I am doing some Monte Carlo simulations on dice rolls using F# and I am using integers to represent a single roll of a dice and a list of integers to represent a list of dice rolls. I would like to be able to model the dice roll instead of integers as a type. I am only using 6 sided dice and I would like a type that has some of the characteristics of a Alias / Synonym type and some of the properties of either a Discriminated Union or a Enum.
These are what I would like to see on my type
I would like the type to behave like an integer so I can max / min / sum / fold on the lists.
I would like the type to be able to be assigned as an integer value.
I would like the type to be constrained to 1-6 so that there can be no dice roll of a zero and no dice roll of a seven.
I have tried the combination of types listed above and all seem to have some draw backs (which might be my usage and understanding rather than the Types themselves).
This is just a trivial example of something I am doing for fun (not profit) but would like to see an answer as I could imagine using this in more serious data modelling.
As one of the options you could create your own numeric type as described in this post by Tomas Petricek:
It seems like a Discriminated Union with some static methods can handle everything you want
open System
type D6 =
| One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
member self.Value =
match self with
| One -> 1 | Two -> 2 | Three -> 3
| Four -> 4 | Five -> 5 | Six -> 6
override self.ToString() =
match self with
| One -> "One" | Two -> "Two" | Three -> "Three"
| Four -> "Four" | Five -> "Five" | Six -> "Six"
static member Create (num:int) =
match num with
| 1 -> One | 2 -> Two | 3 -> Three
| 4 -> Four | 5 -> Five | 6 -> Six
| _ -> failwithf "Could not create D6, %d is not in range 1-6" num
static member inline Roll() = Random().Next(1,7) |> D6.Create
Calling D6.Roll() will generate single random roll
> D6.Roll();; val it : D6 = Four
> D6.Roll();; val it : D6 = Six
> D6.Roll();; val it : D6 = Two
> D6.Roll();; val it : D6 = Five
You can create static members and operators that make it easy to compose your D6s together
static member inline Add (a:D6) (b:D6) = a.Value + b.Value
static member inline (+) (a , b ) = D6.Add a b
static member inline Subtract (a:D6) (b:D6) = a.Value - b.Value
static member inline (-) (a , b ) = D6.Subtract a b
And static members that make it easy to create them from a list of input
static member FromList (numls: int list ) =
numls |> List.map D6.Create
Comparison works out the box with this type
D6.One > D6.Two;;
val it : bool = false
D6.One < D6.Two;;
val it : bool = true
Infinite sequences make it easy to generate randomized input
let rollGen =
let rnd = Random()
let rec gen() = seq { yield rnd.Next(1,7)
yield! gen() }
> rollGen;;
val rollGen : seq<int>
Which can be mapped over to create an infinite random sequence of D6
let d6Gen = rollGen |> Seq.map D6.Create
> d6Gen;;
val d6Gen : seq<D6>
If you want to pull a static list of input values that you can reuse out of the random infinite sequence you need to use functions like
let rollList num = rollGen |> Seq.take num |> List.ofSeq
let d6List num = d6Gen |> Seq.take num |> List.ofSeq ;;
let _20rolls = rollList 20 ;;
> val _20rolls : int list =
[3; 4; 2; 3; 5; 6; 4; 6; 6; 6; 5; 3; 4; 3; 2; 1; 2; 5; 3; 6]*)
let _30d6 = d6List 30 ;;
> val _30d6 : D6 list =
[Two; Six; One; Three; Two; Three; One; One; Six; Six; Four; Four; Three;
Four; One; Five; Three; Four; Four; Four; Three; Two; Six; Four; One; Three;
One; Five; Two; Two]
Gist of just the code
I am new to f#, so I need to do this for homework. I have been struggling now for several hours, so a hint would be appreciated it: Write a function that has the type 'a list * 'a list-> bool, where a comparison between the elements of the same index is implemented. For example: [1;2;3] and [1;2;3] are equal and [1;2;3] and [1;2;4] not.
Thank you for providing the useful context that this is a homework! Since this is the case, I will try to give some hint but not a fully complete working solution.
First of all, it's worth noting that you can just compare lists using = in F# and this does exactly what you need. Assuming we have some sample lists:
let l1 = [1;2;3]
let l2 = [1;2;3]
let l3 = [1;2;4]
You can do the following to compare lists:
l1 = l2 // Returns 'true'
l1 = l3 // Returns 'false'
This is probably not going to teach you much about writing F#, so I assume what you need is to write your own recursive function. This is a good exercise! There are two key tricks. First, you need a recursive function that looks at the start of the list and then calls itself recursively to process the rest of the list. Second, you'll want to use pattern matching on the two lists given as arguments. The basic structure of the function will be:
let rec compare xl yl =
match xl, yl with
| [], [] ->
| x::xs, y::ys ->
| _ ->
Now you need to fill in the blank parts:
If both lists are empty. Are they equal or not?
