hyperlinks in HTML Editor - Java FX - hyperlink

I am trying to add hyperlink option in the HTML Editor provided by Java FX. I dont find the option of hyperlink-ing text in the Java FX HTML Editor ?
Can anyone please let me know how we can add this option in the editor ?

Here's a strategy that may be useful - it is focused on inserting an inline image, but should be simple to adapt to inserting a hyperlink:


Syntax Highlighting Guide for Atom

I am very pleased with the new editor by Github. Unfortunately it isn't exactly easy to customize it. I wanted to create my own Syntax Highlighting Theme, because I am not happy with the ones available to download (at least they don't seem to do well with Java)
Now the files (syntax-variables, color.less, etc.) to style seem to be in:
~/.atom/ .../packages (if you want to change existing themes)
The problem is just that I don't know which (CSS) classes style which elements of the syntax. Is there a place where I can look up how to change the color of for example variable type declarations?
Yes, you can start Atom in Developer Mode by using the command atom --dev or by using the menu View > Developer > Open in Dev Mode .... When you do that you can right click on any element in the UI and select Inspect Element from the context menu, just like you would in your web browser.
Additionally, for syntax elements you can:
Put your text cursor on the item you want to style
Press Cmd+Alt+P on OS X, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P on other platforms, or find "Editor: Log Cursor Scope" in the command palette to display the scopes of the syntax element
The scopes of the syntax element translate directly to CSS classes.
You can use chromium web-console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I (tested in linux) and highlighting any element. After then open your stylesheet by pressing Edit->Open Your Stylesheet and add style for element with LESS syntax.
For example:
You want bold highlighting class and function name. If you select class with chromium-console you can see that it have class .name
That you should add in you Stylesheet file something like this:
atom-text-editor::shadow .name{
font-weight: bold
And you may create you own theme. In Atom it's not difficlt - press Ctrl+Shift+P and type "Generate Syntax Theme". In new theme you can copy some code from other theme. If you don't know CSS/LESS - don't worry! Your new theme have file in style folder named colors.less. You can change it or write new color rule on base.less file.
Atom have awesome doc, you can read about creating theme in this page https://atom.io/docs/v1.4.2/hacking-atom-creating-a-theme
For others that come here because the highlighting for a filetype is not recognized for your language:
open the ~/.atom/config.cson file (by CTRL+SHIFT+p: type ``open config'')
add/edit a customFileTypes section under core for example like the following:
"source.lua": [
"text.html.php": [
(You find the languages scope names ("source.lua", "text.html.php"...) in the language package settings see here)
Go to Install -> search for the package -> select the package -> click install button

Is there any editor or popular editor extension that automatically remove quotes/brackets?

There are too many text editors, which have the function, that if I just select a piece of the code and press the quote/bracket key, the selected code becomes wrapped into the type of the quotes/brackets I pressed. But do you know any or are you using any, which has also the function, that if I select the piece of the code wrapped into the quotes/brackets and press the same quote/bracket key or some key combination, that piece of code becomes unwrapped?
Also if you know any editor or popular editor extension that automatically remove all quotes/brackets from the code, please write it too. Everything would be helpful.
We are doing some research and this question is still unanswered. Please help us if you know anything about.
I create a simple Zeus (Windows) Lua script that does this for the quote case (i.e. the macro wraps any marked area in quotes).
In a similar fashion another script could be written for the brackets case.
Also as this simple script shows, this should be possible in any scriptable editor.
The script can be found here: http://www.zeusedit.com/zforum/viewtopic.php?t=7148
SynWrite editor (Windows) can do scripting for u. You can write Python plugin in 10min, and assign it a hotkey, so selection (or all text) will dequote, or what ever.
Finally, I've made it by writing my own extension to my favourite editor.

Set Background Image for a Form in Delphi

I have an old app (Delphi 5) which I want to give it some changes via Res Editor !
I want to set a background image for a Form via RCData in Res Editor, How can I do that?
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks :)
Delphi forms don't have a simple background-image property.
You could edit the DFM resource for the form to insert a TImage control. Extract the DFM resource, open it in Delphi, add the control you want, save it, and then replace the original resource with your new version.
See also:
Setting up background images for forms in Delphi
How to add background images to Delphi forms
Angus Johnson has written a utility called ResHacker. Use it to directly edit the form properties in the exe file.
This is the link to his site
Majid Pasha, procedure is really simple and straight-forward:
Extract form resource (type is RCDATA, name matches form in question, language is not important)
Convert form from binary format to text using convert utility (shipped with delphi)
Use your Delphi to design boilerplate image, load picture, set placement, etc
View designed form as text, copy you new image definition along with all its data
Paste image into text version of extracted form resource
convert back to binary format
Add resource back to executable replacing original one.
Note: depending on tools uses, there might be some shortcuts to bypass conversions and extraction, eg: XN Resource Editor is able to edit Text DFM directly.

Delphi component like trichview

looking for a Delphi component like trichview for simple use:
- store and load test formatted with html tag
- change font (name, size, style)
- if possible db aware
- if possible free
There were a few suggestions for HTML-Editors here:
WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component for Delphi

How to add a (large) code appendix in LaTeX / LyX?

I'd like to add a code appendix to my LyX document. There are a few options I already considered, but they all have their problems.
I know a bit about listings, but one problem with those is that, if I copy & paste my code into them, I lose all enters/newlines. Since the code is too large to correct by hand, I was wondering if there is an alternative.
In LyX there is the possibility of inserting child documents, but that seems to be only for .tex files. Would have been ideal if I could just insert my .java file as a child document.
I could print the code to PDF, but it will include margins that mess up the final document, since the PDF is placed on the left margin of the final document and then there is the margin of the PDF. Also, this PDF always contains the entire code and white areas where not the entire page has been filled.
Does anyone have good alternative?
The listings package found here
allows the include of external source code files (look into the reference for \lstinputlisting).
EDIT: here you find some samples how to use it:
If you need to copy-paste code to LyX listing box then use Edit -> Paste Special -> Seletion or Ctrl+Alt+V.
For what it's worth, at least the 2.0 versions of LyX have the ability to include listings as child documents. Insert, File, Child Document, and choose from the dropdown box "Program Listing". This uses the listings package and lets you keep your source in its own file.
If listings doesn't support your language, you can always use something like highlight or source-highlight to generate a latex snippet of syntax-highlighted code that you can add as a child document of type "Input"
Yes, if you copy&paste code into the LyX listings box, you lose all newlines, but you can preprocess your code (insert an extra newline below each line):
$ cat foo.java | sed -e 's/$/\n/' > bar.java
Then you can copy&paste the new file bar.java and everything will be ok.
