I am using reportbuilder 15.
I included unit ppReport, declared an object rptBuilder1 = TppReport in my pas file from where I have to call the print function. In my code while printing the report, I am using following line to call reportbuilder function
while pressing Ctrl + Click on Print method, RAD studio is not taking me to the ppReport.pas file which is there in C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0\RBuilder\Source
Note: I have already included above path in delphi environment
I don't know how, but it worked. I removed the path of RBuilder from Environment Options and then added again. Ctrr+Click worked.
I'm a neophyte. I know I'm doing something bonheaded. I've search this and other fora for the last day and I'm stuck. I'm trying to use nlohmann's json library. I'm getting over 200 error messages, most of which seem to be rooted in the fact that the compiler can't see the header references in the main json.hpp file, but can see the json.hpp file.
I've copied the nlohmann library contents into the source folder and this is the code at the moment:
#include <iostream>
#include "nlohmann\json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
I'm trying to minimize the number of variables I have to chase.
VS is finding the json.hpp file (no squiggly underline once I finally spelled it right, and a bunch of stuff in solution explorer under json.hpp and nlohmann) It also seems to be seeing the subdirectories of nlohmann
the 'json' after nlohmann:: has a squiggly underline; the popup says: namespace 'nlohmann' has no member 'json'
the first 20 or so 211 (!) error messages are code E1696 'cannot open source file' pointing to apparent references from json.hpp an example is: "E1696 cannot open source file "nlohmann/adl_serializer.hpp" json5 C:\Users\Rich\source\repos\json5\json5\nlohmann\json.hpp"
I've added the 'nlohmann' directory to the include directories that the compiler looks for (Project|properties|C/C++|Additional Include Directories) - no change in error message count. Do I need to manually add all of the subdirectories?
I Think you maybe using an older version of c++ (older than c++11).
Try adding this flag to the command -std=c++11.
I am trying to generate a .TDS file for a .DLL compiled with the command-line dcc32.exe compiler and a .CFG configuration file.
At the time of converting, I see that my DLL file does not have a symbol table. To cross check this, I check the size of the DLL before and after compiling, and it is the same. Please tell me what I am missing in my .CFG file that prevents symbol table debug information from being added to the DLL.
I am using Delphi 10. My .CFG file is as follows:
-RH:\Shared\VCL -RH:\Shared\BldKit\VER
;Append Project Local Setting
/U H:\Shared\VCL\DevExpress\Current\ExpressBars 5\Sources\
Also, how can I can generate a .PDB file for the DLL?
This is what happened. We downloaded Quickreports 505, installed it, but had to revert to QR504. Now we are getting
[BCC32 Warning] W8123 Path 'C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\8.0\Quickrep505C' not found - path ignored in option '-I'
This question has been asked on both Embarcadero, and quick report forums but all of their answers has been modify the cbproj file, which do not contain any references to quickreports.
I've tried removing all the references from the IDE but the warning still occurs. Any suggestions on how to fix what should be a simple problem.
IDE: C++BuilderXE
Note I do not want to disable all warnings in the IDE, and I don't want to disable warnings in Code.
I've had the same annoying problem. To fix this I had to delete all reference to the file in the EnvOptions.proj file. This file is located in the ...AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\8.0\ folder.
I got rid of this in my XE7 IDE directly via:
Tools > Options > Environment Options > C++ Options > Path and Directories.
There were invalid paths to libraries being referenced and showing up as warnings in the build. Select each of the ... icons to explore the list of paths included, and select Delete Invalid Paths to remove unused paths.
To enhance and update prior answers, this is what I had to do...
From the menus: [Tools] [Options]
In the Dialog box: [Environment Options] [C++ Options] [Paths and Directories]
Now at the top on the right side in the drop down pick: [32-bit Windows] (it started as Android)
The clear invalid paths in both tabs [Compiler] & [Classic Compiler]
Remove Warning Message File Path Not Found
[BCC32 Warning] W8123 Path 'C:.....' not found - path ignored in option '-I'
Version 10.4.2 Sydney
In IDE Right Click on Executable
C++ Compiler->Directories and Conditionals
Include file search path > (Double click)
then click on
Value from "All configurations - All platforms"
Click on ... in right hand side in text edit box on right hand side
Click on down arrow beside button "Tasks"
Delete Invalid Paths
I have this project that I sometimes work at at the office and sometimes at home. And the paths of the external files are not the same on both computers, so I added them both in the folder lists.
Is there another way to supress these warnings without having to remove "invalid" paths from the folder lists?
I thought I found the answer, but this setting doesn't work
I remember reading an article or post somewhere years ago that suggested including a resource file in a project by referencing the .rc file instead of an already compiled .res file so that the resource is built as part of the project's build process.
I have a glyphs.rc file that I currently compile using the command brcc32 glyphs.rc. In my project file I then have the statement {$R Glyphs.res}.
