How do I kill a task / coroutine in Julia? - task

using HttpServer
http = HttpHandler() do request::Request, response::Response
Response("Hello there")
end["error"] = (client, error) -> println(error)["listen"] = (port) -> println("Listening on $port")
server = Server(http)
t = #async run(server, 3000)
This starts a simple little web server asynchronously. The problem is I have no idea how to stop it. I've been going through the Julia documentation and trying to find some function that will remove this task from the queue (kill, interrupt, etc.) but nothing seems to work.
How can I kill this task?

I don't see an official way to end a task specifically, but I think the general solution was the addition of throwto, which allows you to immediately schedule a task with a pending exception.
t = #async run(server, 3000)
ex = InterruptException()
Base.throwto(t, ex)
close(http.sock) # ideally HttpServer would catch exception to cleanup


Is it possible to suspend and restart tasks in async Python?

The question should be simple enough, but I couldn't find anything about it.
I have an async Python program that contains a rather long-running task that I want to be able to suspend and restart at arbitrary points (arbitrary of course meaning everywhere where there's an await keyword).
I was hoping there was something along the lines of task.suspend() and task.resume() but it seems there isn't.
Is there an API for this on task- or event-loop-level or would I need to do this myself somehow? I don't want to place an event.wait() before every await...
What you're asking for is possible, but not trivial. First, note that you can never have suspends on every await, but only on those that result in suspension of the coroutine, such as asyncio.sleep(), or a that doesn't have data ready to return. Awaiting a coroutine immediately starts executing it, and if the coroutine can return immediately, it does so without dropping to the event loop. await only suspends to the event loop if the awaitee (or its awaitee, etc.) requests it. More details in these questions: [1], [2], [3], [4].
With that in mind, you can use the technique from this answer to intercept each resumption of the coroutine with additional code that checks whether the task is paused and, if so, waits for the resume event before proceeding.
import asyncio
class Suspendable:
def __init__(self, target):
self._target = target
self._can_run = asyncio.Event()
self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self)
def __await__(self):
target_iter = self._target.__await__()
iter_send, iter_throw = target_iter.send, target_iter.throw
send, message = iter_send, None
# This "while" emulates yield from.
while True:
# wait for can_run before resuming execution of self._target
while not self._can_run.is_set():
yield from self._can_run.wait().__await__()
except BaseException as err:
send, message = iter_throw, err
# continue with our regular program
signal = send(message)
except StopIteration as err:
return err.value
send = iter_send
message = yield signal
except BaseException as err:
send, message = iter_throw, err
def suspend(self):
def is_suspended(self):
return not self._can_run.is_set()
def resume(self):
def get_task(self):
return self._task
import time
async def heartbeat():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(.2)
async def main():
task = Suspendable(heartbeat())
for i in range(5):
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await asyncio.sleep(1)

How to test if msg was send to GenServer process

I'm running GenServer as a background job which is rescheduled each interval by Process.send_after(self(), :work, #interval).
This job is started by Supervisor when Application starts.
It's working perfectly, but now I want to test if my GenServer module is really spawning new process each interval.
How can I test it?
I found that :sys.get_status(pid) can be use to fetch some data about process, but I would really like to use something like receive do ... end
handle_info/2 function:
#impl true
def handle_info(:work, state) do
{:noreply, state}
schedule_worker/0 function:
defp schedule_worker do
Process.send_after(self(), :work, #interval)
There's something missing in your message. From what you have posted we can understand that every #interval milliseconds a :work message is sent. You are not telling us what the handle_info/2 is supposed to do when the message is dispatched.
Once this is defined, you can definitely write a test to assert that a message has been received by using the assert_received assertion.
I would test do_smt() by using Mock library and writing a test that makes as assertion like the following:
with_mock(MyModule, [do_stm_else: fn -> :ok]) do
assert_called MyModule.do_stm_else()
In this way, you have called the function that the task should execute, so you can assume that the task creation is being called.
If you want to let the do_stm_else function communicate with your test (in this scenario it looks a bit overengineered) you should:
get the pid of the test by calling self()
Pass the pid to the mock function to get it used
use assert_receive to verify that the communication has occurred
pid = self()
with_mock(MyModule, [do_stm_else: fn ->
Process.send(pid, :msg)
]) do
assert_called MyModule.do_stm_else()
Please note that I had no time to check this, you should spend a bit to investigate.

