Passing function as argument in F# - f#

In the following example, I'm receiving the error "No overloads match for method 'op_Subtraction'."
open System
type EmployeeStatus =
| Active
| NotActive
type EnrollmentPeriod =
| JanuaryFirst
| JulyFirst
| PeriodNotApplicable
let DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate targettedEnrollmentDate (relativeDate : DateTime) =
match targettedEnrollmentDate with
| EnrollmentPeriod.JanuaryFirst -> new DateTime(relativeDate.Year + 1,1,1)
| EnrollmentPeriod.JulyFirst -> new DateTime(relativeDate.Year,7,1)
| EnrollmentPeriod.PeriodNotApplicable -> relativeDate
let ProjectDaysWorkedSinceJan1 employeeStatus targettedEnrollmentPeriod (relativeDate : DateTime) =
let januaryFirst = DateTime(relativeDate.Year,1,1)
let targettedEnrollmentDate = DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate targettedEnrollmentPeriod
match employeeStatus with
| Active -> int (januaryFirst - targettedEnrollmentDate).TotalDays
| NotActive -> 0
It doesn't appear to like that targettedEnrollmentDate is being determined by the DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate function.
Where am I going wrong here?

You only supply DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate with the first argument:
let targettedEnrollmentDate = DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate targettedEnrollmentPeriod
The result of that is a function waiting for the second argument, i.e. targettedEnrollmentDate is a function that takes relativeDate as an argument.
So, what you try to do, is subtract a function from a date and that's what the compiler complains about.

I don't really understand your question. The code clearly doesn't compile.
DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate is defined as
val DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate :
targettedEnrollmentDate:EnrollmentPeriod ->
relativeDate:DateTime -> DateTime
Which means, it takes two parameters: an EnrollmentPeriod and a DateTime and returns another DateTime. Later in ProjectDaysWorkedSinceJan1 you use it with just one argument:
let targettedEnrollmentDate = DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate targettedEnrollmentPeriod
Because of partial application, this makes targettedEnrollmentDate a function, which takes DateTime and return another DateTime. But later you try to use it as if it was a value, when you try to substract another DateTime from it.
| Active -> int (januaryFirst - targettedEnrollmentDate).TotalDays
Possible overload: 'DateTime.op_Subtraction(d1: DateTime, d2: DateTime) : TimeSpan'. Type constraint mismatch. The type
DateTime -> DateTime
is not compatible with type
What you probably want is to call DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate with relativeDate instead:
let ProjectDaysWorkedSinceJan1 employeeStatus targettedEnrollmentPeriod (relativeDate : DateTime) =
let januaryFirst = DateTime(relativeDate.Year,1,1)
let targettedEnrollmentDate = DetermineTargettedEnrollmentDate targettedEnrollmentPeriod relativeDate
match employeeStatus with
| Active -> int (januaryFirst - targettedEnrollmentDate).TotalDays
| NotActive -> 0
Which makes it compile with following result:
val ProjectDaysWorkedSinceJan1 :
employeeStatus:EmployeeStatus ->
targettedEnrollmentPeriod:EnrollmentPeriod -> relativeDate:DateTime -> int


Construct generic function

I have a type:
type DictionaryCache<'a, 'b when 'a :comparison>()
And I have another type which contains some of this DictionaryCache:
type Cache() =
let user = new DictionaryCache<int, User>()
let userByLogin = new DictionaryCache<string, User>()
member this.User = user
member this.UserByLogin = userByLogin
In the last type I want to create generic function which will return one of the members based on input parameter:
member this.CacheNameToDictionary (cacheName: string) : DictionaryCache<'a, 'b> option =
match cacheName with
| "userByAutoincrementedId" -> Some(this.User)
| "userByLogin" -> Some(this.UserByLogin)
| _ -> None
But it doesn't work because of type mismatch.
Is there any way to rewrite this function ?
Update: here is a full code what I need to do:
type Cache() =
let user = new DictionaryCache<int, User>()
let userByLogin = new DictionaryCache<string, User>()
static let mutable instance = lazy(new Cache())
static member Instance with get() = instance.Value
member this.User = user
member this.UserByLogin = userByLogin
member this.Get (useCache: string) (cacheName: string) (id: 'a) longFunction exceptionFunction : 'b option =
let nameToDictionary() : DictionaryCache<'a, 'b> option =
match cacheName with
| "userByAutoincrementedId" -> Some(this.User)
| "userByLogin" -> Some(this.UserByLogin)
| _ -> None
let foo() : 'b option =
| exn -> exceptionFunction exn
match (useCache, nameToDictionary()) with
| "true", Some(dictionary) ->
match dictionary.Get id with
| Some(result) -> Some(result)
| _ -> match foo() with
| Some(result) -> dictionary.Put id result
| _ -> None
| _ -> foo()
This is not possible - the problem is that the return type of the method would depend on the string that it gets as the input argument. The input string is only known at run-time, but the type needs to be known at compile-time.
You could use the Choice type which lets you return one of multiple different types:
member this.CacheNameToDictionary (cacheName: string) =
match cacheName with
| "userByAutoincrementedId" -> Choice1Of3(this.User)
| "userByLogin" -> Choice2Of3(this.UserByLogin)
| _ -> Choice3Of3()
This works, but the return type lists all three alternatives and is pretty ugly:
Choice<DictionaryCache<int,User>, DictionaryCache<string,User>,unit>
Also, the consumer of this method will have to pattern match on the result and handle the two different dictionaries in different ways, so this might not make your code particularly beautiful.
Honestly, I think that you are adding a level of abstraction that you do not need. If there are two different keys, then you need different code to handle that and it's unlikely that you'll be able to write code that is extensible and adds third kind of dictionary.

