I'm quite new to Ruby and Rails so please bear with me.
I have two models Player, and Reward joined via a has_many through relationship as below. My Player model has an attribute points. As a player accrues points they get rewards. What I want to do is put a method on the Player model that will run before update and give the appropriate reward(s) for the points they have like below.
However I want to do it in such a way that if the Player already has the reward it won't be duplicated, nor cause an error.
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :earned_rewards, -> { extending FirstOrBuild }
has_many :rewards, :through => :earned_rewards
before_update :assign_rewards, :if => :points_changed?
def assign_rewards
case self.points
when 1000
self.rewards << Reward.find_by(:name => "Bronze")
when 2000
self.rewards << Reward.find_by(:name => "Silver")
class Reward < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :earned_rewards
has_many :players, :through => :earned_rewards
class EarnedReward < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :player
belongs_to :reward
validates_uniqueness_of :reward_id, :scope => [:reward_id, :player_id]
module FirstOrBuild
def first_or_build(attributes = nil, options = {}, &block)
first || scoping{ proxy_association.build(attributes, &block) }
You should validate it in db also
Add follwing in migrate file-
add_index :earnedrewards, [:reward_id, :player_id], unique: true
I've realised that my previous answer wouldn't work, as the new Reward is not associated to the parent Player model.
In order to correctly associate the two, you need to use build.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/18724458/4073431
In short, we only want to build if it doesn't already exist, so we call first || build
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :earned_rewards
has_many :rewards, -> { extending FirstOrBuild }, :through => :earned_rewards
before_update :assign_rewards, :if => :points_changed?
def assign_rewards
case self.points
when 1000...2000
self.rewards.where(:name => "Bronze").first_or_build
when 2000...3000
self.rewards.where(:name => "Silver").first_or_build
class Reward < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :earned_rewards
has_many :players, :through => :earned_rewards
class EarnedReward < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :player
belongs_to :reward
validates_uniqueness_of :reward_id, :scope => [:reward_id, :player_id]
module FirstOrBuild
def first_or_build(attributes = nil, options = {}, &block)
first || scoping{ proxy_association.build(attributes, &block) }
When you build an association, it adds it to the parent so that when the parent is saved, the child is also saved. E.g.
pry(main)> company.customers.where(:fname => "Bob")
Customer Load (0.1ms) SELECT "customers".* FROM "customers"
=> [] # No customer named Bob
pry(main)> company.customers.where(:fname => "Bob").first_or_build
=> #<Customer id: nil, fname: "Bob"> # returns you an unsaved Customer
pry(main)> company.save
=> true
pry(main)> company.reload.customers
=> [#<Customer id: 1035, fname: "Bob">] # Bob gets created when the company gets saved
pry(main)> company.customers.where(:fname => "Bob").first_or_build
=> #<Customer id: 1035, fname: "Bob"> # Calling first_or_build again will return the first Customer with name Bob
Since our code is running in a before_update hook, the Player will be saved as well as any newly built Rewards as well.
I have a "user" model that "has_one" "membership" (active at a time). For auditing and data integrity reasons, I'd like it so that if the membership changes for a user, the old/current record (if existing) has an inactive/active flag swapped, and a new row is added for the new changed record. If there are no changes to the membership, I'd like to just ignore the update. I've tried implementing this with a "before_save" call-back on my user model, but have failed many times. Any help is greatly appreciated.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :membership, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :membership, :allow_destroy => true
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :conditions => {:active => 1}
belongs_to :user
I have what I think is a pretty elegant solution. Here's your user model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :membership, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :membership
def update_membership_with_history attributes
self.membership.attributes = attributes
return true unless self.membership.changed?
self.membership.update_attribute(:active, false)
self.build_membership attributes
This update_membership_with_history method allows us to handle changed or unchanged records. Next the membership model:
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :conditions => {:active => true}
belongs_to :user
I changed this slightly, since active should be a boolean, not 1's and 0's. Update your migration to match. Now the update action, which is the only part of your scaffold that needs to change:
def update
#user = User.find(params[:id], :include => :membership)
membership_attributes = params[:user].delete(:membership_attributes)
if #user.update_attributes(params[:user]) && #user.update_membership_with_history(membership_attributes)
redirect_to users_path
render :action => :edit
We're simply parsing out the membership attributes (so you can still use fields_for in your view) and updating them separately, and only if needed.
Did you look at acts_as_versioned? In the before_save of the Membership you could create a new version of the User, which would be acts_as_versioned.
Got it working. While it's probably not the best implementation, all my tests are passing. Thanks for the input guys.
before_save :soft_delete_changed_membership
def soft_delete_changed_membership
if !membership.nil? then
if !membership.new_record? && membership.trial_expire_at_changed? then
Membership.update_all( "active = 0", [ "id = ?", self.membership.id ] )
trial_expire_at = self.membership.trial_expire_at
self.membership = nil
:user_id => self.id,
:trial_expire_at => trial_expire_at,
:active => true
Why don't you just assume that the latest membership is the active one. This would save you a lot of headache.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships, :dependent => :destroy
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
nested_scope :active, :order => "created_at DESC", :limit => 1
belongs_to :user
def update(attributes)
self.class.create attributes if changed?
then you can use
to get the active membership, and you can just update any membership to get a new membership, which will become the active membership because it is the latest.