Elixir: not initiaing handle_call

I am implementing the Gossip Algorithm in which multiple actors spread a gossip at the same time in parallel. The system stops when each of the Actor has listened to the Gossip for 10 times.
Now, I have a scenario in which I am checking the listen count of the recipient actor before sending the gossip to it. If the listen count is already 10, then gossip will not be sent to the recipient actor. I am doing this using synchronous call to get the listen count.
def get_message(server, msg) do, {:get_message, msg})
def handle_call({:get_message, msg}, _from, state) do
listen_count = hd(state)
{:reply, listen_count, state}
The program runs well in the starting but after some time the stops with a timeout error like following. After some debugging, I realized that the becomes dormant and couldn't initiate corresponding handle_call method. Is this behavior expected while using synchronous calls? Since all actors are independent, shouldn't the methods be running independently without waiting for each others response.
02:28:05.634 [error] GenServer #PID<0.81.0> terminating
** (stop) exited in:<0.79.0>, {:get_message, []}, 5000)
** (EXIT) time out
(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:774:
Edit: The following code can reproduce the error when running in iex shell.
defmodule RumourActor do
use GenServer
def start_link(opts) do
{:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__,opts)
def set_message(server, msg, recipient) do
GenServer.cast(server, {:set_message, msg, server, recipient})
def get_message(server, msg) do, :get_message)
def init(opts) do
def handle_cast({:set_message, msg, server, recipient},state) do
c = RumourActor.get_message(recipient, [])
IO.inspect c
def handle_call(:get_message, _from, state) do
count = tl(state)
{:reply, count, state}
Open iex shell and load above module. Start two processes using:
a = RumourActor.start_link(["", 3])
b = RumourActor.start_link(["", 5])
Produce error by calling a deadlock condition as mentioned by Dogbert in comments. Run following without much time difference.
cb = RumourActor.set_message(elem(a,0), [], elem(b,0))
ca = RumourActor.set_message(elem(b,0), [], elem(a,0))
Wait for 5 seconds. Error will appear.
A gossip protocol is a way of dealing with asynchronous, unknown, unconfigured (random) networks that may be suffering intermittent outages and partitions and where no leader or default structure is present. (Note that this situation is somewhat unusual in the real world and out-of-band control is always imposed on systems in some way.)
With that in mind, let's change this to be an asynchronous system (using cast) so that we are following the spirit of the concept of chatty gossip style communication.
We need digest of messages that counts how many times a given message has been received, a digest of messages that have been received and are already over the magic number (so we don't re-send one if it is way late), and a list of processes enrolled in our system so we know to whom we are broadcasting:
(The following example is in Erlang because I just trip over Elixir syntax ever since I stopped using it...)
{peers = [] :: [pid()],
digest = #{} :: #{message_id(), non_neg_integer()},
dead = sets:new() :: sets:set(message_id())}).
-type message_id() :: zuuid:uuid().
Here I am using a UUID, but it could be whatever. An Erlang reference would be fine for a test case, but since gossip isn't useful within an Erlang cluster, and references are unsafe outside the originating system I'm just jumping to the assumption this is for a networked system.
We will need an interface function that allows us to tell a process to inject a new message into the system. We will also need an interface function that sends a message between two processes once it is already in the system. Then we will need an inner function that broadcasts messages to all the known (subscribed) peers. Ah, that means we need a greeting interface so that peer processes can notify each other of their presence.
We will also want a way to have a process tell itself to keep broadcasting over time. How long to set the interval on retransmission is not actually a simple decision -- it has everything to do with network topology, latency, variability, etc (you would actually probably occasionally ping peers and develop some heuristic based on the latency, drop peers that seem unresponsive, and so on -- but we're not going to get into that madness here). Here I'm just going to set it for 1 second because that is an easy to interpret interval for humans observing the system.
Note that everything below is asynchronous.
insert(Pid, Message) ->
gen_server:cast(Pid, {insert, Message}).
relay(Pid, ID, Message) ->
gen_server:cast(Pid, {relay, ID, Message}).
greet(Pid) ->
gen_server:cast(Pid, {greet, self()}).
make_introduction(Pid, PeerPid) ->
gen_server:cast(Pid, {make_introduction, PeerPid}).
That last function is going to be our way as testers of the system to cause one of the processes to call greet/1 on some target Pid so they start to build a peer network. In the real world something slightly different usually goes on.