F# active pattern is not defined

I'm following the solution from here for using the DateTime.TryParseExact (which is so much less friendly than DateTime.TryParse) into a DateTime option
To save you a click, here's the code:
let (|DateTimeExact|_|) (format: string) s =
match DateTime.TryParseExact(s, format, Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None) with
| true, d -> Some d
| _ -> None
When I try to use it (within the same module. I've also tried defining it within the same function with no luck),
match DateTimeExact "M-d-yyyy" dateStr with
| _ -> ()
Visual Studio underlines "DateTimeExact" with an error:
'The value or constructor 'DateTimeExact' is not defined
What am I doing wrong? When I hover over the let binding for the active pattern, I see
val( | DateTimeExact|_|) : (string -> string -> DateTime option)
Your syntax is simply incorrect; the correct syntax is:
// incomplete pattern, but if you _know_, you know
match dateStr with DateTimeExact "M-d-yyyy" _ -> ()
// complete pattern
match dateStr with
| DateTimeExact "M-d-yyyy" _ -> ()
| _ -> failwith "didn't match"

Pattern Matching Types Out Of Strings in F#

I am working on a function that pattern matches some of my user-defined types in f# and converts them to strings. Part of the code looks like the following:
let gsToString (gs : general_structure) : string =
match gs with
| Date(Scattered(Eom(Ascending))) -> "Date(Scattered(Eom(Ascending)))"
| Date(Scattered(Eom(SameDate(dt)))) -> "Date(Scattered(Eom(SameDate(" + dt.ToString() + "))))"
| Number(AllNegative(Int1(Neither))) -> "Number(AllNegative(Int1(Neither)))"
| Number(AllNegative(Int1(SameInt(si)))) -> "Number(AllNegative(Int1(SameFloat(" + si.ToString() + "))))"
There are many other types being matched in this function, but these should be enough to convey the issue. Additionally, the types causing problems are:
| SameDate of System.DateTime
| SameFloat of float
Obviously, It is pretty trivial to do the first pattern matching function that converts my general_structure types to strings. However, a problem arises in my next function (which needs to be called later on in the code), where I need to reconvert the string representation back to a general_structure. The problem areas look like the following:
let stringToGS (str : string) : general_structure =
match str with
| "Date(Scattered(Eom(Ascending)))" -> Date(Scattered(Eom(Ascending)))
| "Date(Scattered(Eom(SameDate(dt))))"-> Date(Scattered(Eom(SameDate(System.DateTime.Parse dt))))
| "Number(AllNegative(Int1(Neither)))" -> Number(AllNegative(Int1(Neither)))
| "Number(AllPositive(Float1(SameFloat(sf))))" -> Number(AllPositive(Float1(SameFloat((float) sf))))
Although the first and the third cases in the stringToGS function work just fine, I am unable to find a way to convert the others back to their original form. If there any way to take a string inside of a pattern matching statement (in this case it would be dt and fs) and somehow parse only that portion of the pattern in order to return a different value (in this case I am trying to make them System.DateTimes and Floats, respectively) and return then to their original forms of:
? I would appreciate any help.
I was able to resolve the problem by doing something like the following with if statements for the cases that were causing problems:
if str.Contains("Scattered(Eom(SameDate")
let p1 = str.IndexOf(")")
let p2 = str.LastIndexOf("(")
let dt1 = str.Remove(p1)
let dt2 = dt1.Substring(p2 + 1)
let date = System.DateTime.Parse dt2
Then, I could just do the normal pattern matching on all of the types that did not contain nested data.
You could also use active patterns, if there is a limited amount of classes and you don't want to use a serialization library:
open System
let (|RegexMatch|_|) pattern input =
let matches = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(input, pattern)
if matches.Count = 1 then Some matches.[0].Groups.[1].Value
else None
type GeneralStructure =
| NoPayload
| DatePayload of DateTime
| StringPayload of string option
let toString = function
| NoPayload -> "NoPayload"
| DatePayload dt -> sprintf "DatePayload(%d)" <| dt.ToBinary()
| StringPayload None -> "StringPayload(None)"
| StringPayload (Some s) -> sprintf "StringPayload(Some(%s))" s
let fromString = function
| "NoPayload" -> NoPayload
| "StringPayload(None)" -> StringPayload None
| RegexMatch #"DatePayload\((.*)\)" dt -> DatePayload <| DateTime.FromBinary(Int64.Parse dt)
| RegexMatch #"StringPayload\(Some\((.*)\)\)" msg -> StringPayload <| Some msg
| o -> failwithf "Unknown %s %s" typeof<GeneralStructure>.Name o
let serialized = StringPayload <| Some "Foo" |> toString
let deserialized = fromString serialized
let serialized' = DatePayload DateTime.UtcNow |> toString
let deserialized' = fromString serialized'
// val serialized : string = "StringPayload(Some(Foo))"
// val deserialized : GeneralStructure = StringPayload (Some "Foo")
// val serialized' : string = "DatePayload(5247430828937321388)"
// val deserialized' : GeneralStructure = DatePayload 06.08.2015 18:04:10
Note that the regex is not foolproof, I made that up just to fit these cases.

