Running frequencies - variable input limit - spss

Using SPSS v18 and would like to know is it possible to run more than 500 variables under the Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Frequencies option?

Yes, if you really want to do that, assuming that you have enough memory, but the dialog box limits you to 500.

#Atwp67. If you go to Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Frequencies a dialog box will open, In that select any one variable from the variables list which you want and the additional options which you need, then instead of clicking OK button , you click paste button that will generate the syntax.For example i have selected one variable(CLUSTER_NAME) from my data and some statistical options, and code will look like this
After this you can add the variables which you want to add in the syntax.This won't limit you up to 500 variables, you can add any number of variables.


SPSS "No cases were input" warning - Is it possible to get a table with 0 counts?

I am running a huge syntax, with lots of CTABLES and FREQUENCIES commands. Some of them have a filter:
SELECT IF [condition].
In some cases, this results in no cases being selected, so the output is just a warning text. Is it possible to still get a table with 0 counts...?
If all cases are screened out, a procedure never gets a chance to run. However, suppose you create one case with everything missing but a filter value of 1. Then use CTABLES instead of FREQUENCIES and specify that empty categories should be shown (on the Categories subdialog if using the gui.)
If you want to make this perfectly accurate, create a weight variable with case 1 weighted by a very small value (1e-8, say), and all the other cases with a a weight of 1.

can SPSS regard ordinal measures as producing continuous data?

In SPSS, when defining the measure of a variable, the usual options are "Scale", "Ordinal", and "Nominal" (see image).
However, when using actual dialog boxes to do analyses, SPSS will often ask us to describe whether the data are "Continuous" or "Categorical". E.g., I was watching this video by James Gaskin (a great YouTube teacher by the way), and saw this dialog box (image below).
My Question: In the second image, you can see that the narrator put some "Ordinal" variables in the "Continuous" box. Is it okay to do that? How come?
For most procedures, the treatment of a variable is determined by how you use it. The measurement level is just a reminder, so you can treat a variable however it makes sense.
There are some procedures that automatically determine how to treat a variable based on the measurement level, including CTABLES, the Chart Builder, and TREE, but you can change the level temporarily in the dialog box or in syntax or change it persistently via VARIABLE LEVEL or in the Data Editor. Also, most of the statistical extension commands use the declared measurement level to determine whether a variable is continuous or a factor.

Adobe Analytics Unspecified Values

We have a simple DTM global set to D=g. In our case it is eVar4. This value is not getting set ~30% of the time.
We have another eVar that is set with a direct call. eVar3. This direct call simply sets s.campaign with a data element. This data element returns a value no matter what. (an actual cookie value or a default). Again ~30% unspecified.
I can see referring domain information for these unspecified.
So my question is - If we can collect referring domain information why can't we collect the value for these eVars? Is this cache related or prefetch (prerender)
BTW - webkitVisibilityState - is used in the 1.5.1 file, so adobe knows about prerender. We are using app measurement 1.5.1.
There are 2 issues to consider here:
Using Dynamic Variables is a smart idea but DTM doesn't always treat
them like you'd expect. Given that they are sometimes "flakey" I
recommend setting your eVars with a data element or JS instead and
see if that improves your data set.
If you're using the global variable section of the Adobe Analytics tool remember that those values will execute on a s.t () call. And if you're using a Direct Call Rule after the original PV, the original values may not cascade or be available like you'd expect. One strategy to consider is to use a "global" page load rule instead of the global vars section in the AA tool. And if you set your campaign vars there, a value should be set on every page load.
In summary:
Populate your vars with data elements or JS vars directly
Consider moving your AA "Global Variables" to a global page load rule
for better flexibility and control over timing.
Hope this helps
You might not have classified your data, To solve this create a classification export file and classify the appropriate columns.
Here are a couple of more suggestions

How do you include categories with 0 responses in SPSS frequency output?

