Xtext - Java 64K limitation in generated Parser - xtext

I'm working on a quite large grammar and it looks like I have a problem with the Java 64K limitation.
The Mwe2 configuration needs about 1024MB Heap for the generation, but after about 6 minutes, an error message is reported: "The code of constructor x() is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit".
As the Java 64K limitation is a known issue, so I quickly found some solutions and configured the workflow with the following:
fragment = parser.antlr.XtextAntlrGeneratorFragment auto-inject {
antlrParam = "-Xconversiontimeout" antlrParam = "60000"
options = {
fieldsPerClass = "200"
methodsPerClass= "500"
fragment = parser.antlr.XtextAntlrUiGeneratorFragment auto-inject {
antlrParam = "-Xconversiontimeout" antlrParam = "60000"
options = {
fieldsPerClass = "500"
methodsPerClass= "500"
But nothing has changed. The removing of partialParsing also doesn't have any effect.
Has anyone already face the same and could give me a tip for this issue?
Is there something I could do about this error?


Nvim-cmp is adding multiple times the same sources

I'm using nvim-cmpto have a contextual window to display my LSP suggestions and my snippets but when I open multiple buffers, I have an issue : the same source is added multiple times to nvim-cmp causing the same result to be repeated in the popup.
For example, here is the result of :CmpStatus: after a few minutes of work.
# ready source names
- vsnip
- buffer
- nvim_lsp:pylsp
- vsnip
- nvim_lsp:pylsp
- nvim_lsp:pylsp
Here is my nvim-cmpconfig :
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
sources = {
{ name = 'vsnip' },
{ name = 'nvim_lua' },
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' },
{ name = 'buffer', keyword_length = 3 }
Does anyone know how to adress this issue ? Is it a problem with my configuration ?
In your cmp configuration, you can use the dup keyword for vim_item with the formatting option / format function. See help for complete-item for explanations (:help complete-item).
formatting = {
format = function(entry, vim_item)
vim_item.menu = ({
nvim_lsp = '[LSP]',
vsnip = '[Snippet]',
nvim_lua = '[Nvim Lua]',
buffer = '[Buffer]',
vim_item.dup = ({
vsnip = 0,
nvim_lsp = 0,
nvim_lua = 0,
buffer = 0,
})[entry.source.name] or 0
return vim_item
You can see details in this feature request for nvim-cmp plugin.
I had the same problem and managed to solve the issue by realizing that cmp is somehow installed twice.
Try removing or better first renaming the cmp-packages in the plugged directory, for example
cmp-nvim-lsp to cmp-nvim-lsp_not
cml-nvim-buffer to cmp-nvim-buffer_not
This did the job for me.

Saxonica - .NET API - XQuery - XPDY0002: The context item for axis step root/descendant::xxx is absent

I'm getting same error as this question, but with XQuery:
SaxonApiException: The context item for axis step ./CLIENT is absent
When running from the command line, all is good. So I don't think there is a syntax problem with the XQuery itself. I won't post the input file unless needed.
The XQuery is displayed with a Console.WriteLine before the error appears:
----- Start: XQUERY:
(: FLWOR = For Let Where Order-by Return :)
for $flightLeg in //FlightLeg
where $flightLeg/DepartureAirport = 'OKC' or $flightLeg/ArrivalAirport = 'OKC'
order by $flightLeg/ArrivalDate[1] descending
return $flightLeg
----- End : XQUERY:
Error evaluating (<MyFlightLegs {for $flightLeg in root/descendant::FlightLeg[DepartureAirport = "OKC" or ArrivalAirport = "OKC"] ... return $flightLeg}/>) on line 4 column 20
XPDY0002: The context item for axis step root/descendant::FlightLeg is absent
I think that like the other question, maybe my input XML file is not properly specified.
I took the samples/cs/ExamplesHE.cs run method of the XQuerytoStream class.
Code there for easy reference is:
public class XQueryToStream : Example
public override string testName
get { return "XQueryToStream"; }
public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
Processor processor = new Processor();
XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
compiler.BaseUri = samplesDir.ToString();
compiler.DeclareNamespace("saxon", "http://saxon.sf.net/");
XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("<saxon:example>{static-base-uri()}</saxon:example>");
XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
Serializer qout = processor.NewSerializer();
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
qout.SetOutputStream(new FileStream("testoutput.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
Console.WriteLine("Output written to testoutput.xml");
I changed to pass the Xquery file name, the xml file name, and the output file name, and tried to make a static method out of it. (Had success doing the same with the XSLT processor.)
static void DemoXQuery(string xmlInputFilename, string xqueryInputFilename, string outFilename)
// Create a Processor instance.
Processor processor = new Processor();
// Load the source document
DocumentBuilder loader = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
loader.BaseUri = new Uri(xmlInputFilename);
XdmNode indoc = loader.Build(loader.BaseUri);
XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
//BaseUri is inconsistent with Transform= Processor?
//compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(xqueryInputFilename);
//compiler.DeclareNamespace("saxon", "http://saxon.sf.net/");
string xqueryFileContents = File.ReadAllText(xqueryInputFilename);
Console.WriteLine("----- Start: XQUERY:");
Console.WriteLine("----- End : XQUERY:");
XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile(xqueryFileContents);
XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
Serializer qout = processor.NewSerializer();
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
qout.SetOutputStream(new FileStream(outFilename,
FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
Also two questions regarding "BaseURI".
1. Should it be a directory name, or can it be same as the Xquery file name?
2. I get this compile error: "Cannot implicity convert to "System.Uri" to "String".
compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(xqueryInputFilename);
It's exactly the same thing I did for XSLT which worked. But it looks like BaseUri is a string for XQuery, but a real Uri object for XSLT? Any reason for the difference?
You seem to be asking a whole series of separate questions, which are hard to disentangle.
Your C# code appears to be compiling the query
which bears no relationship to the XQuery code you supplied that involves MyFlightLegs.
The MyFlightLegs query uses //FlightLeg and is clearly designed to run against a source document containing a FlightLeg element, but your C# code makes no attempt to supply such a document. You need to add an eval.ContextItem = value statement.
Your second C# fragment creates an input document in the line
XdmNode indoc = loader.Build(loader.BaseUri);
but it doesn't supply it to the query evaluator.
A base URI can be either a directory or a file; resolving relative.xml against file:///my/dir/ gives exactly the same result as resolving it against file:///my/dir/query.xq. By convention, though, the static base URI of the query is the URI of the resource (eg file) containing the source query text.
Yes, there's a lot of inconsistency in the use of strings versus URI objects in the API design. (There's also inconsistency about the spelling of BaseURI versus BaseUri.) Sorry about that; you're just going to have to live with it.
Bottom line solution based on Michael Kay's response; I added this line of code after doing the exp.Load():
eval.ContextItem = indoc;
The indoc object created earlier is what relates to the XML input file to be processed by the XQuery.