If both lists are non-empty and start with x and y, followed by xs and ys.
Otherwise - one list is empty, the other non-empty.
let a = [1;2;3]
let b = [1;2;3]
let c = [1;2;5]
let rec compare xl yl =
match xl, yl with
| [], [] -> true
| x::xs, y::ys -> x = y && compare xs ys
| _ -> false
// compiling the code and using interactive the output is:
val a : int list = [1; 2; 3]
val b : int list = [1; 2; 3]
val c : int list = [1; 2; 5]
val compare : xl:'a list -> yl:'a list -> bool when 'a : equality
> compare a b;;
val it : bool = true
> compare a c;;
val it : bool = false
I have a csv file containing daily weights as follows:
Though I can successfully import them using CsvProvider, the weight column defaults to System.DateTime.
// Weight
[<Measure>] type lb
let input = "DayWeights.csv"
type Weights = CsvProvider<input, HasHeaders=true>
let data = Weights.GetSample()
for row in data.Rows do
printfn "Output: (%A, %A, %A)" row.Date row.Name row.Weight
Is it possible to create a Unit of Measure (UoM) to define "stlb" with the option to convert to lbs on import and, if so, how?
I don't think you could represent stones-pounds as a single numeric type, and units of measure can only be used on numeric types (although there is some discussion about changing this in future). This is because some of their features only make sense with numeric operations like addition and multiplication. The units themselves are multiplied and divided:
[<Measure>] type lb
2<lb> + 2<lb> // 4<lb>
2<lb> * 2<lb> // 4<lb ^ 2>
2<lb> / 2<lb> // 1
Instead of units of measure, if you want some kind of tag to know that a given value has a type of stones-pounds, you could create a single case discriminated union:
type StonesPounds = StonesPounds of int * int
// StonesPounds -> int<lb>
let convertToLb (StonesPounds (s, p)) = (s * 14 + p) * 1<lb>
StonesPounds (1, 2) |> convertToLb // 16<lb>
The downside of this compared to units of measure is that you have to manually pack and unpack these values in code before you can use the numbers and there is a runtime cost for that too.
I resolved the automatic converting of the input weight column to System.DateTime as follows:
// http://fssnip.net/27
let lazySplit (sep:string) (str:string) =
match sep, str with
| ((null | ""), _) | (_, (null | "")) -> seq [str]
| _ ->
let n, j = str.Length, sep.Length
let rec loop p =
seq {
if p < n then
let i = match str.IndexOf(sep, p) with -1 -> n | i -> i
yield str.Substring(p, i - p)
yield! loop (i + j)
loop 0
let weight input =
|> (fun x -> lazySplit "/" x |> Seq.take 2 |> String.concat("-"))
let data = Weighings.GetSample()
for row in data.Rows do
let stlbs = weight (string row.Weight)
printfn "Output: (%A, %A, %A)" row.Date row.Name stlbs
// Output: 11-Sep-2017,"Alpha","09-01")
Thanks to one and all for your expert help and guidance.
I want to build a dictionary from a list of items.
An item has the following definition:
type Item =
| A of TotalPrice * Special
| B of TotalPrice * Special
| C of TotalPrice
| D of TotalPrice
I want the keys of the dictionary to map to the case ids:
| A
| B
| C
| D
I would then have the values for the case id be a list.
How do I separate the case ids from the case values?
let dictionary = items |> List.map (fun item -> item) // uh...
module Checkout
type UnitPrice = int
type Qty = int
type Special =
| ThreeForOneThirty
| TwoForFourtyFive
type TotalPrice = { UnitPrice:int ; Qty:int }
type Item =
| A of TotalPrice * Special
| B of TotalPrice * Special
| C of TotalPrice
| D of TotalPrice
let totalPrice (items:Item list) =
let dictionary = items |> List.map (fun item -> item) // uh...
