Correct LL(1) grammar for arithmetic expressions - parsing

This is a correct LL grammar:
T->(E)Y |intY
X->+E | -E | e
Y->*E | /E| e
but it 'll produce the same AST tree for expressions
int-int+int and int-(int+int)
Of course, I can use some lookahead, but this isn't cool.

Try this grammer
E -> T E'
E' -> + T E' | -TE' |epsilon
T -> F T'
T' -> * F T' | /FT' |epsilon
F -> (E) | int

Solved this problem by adding some additional "if-s" on evaluating AST. The grammar remains the same


How to make this grammar LL(1)

I want to know if it would be possible to transform this grammar to LL(1). This is the grammar:
A -> B
| C
B -> a
| a ';'
C -> a D
| a D ';'
D -> ';' a
| D ';' a
Since this language is regular ( a; | a(;a)+;? ), then yes, it would be possible.
Not sure if I'm using the right syntax, but the language is basically a; (using A->B) or any string that starts with an a, followed one or more ;a pairs, optionally adding another ; on the end.
This is the same grammar but simpler:
A -> a | a ';' | a ';' A
It still not LL(1). But removing left factor now it is LL(1):
A -> a B B -> ε | ';' C C -> ε | A

This context-free grammar is ambiguous and I'm not sure why. The SLR(1) compiler I'm building doesn't work the way I expect it to

I'm building a syntax parser. It's going good to be SLR(1) but I believe there are some reduce/shift conflicts or some kind of conflict that is making the parser reject strings too early . Here is the grammar:
Note: I did left factor the grammar to see if that was the problem, but that doesn't get rid of ambiguity. However this is the original grammar without left factoring
P'' -> P'$
P' -> P
P -> C | C;D
D -> R | RD
R -> pu{P}
C -> I | I;C
I -> h | O | A | R | Z
O -> i(V) | z(V)
Y -> u
V -> S | N
S -> u
N -> u
A -> S=s | S=S | N=X
X -> N | b | L
L -> d(X,X) | s(X,X) | m(X,X)
R -> f(B)t{C} | f(B)t{C}1{C}
B -> e(V,V) | (N<N) | (N>N) | nB | a(B,B) | o(B,B)
Z -> w(B){C} | r(N=0;N<N;N=a(N,1)){C}
I understand this grammar is quite big, but if you could help me here you would be a life saver. Thank you in advance!
Having recognized an I, and with ; as the next symbol, there's a shift-reduce conflict:
The production C -> I;C says to shift the ;.
The production P -> C;D says to reduce via C -> I.
So the grammar is not SLR(1).

Transform a grammar G into LL(1)

I have the following grammar and I need to convert it to LL(1) grammar
G = (N; T; P; S) N = {S,A,B,C} T = {a, b, c, d}
P = {
S -> CbSb | adB | bc
A -> BdA | b
B -> aCd | ë
C -> Cca | bA | a
The point is that I know how to convert when its just a production, but I can't find any clear method of solving this on the internet.
Thanks in advance!
Remove left recursion, direct and indirect.
Build an LA(k) table. If there's no ambiguity, the grammar (and the language) is LL(k).
The obvious left recursion in the grammar is:
S ==> C... ==> C...

How to show grammar is not LL(1) and convert grammar to LL(1)

I'm trying to find the ambiguity in this grammar so I can remove it and convert it to LL(1), however for the life of me I can't find the ambiguity. Any help will be much appreciated.
D -> if (C) {S} | if (C) {S} else {S}
S -> D | SA | A
A -> V = T;
V -> x | y
T -> 1 | 2
C -> true | false
The grammar is not ambiguous. Nonetheless, it is not LL(1) because when the lookahead token is if, it is not possible to know which of the two productions for D will be used.
To make it LL(1), you will need to left-factor D.

Grammar for Arithmetic Expressions

I was assigned a task for creating a parser for Arithmetic Expressions (with parenthesis and unary operators). So I just wanna know if this grammar correct or not and is it in LL(1) form and having real problems constructing the parse table for this
S -> TS'
S' -> +TS' | -TS' | epsilon
T -> UT'
T' -> *UT' | /UT' | epsilon
U -> VX
X -> ^U | epsilon
V -> (W) | -W | W | epsilon
W -> S | number
Precedence (high to low)
(), unary –
*, /
+, -
Associativity for binary operators
^ = right
+, -, *, / = left
Is it in LL(1) form?
To tell if the grammar is LL(1) or not, you need to expand the production rules out. If you can generate any sequence of productions which results in the left-hand-side appearing as the first thing on the right-hand-side, the grammar is not LL(1).
For example, consider this rule:
X --> X | x | epsilon
This clearly can't be part of an LL(1) grammar, since it's left-recursive if you apply the leftmost production. But what about this?
X --> Y | x
Y --> X + X
This isn't an LL(1) grammar either, but it's more subtle: first you have to apply X --> Y, then apply Y --> X + X to see that you now have X --> X + X, which is left-recursive.
You seem to be missing anything for unary plus operator. Try this instead...
V -> (W) | -W | +W | epsilon
