IF / ELSE statement inside .yml file - travis-ci

Is there a way to use IF/ELSE inside the .yml file?
I wanted to define env variables if it's not a pull request.
Something like this idea:
- BROWSER='chrome_linux' BUILD='default'
- BROWSER='chrome_linux' BUILD='nocompat'
- BROWSER='firefox_linux' BUILD='default'
- BROWSER='firefox_linux' BUILD='nocompat'
else {
- BROWSER='phantomjs' BUILD='default'
Is this possible?

I don't think this particular case would work. TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST is defined on the build worker, while build matrix must be constructed before handing off the job to the worker.
I suggest writing a wrapper script that takes TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST and set the environment variables correctly, or do something like this in before_install:
[ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" != "false" ] && BROWSER='chrome_linux' BUILD='default' || true


Nuxt 3 environment variables for static site [duplicate]

I have .env file in the project root, and in my nuxt config I am using variables to configure ReCaptcha like this:
import dotenv from 'dotenv'
export default {
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/recaptcha', {
siteKey: process.env.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
version: 3,
size: 'compact'
and in .env like this:
but the application always failed with console log error:
ReCaptcha error: No key provided
When I hard-code ReCaptcha key directly like that: siteKey: 6L.... app start working, so I guess the problem is with reading .env props in nuxt.config
do you have any idea how to fix it?
I tried update my nuxt.config by #kissu recommendation and by example which I found here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#nuxtjs/recaptcha
so there is new nuxt.config which also not working:
export default {
modules: [
publicRuntimeConfig: {
recaptcha: {
siteKey: process.env.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
version: 3,
size: 'compact'
If your Nuxt version is 2.13 or above, you don't need to use #nuxtjs/dotenv or anything alike because it is already backed into the framework.
To use some variables, you need to have an .env file at the root of your project. This one should be ignored by git. You can then input some keys there like
In your nuxt.config.js, you have to input those into 2 objects, depending of your use case, either publicRuntimeConfig or privateRuntimeConfig:
export default {
publicRuntimeConfig: {
myPublicVariable: process.env.PUBLIC_VARIABLE,
privateRuntimeConfig: {
myPrivateToken: process.env.PRIVATE_TOKEN
Differences: publicRuntimeConfig can basically be used anywhere, while privateRuntimeConfig can only be used during SSR (a key can only stay private if not shipped to the browser).
A popular use case for the privateRuntimeConfig is to use it for nuxtServerInit or during the build process (either yarn build or yarn generate) to populate the app with headless CMS' API calls.
More info can be found on this blog post: https://nuxtjs.org/blog/moving-from-nuxtjs-dotenv-to-runtime-config/
Then, you will be able to access it into any .vue file directly with
You access it into Nuxt's /plugins too, with this syntax
export default ({ $axios, $config: { myPublicVariable } }) => {
$axios.defaults.baseURL = myPublicVariable
If you need this variable for a Nuxt module or in any key in your nuxt.config.js file, write it directly with
Sometimes, the syntax may differ a bit, in this case refer to your Nuxt module documentation.
// for #nuxtjs/gtm
publicRuntimeConfig: {
gtm: {
id: process.env.GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID
PS: if you do use target: server (default value), you can yarn build and yarn start to deploy your app to production. Then, change any environment variables that you'd like and yarn start again. There will be no need for a rebuild. Hence the name RuntimeConfig!
Nuxt3 update
As mentioned here and in the docs, you can use the following for Nuxt3
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
secret: process.env.SECRET,
In any component
<script setup lang="ts">
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
In a composable like /composables/test.js as shown in this comment
export default () => {
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
Here is the official doc for that part.
You can also use the env property with Nuxt
export default {
// Environment variables
env: {
myVariable: process.env.NUXT_ENV_MY_VAR
Then in your plugin:
const myVar = process.env.myVariable
It's very easy. Providing you an example with axios/nuxt
Define your variable in the .env file:
Add the variable in the nuxt.config.js in an env-object (and use it in the axios config):
export default {env: {baseUrl: process.env.baseUrl},axios: {baseURL: process.env.baseUrl},}
Use the env variable in any file like so:
Note that console.log(process.env) will output {} but console.log(process.env.baseUrl) will still output your value!
For nuxt3 rc11, in nuxt.conf.ts file:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
locale: {
defaultLocale: process.env.NUXT_I18N_LOCALE,
fallbackLocale: process.env.NUXT_I18N_FALLBACK_LOCALE,
and in .env file:
public: is very important otherwise it cannot read it and gives undefined error.
For v3 there is a precise description in the official docs
You define a runtimeConfig entry in your nuxt.config.[ts,js] which works as initial / default value:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
recaptchaSiteKey: 'default value' // This key is "private" and will only be available within server-side
You can also use env vars to init the runtimeConfig but its written static after build.
But you can override the value at runtime by using the following env var:
If you need to use the config on client-side, you need to use the public property.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
recaptchaSiteKey: 'default value' // will be also exposed to the client-side
Notice the PUBLIC part in the env var:
This is very strange because we can't access process.env in Nuxt 3
In the Nuxt 3, we are invited to use the runtime config, but this is not always convenient, because the Nuxt application context is required.
But in a situation where we have some plain library, and we don’t want to wrap it in plugins nor composables functions, declaring global variables through vite / webpack is best:
// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
define: {
MY_API_URL: JSON.stringify(process.env.MY_API_URL)
And then you can use in any file without dancing with a tambourine:
// some-file.ts
console.log('global var:', MY_API_URL) // replaced by vite/webpack in real value

Set environment parameter in Nix for a building phase for buildGoModule?

