Fit labels nicely inside Pie Chart Slices - highcharts

I'm trying to make the labels appear inside the pie chart, but with an even distance from the pie border. I'm using distance: -30 to make the labels stay inside of the pie, but it seems to be applied to the top of the labels' box rather than to a mid point or as margin. This causes the labels to look unevenly placed.
Is there a way to place the labels at an even distance from the border?


How to align multiple charts with different data

I have three pie charts displayed in a row. Two have two segments, one has five. All three have vertical legends.
Given that, the chart with five segments displays the pie slightly smaller, due to the extra height of the legend. It also has a slight negative vertical offset.
Is there any way I can set all three charts to render the chart in the same position? I've tried setting the center to 50%,50% in plotOptions, didn't help.
You have to set the marginBottom-Value of the chart to a value that is equal an all charts. Highcharts is trying to display the pie as big as possible, therefore it will use more space if the legend is not as big.
By setting the marginBottom you force the chart to ignore the actual legend size.
The center: ['50%','50%'] setting will only take into account the actual plot area. So if this area is decreased because of a taller legend it has no effect.
I made a jsfiddle where you can explore this settings:

Remove unnecessary horizontal/vertical spaces in highchart bubble chart

I am using highchart to show bubble chart. Everything is working fine except in many cases there are lot of horizontal space(below min cirlce and above max cicle) and vertical space(left of lowest x and right of highest y). Because of this issue my chart sometimes seems very crowded even though there are some free space left in chart. I tried setting min/max of x/y axis but then it then clipped top/left circle. Is there any way i can instruct highchart to use all space in chart to draw bubbles.
I have created sample script at
In this demo you can see extra vertical space. X axis is showing fine. In some other cases there are extra space along x axis.

Shinobi Charts iOS - Rotate Pie Chart by code

I am displaying pie chart and drawing labels outside of chart itself. Sometimes I must display odd data, that one point takes up 90% of chart so the rest must "mash up" into remaining 10% of the chart. Everything is okay, but the labels (slice names) are also "mashing up". So I implemented mechanism that "sorts out" those labels not to collide with each other. Now I have a "word cloud" above my chart, since the biggest slice is always facing down, leaving all other slices facing up. That is my problem: I want to rotate the chart so that the biggest value data point would be facing left (leaving me right side of chart for labels).
So my question is:
How I could rotate pie chart around its center by code?
And rotating whole chart view is not an option since labels must remain horizontal.
So i found the solution myself:
you can use this code:
[(SChartDonutSeries*)[[chart series] firstObject] setRotation:-1.570];
To rotate first (the only in my case) DonutSerie by approx -90 degrees with this line of code. I use it in this delegate method:

Axis Lables Rotation

Hi I am using HighStock 1.2.4
I do have multiple series and separate yAxis for each series. I am calculating height and topPadding and creating stacked series.
Now, I am facing two problems.
I have used rotation with yAxis to rotate labels but its not rendering correctly.
I have also used rotation for X Axis labels, but the last series position is getting messed with X Axis Labels.
1) I'm not sure why it's not rendering correctly, if you want to move a little to the left use x: property for title.
2) First, I think you need to set proper align for xAxis.labels (right). Then make higher chart to make sure you have enough space for a chart.
And jsFiddle:

Adding label to core plot chart

I want to add a label to a core plot scatter chart. It should be at a specific y value at the left edge of the chart, like that:
I tried doing it using annotation but I have a problem with dragging. When I drag the chart the annotation is also being dragged, and I would like it to always stay at the left edge.
Create your label as a plot space annotation. Use a plot space delegate to monitor changes to the xRange and update the x-value of the anchor point as needed. You can use the plot space to convert the desired x-position to the corresponding data value for the anchor point.
