Virtuoso R2RML rr:IRI generating as Literal - mapping

I have a problem when generating rr:termType rr:IRI in Virtuoso.
When I run the mapping, the result is a Literal instead an IRI.
Is this something Virtuoso doesn't support?


Parsing Dart | ANTLR | Handle a comma at the end of parameter list

My apologies for the bad title, but couldn't express it in better words.
I'm writing a parser using ANTLR to calculate complexities in dart code.
Things seem to work fine until I tried to parse a file with the following Method Signature
Stream<SomeState> mapEventToState(SomeEvent event,) async* {
//someCode to map the State to Event
Here the mapEventToState(SomeEvent event,) creates an issue because of the COMMA , at the end.
It presents 2 params to me because of the trailing COMMA (whereas in reality it's just one) and includes some part of the code in the params list thus making the rest of the code unreadable for ANTLR.
This is normal in flutter to end a list of parameters with a COMMA.
The grammar corresponding to it is:
: declaredIdentifier ('=' expression)? (','initializedIdentifier)*
: identifier ('=' expression)?
: initializedIdentifier (',' initializedIdentifier)*
The full grammar can be checked at
What should I change on the grammar so that I don't face this issue and the parser can understand that functionName(Param param1, Param param2,) is same as functionName(Param param1, Param param2)
The Dart project maintains a reference ANTLR grammar for the Dart language (mostly as a tool for ourselves, to ensure new language features can be parsed).
It might be useful as a reference.
The "dart2" grammar you are linking to in the ANTLR repository is probably severely outdated. It was not created by a Dart team member, and if it doesn't handle trailing commas in argument lists, it was probably never complete for Dart 2.0. Use with caution.
I do not believe that the rule you mentioned (initializedVariableDeclaration) is the grammar corresponding to the problem. That's for an ordinary variable declaration (with an initializer).
I believe you actually want to change formalParameterList. The Dart grammar is provided by the language specification, and we can compare the grammar listed there to the grammar from the ANTLR repository.
The ANTLR file has:
: '(' ')'
| '(' normalFormalParameters ')'
whereas the Dart 2.10 specification has, from section 9.2 (Formal Parameters):
<formalParameterList> ::= ‘(’ ‘)’
| ‘(’ <normalFormalParameters> ‘,’? ‘)’
You should file an issue against ANTLR or create a pull request to fix it.
That file also does not appear to have been substantially updated since May 2019 and seems to be missing some notable changes to the Dart language since that time (e.g. spread collections (spreadElement), collection-if (ifElement), and collection-for (forElement) from Dart 2.3, and the changes for null safety).

ANT: Reg regexp for extracting contents between slashes in property regex

I have the following strings as input for scheduler file
I need to extract the complete part from v80-WM
i.e The regex must be able to select the following string
Currently I am using the following regex where the regex finds the last occurence of "Q" in the above string and trimming for there and using workardoung to construct the above mentioned results.
<echo message="runpART ... Scheduler File ${schedulerFile}"/>
<propertyregex property="cfg.arg" input="${schedulerFile}" regexp="([^Q]*).xml" select="\1" casesensitive="false"/>
Need help in extracting string from "v80-WM....xml".
Some inputs will be helpful
That's good. The v80-WM gives you a fixed "starting point"
Using this as your regular expression should do it.
What it means:
^.* match anything until you get to *the caret isn't really necessary, but I like making the reg exp more strict)
= .* then match the rest
The parens include the v80-WM name and everything that comes after so you don't have to reconstruct it.

Remove "[string]" from BUILD_LOG_REGEX extracted lines

Here is my sample string.
[echo] The SampleProject solution currently has 85% code coverage.
My desired output should be.
The SampleProject solution currently has 85% code coverage.
Btw, I had this out because I'm getting through the logs in my CI using Jenkins.
Any help? Thanks..
You can try substText parameter in BUILD_LOG_REGEX token to substitute the text matching your regex
New optional arg: ${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex, linesBefore, linesAfter, maxMatches, showTruncatedLines, substText} which allows substituting text for the matched regex. This is particularly useful when the text contains references to capture groups (i.e. $1, $2, etc.)
Using below will remove prefix [echo] from all of your logs ,
${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^\[echo] (.*)$", maxMatches=0, showTruncatedLines=false, substText="$1"}
\[[^\]]*\] will match the bit you want to remove. Just use a string replace function to replace that bit with an empty string.
Andrew has the right idea, but with Perl-style regex syntaxes (which includes Java's built-in regex engine), you can do even better:
str.replaceAll("\\[.*?\\]", "");
(i.e., use the matching expression \[.*?\]. The ? specifies minimal match: so it will finish matching upon the first ] found.)

JvmFormalParameter rule ambigouous?

I have a simple little grammar which keeps giving a multiple alternatives error when I try to generate Xtext artefacts.
The grammar is:
grammar org.xtext.example.hyrule.HyRule with org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.Xbase
generate hyRule (You can only use links to sites while you have fewer than 25 messages )
'FOR''PAYLOAD'payload=PAYLOAD'ELEMENTS' elements+=JvmFormalParameter+'CONSTRAINED' 'BY' expressions+= XExpression*;
And the exact error I get is:
![warning(200): ../org.xtext.example.hyrule/src-gen/org/xtext/example/hyrule/parser/antlr/internal/InternalHyRule.g:3197:2: Decision can match input such as "{RULE_ID, '=>', '('}" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
As a result, alternative(s) 2 were disabled for that input
error(201): ../org.xtext.example.hyrule/src-gen/org/xtext/example/hyrule/parser/antlr/internal/InternalHyRule.g:3197:2: The following alternatives can never be matched: 2][1]
I have attached the Syntax diagram for the generated antlr grammar in antlrworks, and can clearly see the multiple alternatives(JvmFormalParameter can match RULE_ID via the JvmTypeReference or the ValidID rule).
So it looks as if JvmFormalParameter is ambiguous...Apologies for my stupidity but could someone point out what it is I'm missing? Is there some way of overcoming this ambiguity when using the JvmFormalParameter rule in my grammar?
The rule JvmFormalParameter is defined as
JvmFormalParameter returns types::JvmFormalParameter:
(parameterType=JvmTypeReference)? name=ValidID;
so the type of the parameter is optional. If you use elements+=JvmFormalParameter+, you allow multiple parameters without a delimiter thus the parser cannot decide about the input sequence
String s
since both String and s could be names of two parameters or String s could be a single parameter with a type String and the name s. You should use a delimiter like
elements+=JvmFormalParameter (',' elements+=JvmFormalParameter)*
or use the rule FullJvmFormalParameter which is defined with a mandatory type reference:
FullJvmFormalParameter returns types::JvmFormalParameter:
parameterType=JvmTypeReference name=ValidID;

How to grep to find all instances of a Java method call using a reference?

I am trying the following query, but without success
grep -nr "[[:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+\(\)" .
So, according to my logic, a method call would be one or more alphanumeric characters
followed by a dot
followed by one or more alphanumeric characters
followed by paranthesis (for void return type only)
But this query isn't working. How to write such a query?
grep provides several types of regex syntax.
Your pattern is written is the extended syntax and works with -E
extended-regexp has an easier/better syntax, and perl-regexp is, well, quite powerful.
-E, --extended-regexp
-F, --fixed-strings
-G, --basic-regexp (the default)
-P, --perl-regexp
grep -nrE "[[:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+\(\)" .
You need to use "\+" instead of "+" otherwise it'll directly match the character "+".