I'd like to simplify this by changing it to something like
{$R Glyphs.rc}
but am unsure of the syntax. When I try using {$R Glyphs.rc} I get an error `
[DCC Error] E2161 Error: RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file "Glyphs.rc".
Is this approach possible with Delphi 2007?
Just add the rc file to your project via the "Project > Add to project" menu item. This creates the {$R 'myres.res' 'myres.rc'} line from the posting that TOndrej links to.
The linker can only handle res files, but you can direct the compiler to invoke the resource compiler and compile an rc script to produce a res file and link that, using a variation of the $R/$RESOURCE directive.
In your case (Delphi 2007) you should need only change:
{$r glyphs.res}
{$r glyphs.res glyphs.rc}
If this doesn't work on its own, try adding the RC to the project. In different versions of Delphi you may need single quotes around the filenames:
{$r 'glyphs.res' 'glyphs.rc'}
NOTE: You do still need to identify a res file, the difference is in being able to additionally identify the rc file to be compiled in order to produce the required res file in the first place.
Support for this appears to have been subject to some tinkering and in more recent versions adding the RC to the project does not always seem to be "detected" by the project until after you have then saved, closed and re-opened the project (e.g. I found this to be the case in XE4 but may also apply to other versions).
Also in some more recent versions, simply adding such a $R 'file.res' 'file.rc' declaration to the DPR causes the Project Manager to identify the referenced RC file as part of the project, but this does not seem to be the case in older versions. Again, part of the tinkering in this area it seems.
I would also note the XE4 is usually rock solid in terms of stability, but adding/removing RC files seemed to trigger an access violation when closing the IDE, though normal stability seemed to be restored when re-opening the IDE and project. i.e. it is adding/removing RC files that seems to cause a problem, not simply the fact of having the RC file in the project.
UPDATE: In recent versions of Delphi (Delphi 10.2 Berlin) you should include custom resources before {$R *.res} line, otherwise they will not be automatically compiled.
See an example here: "How do I make a PNG resource?".
I had the same problem and found out something new.
{$R glyphs.res glyphs.rc}
this is the code for compiling glyphs.rc to glyphs.res in the pre-build. (Works with Delphi XE4)
But this code ONLY works if it is in the *.dpr file! If you place this code, in a *.pas file as I did the first time, it will simply behave like {$R glyphs.res} and will not compile the RC file. Maybe this is a bug in Delphi.
I tried to do this in Delphi 2007 and it didn't work. I had put the line,
"{$R glyphs.res glyphs.rc}"
in my project file right above the "{$R *.res}" line that the IDE puts in there but when I added the rc file using the IDE, it put it above the "uses" line and then it worked.
I could not get rid from the mainicon in my application, so i made an trapgate.rc file put that file in the src directory, used:
MAINICON icon ".\Icon\MAINICON.ico"
5012 icon ".\Icon\5012.ico"
Then used BRCC32 to make from the RC a RES file, did the build and i had the correct icon.
you can also put more icons in there and switch thats why i added the line in makeres.bat
looks like this :
brcc32 folders.rc -fofolders.res
brcc32 main.rc -fomain.res
brcc32 xOutline.rc -foxOutline.res
brcc32 xSpin.rc -foxSpin.res
brcc32 credits.rc -focredits.res
brcc32 licence.rc -folicence.res
brcc32 trapgate.rc -fotrapgate.res <-- this is my icon file
So whatever you do even if you change the icon in the folder ..\icons of course be sure it has the correct name like mainicon.ico and 5012.ico
Hope that did help for does who can't change the icon in Delphi 7 itself.
When building a Delphi 2009 component package, how do you specify which directory should contain the resulting .hpp and .lib files needed for C++ Builder users?
On the Project|Options|Delphi Compiler|Linking page, the first two items are C++Builder .hpp output directory and C++Buidler .obj output directory should do what you want. The .lib and .bpi files. However, it seems that there is a bit of a bug in how these options are passed to the compiler... I'll speak with the engineer responsible about it.
From the command-line DCC32 you can use the following to control where to place these items:
-N0<path> = unit .dcu output directory
-NH<path> = unit .hpp output directory
-NO<path> = unit .obj output directory
-NB<path> = unit .bpi output directory
Note that the -NB switch AFAICR, also controls where the .lib file goes as well.
There is a known bug: http://qc.embarcadero.com/wc/qcmain.aspx?d=67513
This is /expected/ to be fixed in the forthcoming Update 3. (Don't worry about the 10.0 resolved in build number, that is a mistake that will be corrected when Update 3 is released and all the bug fixes get synchronized back to QC)
As far as I know, you can't. None of the directory options seem to control it. However, you could probably define a post-build event (Project->Options->Build events) which would copy the files to where you wanted them.