How does Google Analytics calculate requests/hits frequency? - ios

I want to use Google Analytics to track my iOS application hits.
I've read Google Analytics Collection Limits and Quotas article. It says
Each property starts with 60 hits that are replenished at a rate of 1 hit every 2 seconds. Applies to All hits except for ecommerce (item or transaction)
It is not quite clear for me what "1 hit every 2 seconds" means.
Here is what i think:
1 hit every 2 seconds = 0.5 hits per second
frequency (hits per second) = number of hits / time interval (seconds)
So my question is:
What time interval does Google Analytics use to calculate hits frequency?
Is it time elapsed from session start? Or is it a time for current day? Or is it calculated every 2 seconds?

I believe this rate limiting happens on the client (via the SDK) and not on the server. Server side limits exist, but they apply equally to all clients (so not iOS-specific).
The 60 hits + 1 per 2 seconds rule means that when you instantiate the tracker object in your app, it starts out with a 60 hit quota, and it adds 1 additional hit every 2 seconds.
As an example, if you instantiated the tracker, and the user didn't do anything for 10 seconds, you'd have 65 hits left in your quota. If the user then performed 10 actions within the next 10 seconds, you'd be back to 60 hits left in your quota. Does that make sense?
So to answer your ultimate question, the it's not about time interval, it's about when the clock starts, and that happens when the tracker object is created on the client.


How to handle Google Ads API rate limit when calling REST API?

I am using Google Ads REST API to pull Ads data. I am not using client library.
One question, how do you programatically check current API usage when calling requests, so you can stop and wait before continuing? Other APIs like Facebook Marketing API has a header in the result that tells you how much requests you have left, so I could stop and wait. Is there a similar info on Google Ads REST API?
Thank you for reading this.
I've seen nothing in the documentation so far to suggest that there is :(
(There is, separately, a RateExceeded error, which includes a retryAfterSeconds field, if you're going too fast / the API is overloaded.)
Ultimately, I tried this method. So far, I haven't reached limit with it:
The basic developer token for Google Ads API allow 15,000 requests per day as of this answer (Link: So that's 15,000 / 24 = 625 requests every hours.
Further divisions show that I can have 625/60 = 10.4 requests every minutes. So 1 request every 6 seconds will ensure I won't reach rate limit.
So my solution is:
Measure the time it takes to complete a request call and subsequent processing
If total time is over 6 seconds, perform the next request. Else, wait so the total time is 6 seconds, then perform the next request.
The below code is what I used to perform this. Hope it helps you guys.
import time
from math import ceil
waiting_seconds = 6
start_time = time.time()
#Measure how long it takes, should be at least 6 secs to be under API limit
end_time = time.time()
elapsed = end_time - start_time
if elapsed < waiting_seconds:
remaining = ceil(waiting_seconds - elapsed)

Log data into grafana for every minute

The below code registers five metrics count, oneminuteRate, fiftenMinuteRate, fiveMinuteRate, meanRate into graphite for every 30 seconds from my application.
public void collectMetric(string metricName, long metricValue){
I would like to show in the Grafana dashboard the no of requests that are received every minute.(i,e if in the first minute 60 is received, in the second minute 120 is received) Since the count in the meter metric above just keeps increasing and all the *Rate values are events per second. I am not sure how to log metric into Grafana dashboard that displays the no of requests received per minute. Any advice is highly appreciated?
Suppose if I use
mr.counter(metricName).inc(value) IS there a way to reset the counters every 1 minute?
I had the same problem. The way that I found is that I resolved this in Grafana.
When you're on the panel's metrics, you can add a function to your query like this:
You can try the derivative() function or perSecond() function but these functions are not completly reliable, it depends what you're doing with these in your panel.
But with these you'll see the number of input in time and not the total.

How can I calculate the appropriate amount of channel capacity?