How to do pattern matching in Rx. Where and Select in a single operator?

Suppose I have this type:
type T = int option
and an observable of that type:
let o : IObservable<T> = // create the observable
I'm looking for a better way to express this:
o.Where(function | None -> false | Some t -> true)
.Select(function | Some t -> t)
An observable that only propagates the Some case.
There are several things that I don't like.
I'm using 2 operators
I'm pattern matching twice
The second pattern matching isn't exhaustive (makes visual studio show a warning and feels odd)
Too much code. The pattern repeats every time I need pattern matching.
Can't you use Observable.choose ? something like this :
let o1 : IObservable<int option> = // ...
let o2 = Observable.choose id o1
If you have a type that is not an option, say:
type TwoSubcases<'a,'b> = | Case1 of 'a | Case2 of 'b
and a partial active pattern:
let (|SecondCase|_|) = function
| Case1 _ -> None
| Case2 b -> Some b
then you can do:
let o1 : IObservable<TwoSubcases<int, float>> = // ...
let o2 : IObservable<float> = Observable.choose (|SecondCase|_|) o1
Thanks to #Lee I came up with a nice solution.
o.SelectMany(function | None -> Observable.Empty() | Some t -> Observable.Return t)
This works for any union type, not only Option.

F# How to have a value's type determined by a match statement?

Here is my problem:
let foo =
match bar with
| barConfig1 -> configType1(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
| barConfig2 -> configType2(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
| barConfig3 -> configType3(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
| barConfig4 -> configType4(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
I'd like to have the type of foo be determined by the match statement, but it always sets foo to the first type.
type bar =
In F#, there are no statements, only expressions, and each expression has to have a single concrete type. A match block is an expression as well, meaning that it has to have a single concrete type. What follows from that is that each case of the match has to have the same type as well.
That is, something like this is not valid F#:
let foo = // int? string?
match bar with // int? string?
| Int -> 3 // int
| String -> "Three" // string
In this case, the type inference mechanism will expect the type of the match to be the same as the type of the first case - int, and end up confused when it sees the string in the second. In your example the same thing happens - type inference expects all the cases to return a configType1.
A way around it would be by casting the values into a common supertype or interface type. So for your case, assuming the configTypes implement a common IConfigType interface:
let foo = // IConfigType
let arg = (devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
match bar with
| barConfig1 -> configType1(arg) :> IConfigType
| barConfig2 -> configType2(arg) :> IConfigType
| barConfig3 -> configType3(arg) :> IConfigType
| barConfig4 -> configType4(arg) :> IConfigType
If the output type has a limited number of cases, you can make that a discriminated union as well:
type ConfigType =
| ConfigType1 of configType1
| ConfigType2 of configType2
| ConfigType3 of configType3
| ConfigType4 of configType4``
let foo =
match bar with
| barConfig1 -> ConfigType1 <| configType1(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
| barConfig2 -> ConfigType2 <| configType2(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
| barConfig3 -> ConfigType3 <| configType3(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)
| barConfig4 -> ConfigType4 <| configType4(devices:DeviceEntities,DeviceStartIndex,inputStartIndex,outputStartIndex)``
Alternately, if they all implement an interface or inherit some base class, you can upcast to that, as with scrwtp's answer.