open FsUnit
open NUnit.Framework
let ``buying 2 A units, B unit, A unit = $160`` () =
// Setup
let items = [A ({UnitPrice=50; Qty=2} , ThreeForOneThirty)
B ({UnitPrice=30; Qty=1} , TwoForFourtyFive)
A ({UnitPrice=50; Qty=1} , ThreeForOneThirty)]
items |> totalPrice |> should equal 160
Your data is badly defined for your use case. If you want to refer to the kinds of items by themselves, you need to define them by themselves:
type ItemKind = A | B | C | D
type Item = { Kind: ItemKind; Price: TotalPrice; Special: Special option }
Then you can easily build a dictionary of items:
let dictionary = items |> List.map (fun i -> i.Kind, i) |> dict
Although I must note that such dictionary may not be possible: if the items list contains several items of the same kind, some of them will not be included in the dictionary, because it can't contain multiple identical keys. Perhaps I didn't understand what kind of dictionary you're after.
If you want to create the dictionary with keys like A, B, C and D you will fail because A and B are constructors with type TotalPrice * Special -> Item and C and D are constructors of type TotalPrice -> Item. Dictionary would have to make a decision about type of keys.
Getting DU constructor name should be doable by reflection but is it really necessary for your case?
Maybe different type structure will be more efficient for your case, ie. Fyodor Soikin proposal.
Maybe the following will clarify somewhat why datastructure and code is no good, and as such also clarify that this mainly is not related to FP as indicated in some of the comments et al.
My guess is that the question is related to "how can this be grouped", and lo and behold, there is in fact a groupBy function!
type UnitPrice = int
type Qty = int
type Special =
| ThreeForOneThirty
| TwoForFourtyFive
type TotalPrice = { UnitPrice:int ; Qty:int }
type Item =
| A of TotalPrice * Special
| B of TotalPrice * Special
| C of TotalPrice
| D of TotalPrice
let items = [A ({UnitPrice=50; Qty=2} , ThreeForOneThirty)
B ({UnitPrice=30; Qty=1} , TwoForFourtyFive)
A ({UnitPrice=50; Qty=1} , ThreeForOneThirty)]
let speciallyStupidTransformation =
| ThreeForOneThirty -> 34130
| TwoForFourtyFive -> 2445
let stupidTransformation =
| A (t,s) -> "A" + (s |> speciallyStupidTransformation |> string)
| B (t,s) -> "B" + (s |> speciallyStupidTransformation |> string)
| C (t) -> "C"
| D(t) -> "D"
let someGrouping = items |> List.groupBy(stupidTransformation)
val it : (string * Item list) list =
[A ({UnitPrice = 50;
Qty = 2;},ThreeForOneThirty); A ({UnitPrice = 50;
Qty = 1;},ThreeForOneThirty)]);
("B2445", [B ({UnitPrice = 30;
Qty = 1;},TwoForFourtyFive)])]
Yeah its still a bad idea. But its somewhat grouped uniquely, and may be misused further to aggregate some sums or whatever.
Adding some more code for that, like the following:
let anotherStupidTransformation =
| A(t,_) -> (t.UnitPrice, t.Qty)
| B(t,_) -> (t.UnitPrice, t.Qty)
| C(t) -> (t.UnitPrice, t.Qty)
| D(t) -> (t.UnitPrice, t.Qty)
let x4y x y tp q =
if q%x = 0 then y*q/x else tp/q*(q%x)+(q-q%x)/x*y
let ``34130`` = x4y 3 130
let ``2445`` = x4y 2 45
let getRealStupidTotal =
| (s, (tp,q)) ->
(s|> List.ofSeq, (tp,q))
|> function
| (h::t, (tp,q)) ->
match t |> List.toArray |> System.String with
| "34130" -> ``34130`` tp q
| "2445" -> ``2445`` tp q
| _ -> tp
let totalPrice =
|> List.groupBy(stupidTransformation)
|> List.map(fun (i, l) -> i,
|> List.map(anotherStupidTransformation)
|> List.unzip
||> List.fold2(fun acc e1 e2 ->
((fst acc + e1) * e2, snd acc + e2) ) (0,0))
|> List.map(getRealStupidTotal)
|> List.sum
val totalPrice : int = 160
might or might not yield some test cases correct.
For the above testdata as far as I can read the initial code at least is ok. The sum does get to be 160...
Would I use this code anywhere? Nope.
Is it readable? Nope.
Is it fixable? Not without changing the way the data are structured to avoid several of the stupid transformations...
While the code I have does what I need, I feel I am missing some coding technique to implement this kind of stuff in a more concise way.
The goal is to compose items and give them an Id value along the way.
