Read list of int from Console - f#

Here is what I want:
let rec getList (cnt:int, acc: int list): int list =
if cnt = 0 then
let n = Console.ReadLine() |> int
getList (cnt-1) n::acc
And call it like this:
getList 10 []
To read 10 integers from standard input and return list of 10 integers.
But I get the error:
getList (cnt-1) n::acc --------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
/Users/demas/temporary/stdin(890,9): error FS0003: This value is not a
function and cannot be applied
Why ?

Your function takes a single tuple as arg and you're calling it with two arguments. It should be getList (cnt-1, n::acc).


Why does this definition returns a function?

I found the following in the book Expert F# 4.0, Fourth Edition, by Don Syme, Adam Granicz, and Antonio Cisternino:
let generateStamp =
let mutable count = 0
(fun () -> count <- count + 1; count)
I could not understand why this code creates a function:
val generateStamp : (unit -> int)
It looks to me like its signature should be
val generateStamp : int
For example, the following code:
let gS =
let mutable count = 0
(printfn "%d" count; count)
creates an int value:
val gS : int = 0
As I understand it the code (fun () -> count <- count + 1; count) should first evaluate the lambda and then count. So the value of generateStamp should be just count, as it is in the definition of gS. What am I missing?
In any block of F# code, the last expression in that block will be the value of that block. A block can be defined in one of two ways: by indentation, or with ; between the block's expressions.
The expression fun () -> other expressions here creates a function. Since that's the last expression in the code block under let generateStamp =, that's the value that gets stored in generateStamp.
Your confusion is that you think that the expressions inside the fun () are going to be evaluated immediately as part of the value of generateStamp, but they're not. They are defining the body of the anonymous function returned by the fun () expression. You're absolutely right that inside that block of code, count is the last expression and so it's the thing returned by that function. But the fun () expression creates a function, which will only evaluate its contents later when it is called. It does not evaluate its contents immediately.
By contrast, the expression (printfn "%d" count; count) is a block of code with two expressions in it. It is not a function, so it will be immediately evaluated. Its last expression is count, so the value of the code block (printfn "%d" count; count) is count. Since the (printfn "%d" count; count) block is being evaluated immediately, you can mentally replace it with count. And so the value of gS is count, whereas the value of generateStamp is a function that will return count when it's evaluated.
It's syntactic trickery. The last ; count part is actually part of the lambda, not the next expression after it.
Here are some simplified examples to work through:
let x = 1; 2; 3 // x = 3
let f x = 1; 2; 3 // f is a function
let y = f 5 // y = 3, result of calling function "f"
let f = fun x -> 1; 2; 3 // Equivalent to the previous definition of "f"
let y = f 5 // y = 3, same as above
let f =
fun x -> 1; 2; 3 // Still equivalent
let y = f 5 // y = 3, same as above
let f =
let z = 5
fun x -> 1; 2; 3 // Still equivalent
let y = f 5 // y = 3, same as above
// Your original example. See the similarity?
let generateStamp =
let mutable count = 0
fun () -> count <- count + 1; count
Now, if you wanted to have count be the return value of generateStamp, you'd need to put it either outside the parens or on the next line:
// The following two definitions will make "generateStamp" have type "int"
let generateStamp =
let mutable count = 0
(fun () -> count <- count + 1); count
let generateStamp =
let mutable count = 0
(fun () -> count <- count + 1)

Equivalent of repeated takeWhile calls: does this function have a "standard" name?

