Hadoop Informatica Log processing - parsing

I am working on a project involving creating a queryable set of data from fairly large Informatica log files. To do so, the files are imported into a Hadoop cluster using Flume, which was already configured by a coworker before I began this project. My job is to create a table from the data contained within the logs so that queries can be performed easily. The issue I'm encountering has to do with log file formatting. The logs are in the format:
Timestamp : Severity : (Pid | Thread) : (ServiceType | ServiceName) : ClientNode : MessageCode : Message
The issue is that sometimes the message field contains additional colon-delimited comments, for example a message could be [ x : y : z ]. When using HCatalog to create the table I cannot account for this behavior and instead results in additional columns.
Any suggestions? Normally I would use Ruby to separate the fields or replace the delimiter to keep the integrity when importing using HCatalog. Is there some pre-processing I can do cluster side allowing me to do this? The files are too large to handle locally.

The answer was to use a pig script and Python UDF. The pig script loads in the file then calls the Python script line by line to break the fields properly. The result can then be written to a friendlier CSV and/or stored in a table.


Is there a way to configure the filename for a Neo4j Desktop database dump file to exclude timestamp?

I'm a first time user of Neo4j and following a training course to install and learn the basics.
I've installed Neo4j Desktop on a Windows machine and can see that it comes with a demo DB called "Movie DBMS". I'm trying to follow steps to dump the database, by stopping the database, clicking on "..." and then "Dump".
The dump errors with the following error in the log file:
[2022-01-31 12:54:36.022] [error] Selecting JVM - Version:11.0.8+10-LTS, Name:OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor:Azul Systems, Inc.
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 128: C:\Users<me>.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\projects<my project name>\movie-dbms-neo4j-31-Jan-2022-12:54:31.dump
It would appear that the automatic configuration for the dump file is adding a timestamp with includes colons (hh:mm:ss). How can I configure the file name to either exclude the timestamp or avoid using ":"?
I had no responses. But I've figured it out myself.
The answer was to use the command line to dump the database manually. At that point I can specify my own "--to=" filename which doesn't include a ":".
Details in this section of the manual: https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/backup-restore/offline-backup/#offline-backup

Can not open new files on SD with NodeMCU FATFS module

I'm using the NodeMCU environment to write a Lua script for the ESP8266. It uses the FATFS module to create several files with the following pattern:
LOG_xxxxyymmdd_hhmmss.txt, where xxxx: #file(incremental), and the rest is a timestamp.
I was running a test, creating one file, filling it with a small amount of data (~200 bytes), closing it, and repeating this for X times. After the first hour had passed, the files stopped being created. Here is the list of files created successfully:
<script src="https://pastebin.com/embed_js/0xn3MBQt"></script>
And here are some filenames it couldn't create:
I'm really troubled by this. Is there some kind of filename size limit so that when searching for files during open(), it returns an error because of a name ambiguity or something like that? If anyone has a clue about this, please tell me so I can test it. Thanks.

Multiple file generation while writing to XML through Apache Beam

I'm trying to write an XML file where the source is a text file stored in GCS. The code is running fine but instead of a single XML file, it is generating multiple XML files. (No. of XML files seem to follow total no. of records present in source text file). I have observed this scenario while using 'DataflowRunner'.
When I run the same code in local then two files get generated. First one contains all the records with proper elements and the second one contains only opening and closing root element.
Any idea about the occurrence of this unexpected behaviour? please find below the code snippet I'm using :
PCollection<XMLFormatter> input_object= input_records.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<String,XMLFormatter>(){
public void processElement(ProcessContext c)
String elements[]=c.element().toString().split(",");
c.output(new XMLFormatter(elements[0],elements[1],elements[2],elements[3],elements[4]));
System.out.println("Values to be written have been provided to constructor ");
Please let me know the way to generate a single XML file(book_output.xml) at output.
XmlIO.write().to() is documented as follows:
* Writes to files with the given path prefix.
* <p>Output files will have the name {#literal {filenamePrefix}-0000i-of-0000n.xml} where n is
* the number of output bundles.
I.e. it is expected that it may produce multiple files: e.g. if the runner chooses to process your data parallelizing it into 3 tasks ("bundles"), you'll get 3 files. Some of the parts may turn out empty in some cases, but the total data written will always add up to the expected data.
Asking the IO to produce exactly one file is a reasonable request if your data is not particularly big. It is supported in TextIO and AvroIO via .withoutSharding(), but not yet supported in XmlIO. Please feel free to file a JIRA with the feature request.

Loading a .trig file with inference to Fuseki using the 'tdbloader" bulk loader?