Here the code which I feel can be simplified and improved in many ways. If only I knew, how...
type Foo = | A of int | B of int | C of int
let ids startvalue = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i + startvalue)
let makeA ids =
A(Seq.head ids), Seq.skip 1 ids
let makeB ids =
B(Seq.head ids), Seq.skip 1 ids
let makeC ids =
C(Seq.head ids), Seq.skip 1 ids
let config = [makeA; makeA; makeC; makeB]
let create (ids : seq<int>) (cfg : (seq<int> -> Foo * seq<int>) list) : Foo list * seq<int> =
let rec cre ids1 acc cl =
match cl with
| [] -> (acc,ids1)
| x::xs ->
let v,ids2 = x ids1
cre ids2 (acc # [v]) xs
cre ids [] cfg
let result : Foo list * seq<int> = create (ids 0) config
Which results in the very simple:
val result : Foo list * seq = ([A 0; A 1; C 2; B 3], )
Somehow I feel there should be an easier way to accomplish the same.
In fact, I know one way to make it simpler but this would involve mutable state and memoization (and would thusly be probably considered worse):
let idgen startvalue =
let v = ref startvalue
fun () ->
let result = !v
v := !v + 1
With the thusly received generator function I could get rid of all those tuples, at least and I could also get rid of create function and simply write:
let ids = idgen 0
let result =
But there should also exist a "functional" way to get it done more simply.
It seems that what you want is to take two sequences, one of functions, the other of arguments, and produce new sequence by applying functions to corresponding arguments, where in your particular case arguments are successive integer numbers and functions are union case constructors. Would that be a correct assessment?
If so, here's what I would do:
let create args funs =
Seq.zip args funs
|> Seq.map (fun (arg, fn) -> fn arg)
|> List.ofSeq
let result = create (ids 0) [A; A; C; B]
type Foo = | A of int | B of int | C of int
let ids startvalue = Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i + startvalue)
let config = [A; A; C; B]
let create ids i cfg =
let ids' = ids i
let nextI = i + List.length cfg
(Seq.map2 id cfg ids'), nextI
let result, nextI = create ids 0 config
let result2, nextI2 = create ids nextI config
There are several considerations here:
A, B, and C are constructors of the type int -> Foo. You may directly use them as functions and eliminate repetitive wrapper functions;
Seq.map2 is able to process sequences of different length and ignore the remaining elements of the longer one;
id is a shortcut for fun f number -> f number, please use the longer one if you find id unclear
You may also refactor ids function into Seq.initInfinite id |> Seq.skip startvalue.
At the end, you may convert a sequence into a List if you really need.
Updated to receive an keep i and nextI.
As Fyodor pointed out in his answer, you really just want to apply your constructors to consecutive integers. You can use the built-in mapi for that, writing your entire program as:
type Foo = | A of int | B of int | C of int
let config = [A; A; B; C]
let create offset = List.mapi (fun i f -> f (offset + i))
create 78 config
// val it : Foo list = [A 78; A 79; B 80; C 81]
I have a discriminated union, such as
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish
This is basically a linked list, without any content, e.g. Spam(Spam(Spam(Eggs))). I want to strictly perform a computation on this structure, such as counting the length, and memorize the result. In a normal type, I'd use class-local let bindings, but those aren't available in discriminated unions.
One way to do this would be,
type Count = int
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish * Count
But this is really messy, when the data I need is easily computable, but I still hope there is a better way (without using external mutable constructs).
One option is making the union cases private to hide the cached length.
//the 'guts' of Dish -- entirely hidden
type private DishImpl =
| Eggs
| Spam of DishImpl
// Dish wrapper type -- implementation hidden
type Dish =
| Dish of DishImpl * int
// O(1), just get the 'length' field
member x.Length = let (Dish(_, len)) = x in len
static member Eggs() = Dish(Eggs, 1)
static member Spam(Dish(dish, len)) = Dish(Spam dish, len + 1)
let eggs = Dish.Eggs()
let spam = Dish.Spam(eggs)
printfn "%d" eggs.Length //outputs: 1
printfn "%d" spam.Length //outputs: 2
To do it up right, create an accompanying module with let-bound functions and active patterns for destructuring.
If you tolerate a bit internal mutable state, here is a memoize function which creates a dictionary per function:
let memoize f =
let dict = Dictionary()
fun n ->
match dict.TryGetValue(n) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ ->
let res = f(n)
dict.Add(n, res)
// This function results in a warning though
let rec length = memoize (function Eggs -> 0 | Spam d -> 1 + length d)
The approach isn't that bad since the mutable dictionary is hidden.