I have a Card model that has many CardSets and a CardSet model that has many Cards through a Membership model:
class Card < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships
has_many :card_sets, :through => :memberships
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :card
belongs_to :card_set
validates_uniqueness_of :card_id, :scope => :card_set_id
class CardSet < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :memberships
has_many :cards, :through => :memberships
validates_presence_of :cards
I also have some sub-classes of the above using Single Table Inheritance:
class FooCard < Card
class BarCard < Card
class Expansion < CardSet
class GameSet < CardSet
validates_size_of :cards, :is => 10
All of the above is working as I intend. What I'm trying to figure out is how to validate that a Card can only belong to a single Expansion. I want the following to be invalid:
some_cards = FooCard.all( :limit => 25 )
first_expansion = Expansion.new
second_expansion = Expansion.new
first_expansion.cards = some_cards
second_expansion.cards = some_cards
first_expansion.save # Valid
second_expansion.save # **Should be invalid**
However, GameSets should allow this behavior:
other_cards = FooCard.all( :limit => 10 )
first_set = GameSet.new
second_set = GameSet.new
first_set.cards = other_cards # Valid
second_set.cards = other_cards # Also valid
I'm guessing that a validates_uniqueness_of call is needed somewhere, but I'm not sure where to put it. Any suggestions?
I modified the Expansion class as sugested:
class Expansion < CardSet
validate :validates_uniqueness_of_cards
def validates_uniqueness_of_cards
membership = Membership.find(
:include => :card_set,
:conditions => [
"card_id IN (?) AND card_sets.type = ?",
self.cards.map(&:id), "Expansion"
errors.add_to_base("a Card can only belong to a single Expansion") unless membership.nil?
This works! Thanks J.!
Update 2
I spoke a little too soon. The above solution was working great until I went to update an Expansion with a new card. It was incorrectly identifying subsequent #valid? checks as false because it was finding itself in the database. I fixed this by adding a check for #new_record? in the validation method:
class Expansion < CardSet
validate :validates_uniqueness_of_cards
def validates_uniqueness_of_cards
sql_string = "card_id IN (?) AND card_sets.type = ?"
sql_params = [self.cards.map(&:id), "Expansion"]
unless new_record?
sql_string << " AND card_set_id <> ?"
sql_params << self.id
membership = Membership.find(
:include => :card_set,
:conditions => [sql_string, *sql_params]
errors.add_to_base("a Card can only belong to a single Expansion") unless membership.nil?
I'm really not sure about that, I'm just trying because I'm not able to test it here... but maybe something like the following works for you. Let me know if it does :]
class Expansion < Set
validate :validates_uniqueness_of_cards
def validates_uniqueness_of_cards
membership = Membership.find(:first, :include => :set,
:conditions => ["card_id IN (?) AND set.type = ?",
self.cards.map(&:id), "Expansion"])
errors.add_to_base("Error message") unless membership.nil?
Very late to the party here, but assuming you've set up STI, then you can now validate uniqueness of an attribute scoped to the sti type,
validates_uniqueness_of :your_attribute_id, scope: :type
Similar to this question, how do I set a property on the join model just before save in this context?
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :post_assets
has_many :assets, :through => :post_assets
has_many :featured_images, :through => :post_assets, :class_name => "Asset", :source => :asset, :conditions => ['post_assets.context = ?', "featured"]
class PostAssets < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
belongs_to :asset
# context is so we know the scope or role
# the join plays
validates_presences_of :context
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :post_assets
has_many :posts, :through => :post_assets
I just want to be able to do this:
#post = Post.create!(:title => "A Post")
#post.featured_images << Asset.create!(:title => "An Asset")
# ...
#post = Post.first
#featured = #post.featured_images.first
#=> #<Asset id: 1, title: "An Asset">
#featured.current_post_asset #=> #<PostAsset id: 1, context: "featured">
How would that work? I've been banging my head over it all day :).
What currently happens is when I do this:
#post.featured_images << Asset.create!(:title => "An Asset")
Then the join model PostAsset that gets created never gets a chance to set context. How do I set that context property? It looks like this:
PostAsset.first #=> #<PostAsset id: 1, context: nil>
I have created a test gem to try to isolate the problem. Is there an easier way to do this?!
This ActsAsJoinable::Core class makes it so you can have many to many relationships with a context between them in the join model. And it adds helper methods. The basic tests show basically what I'm trying to do. Any better ideas on how to do this properly?