Inside our gen_server callback for receiving a cast we will get:
handle_cast({insert, Message}, State) ->
NewState = do_insert(Message, State);
{noreply, NewState};
handle_cast({relay, ID, Message}, State) ->
NewState = do_relay(ID, Message, State),
{noreply, NewState};
handle_cast({greet, Peer}, State) ->
NewState = do_greet(Peer, State),
{noreply, NewState};
handle_cast({make_introduction, Peer}, State) ->
NewState = do_make_introduction(Peer, State),
{noreply, NewState}.
Pretty simple stuff.
Above I mentioned that we would need a way for this thing to tell itself to resend after a delay. To do that we are going to send ourselves a naked message to "redo_relay" after a delay using erlang:send_after/3 so we are going to need a handle_info/2 to deal with it:
handle_info({redo_relay, ID, Message}, State) ->
NewState = do_relay(ID, Message, State),
{noreply, NewState}.
Implementation of the message bits is the fun part, but none of this is terribly tricky. Forgive the do_relay/3 below -- it could be more concise, but I'm writing this in a browser off the top of my head, so...
do_insert(Message, State = #s{peers = Peers, digest = Digest}) ->
MessageID = zuuid:v1(),
NewDigest = maps:put(MessageID, 1, Digest),
ok = broadcast(Message, Peers),
ok = schedule_resend(MessageID, Message),
State#s{digest = NewDigest}.
State = #s{peers = Peers, digest = Digest, dead = Dead}) ->
case maps:find(ID, Digest) of
{ok, Count} when Count >= 10 ->
NewDigest = maps:remove(ID, Digest),
NewDead = sets:add_element(ID, Dead),
ok = broadcast(Message, Peers),
State#s{digest = NewDigest, dead = NewDead};
{ok, Count} ->
NewDigest = maps:put(ID, Count + 1),
ok = broadcast(ID, Message, Peers),
ok = schedule_resend(ID, Message),
State#s{digest = NewDigest};
error ->
case set:is_element(ID, Dead) of
true ->
false ->
NewDigest = maps:put(ID, 1),
ok = broadcast(Message, Peers),
ok = schedule_resend(ID, Message),
State#s{digest = NewDigest}
broadcast(ID, Message, Peers) ->
Forward = fun(P) -> relay(P, ID, Message),
lists:foreach(Forward, Peers).
schedule_resend(ID, Message) ->
_ = erlang:send_after(1000, self(), {redo_relay, ID, Message}),
And now we need the social bits...
do_greet(Peer, State = #s{peers = Peers}) ->
case lists:member(Peer, Peers) of
false -> State#s{peers = [Peer | Peers]};
true -> State
do_make_introduction(Peer, State = #s{peers = Peers}) ->
ok = greet(Peer),
do_greet(Peer, State).
So what did all of the horribly untypespecced stuff up there do?
It avoided any possibility of a deadlock. The reason deadlocks are so, well, deadly in peer systems is that anytime you have two identical processes (or actors, or whatever) communicating synchronously, you have created a textbook case of a potential deadlock.
Any time A has a synchronous message headed toward B and B has a synchronous message headed toward A at the same time you now have a deadlock. There is no way to create to identical processes that call each other synchronously without creating a potential deadlock. In massively concurrent systems anything that might happen almost certainly will eventually, so you're going to run into this sooner or later.
Gossip is intended to be asynchronous for a reason: it is a sloppy, unreliable, inefficient way to deal with a sloppy, unreliable, inefficient network topology. Trying to make calls instead of casts not only defeats the purpose of gossip-style message relay, it also pushes you into impossible deadlock territory incident to changing the nature of the protocol from asynch to synch. has a default timeout of 5000 milliseconds. So what probably happening is, the message queue of the actor is filled with millions of messages and by the time it reaches to call, the calling actor has timed out.
You can handle timeout using a try...catch:
try do
c = RumourActor.get_message(recipient, [])
:exit, reason ->
# handle timeout
Now, the called actor will finally get to the call message and respond, which will come as an unexpected message to the first process. This you'll need to handle using handle_info. So one way is to ignore the error in catch block and send it rumor from handle_info.
Also, this will significantly degrade the performance if there are many process waiting to be timed-out for 5 seconds before moving ahead. One could deliberately reduce the timeout and handle the reply in handle_info. This will reduce to using cast and handling reply from other process.
Your blocking call need to be broken into two non blocking calls. So if A is making a blocking call to B, instead of waiting for reply, A can ask B to send its state on a given address (A's address) and move on.
Then A will handle that message separately and reply if necessary.
body of A before blocking call
result = blockingcall()
do things based on result
needs to be divided into:
body of A before blocking call
nonblockingcall(A.receive) #A.receive is where B should send results
do other things
do things based on result