Is there a way to display response options that have 0 responses in SPSS frequency output? The default is for SPSS to omit in the frequency table output any response option that is not selected by at least a single respondent. I looked for a syntax-driven option to no avail. Thank you in advance for any assistance!
It doesn't show because there is no one single case in the data is with that attribute. So, by forcing a row of zero you'll need to realize we're asking SPSS to do something incorrect.
Having said that, you can introduce a fake case with the missing category. E.g. if you have Orange, Apple, and Pear, but no one answered they like Pear, the add one fake case that says Pear.
Now, make a new weight variable that consists of only 1. But for the Pear case, make it very very small like 0.00001. Then, go to Data > Weight Cases > Weight cases by and put that new weight variable over. Click OK to apply. Now what happens is that SPSS will treat the "1" with a weight of 1 and the fake case with a weight that is 1/10000 of a normal case. If you rerun the frequency you should see the one with zero count shows up.
If you have purchased the Custom Table module you can also do that directly as well, as far as I can tell from their technical document. That module costs 637 to 3630 depending on license type, so probably only worth a try if your institute has it.
So, I'm a noob with SPSS, I (shame on me) have a cracked version of SPSS 22 and if I understood your question correctly, this is my solution:
double click the Frequency table in Output
right click table, select Table Properties
go to General and then uncheck the Hide empty rows and columns option
Hope this helps someone!
If your SPSS version has no Custom Tables installed and you haven't collected money for that module yet then use the following (run this syntax):
*Note: please use variable names up to 8 characters long.
set mxloops 1000. /*in case your list of values is longer than 40
get vars /vari= V1 V2 /names= names /miss= omit. /*V1 V2 here is your categorical variable(s)
comp vals= {1,2,3,4,5,99}. /*let this be the list of possible values shared by the variables
comp freq= make(ncol(vals),ncol(vars),0).
loop i= 1 to ncol(vals).
comp freq(i,:)= csum(vars=vals(i)).
end loop.
comp names= {'vals',names}.
print {t(vals),freq} /cnames= names /title 'Frequency'. /*here you are - the frequencies
print {t(vals),freq/nrow(vars)*100} /cnames= names /format f8.2 /title 'Percent'. /*and percents
end matrix.
*If variables have missing values, they are deleted listwise. To include missings, use
get vars /vari= V1 V2 /names= names /miss= -999. /*or other value
*To exclude missings individually from each variable, analyze by separate variables.

To set a value on a PowerBuilder textbox

I am developing a billing system using PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic and I need to set 0 for a textbox; like in txtchange.Text = 0
i have two drop down list boxes
ddlb_price (defines the price value of an item)
ddlb_cash (the cash amount given by the customer)
sle_change (the change that the cashier is to give the customer)
the system should set the value for sle_change when the cashier inputs the cash.
1. this gives me syntax error;
if cash=price then
end if
2. this gives 'incompatible types in assinment
if cash=price then
end if
The single line edit (sle) control is designed to hold text. You're trying to assign it a numeric value. You will have to change the number into a string if you want the sle to display it:
sle_fare.text = "0"
sle_fare.text = string(variableHere)
Once again, I'm going to step back, ignore the actual questions, and look at how a DataWindow would help as an alternative.
You seem to want a control with a data type behind it. The DataWindow has those types of controls. Don't forget that a DataWindow doesn't have to have a SELECT statement behind it; it can have a stored procedure, web service, or nothing at all (external DataWindow) behind the data set. Once you have a control with a numeric data type behind it, you get (for free) some basic editing controls, such as not allowing alpha characters in the field and making sure the entered value is really a number (e.g. "0-.2.1" would fail).
A step beyond that is looking at one of your coming requirements: calculating change. On a DataWindow, you can create a compute with an expression that will automagically calculate your change for you, once price and cash are entered.
I certainly don't want to say you can't do things the way you're proceeding, but there are many issues that a DataWindow would remove over some other approach. The strength of PowerBuilder is in the DataWindow.
Good luck,
