for Address (which is a polymorphic model) using f.has_one fails. So I changed over to has_many and all's well. Except now we have to prevent our users from creating multiple addresses for the same entity.
We are using active_admin for our administration backend.
We have a model "App" that :belongs_to model "Publisher":
class App < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :publisher
class Publisher < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :apps
When creating a new entry for the "App" model I want to have the option to either select an existing publisher or (if the publisher is not yet created) to create a new publisher in the same (nested) form (or at least without leaving the page).
Is there a way to do this in active_admin?
Here's what we have so far (in admin/app.rb):
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :title
f.inputs do
f.semantic_fields_for :publisher do |p| # this is for has_many assocs, right?
p.input :name
After hours of searching, I'd appreciate any hint... Thanks!
First, make sure that in your Publisher model you have the right permissions for the associated object:
class App < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :publisher_attributes
belongs_to :publisher
accepts_nested_attributes_for :publisher, reject_if: :all_blank
Then in your ActiveAdmin file:
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :title
# ...
f.inputs do
# Output the collection to select from the existing publishers
f.input :publisher # It's that simple :)
# Then the form to create a new one
f.object.publisher.build # Needed to create the new instance
f.semantic_fields_for :publisher do |p|
p.input :name
I'm using a slightly different setup in my app (a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship instead), but I managed to get it working for me. Let me know if this code outputs any errors.
The form_builder class supports a method called has_many.
f.inputs do
f.has_many :publisher do |p|
p.input :name
That should do the job.
Update: I re-read your question and this only allows to add a new publisher, I am not sure how to have a select or create though.
According to ActiveAdmin: http://activeadmin.info/docs/5-forms.html
You just need to do as below:
f.input :publisher
I've found you need to do 3 things.
Add semantic fields for the form
f.semantic_fields_for :publisher do |j|
j.input :name
Add a nested_belongs_to statement to the controller
controller do
nested_belongs_to :publisher, optional: true
Update your permitted parameters on the controller to accept the parameters, using the keyword attributes
permit_params publisher_attributes:[:id, :name]
I've got a multi layer nested form
and in the same form
The location form works fine, now I'm trying to specify prerequisites to the current task. The prerequisite is a task_id stored in the :completed_task field.
When I submit the form, I get the following error in the output
WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: prerequisite_attributes
One warning for each task in the user.
I've gone through all the other questions related to this, ensuring that the field name :completed_task is being referenced correctly,
adding attr_accessible to my model (it was already there and I extended it).
I'm not sure what else i'm supposed to be doing.
My models look like
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :user_id, :date, :description, :location_id
belongs_to :user
has_one :location
accepts_nested_attributes_for :location
has_many :prerequisites
accepts_nested_attributes_for :prerequisites
class Prerequisite < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :completed_task
belongs_to :task
the form uses formtastic, and I'm including the form via
<%= f.semantic_fields_for :prerequisites do |builder3| %>
<%= render 'prerequisite_fields', :f=>builder3 %>
<% end %>
--- _prerequisite_fields.html.erb -----
< div class="nested-fields" >
<%= f. inputs:completed_step %>
Any suggestions?
Add :prerequisite_attributes to attr_accessible in order to mass-assign
attr_accessible :user_id, :date, :description, :location_id, :prerequisite_attributes
Should get you started.