A purely functional approach could be using Map to hold values and a kind of State computation expression to hide Map values passing around. Please refer to this snippet to see how a memoize computation expression looks like.
There is also Memo Functions, Polytypically! by Ralph Hinze (2000). Adapting to F#:
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish
type DishTable<'T> =
Eggs : Lazy<'T>
Spam : Lazy<DishTable<'T>>
let rec tabulate (f: Dish -> 'T) : DishTable<'T> =
Eggs = lazy f Eggs
Spam = lazy tabulate (f << Spam)
let rec lookup (table: DishTable<'T>) (dish: Dish) : 'T =
match dish with
| Eggs -> table.Eggs.Value
| Spam x -> lookup table.Spam.Value x
let memo (f: Dish -> 'T) : (Dish -> 'T) =
lookup (tabulate f)
let rec len x =
match x with
| Eggs -> 0
| Spam x -> 1 + len x
let l2 = memo len
This is what I came up with. It's not true memoization because it counts eagerly when you call mem, but might work for your needs.
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish
| Memo of Dish * int
member d.length =
match d with
| Eggs -> 1
| Spam d -> 1 + d.length
| Memo (d, i) -> i
member d.mem =
match d with
| Eggs -> Memo(d, d.length)
| Spam d2 -> Memo(d, d.length)
| Memo(d2, i) -> d // no need to memo it again
let x = Spam (Spam(Spam Eggs))
let m = x.mem
x.length // val it : int = 4
m.length // val it : int = 4
Note that in your case, literally the only interesting property of a value of your type is its length, so you might as well just use integers as your representation instead:
let Eggs = 0
let Spam n = 1 + n
let (|Eggs|Spam|) = function
| 0 -> Eggs
| n -> Spam(n-1)
let length = id
// example usage
let dish = Spam(Spam(Eggs))
let l = length dish
let kind =
match dish with
| Eggs -> "Eggs"
| Spam(Eggs) -> "One Spam"
| Spam(Spam _) -> "At least two Spams"
If your real question is how to do this for a more interesting type, then one approach would be to create mutually recursive types, one of which is annotated:
type 'a AnnotatedDish = { dish : 'a Dish; value : 'a }
and 'a Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of 'a AnnotatedDish
// "smart" constructors, given that you want to annotate with length
let eggs = { dish = Eggs; value = 0 }
let spam d = { dish = Spam d; value = 1 + d.value }
let length { value = l } : int = l
// active patterns
let (|Eggs|Spam|) = function
| { dish = Eggs } -> Eggs
| { dish = Spam d } -> Spam d
// example usage
let dish = spam(spam(eggs))
let l = length dish
let kind =
match dish with
| Eggs -> "Eggs"
| Spam(Eggs) -> "One Spam"
| Spam(Spam _) -> "At least two Spams"
After reviewing the answers, I've decided to go with a model that seems the least obtrusive to me. I've used a modified object to demonstrate how it would work in a slightly more complex scenario.
type StackDef<'a>(v : 'a, s : Stack<'a>) =
member val Length = s.Length + 1
member val Inner = v, s
and Stack<'a> =
| Empty
| Stack of StackDef<'a>
member this.Length =
match this with
| Empty -> 0
| Stack(def) -> def.Length
let Stack (v, s) = Stack(StackDef(v, s))
let (|Stack|Empty|) = function | Empty -> Empty | Stack(sd) -> Stack(sd.Inner)
let example = Stack(1, Stack(2, Stack(3, Empty))).Length
It doesn't contain any external mutable state.
The discriminated union Dish (or in the example, Stack) continues to exist.
The field length doesn't appear in the union definition at all, nor is it provided by any constructor, just as it should be.
The memoized data is associated with the instance, as it should be.
However, having thought about it, by using a static weaver such as Afterthought it might be possible to replace any method such as:
Stack<'a> =
| Empty
| Stack of 'a * Stack<'a>
[<Lazy>] //custom attribute that would work with a static weaver
member this.Length =
match this with
| Empty -> 0
| Stack(_, s) -> s.Length + 1
With a private readonly Lazy<int> __length initialized in the constructor with a delegate that executes the above code, and change the actual content of the method to simply invoking __length.Value.
While F# doesn't allow union types to contain fields, possibly for very valid reasons, I highly doubt the IL would have such restrictions.
In fact, it would be possible to do a lot of things using some IL manipulation. Maybe it's something to think about.