I have a scenario where the standard List.groupBy function isn't what I want, but I don't know the right name for this function so it's making it hard to search for.
I have a list of items of type 'T, and a 'T -> 'k key-producing function. The items are already somewhat "grouped" together in the list, so that when you map the list through the key function, its result will tend have the same key in a row several times, e.g. [1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 1; 1; 3; 3; 3; 1; 1]. What I want is to get a list of lists, where the inner list contains all the items for which the key-producing function returned the same value -- but it should NOT group the different sequences of 1's together.
In other words, say my data was a list of strings, and the key-producing function was String.length. So the input is:
["a"; "e"; "i"; "to"; "of"; "o"; "u"; "and"; "for"; "the"; "I"; "O"]
The output I'm looking for would be:
[["a"; "e"; "i"]; ["to"; "of"]; ["o"; "u"]; ["and"; "for"; "the"]; ["I"; "O"]]
To think of it another way: this is like taking the first item of the list and storing the result of calling the key function. Then you'd use takeWhile (fun x -> keyFun x = origKeyFunResult) to generate the first segment. Then when that takeWhile stops returning values, you record when it stopped, and the value of keyFun x on the first value that didn't return the original result -- and go on from there. (Except that that would be O(N*M) where M is the number of sequences, and would devolve into O(N^2) in many cases -- whereas it should be possible to implement this function in O(N) time).
Now, I can write that function pretty easily. That's not the question. What I want to know is whether there's a standard name for this function. Because I thought it would be called groupBy, but that's something else. (List.groupBy String.length would return [(1, ["a"; "e"; "i"; "o"; "u"; "I"; "O"]); (2, ["to"; "of"]), (3, ["and"; "for"; "the"])], but what I want in this case is for the "a/e/i", "o/u", and "I/O" lists to remain separated, and I don't want the value that the key-generating returns to be in the output data).
Maybe there isn't a standard name for this function. But if there is, what is it?
I'm a little late and it seems that you have found a solution, and it seems that there doesn't exists a single function i F# that can handle the problem.
Just for the challenge I tried to find some usable solutions and came up with the following (whether they are efficient or not is up the reader to deside):
open System
module List =
/// <summary>
/// Generic List Extension:
/// Given a comparer function the list will be chunked into sub lists
/// starting when ever comparer finds a difference.
/// </summary>
let chunkByPredicate (comparer : 'T -> 'T -> bool) list =
let rec func (i : int, lst : 'T list) : 'T list list =
if i >= lst.Length then
let first = lst.[i]
let chunk = lst |> List.skip(i) |> List.takeWhile (fun s -> comparer first s)
List.append [chunk] (func((i + chunk.Length), lst))
func (0, list) |> List.where (fun lst -> not (List.isEmpty lst))
// 1. Using List.fold to chunk by string length
let usingListFold (data : string list) =
printfn "1. Using List.fold: "
|> List.fold (fun (acc : string list list) s ->
if acc.Length > 0 then
let last = acc.[acc.Length - 1]
let lastLength = last.[0].Length
if lastLength = s.Length then
List.append (acc |> List.take (acc.Length - 1)) [(last |> List.append [s])]
List.append acc [[s]]
[[s]]) ([])
|> List.iter (printfn "%A")
printfn ""
// 2. Using List.chunkByPredicate
let usingListChunkByPredicate<'a> (predicate : 'a -> 'a -> bool, data : 'a list) =
printfn "2. Using List.chunkByPredicate: "
|> List.chunkByPredicate predicate
|> List.iter (printfn "%A")
printfn ""
let main argv =
let data = ["a"; "e"; "i"; "to"; "of"; "o"; "u"; "and"; "for"; "the"; "I"; "O"]
usingListFold data
usingListChunkByPredicate<string>((fun first s -> first.Length = s.Length), data)
let intData = [0..50]
usingListChunkByPredicate<int>((fun first n -> first / 10 = n / 10), intData)
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