How can I maximize throughput in Docker and Akka HTTP?

I am building a specific jig for performance measurement. I have a load generator, boom (https://github.com/rakyll/boom). With this I can generate a pretty decent amount of load.
I also have a Docker image containing nginx as a load balancer, and two Akka-HTTP based REST servers. These do nothing except count hits (they always just return 200).
Running one of these servers stand-alone (outside the Docker) I have been able to get 1000 hits/second. Not sure if that's good or not. In this Docker configuration that figure drops to about 220 hits/second. I was kinda expecting, well... 2000 hits/second or thereabouts. Higher would even be better. I'd be happy if I can find a way to get 3-4K hits/sec with this arrangement.
I often get an error message like this:
[9549] Get dial tcp socket: too many open files
Tried running my Docker with --ulimit nofile=2048, but that didn't help. My application.conf for Akka is merely:
akka {
loglevel = "ERROR"
stdout-loglevel = "ERROR"
http.host-connection-pool.max-open-requests = 512
The server code:
object Main extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
println(":: Starting Simulator on port "+args(0))
Http().bindAndHandle(route, java.net.InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress.getHostAddress, args(0).toInt)
var hits = 0
var isTiming = false
var numSec = 1
lazy val route =
get {
path("dispatcher") {
if(isTiming) hits += 1
} ~
path("startTiming" / IntNumber) { sec =>
isTiming = true
hits = 0
numSec = sec
val timeUnit = FiniteDuration(sec, SECONDS)
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(timeUnit){ isTiming = false }
} ~
path("tps") {
val tps = hits/numSec * 2
complete(s"""${args(0)}: TPS-$tps\n""")
Theory of operation: Start traffic flowing then call the /startTiming/10 endpoint (for a 10-second capture on one of the 2 servers). After 10 seconds, call /tps a couple of times and the timing node will return approx. hits/second (x2).
Any idea how I can get more performance out of this?

gcc linker to combine memory blocks into one sector

Is there a way for the gnu linker to combine memory blocks so the linker will use one sector name when assigning memory?
For example:
RAM1 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000480, LENGTH = 0x0BB80
RAM2 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x2001C000, LENGTH = 0x03C00
Can there be a memory block our sector that includes memory blocks RAM1 and RAM2? Something like this below:
.bss :
_bss_start = .;
_bss_end = .;
} >RAM >RAM1
Good question. There are multiple ways of to do this. One way would be to actually split the BSS section by selecting which file's BSS goes where.
RAM1 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000480, LENGTH = 0x0BB80
RAM2 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x2001C000, LENGTH = 0x03C00
. =+ 0x200;
f2.o (.bss)
} >RAM1
f3.o (.bss)
f4.o (.bss) = 0x1234
} >RAM2
Instead of doing this for each file (only useful if you have tiny RAM/ROM chips), I recommend to just place for example COMMON on RAM2, and .bss on RAM1.

Practical Usage of Virtual Memory

I have used the code
memInfo.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
DWORDLONG totalVirtualMem = memInfo.ullTotalPageFile;
DWORDLONG virtualMemUsed = memInfo.ullTotalPageFile - memInfo.ullAvailPageFile;
DWORDLONG totalPhysMem = memInfo.ullTotalPhys;
provided at here
Output is like: 2.3GB.
totalVirtualMem = 8.5 Gb
virtualMemUsed = 2.3 Gb
totalPhysMem = 4 Gb
Does this means that my program requires 2.3Gb of memory? Could you also comment on total virtual memory and RAM? Also I was not able to run this code:
GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &pmc, sizeof(pmc));
SIZE_T virtualMemUsedByMe = pmc.PrivateUsage;
as it gives error as,
error C2664: 'GetProcessMemoryInfo' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX *' to 'PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS'
I stumbled upon exactly the same Problem and found out that a simple type cast solved it for me.
GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), (PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*)&pmc, sizeof(pmc));
SIZE_T virtualMemUsedByMe = pmc.PrivateUsage;
The solution is also described here (msdn: Question about GetProcessMemoryInfo).
