Is h265 is supported in iOS8 - ios

I'm read that new codec h265 is supported by iPhone 6. I'm wondering if this support is avaiable only in iPhones 6 or maybe in iPhone 5 with lastest iOS8?

No. On mobile devices it's the hardware that does the decoding. if iPhone 6 can decode h265 it's their A8 chip or another embedded chip that does the job. On iPhone 5s and lower, no decoding chip is available.

iPhone 6 don't have any hardware H265 support. It uses software H265 codec and that too only available for FaceTime on cellular network. No H265 video files playing and recording available yet.


NFC tag reader error message "Feature not supported" in iOS objective c [duplicate]

Does Core NFC works on iPad?
To sum up, iPad does have NFC chips, but the Core NFC documentation does not say it support it.
Reading NFC NDEF tags is supported on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.
running this iOS11-NFC-Example on emulator will always get Feature not supported on all devices.
No ! for now Core NFC don't support iPads and iPhone lesser than iPhone 7.
iPhone Series of 7, 8 and iPhone X only supported by Core NFC.
if you want to identify in your code that the device your app is running on supports Core NFC or not can be done by this
if (NFCNDEFReaderSession.readingAvailable)
NSLog(#"NFC is Available");
NSLog(#"NFC is not Available");
As in WWDC 2017
Apple doc
NFC tag reading is available for iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 plus.
May be in future release they make them available.

Audiokit mic input not working on IPad Pro

Any suggestions on why the Audiokit mic input would work fine on IPad Mini 2 but not at all on 3rd gen IPad Pro? Have tried the obvious: confirmed my app allows mic in pro settings, mic is working using voice notes app on pro. Both devices are latest IOS version and Audiokit is latest release 4.7.
My app processes some audio input with no output needed. The IPad mini didn't care that there was no output module in the chain, the IPad pro did so I added the line "AudioKit.output = silence" to the end of the audio chain. This fixed the problem.

Unity - Video codec for older mobile devices

I am searching for a video codec for Unity that will run on older mobile devices. I have tried H264 and VP8, but I have not been successful. Below IOS 10 is where I experience the issue. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you.
When outputting the H.264 video, set the Profile to Baseline in your encoding software. This will make it compatible with older devices.

FFMPEG convert .avi into playable iOS movie mp4

I'm trying to convert an avi file which is h264 encoded baseline4.0 to a new h264 mpeg file that is encoded with baseline3.
The file original file is not playable on any iOS device, due to baseline4.0 (I think?)
I'm using this wrapper class here
but actually I have no clue how to set baseline. I can convert to mpeg4, but it seems that defaults everytime to baseline4.0.
I tried to set it on the AVCodecContext
AVCodecContext *outputCodecContext = outputStream->codec;
outputCodecContext->level = 31;
outputCodecContext->profile = FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE;
but this has no effect.
Perhaps anybody has a clue, or has a better FFMPEGWrapper.
Specs from original video:
First of all take a look at this site to understand which apple devices support what:
Encode video using H.264 compression
H.264 Baseline 3.0: All devices
H.264 Baseline 3.1: iPhone 3G and later, and iPod touch 2nd generation and later.
H.264 Main profile 3.1: iPad (all versions), Apple TV 2 and later, and iPhone 4 and later.
H.264 Main Profile 4.0: Apple TV 3 and later, iPad 2 and later, and iPhone 4S and later.
H.264 High Profile 4.0: Apple TV 3 and later, iPad 2 and later, and iPhone 4S and later.
H.264 High Profile 4.1: iPad 2 and later and iPhone 4S and later.
The numbers at the end of each profile is not the version of the profile! Its a Level. This means if you want to support all devices, you should stick to the Baseline profile and Level 3.0.
I don't know about this wrapper stuff, but using simple ffmpeg you would use this options:
-profile:v baseline -level 3.0
I'm sorry, I didn't notice that you already set the level (probably in a right way). But here is one more hint. Notice the call to av_register_all() and avcodec_register_all() in the init of FFmpegWrapper. Can it be that you first initialize the wrapper and then change the AVCodecContext?

Is it possible to output 6 channel PCM from a device running iOS8+?

I've been asked to investigate a 5.1 surround system that uses an iOS device as the primary source (iOS 8+ is fine). Some audio files that we'd want to playback are 24/96 multichannel FLAC (similar to DVD-A).
I've seen various 2 channel DACs for iOS. I've also found iOS SPDIF output available, but that's also only 2 channels for uncompressed PCM.
I've also read up that iOS8 has reasonably broad USB Class Audio 2.0 support. That seems the most likely candidate for supporting 6 channel PCM over USB (using the lightning to USB adapter). However, I still can't find any examples of folks actually getting uncompressed, 6 channel audio out of any combination of iOS hardware and APIs.
Am I chasing a goose here, or is this feasible?
I have been able to play multichannel audio using the following setup:
iPad -> lightning to USB adaptor -> Powered USB hub -> USB sound card
I used an application Auria for iPad.
I am trying to figure out how to enumerate multichannel audio devices on iOS so my App can add support to 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound playback