I am trying to build a Go moodule with buildGoModule. My issue is that during building time go tries to reach out to proxy.golang.org but it is block in my network and solution is to set an environment variable GOPROXY.
I thought that passthru = { GOPROXY = "direct"; }; would do the job, but the error persists. So I would like to know what is a good way to pass an env variable.
Overriding GOPROXY should work since I tested it in nix-shell separately - it works fine.
In buildGoModule it is possible to override go-modules derivation with overrideModAttrs.
Specifically for GOPROXY it would look like:
overrideModAttrs = (_: {
GOPROXY = "whatever";

Jenkins Pipeline define and set variables

I am using branch name to pass it into build script. $(env.BRANCH_NAME).
I would like to manipulate the value before using it. For example in case we build from trunk I want suffix for the build output be empty but in case of branch I want it to be -branch name.
currently I am doing it by defining environment section.
environment {
OUTPUT_NAME_SUFFIX = ($(env.BRANCH_NAME) == 'trunk') ? '': $(env.BRANCH_NAME)
I am getting this error:
WorkflowScript: 4: Environment variable values must either be single quoted, double quoted, or function calls. # line 4, column 62.
(env.BRANCH_NAME) == 'trunk') ? '': $(en
What the best way to define variables and eval their values in scope of pipeline.
You can use string interpolation to evaluate the expression:
environment {
OUTPUT_NAME_SUFFIX = "${env.BRANCH_NAME == 'trunk' ? '': env.BRANCH_NAME}"
This will fix the error you're getting, however pipeline does not allow you to have environment variables that are of 0 length, aka empty string (JENKINS-43632).
That means that setting OUTPUT_NAME_SUFFIX to '' is like unseting it. You might want to precalculate the whole name of your output, so that your env variable is never an empty string.
I have solved it by adding following code. So far had no issues with empty strings.
stage('Set Environmnet'){
steps {
script {
if(BRANCH_NAME == 'trunk'){
}else if (BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("branches")){
env.OUTPUT_NAME_SUFFIX = "-" + BRANCH_NAME.substring(BRANCH_NAME.lastIndexOf("/")+1)

Getting and assigning the $BRANCH_NAME to an environment variable in Jenkinsfile

I have a Jenkinsfile in which I want to get the $BRANCH_NAME and assign it to a variable in the environment{} so that I can manipulate it. I basically want to be able to do something like this:
pipeline {
environment {
branch_name = (sh 'echo $BRANCH_NAME').toLowerCase()
I couldn't really find a good way to do this. Any thoughts?
There's a environment variable expose by Jenkins itself.
script {

How to write properly an if statement in regards to a BooleanParameter in Jenkins pipeline Jenkinsfile?

I'm setting a Jenkins pipeline Jenkinsfile and I'd like to check if a booleanparameter is set.
Here's the relevant portion of the file:
node ("master") {
stage 'Setup' (
[[$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'BUILD_SNAPSHOT', value: 'Boolean.valueOf(BUILD_SNAPSHOT)']],
As I understand, that is the way to access the booleanparameter but I'm not sure how to state the IF statement itself.
I was thinking about doing something like:
What is the correct way to write this statement please?
A boolean parameter is accessible to your pipeline script in 3 ways:
As a bare parameter, e.g: isFoo
From the env map, e.g: env.isFoo
From the params map, e.g: params.isFoo
If you access isFoo using 1) or 2) it will have a String value (of either "true" or "false").
If you access isFoo using 3) it will have a Boolean value.
So the least confusing way (IMO) to test the isFoo parameter in your script is like this:
if (params.isFoo) {
Alternatively you can test it like this:
if (isFoo.toBoolean()) {
if (env.isFoo.toBoolean()) {
the toBoolean() is required to convert the "true" String to a boolean true and the "false" String to a boolean false.
The answer is actually way simpler than that !
According to the pipeline documention, if you define a boolean parameter isFoo you can access it in your Groovy with just its name, so your script would actually look like :
node {
stage 'Setup'
echo "${isFoo}" // Usage inside a string
if(isFoo) { // Very simple "if" usage
echo "Param isFoo is true"
And by the way, you probably should'nt call your parameter BUILD_SNAPSHOT but maybe buildSnapshot or isBuildSnapshot because it is a parameter and not a constant.
simply doing if(isFoo){...} that will not guarantee it working :) To be safe, use if(isFoo.toString()=='true'){ ... }