How extract the int from a FsCheck.Gen.choose

I'm new on F#, and can't see how extract the int value from:
let autoInc = FsCheck.Gen.choose(1,999)
The compiler say the type is Gen<int>, but can't get the int from it!. I need to convert it to decimal, and both types are not compatible.
From a consumer's point of view, you can use the Gen.sample combinator which, given a generator (e.g. Gen.choose), gives you back some example values.
The signature of Gen.sample is:
val sample : size:int -> n:int -> gn:Gen<'a> -> 'a list
(* `size` is the size of generated test data
`n` is the number of samples to be returned
`gn` is the generator (e.g. `Gen.choose` in this case) *)
You can ignore size because Gen.choose ignores it, as its distribution is uniform, and do something like:
let result = Gen.choose(1,999) |> Gen.sample 0 1 |> Seq.exactlyOne |> decimal
(* 0 is the `size` (gets ignored by Gen.choose)
1 is the number of samples to be returned *)
The result should be a value in the closed interval [1, 999], e.g. 897.
Hi to add to what Nikos already told you, this is how you can get an decimal between 1 and 999:
#r "FsCheck.dll"
open FsCheck
let decimalBetween1and999 : Gen<decimal> =
Arb.generate |> Gen.suchThat (fun d -> d >= 1.0m && d <= 999.0m)
let sample () =
|> Gen.sample 0 1
|> List.head
you can now just use sample () to get a random decimal back.
In case you just want integers between 1 and 999 but have those converted to decimal you can just do:
let decimalIntBetween1and999 : Gen<decimal> =
Gen.choose (1,999)
|> decimal
let sampleInt () =
|> Gen.sample 0 1
|> List.head
what you probably really want to do instead
Is use this to write you some nice types and check properties like this (here using Xunit as a test-framework and the FsCheck.Xunit package:
open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Xunit
type DecTo999 = DecTo999 of decimal
type Generators =
static member DecTo999 =
{ new Arbitrary<DecTo999>() with
override __.Generator =
|> Gen.suchThat (fun d -> d >= 1.0m && d <= 999.0m)
|> DecTo999
module Tests =
type Marker = class end
let ``example property`` (DecTo999 d) =
d > 1.0m
Gen<'a> is a type that essentially abstracts a function int -> 'a (the actual type is a bit more complex, but let's ignore for now). This function is pure, i.e. when given the same int, you'll get the same instance of 'a back every time. The idea is that FsCheck generates a bunch of random ints, feeds them to the Gen function, out come random instances of the type 'a you're interested in, and feeds those to a test.
So you can't really get out the int. You have in your hands a function that given an int, generates another int.
Gen.sample as described in another answer essentially just feeds a sequence of random ints to the function and applies it to each, returning the results.
The fact that this function is pure is important because it guarantees reproducibility: if FsCheck finds a value for which a test fails, you can record the original int that was fed into the Gen function - rerunning the test with that seed is guaranteed to generate the same values, i.e. reproduce the bug.

Does F# treat parameter matching differently when there is only one input parameter?

The function matching is based on the definition of the file in F#:
let f2 x y = x + y
let value5 = f2 10 20
let value = f2(10, 20) <-- Error
let f3 (x, y) = x + y
let value6 = f3(10, 20)
let value = f3 10 20 <-- Error
However, I can use in both ways with one parameter with F#:
let f n = n + 10
let value3 = f 10
let value4 = f(10)
Why is this? Does F# treat parameter matching differently when there is only one input parameter?
As ashays correctly explains, the two ways of declaring functions are different. You can see that by looking at the type signature. Here is an F# interactive session:
> let f1 (x, y) = x + y;;
val f1 : int * int -> int
> let f2 x y = x + y;;
val f2 : int -> int -> int
The first function takes a tuple of type int * int and returns int. When calling it, you need to specify the tuple (which is just a single value):
// Using tuple directly as the argument
f1 (1, 2)
// .. or by declaring tuple value first
let tup = (1, 2)
f1 tup
The type of the second function is int -> int -> int, which is the same thing as int -> (int -> int). This means that it is a function that takes int and returns a function that takes int and returns int. This form is called curried form and it allows you to use partial function application as demonstrated by ashays. In fact, the call:
f2 1 2
// Could be written as:
(f2 1) 2
My suspection is that this has something to do with tuples and currying. Basically, a tuple of one item becomes a singular item again, however in our other two cases we have the following:
The first case (f2) is actually a function that takes a single value (x) and returns a value that takes another single function. Here we can see the use of currying from f2 to add10
let add10 = f2 10
let myVal = add10 20
We get an error with the tuple because we have not defined it in such a way as to receive a tuple. In the second example, we have a similar issue, where we defined the function to take a tuple of two values, and it knows how to process those values, but we have passed it two values now instead of the one (a tuple) that it was expecting, and thus we receive an error.
Once again, in the last case, we have a tuple of a single item and so f x and f(x) are effectively the same thing.
I could be wrong in my reasoning, but I believe that's why you're getting your errors.