I am looking for a solution because the sth-channel is full.
I am troubled with calculating the appropriate capacity of channel capacity.
This document has the following description.
In order to calculate the appropriate capacity, just have in consideration the following parameters:
・The amount of events to be put into the channel by the sources per unit time (let's say 1 minute).
・The amount of events to be gotten from the channel by the sinks per unit time.
・An estimation of the amount of events that could not be processed per unit time, and thus to be reinjected into the channel (see next section).
How can I check the values of these parameters?
How can I check the values of these parameters?
You can't just check these parameters. They depend on your application.
What they are saying is that you should have a size which is large enough so the generator doesn't get stuck. This may not be possible in your application.
Say your generator receives one event per second and it takes 2 seconds for a receiver to manage that event. Now lets assume you have 3 receivers. In 1 second, you can manage to process 0.5 events per receiver. You have 3 receivers, so your receivers, together, are capable of processing 0.5 × 3 = 1.5 events, which is more than what you get as input. Your capacity can be 1 or 2, using 2 will greatly increase your chances that you do not get blocked.
Let's review another example:
Your generator wants to pushes 1,000 events per second
Your receivers take 3 seconds to process one event
You would need 1,000 x 3 = 3,000 receivers (3,000 goroutines that can run at full speed in parallel...)
In this example, the total number of receivers is so large that you have to either break up your code to work on multiple computers or optimize your receiver code so it can process the data in an amount of time that makes sense. Say you have 50 processors, your receivers will get 1,000 events per second, all 50 can run at full speed, you need one receiver to do its work in:
50 / 1000 = 0.05 seconds
Now let's assume that in most cases your goroutines take 0.02 but once in a while one will take 1 second. That means your goroutines can get a little behind. In that case your capacity (so the generator doesn't get blocked) should be a little over 1,000. Again, it will depend on how many of the routines get slowed down, etc. In this last example, a run is 0.02 seconds so to process 1,000 events it usually takes 0.02 seconds. If you can send those 1,000 event over the 1 second period, you may not even need the 50 goroutines and could have a smaller capacity. On the other hand, if you have big bursts where you may end up sending many (say 500) events all at ones, then more goroutines and a larger capacity is important to not get blocked.

How to write bosun alerts which handle low traffic volumes

If you are writing a bosun alert which is based of a percentage error rate for requests handled by your system, how do you write it in such a way that it handles periods of low traffic.
For example:
If I have an alert which looks back over the last 5 minutes and works out the error rate for requests
$errorRate = $numberErr/$numberReq and then triggers an alarm if the errorRate exceeds a predefined threshold crit = $errorRate > 0.05 this can work quite well so long as every 5 minute period had a sufficiently large number of requests ($numberReq).
If the number of requests in a 5 minute period was 10,000 then 501 errors would be required to trigger an alarm. However if the number of requests in a 5 minute period was 100 then only 5 errors would be required to trigger an alarm.
How can I write an alert which handles periods where the number of requests are so low that a small number of errors will equate to a large error rate. I had considered a sliding window of time, rather than a fixed 5 minute period, where the window would increase in size until the number of requests was high enough to give some confidence in the alarm. e.g. increase the time period until the number of requests is 10,000.
I can't find a way to achieve this in bosun, and I don't want to commit to a larger period of time for my alerts because the traffic rate varies so much. A longer period during peak traffic could result in an actual error causing a much larger impact.
I generally pair any percentage and/or historical based alerts with a static threshold.
For example: crit = numberErr > 100 && $errorRate > 0.05. That way the percent part doesn't matter unless the number of errors have also crossed some threshold because the entire statement won't be true.

How do I query Prometheus for number of times a service is down

I am trying to work with the UP metric to determine the number of times the service was down for less than a minute (potentially a network hiccup) during a time range (or per hour). I am sampling at 5 seconds intervals
The best I got so far is up == 0 would give me a series with points only when the service was down but I am not sure what to do next.
Any help with this type of query would be greatly appreciated
You might try the following: calculate the average of the up metric. If the service goes down, the average (sliding windows of 1 minute) will decrease over time.
If the job comes up again, and the average is greater than 0, then the service wasn't down for more than one minute.
The following query (works via the Prometheus web console) delivers one data point for each time the service comes up before it was down for more than one minute.
avg_over_time(up{job="jobname"} [1m]) > 0
irate(up{job="jobname"} [1m]) > 0