Look at the has_many options in the ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods API located here: http://rails.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#M001316
This is the most interesting quote:
Specify the conditions that the associated object must meet in order to be included as a WHERE SQL fragment, such as authorized = 1. Record creations from the association are scoped if a hash is used. has_many :posts, :conditions => {:published => true} will create published posts with #blog.posts.create or #blog.posts.build.
So I believe your conditions must be specified as a hash, like so:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :post_assets
has_many :featured_post_assets, :conditions => { :context => 'featured' }
has_many :assets, :through => :post_assets
has_many :featured_images, :through => :featured_post_assets,
:class_name => "Asset", :source => :asset,
And you should also do the following:
#post.featured_images.build(:title => "An asset")
instead of:
#post.featured_images << Asset.create!(:title => "An Asset")
This should call the scoped asset build, as suggested in the quote above to add the context field to asset. It will also save both the join model object (post_asset) and the asset object to the database at the same time in one atomic transaction.
I have the following:
class Invite < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :invite_recipients
has_many :recipients, :through => :invite_recipients
class InviteRecipient < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :invite
belongs_to :user_comm
validates_associated :user_comm, :invite
validates_uniqueness_of :user_comm_id, :scope => :invite_id
class UserComm < ActiveRecord::Base
I'd like to create a method for Invite with invite_text and a list of UserComms as the variables and then have it create a new invite with the following validations:
1. All UserComms are unique
2. The invite isn't saved unless all the associated InviteRecipients are saved as well
(in other words, the invite isn't valid unless all the created InviteRecipients are valid)
I'm not familiar with how to create model functions. Moreover, when I try something like this:
i = Invite.new(:invite_text => 'come join')
ir1 = InviteRecipient.new(:invite => i, :user_comm => user_comm1)
ir2 = InviteRecipient.new(:invite => i, :user_comm => user_comm2)
i.invite_recipients = [uc1, uc2]
I get: SystemStackError: stack level too deep
You need use i.recipients not invite_recipients!
Like this:
i.recipients.create(:user_comm => user_comm1)
i.recipients.create(:user_comm => user_comm2)
I am putting together a messaging system for a rails app I am working on.
I am building it in a similar fashion to facebook's system, so messages are grouped into threads, etc.
My related models are:
MsgThread - main container of a thread
Message - each message/reply in thread
Recipience - ties to user to define which users should subscribe to this thread
Read - determines whether or not a user has read a specific message
My relationships look like
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :msg_threads, :foreign_key => 'originator_id' #threads the user has started
has_many :recipiences
has_many :subscribed_threads, :through => :recipiences, :source => :msg_thread #threads the user is subscribed to
class MsgThread < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages
has_many :recipiences
belongs_to :originator, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "originator_id"
class Recipience < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :msg_thread
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :msg_thread
belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "author_id"
class Read < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :message
I'd like to create a new selector in the user sort of like:
has_many :updated_threads, :through => :recipiencies, :source => :msg_thread, :conditions => {THREAD CONTAINS MESSAGES WHICH ARE UNREAD (have no 'read' models tying a user to a message)}
I was thinking of either writing a long condition with multiple joins, or possibly writing giving the model an updated_threads method to return this, but I'd like to see if there is an easier way first. Am I able to pass some kind of nested hash into the conditions instead of a string?
Any ideas? Also, if there is something fundamentally wrong with my structure for this functionality let me know! Thanks!!
While I would still appreciate input on better possibilities if they exist, this is what I have gotten working now:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# stuff...
def updated_threads
SELECT msg_threads.* FROM msg_threads
INNER JOIN messages ON messages.msg_thread_id = msg_threads.id
INNER JOIN recipiences ON recipiences.msg_thread_id = msg_threads.id
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `reads` WHERE reads.message_id = messages.id AND reads.user_id = #{self.id}) = 0
AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recipiences WHERE recipiences.user_id = #{self.id} AND recipiences.msg_thread_id = msg_threads.id) > 0
Seems to be working fine!
Also to check if a specific thread (and message) are read:
class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
# stuff...
def read?(user_id)
Read.exists?(:user_id => user_id, :message_id => self.id)
class MsgThread < ActiveRecord::Base
# stuff...
def updated?(user_id)
updated = false
self.messages.each { |m| updated = true if !m.read?(user_id) }
Any suggestions to improve this?
Add a named_scope to the MsgThread model:
class MsgThread < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :unread_threads, lambda { |user|
:include => [{:messages=>[:reads]}, recipiencies],
:conditions => ["recipiences.user_id = ? AND reads.message_id IS NULL",
:group => "msg_threads.id"
Note: Rails uses LEFT OUTER JOIN for :include. Hence the IS NULL check works.
Now you can do the following:
Second part can be written as:
class Message
has_many :reads
def read?(usr)
reads.exists?(:user_id => usr.id)
class MsgThread < ActiveRecord::Base
def updated?(usr)
messages.first(:joins => :reads,
:conditions => ["reads.user_id = ? ", usr.id]
) != nil
You might want to take a look at Arel, which can help with complex SQL queries. I believe (don't quote me) this is already baked into Rails3.