I am currently writing some Java code extracting some data and writing them as Linked Data, using the TRIG syntax. I am now using Jena, and Fuseki to create a SPARQL endpoint to query and visualize this data.
The data is written so that each source dataset gives me a .trig file, containing one named graph. So I want to load thoses files in Fuseki. Except that it doesn't seem to understand the Trig syntax...
If I remove the named graphs, and rename the files as .ttl, everything loads perfectly in the default graphs. But if I try to import trig files :
using Fuseki's webapp uploader, it either crashes ("Can't make new graphs") or adds nothing except the prefixes, as if the graphs other than the default ones could not be added (the logs say nothing helpful except the error code and description).
using Java code, the process is too slow. I used this technique : " Loading a .trig file into TDB? " but my trig files are pretty big, so this solution is not very good for me.
So I tried to use the bulk loader, the console command 'tdbloader'. This time everything seems fine, but in the webapp, there is still no data.
You can see the process going fine here : Quads are added just fine
But the result still keeps only the default graph and its original data : Nothing is added
So, I don't know what to do. The guys behind Jena and Fuseki suggested not to use the bulk loader in the Java code (rather than the command line tool), so that's one solution I guess I'd like to avoid.
Did I miss something obvious about how to load TRIG files to Fuseki? Thanks.
As it seemed to be a problem in my configuration (see the comments of this post for a link to my config file; I cannot post more than 2 links), I tried to add some kind of specification for some named graphs I would like to see added to the dataset on Fuseki.
I added code to link (with ja:namedgraph) external graphs that I added via tdbloader. This seems to work. Great!
Now another problem : there's no inference, even when my config file specifies an Inference model... I set that queries should be applied with named graphs merged as the default graph, but this does not seem to carry the OWL Inference rules...So simple queries work, but I have 1/ to specify the graph I query (with "FROM") and 2/ no inference in my data.
The two methods are to use the tdb bulkloader offline or you can POST data into the dataset directly. (i.e. HTTP POST operations to http://localhost:3030/ds).
You can test where your graph are there with a query like
SELECT (count(*) AS ?C) { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }
The named graphs will show up when the Fuseki server is started unless your configuration of the SPARQL services only exports one graph.

Failure on CSV import into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01

I'm having some weird issues when using the batch load into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC1. I am trying to import 10 different node sets (for different labels) along with 12 relationship files. The data sets vary in size - some node types have ~200-300k records, some are small (50-100 records). For most node types I have a separate file with a header and separate file with data for each of the sets (the data is generated from the DB and I want to be able to regenerate the dump files without worrying about preparing the :ID columns, describing data types etc.)
I am re-running the import task a number of times (with options --processors 1 --stacktrace) and I keep getting different errors (not a single change in the actual dataset) which makes me think it might be something concurrency-related. Sometimes import simply hangs with a message like this:
[>:36.75 MB/s------------------------|*PROPERTIES-----------------------------------------|NOD|] 0
In most cases, it crashes with an error like below, except the number of nodes that it manages to import fine differs from run to run.
[>:27.23 MB/s-------------|*PROPERTIES--------------------------|NO|v:19.62 MB/s---------------]100kImport error: Panic called, so exiting
java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.StageExecution.stillExecuting(StageExecution.java:63)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.anyStillExecuting(ExecutionSupervisor.java:79)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.finishAwareSleep(ExecutionSupervisor.java:102)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.supervise(ExecutionSupervisor.java:64)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisors.superviseDynamicExecution(ExecutionSupervisors.java:65)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.executeStages(ParallelBatchImporter.java:226)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.doImport(ParallelBatchImporter.java:151)
at org.neo4j.tooling.ImportTool.main(ImportTool.java:263)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.AbstractStep.assertHealthy(AbstractStep.java:189)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep.process(ProducerStep.java:77)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep$1.run(ProducerStep.java:54)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Nodes for any specific group must be added in sequence before adding nodes for any other group
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.put(EncodingIdMapper.java:137)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(NodeEncoderStep.java:76)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(NodeEncoderStep.java:41)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$2.call(ExecutorServiceStep.java:96)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$2.call(ExecutorServiceStep.java:87)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.executor.DynamicTaskExecutor$Processor.run(DynamicTaskExecutor.java:217)
I managed to run it successfully once, which, again, seems to imply that some sort of timing issue is at play.
Unfortunately I cannot provide the datasets as they contain confidential data.
The weirdest thing of all is that if I split the load into 2 different sets (the datasets are almost separate subgraphs, they have only 2 relationships in common) then all works fine (so not likely to be data related), but even loading just nodes doesn't work if I put them all into a single command. And because it's not possible to force a load into an existing database, loading it in 2 steps is sadly not an option.
1) Is that a known issue and if so, any ETA on a fix / issue that I could follow?
2) If not, is there any troubleshooting I can do to get to the bottom of it? The messages.log file in the target DB directory contains VERY little output, it would be nice if I could get some more details on what's going wrong.
I've spotted the problem. Thanks for reporting/asking. The next release will include this fix. I see an additional set of integration tests for the import tool. I'll provide link to commit once it's in.