F# Start/Stop class instance at the same time

I am doing F# programming, I have some special requirements.
I have 3 class instances; each class instance has to run for one hour every day, from 9:00AM to 10:00AM. I want to control them from main program, starting them at the same time, and stop them also at the same time. The following is my code to start them at the same time, but I don’t know how to stop them at the same time.
module Program
open ClassA
open ClassB
open ClassC
let A = new CalssA.A("A")
let B = new ClassB.B("B")
let C = new ClassC.C("C")
let task = [ async { return A.jobA("A")};
async { return B.jobB("B")};
async { return C.jobC("C")} ]
task |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
Anyone knows hows to stop all 3 class instances at 10:00AM, please show me your code.
Someone told me that I can use async with cancellation tokens, but since I am calling instance of classes in different modules, it is difficult for me to find suitable code samples.
The jobs themselves need to be stoppable, either by having a Stop() API of some sort, or cooperatively being cancellable via CancellationTokens or whatnot, unless you're just talking about some job that spins in a loop and you'll just thread-abort it eventually? Need more info about what "stop" means in this context.
As Brian said, the jobs themselves need to support cancellation. The programming model for cancellation that works the best with F# is based on CancellationToken, because F# keeps CancellationToken automatically in asynchronous workflows.
To implement the cancellation, your JobA methods will need to take additional argument:
type A() =
member x.Foo(str, cancellationToken:CancellationToken) =
for i in 0 .. 10 do
The idea is that you call ThrowIfCancellationRequested frequently during the execution of your job. If a cancellation is requested, the method thorws and the operation will stop. Once you do this, you can write asynchronous workflow that gets the current CancellationToken and passes it to JobA member when calling it:
let task =
[ async { let! tok = Async.CancellationToken
return A.JobA("A", tok) };
async { let! tok = Async.CancellationToken
return B.JobB("B") }; ]
Now you can create a new token using CancellationTokenSource and start the workflow. When you then cancel the token source, it will automatically stop any jobs running as part of the workflow:
let src = new CancellationTokenSource()
Async.Start(task, cancellationToken = src.Token)
// To cancel the job:
You asked this question on, and I'll repeat here my answer: try using Quartz.NET. You'd just implement IInteruptableJob in A,B,C, defining how they stop. Then another job at 10:00AM to stop the others.
Quartz.NET has a nice tutorial, FAQ, and lots of examples. It's pretty easy to use for simple cases like this, yet very powerful if you ever need more complex scheduling, monitoring jobs, logging, etc.

How do I create a job queue using a MailboxProcessor?

I'm trying to model a asynchronous job processing framework using MailboxProcessor. My requirements are to Start, Stop, Pause, and Resume the job processor. Can I build Pause / Resume functionality with MailboxProcessor? Also I should be able to Stop and Start? I'm trying to model after Windows Service.
I've a system in C#, implemented using Queue / Threads. I was looking for design alternatives, that's when I saw MailboxProcessor. I believe I can use it but couldnt figure out how to handle the above scenarios. So is it possible to achieve this functionality?
Sure :) Just hold an internal queue of jobs and enumerate through the queue when the job processor is in Start mode. In any other mode, just enqueue new jobs until the processor goes into start mode.
type 'a msg = // '
| Start
| Stop
| Pause
| Job of (unit -> unit)
type processQueue() =
let mb = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop state (jobs : System.Collections.Generic.Queue<_>) =
async {
if state = Start then
while jobs.Count > 0 do
let f = jobs.Dequeue()
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> return! loop Start jobs
| Pause -> return! loop Pause jobs
| Job(f) -> jobs.Enqueue(f); return! loop state jobs
| Stop -> return ()
loop Start (new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<_>()))
member this.Resume() = mb.Post(Start)
member this.Stop() = mb.Post(Stop)
member this.Pause() = mb.Post(Pause)
member this.QueueJob(f) = mb.Post(Job f)
This class behaves as expected: You can enqueue jobs in the Pause state, but they'll only run in the Start state. Once the processQueue is stopped, it can't be restarted, and none of the enqueued jobs will run (its easy enough to change this behavior so that, rather than killing the queue, it just doesn't enqueue a job in the Stop state).
Use MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply if you need two-way communication between the mailbox processor and your code.
You may want to check out Luca's blog, as I think it has some recent relevant stuff.