How to write a function that returns an array of indices of values in array x in array y?

I am trying to write an efficient algorithm that will effectively let me merge data sets (like a sql join). I think I need to use Array.tryFindIndex, but the syntax has me lost.
Based on the data below, I am calling arrX my "host" array, and want to return an int array that has its length, and tells me the positions of each of its elements in arrY (returning -1 if its not in there). (Once I know these indices I can then use them on arrays of data that of length arrY.length)
let arrX= [|"A";"B";"C";"D";"E";"F"|]
let arrY = [|"E";"A";"C"|];
let desiredIndices = [|1; -1; 2; -1; 0; -1|]
It looks like I need to use an option type somehow, and I think a mapi2 in there as well.
Does anyone know how to get this done? (I think it could be a very useful code snippet for people who are merging data sets from different sources)
//This code does not compile, can't figure out what to do here
let d = Array.tryFindIndex (fun x y -> x = y) arrX
The tryFindIndex function searches for a single element in the array specified as the second argument. The lambda function gets only a single parameter and it should return true if the parameter is the element you are looking for. The type signature of the tryFindIndex function shows this:
('a -> bool) -> 'a [] -> int option
(In your example, you're giving it a function that takes two parameters of type 'a -> 'a -> bool, which is incompatible with the expected type). The tryFindIndex function returns an option type, which means that it gives you None if no element matches the predicate, otherwise it gives you Some(idx) containing the index of the found element.
To get the desired array of indices, you need to run tryFindIndex for every element of the input array (arrX). This can be done using the function. If you want to get -1 if the element wasn't found, you can use pattern matching to convert None to -1 and Some(idx) to idx:
let desired =
arrX |> (fun x ->
let res = Array.tryFindIndex (fun y -> x = y) arrY
match res with
| None -> -1
| Some idx -> idx)
The same thing can be written using sequence expression (instead of map), which may be more readable:
let desired =
[| for x in arrX do
let res = Array.tryFindIndex (fun y -> x = y) arrY
match res with
| None -> yield -1
| Some idx -> yield idx |]
Anyway, if you need to implement a join-like operation, you can do it more simply using sequence expressions. In the following example, I also added some values (in addition to the string keys), so that you can better see how it works:
let arrX= [|"A",1; "B",2; "C",3; "D",4; "E",5; "F",6|]
let arrY = [|"E",10; "A",20; "C",30|]
[| for x, i in arrX do
for y, j in arrY do
if x = y then
yield x, i, j |]
// Result: [|("A", 1, 20); ("C", 3, 30); ("E", 5, 10)|]
The sequence expression simply loops over all arrX elements and for each of them, it loops over all arrY element. Then it tests whether the keys are the same and if they are, it produces a single element. This isn't particularly efficient, but in most of the cases, it should work fine.
Write a custom function that returns -1 if nothing is found, or returns the index if it's found. Next, use to map a new array using this function:
let arrX= [|"A";"B";"C";"D";"E";"F"|]
let arrY = [|"E";"A";"C"|];
let indexOrNegativeOne x =
match Array.tryFindIndex (fun y -> y = x) arrY with
| Some(y) -> y
| None -> -1
let desired = arrX |> indexOrNegativeOne
printfn "%A" desired
