Google sheets Auto Highlight - google-sheets

I have created a google sheet to schedule appointments for a clinic. I am looking to find a method which will highlight the cell or row based on a client name? This can be based off a script or separate google sheet.
For example, I want the following names to be highlighted if they are entered.
John Smith
Susan Johnson
Ted Jones
When someone enters their name in the Column (Name), then that row or cell will be highlighted with a color.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Go to Format -> conditional formatting and then set the rules you want for the range of cells where you want that highlighting rule to be applied. You can highlight if the cell is blank/ not blank, or if the cell contains specific text that you will need to stipulate.

You'll also want to be sure that they spell the name correctly so that the conditional formatting actually works. If you know all the names in advance, you can even create a dropdown list using the data validation tool to prevent typos.
Data > Validation > List from a range or items


Highlight partial/complete matches from 2 columns in google sheets

I have a list of names starting in the first column and a second list starting in the second column. Some of the names are the exact same while others also have a shorter/nickname, include middle names/initials, or a combination of both in the columns. For example:
List One
List Two
John Smith
Anthony Moon
Anthony James Moon
Edward Flores
Edward Flores (Eddie)
John Smith
Angelica C Mary Roach Roach (Angie)
Angelica Roach
I'm trying to use a conditional formatting to highlight cells in the second column to names that are in the first column. However, it only sometimes works because either list could have more of their name. Cells that just include a middle name tend to highlight correctly, but if there are names within parentheses or include an initial, highlighting doesn't seem to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
edit: Example Sheet with manually highlighted cells.
edit 2: I realized that column 2 will always just be first and last name. I'm not sure if this will make things easier or not. Just wanted to include it and I've also updated the example sheet to reflect this.
I duplicated your tab and applied the following conditional formatting custom formula to the range B2:B
=COUNTIF(INDEX(LAMBDA(dist,dist/IF(LEN(A$2:A)>LEN(B2),LEN(A$2:A),LEN(B2)))(MAP(A$2:A,LAMBDA(ζ,INDEX(REDUCE({0,SEQUENCE(1,LEN(ζ))},SEQUENCE(LEN(B2)),LAMBDA(a,c,{INDEX(a,1)+1,SCAN(INDEX(a,1)+1,SEQUENCE (1,LEN(ζ)),LAMBDA(x,y,MIN(INDEX(a,y+1)+1,x+1,INDEX(a,y)+1*(NOT(EXACT(MID(B2,c,1),MID(ζ,y,1)))))))})),LEN(ζ)+1))))),"<="&C$1)
Where C1 is a number that specifies how similar the strings should be in order to be highlighted. If it's 0 it will only highlight the exact matches, if it's 1 it will highlight everything. 0.52 seems to be the sweet spot for the data you provided.
This uses the Levenshtein distance formula developed by Astral.
If the sheet gets too slow you may want to remove those formulas from the conditional formatting, enter them in a helper column and refer to that column instead.

How can I display the HTML of one cell in the adjacent cell in Google Sheets?

A very simple example can be found here:
Basically, I'd like to have column A feature all of the formatted text, and column B show the HTML version of the same text. Note: we really only need to know how to display whether something is bold.
Thanks to everyone who pitches in with their 2 cents! This community is remarkable.

Google Sheets - Conditional Formatting Based on a cell containing a specific formula

I have a budget tracking sheet which automatically enters an account number using VLOOKUP from another sheet to match the contract that is being paid. This works perfect 95% of the time. The remaining 5% are instances when the contract is being paid from a different account than the default for one reason or another causing me to have to type over my formula to manually enter the account number. I'm looking for a way to conditionally format these cells. Something like: =IF(E2:E<>"=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(""*"...
I'm not sure if this is even possible, but any direction would be appreciated!
You can check whether your formula contains a particular expression, in this case the word VLOOKUP. Put the follow custom function in the conditional formatting menu:
and this will highlight a cell if the cell A1 contains a vlookup formula.
Feel free to change "VLOOKUP" with another formula text to make it more specific if you will.

Parse current cell contents into URL based on the content of the same cell in Google Sheets

I would like to parse the content of a cell into a URL based on the entered content of the same cell in Google Sheets. I need the entire column to be processed.
Right now I can only accomplish this with two columns like this...
Column A has an ID number. Column B uses an array to parse a URL based on the ID number in Column A. The array formula I'm using in B2 is...
So A3 might have the ID number entry: 216856
And this creates the URL in B3:
But what I would really love, is a way to do this with one column. Perhaps through a script? Can anyone help me with this, please? Thank you!
If you highlight the column you want to transform then go to edit and choose the find and replace functionality or press command shift and H it will also pop up - then in the find field enter: ^ and in the replace field enter and check the search using regular expressions checkbox.
Once you click replace all, it will add that part of the url to the beginning of all the cells thus turning it into a URL for you. Super easy and generally pretty quick depending on how many rows you have - I have done this with tens of thousands of rows and more.

conditional formatting for newly added rows

Ok, I really have no business working in spreadsheets or any data entry program for that matter. So basically what I am saying is I have no idea how to use much of the formula and script/language features. So any help would be AWESOME!
Heres my issue...
I have two Columns, One contains Conditional formatting (Cell Color) for for 3 variables respectfully. The Other Column is a DropDrown with a list.
I'm hoping to avoid explaining to the person(s) here how to keep applying rules as new Rows are added to the end of the sheet.
Is there an a script someone could dig up for me that (I'm guessing onEdit) will automatically apply my Conditional Formatting and DropDowns the new Rows?
Thank you so much!
I'm not sure this would ever receive another answer so, for the moment considering only I need to to just compare b3-g3>color h3 b4-g4> color h41:
In New Google Sheets, apply your formula to H2:-
=arrayformula(if(G2:G=0,"",if(B2:B=G2:G,"Completed",IF(B2:B>G2:G,"Back Ordered",if(B2:B<G2:G,"Over Shipped")))))
and rules like these in Conditional formatting...:
and I think as new rows are added and data populated in A:G the formulae (both if and Conditional) extend automatically, with no fill where the cell in Column G is 0 or empty.
