IBM Connections mobile application - any registered URL handlers? - ios

On a mobile unit (iOS in this case) - I need to be able to open the connections mobile application to a particular profile, something like this:
Triggering this URL would open the Connections application (if installed) and displaying the corresponding profile.
I doubt that IBM thought of it, but I you never know...

The URL scheme for the IBM Connections app is of the form ibmscp://
Opening the app to a profile like your example would be done by opening the URL ibmscp://
More information can be found on this IBM page.


Mobile deep linking behavior on desktop OS

Would like to know if expected behavior on deep linking using so when clicked on should check for app availability and prompt customer on iOS device to
Prompts to download app in App Store if not installed
Open in iOS app seamlessly if installed
If customer declines app download it will open in iOS mobile browser
My concern is this deep link behavior on a desktop experience. When a user clicks the same url I am being told this will take them to the iTunes app store resulting in a poor experience. Is this a correct statement? Is there any way to provide a better experience to the end user.
Thanks in advance!
I am being told if the same url is opened in Windows10 it will take me to the App
For example
1. Users opens email with deeplink url
2. what is expected behavior on mobile device with app installed that deep link
For iOS redirects, you'll have to set yourself up for Universal Linking per the documentation here:
This is very important for redirect behavior on iOS 9 and later. Please note that not all 3rd party apps and browsers support Universal Linking functionality yet, so you should test on iOS from iMessage or Notes initially.
As for Desktop, you can set your Desktop redirect on the Link settings page - this will not take users to the App store/Play store on Desktop, but to the page you set. You can use the Branch hosted text-me-the-app page if you want to have this as your default for Branch redirects, or your site homepage, or any other page of your choosing. You can add Deeplink data that will be used for all redirects by adding key/value pairs in the SDK or manually when creating a marketing link from the Branch Dashboard. You can also set a $deeplink_path value that will be honored for a specific link, and you can further set a $desktop_url that will override defaults if you want a different redirect for a specific link.
There are many options and ways for you to configure how your redirects work - all of this is up to how you set your Link Settings on the Dashboard, and if you choose to override these defaults for any particular link. For example, you might have default redirects to the App store set for iOS and a desktop URL set to your main webpage on Link Settings. In this case, a link created without modifying these values will take the user to the App store on iOS (or the App if installed), and to the desktop URL specified in Link settings if clicked from Desktop. If, however, you want to override and set $desktop_url as something else for a given link, say, to a specific page on your webpage using the $desktop_url key, on iOS the redirects will be the same but on desktop you will be taken to the set $desktop_url. For any of these scenarios you can specify Deeplink Data to be passed through.

Needs to open find my iPhone or login to from Application

I'm working on an application that customer needs to show location of other devices in app.
I have a meeting with my customer and he is open in solution of doing that. So I checked my solution such as open find my iPhone application or open icloud web site.
I tried to open find my iPhone application from my application to easy to use action, but I did not find any way to do that.
Then I tried to open in a web view, then I found this web site is not responsive and It does not show login page and other actions!!!
I have another guess to do, using could api to get this info, but Im not sure it is possible!
Could any one help me about this action? Can I do that?
There are complete websites collecting iPhone URL schemes, for example this one. But for "Find my iPhone" there is nothing, so I am afraid the answer will be "you can't". (Or nobody has added the scheme to

When does an iTunes link redirect to the iTunes app?

When using the iTunes Link Maker one gets an http-Link, which is pretty nice, since it work also on non-iOS-devices.
But when exactly does the redirect to the app happen, when I use it on a web page?
Does Safari interrupt the request?
or does the iTunes website answer to the request with a redirect to a store:// URL or something?
Aparently it's the iTunes website which redirects based on user agent string – or a combination.
When opening the http-URL with a browser with the iPhone's user agent string I get a 301 return from the iTunes webserver to the App's URL scheme itmss://
It really depends on how the link is built and if you have iTunes installed on your machine.
itms-apps links would work only on iOS devices same as macappstore that would work on a mac. Both would open directly the store without browser first.
If you are a Mac/iOS developer I think you should use iLink which would figure out everything at run-time. This is the best solution for this complex issue.

"Hijack" system-wide http links on OSX and ideally iOS and open native App

Assume I build a native Facebook App for the Mac or for iOS (just an example).
Now whenever the user opens an url I want my app to open rather than the browser. This is similar to opening google maps links prior to iOS 6 on iOS.
Unfortunately (like in the case with facebook) I do not own the service but I am only consuming its API so I can't forward to another URL from the actual website.
My question now is whether this is possible:
On the Mac with my native Mac App
On iOS (However, here I would be quite supprised if this was possible)
On iOS you can register a custom protocol which triggers if any other app (system, or not) tries to open that URL.
So in other words. Say your app registers the protocol 'myprotocol'. Then if you go to safari and type in the addressbar: myprotocol://sometext it will open your app, and your app can handle that URL.
This ALSO works from HTML loaded externally from Safari. So if your website is shown and on your website you link to myprotocol://sometext and someone clicks the link, then again your app will be opened.
Catching generic http requests system wide is unsupported on iOS
search for CustomURL / customProtocol for IOS apps. you will get your required answers. do let me know if you need a sample code.

How did a Captive Portal force to open a browser

I've setup a Captive Portal with dd-wrt, wifidog, authpuppy and some plugins from authpuppy as well as my own web app.
I am wondering what's the exact thing that will trigger a
browser on the client device to popup?
Is the popup browser from iPhone/iPad a regular browser mode?
It seems some JavaScript will fail on the browser mode, like the shake.js,
event though iOS Safari version is > 4.2.1 from
I've done the research like
they don't talk much about the popup browser.
Could anyone help?
If you will try to see the network statistics [request/response] you will find out that devices like ios and android both of them continuously hits some particular urls [in case of android it is , don't remember exact url for ios]. These url are generated by system internally. These pings let their server know about various details. So as soon as ios gets connected with a captive portal it tries to hit the system generated url, failing to which it understands that this is packet level protected network and open the browser.
Hope this helps.
